Class BasicQpidImplementation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ComponentLifecycleExtension, ConnectionComparator<VendorImplementationBase>, VendorImplementation, VendorImplementationBase

    public class BasicQpidImplementation
    extends UrlVendorImplementation
    AMQP 1.0 implementation of VendorImplementation using Apache Qpid.

    Everything required to configure the connection needs to be specified on the URL. If you configure a username and password on the wrapping JmsConnection in which case ConnectionFactory.createConnection(String, String) is used when creating the connection otherwise ConnectionFactory.createConnection() will be used.

    This vendor implementation is suitable for use with Azure AMQP. If you are using a topic consumer then it must be a durable subscriber where the subscriptionID is the same as the subscription created in the Azure portal; the topic name should be [topic-name]/subscriptions/[subscriptionID]. Your mileage may vary but during testing this was the the only destination configuration that seemed to work; the documentation suggests that this might actually pretending to be a queue.

    This was built against org.apache.qpid:qpid-amqp-1-0-client-jms:0.32.

    In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as qpid-basic-amqp-implementation which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.