Class AdvancedQpidJmsImplementation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ComponentLifecycleExtension, ConnectionComparator<VendorImplementationBase>, VendorImplementation, VendorImplementationBase

    public class AdvancedQpidJmsImplementation
    extends BasicQpidJmsImplementation
    AMQP 1.0 implementation of VendorImplementation using Apache Qpid.

    Note that any custom properties as passed directly to JNDIStorable.setProperties(Map). Behaviour for unsupported properties will be implementation dependent. If you configure a username and password on the wrapping JmsConnection in which case ConnectionFactory.createConnection(String, String) is used when creating the connection otherwise ConnectionFactory.createConnection() will be used.

    This was built against org.apache.qpid:qpid-jms-client:0.8.0. This vendor implementation doesn't appear to be usable with Azure AMQP as is unless you follow the notes on stack overflow


    In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as qpid-advanced-jms-implementation which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AdvancedQpidJmsImplementation

        public AdvancedQpidJmsImplementation()
    • Method Detail

      • getConnectionFactoryProperties

        public KeyValuePairSet getConnectionFactoryProperties()
        The additional connection factory properties.
      • setConnectionFactoryProperties

        public void setConnectionFactoryProperties​(KeyValuePairSet kvps)
        Set any additional ConnectionFactory properties that are required.
        kvps - the additional connectionFactoryProperties to set