All Classes and Interfaces

Add an Accept-Encoding header to the outgoing request via HttpRequestInterceptor.
A streamed, repeatable entity that obtains its content from the associated InterlokMessage.getInputStream().
Producer implementation that uses the Apache HTTP Client as the underlying transport.
ApacheRequestAuthenticator is an interface designed to facilitate HTTP Authentication in various ways.
Attempts to add an HMAC signature to the outgoing request.
Branch support for HTTP via interrogation of the HTTP status.
HttpClientBuilderConfigurator implementation that wraps a list of implementations.
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that uses its own configured handlers to add headers.
Implementation of ResponseHeaderHandler that uses nested handlers to extract headers from a HttpResponse.
Build an HttpConstants.AUTHORIZATION header from static data.
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that applies static configured values as headers.
HttpClientBuilderConfigurator implementation that allows you to customise keystores etc.
Adds a Date header via RequestDate.
ResponseHeaderHandler implementation that discards the headers from the HTTP response.
Build a HttpConstants.AUTHORIZATION (Basic only) from configuration (or metadata).
Base class for building a HMAC when doing HTTP requests.
The algorithm to use when creating the message authentication code.
The encoding to use on the resulting signature.
Interface that allows HttpClientBuilder configuration.
Abstract base class for all Apache HTTP producer classes.
Maps various methods supported by the Apache Http client.
Direct HTTP support as a service rather wrapped via StandaloneProducer or StandaloneRequestor.
Direct HTTP support as a service rather than wrapped via StandaloneProducer or StandaloneRequestor.
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that applies AdaptrisMessage metadata as headers using a MetadataFilter.
Implementation ResponseHandlerFactory that writes the response to the named metadata key.
Remove any connection management from the underlying HttpClientBuilder instance.
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that adds no additional headers
Implementation ResponseHandlerFactory that writes the response to the AdaptrisMessage payload.
Remove headers from the outgoing request.
HttpClientBuilderConfigurator instance that allows additional HttpRequestInterceptor instances to be added to the outgoing request.
Factory for creating a HttpClientResponseHandler for use with the HttpClient.execute(org.apache.hc.core5.http.ClassicHttpRequest, method.
Concrete implementation of ResponseHeaderHandler which adds all the HTTP headers from the response as metadata to the AdaptrisMessage.
Concrete implementation of ResponseHeaderHandler which adds all the HTTP headers from the response as object metadata to the AdaptrisMessage.