Class AdapterStartUpEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AdapterStartUpEvent
    extends AdapterLifecycleEvent
    Concrete implementations of this Event contains details of the Adapter configuration.

    The earliest point in the adapter lifecycle that an event can be emitted is after init, therefore this event is always emitted at the end of the initialisation phase.

    Concrete implementations of this class provide solution-specific behaviour, such as extracting valid receive destinations, sending the entire adapter config, etc.

    See Also:
    StandardAdapterStartUpEvent, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdapterStartUpEvent

        public AdapterStartUpEvent()
    • Method Detail

      • setAdapter

        public abstract void setAdapter​(Adapter adapter)
                                 throws CoreException

        Sets the Adapter that generated this start up event. Solution-specific sub-classes should implement this method and extract information that they need (such as valid consume destinations) from the Adapter object (hence the ability to throw Exceptions from a set).

        adapter - the Adapter that generated this start-up event
        CoreException - wrapping any underlying Exceptions that may occur