All Classes and Interfaces

AdaptrisConnection implementation for Amazon S3.
Check an exists in S3 and throw an exception if it doesn't.
interface that wraps the amazon s3 client and high level transfer manager instances.
Copy an object from S3 to another object
Copy an object from S3 to another object
Delete an object from S3.
Download an object from S3 using TransferManager.
Copy an object from S3 to another object
Get tags associated with a S3 Object
List of files based on S3 key.
Operation on a single S3 Object.
Query a S3 Location for a list of blobs stored there.
Get an object from S3 and store the contents of the object either in the message payload or metadata.
Represents an Amazon S3 Access Control List (ACL), including the ACL's set of grantees and the permissions assigned to each grantee.
Specifies a grant, consisting of one grantee and one permission.
Represents a grantee identified by their canonical Amazon ID.
Specifies constants defining an access permission.
ObjectMetadata is the base class for all the different ObjectMetadata an S3 upload operation can have.
Abstract base class for S3 Operations.
Enable S3 Server Side Encryption with AWS managed keys
Abstract implemention of S3Service
Add tags to an object from S3 to another object
Abstract base class for S3 Upload/Download Operations.
Upload an object to S3 using TransferManager.