Class DestinationHelper

  • public class DestinationHelper
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • DestinationHelper

        public DestinationHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • mustHaveEither

        public static void mustHaveEither​(java.lang.String configured)
        will be removed w/o warning since it has no meaning since destination was removed.
      • consumeDestination

        public static java.lang.String consumeDestination​(java.lang.String configured)
        will be removed w/o warning since it has no meaning since destination was removed.
        Get the configured consume destination

        Helper method so that consume destinations can still be supported in-situ with string based configurations.

        No longer accepts a legacy destination (as they no longer exists), but does perform any validity checks on configured.

      • filterExpression

        public static java.lang.String filterExpression​(java.lang.String configured)
        will be removed w/o warning since it has no meaning since destination was removed.
        Get the configured consume destination

        Helper method so that consume destinations can still be supported in-situ with string based configurations.

        No longer accepts a legacy destination (as they no longer exists), but does perform any validity checks on configured.

      • threadName

        public static java.lang.String threadName​(AdaptrisMessageListener listener)
        Get the thread name.

        Helper method so that consume destinations can still be supported in-situ with string based configurations.

        No longer accepts a legacy destination (as they no longer exists), but does perform any validity checks on listener.

      • threadName

        public static java.lang.String threadName​(AdaptrisMessageListener listener,
                                                  java.lang.String defaultName)
        Get the thread name.

        Helper method so that consume destinations can still be supported in-situ with string based configurations.

        No longer accepts a legacy destination (as they no longer exists), but does perform any validity checks on listener.

      • resolveProduceDestination

        public static java.lang.String resolveProduceDestination​(java.lang.String configured,
                                                                 AdaptrisMessage msg)
        just ms msg.resolve() instead.
        Get the correct produce destination.

        Helper method so that produce destinations can still be supported in-situ with string based configurations.

        legacy.getDestination(msg) if legacy is non-null; msg.resolve(configured) otherwise.