Class XmlTransformerFactoryImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlTransformerFactoryImpl

        public XmlTransformerFactoryImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getTransformerFactoryAttributes

        public KeyValuePairSet getTransformerFactoryAttributes()
      • setTransformerFactoryAttributes

        public void setTransformerFactoryAttributes​(KeyValuePairSet attr)
      • getTransformerFactoryFeatures

        public KeyValuePairSet getTransformerFactoryFeatures()
      • setTransformerFactoryFeatures

        public void setTransformerFactoryFeatures​(KeyValuePairSet features)
      • getFailOnRecoverableError

        public java.lang.Boolean getFailOnRecoverableError()
        since 3.6.5, XSLT 3.0 has eliminated all "recoverable errors" from the specification. If you are using a previous version of saxon or xalan then this will still have an effect.
      • setFailOnRecoverableError

        public void setFailOnRecoverableError​(java.lang.Boolean b)
        since 3.6.5, XSLT 3.0 has eliminated all "recoverable errors" from the specification. If you are using a previous version of saxon or xalan then this will still have an effect.
        Whether or not to fail on a recoverable error.
        b - true to fail on a recoverable error which is the default, false otherwise.