All Classes and Interfaces

Interface for rendering a list of blobs into an existing message.
This Iterable exists for the purpose of being able to iterate over a list of indeterminate size (possibly too large for memory), while still guaranteeing that whatever resource is being held (like a Stream) will be closed when iteration finishes (or it goes out of scope).
DataDestinations are a generic configuration item, that allow you to specify where data from needed by a service will come from or be saved to.
Default SerializableMessage implementation for clients to use.
Resolver implementation that resolves information from files on the local file system.
Resolver implementation that resolves from System.getenv().
Resolver implementation that resolves from System.getProperties().
Implementation of the ServerManager interface for managing Jetty servers.
Abstraction of a blob that is stored in the cloud (e.g.
Similar to FileFilter allowing you filter a remote blob
Wraps a FileFilter instance and allows you to use that as your filter.
Abstract implementation that makes creating lazy Iterable<RemoteBlob> instances a bit easier.
Resolve a value from an external source.
Abstract implementation of Resolver.
This is a proxy interface for the Jetty Security Handler implementation.
Basic message implementation that can be serialized.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.3.0, use JettyServerManager directly, this is a redundant interface; there are no other instances other than JettyServerManager and assumption of the javax.servlet API isn't always appropriate (e.g.
since 4.3.0, ServerManager is a redundant interface; there are no other instances other than JettyServerManager and assumption of the javax.servlet API isn't always appropriate (e.g.