Class IgnoreOriginalMimeAggregator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    @ComponentProfile(summary="Aggregator implementation that creates a new mime part for each message that needs to be joined up")
    public class IgnoreOriginalMimeAggregator
    extends MimeAggregator
    MessageAggregator implementation that creates a new mime part for each message that needs to be joined up.

    The original pre-split document is ignored, the unique ID of the message is used as the Content-ID of the new multipart; the payloads from the split messages are used to form the resulting multipart message. If an explicit Content-Id (expression or otherwise) has been specified then this will be resolved and used as that parts Content-ID otherwise the split message's unique-id will be used. If the same Content-ID is re-used for multiple split messages then results are undefined. The most likely situation is that parts will be lost and only one preserved.

    As a result of this join operation, the message will be marked as MIME encoded using CoreConstants.MSG_MIME_ENCODED metadata.

    See Also:

    In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as ignore-original-mime-aggregator which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

    • Constructor Detail

      • IgnoreOriginalMimeAggregator

        public IgnoreOriginalMimeAggregator()