Class DefaultFailedMessageRetrier

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultFailedMessageRetrier

        public DefaultFailedMessageRetrier()
    • Method Detail

      • stop

        public void stop()
        Description copied from interface: ComponentLifecycle
        Stop the component

        A stopped component is not expected to be ready to process messages. In the case of AdaptrisMessageConsumer, calling stop will pause message delivery. Throwing a RuntimeException may cause unintended consequences

        Specified by:
        stop in interface ComponentLifecycle
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from interface: ComponentLifecycle
        Closes the component.

        A closed component should release any connections it uses, etc. and clean up completely. Throwing a RuntimeException may cause unintended consequences

        Specified by:
        close in interface ComponentLifecycle
      • setStandaloneConsumer

        public void setStandaloneConsumer​(StandaloneConsumer consumer)
      • getStandaloneConsumer

        public @NotNull StandaloneConsumer getStandaloneConsumer()
      • getShutdownWaitTime

        public TimeInterval getShutdownWaitTime()
        Set the shutdown wait timeout for the pool.

        When close() is invoked, this shutdowns the internal retry submission pool used by DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmxMBean. The specified value is the amount of time to wait for a clean shutdown. If this timeout is exceeded then a forced shutdown ensues, which may mean some messages will not have been retried. The default is 60 seconds if not explicitly specified.

      • setShutdownWaitTime

        public void setShutdownWaitTime​(TimeInterval shutdownWaitTime)
        Set the shutdown wait timeout for the pool.

        When close() is invoked, this shutdowns the internal retry submission pool used by DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmxMBean. The specified value is the amount of time to wait for a clean shutdown. If this timeout is exceeded then a forced shutdown ensues, which may mean some messages will not have been retried. The default is 60 seconds if not explicitly specified.