Class CacheServiceBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • CacheServiceBase

        public CacheServiceBase()
    • Method Detail

      • getCacheEntryEvaluators

        public java.util.List<CacheEntryEvaluator> getCacheEntryEvaluators()
      • setCacheEntryEvaluators

        public void setCacheEntryEvaluators​(java.util.List<CacheEntryEvaluator> list)
        Set the list of evaluators that will be used to for generate keys for accessing the cache.
      • addCacheEntryEvaluator

        public void addCacheEntryEvaluator​(CacheEntryEvaluator generator)
      • addCacheValueToMessage

        protected void addCacheValueToMessage​(AdaptrisMessage msg,
                                              java.lang.String key,
                                              CacheValueTranslator cvt,
                                              boolean quietly)
                                       throws CoreException
        Retrieves the value from the cache and then stores it against the message using the supplied value translator