Class JdbcConstantParameter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    InOutParameter, InParameter, JdbcParameter, OutParameter

    public class JdbcConstantParameter
    extends AbstractParameter
    Stored Procedure parameter implementation, can be used only for IN Stored Procedure parameters.

    When this implementation is used for an IN parameter, then the constant value will be used as the parameter value. You will simply set the constant to be the value you wish to use as the Stored Procedure parameter value.

    Additionally you will set one or both of "name" and/or "order". "name" will map this parameter to a Stored Procedure parameter using the Stored Procedures method signature. "order" will map this parameter according to the parameter number using the Stored Procedures method signature. Note that the "order" starts from 1 and not 0, so the first parameter would be order 1. You will also need to set the data type of the parameter; you may use any of the string types defined in ParameterValueType

    In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as jdbc-constant-parameter which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.