Class MultiPayloadMessageAggregator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    @ComponentProfile(summary="Combine many Adaptris messages into a single multi-payload message with each payload separate",
    public class MultiPayloadMessageAggregator
    extends MessageAggregatorImpl
    Combine multiple standard Adaptris messages into a single multi-payload Adaptris message.
       <service class="shared-service">
       <splitter class="multi-payload-splitter"/>
       <aggregator class="multi-payload-aggregator">
    See Also:

    In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as multi-payload-aggregator which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiPayloadMessageAggregator

        public MultiPayloadMessageAggregator()
    • Method Detail

      • joinMessage

        public void joinMessage​(AdaptrisMessage original,
                                java.util.Collection<AdaptrisMessage> messages)
                         throws CoreException
        Joins multiple AdaptrisMessages into a single MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage object.
        original - The message to insert all the messages into.
        messages - The list of messages to join.
        CoreException - Wrapping any other exception
      • getReplaceOriginalMessage

        public java.lang.Boolean getReplaceOriginalMessage()
        et whether to replace the original multi-payload message payload.

        If true then the original message will only contain the payloads from the collection of messages, otherwise it will append the collection of messages while maintaining the original message payload; default is true unless otherwise specified

      • setReplaceOriginalMessage

        public void setReplaceOriginalMessage​(java.lang.Boolean replaceOriginalMessage)
        et whether to replace the original multi-payload message payload.

        If true then the original message will only contain the payloads from the collection of messages, otherwise it will append the collection of messages while maintaining the original message payload; default is true unless otherwise specified