Class S3ServerSideEncryption

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class S3ServerSideEncryption
    extends S3ObjectMetadata
    Enable S3 Server Side Encryption with AWS managed keys
    • Constructor Detail

      • S3ServerSideEncryption

        public S3ServerSideEncryption()
    • Method Detail

      • getEnabled

        public java.lang.Boolean getEnabled()
        Whether or not to actually enable server side encryption.

        This is arguably meaningless since why would you want to define s3-serverside-encryption if you didn't want it, however, it can be useful as a variable substitution flag where some environments might not need it.

      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(java.lang.Boolean enabled)
        Whether or not to actually enable server side encryption.

        This is arguably meaningless since why would you want to define s3-serverside-encryption if you didn't want it, however, it can be useful as a variable substitution flag where some environments might not need it.