Class WriteMetadataToFilesystem

    • Constructor Detail

      • WriteMetadataToFilesystem

        public WriteMetadataToFilesystem()
    • Method Detail

      • doService

        public void doService​(AdaptrisMessage msg)
                       throws ServiceException
        Description copied from interface: Service

        Apply the service to the message.

        msg - the AdaptrisMessage to process
        ServiceException - wrapping any underlying Exceptions
      • setBaseUrl

        public void setBaseUrl​(java.lang.String baseUrl)
      • setFilenameCreator

        public void setFilenameCreator​(FileNameCreator creator)
        Set the filename creator implementation used to create the filename.
        creator -
      • getOverwriteIfExists

        public java.lang.Boolean getOverwriteIfExists()
        the overwriteIfExists
      • setOverwriteIfExists

        public void setOverwriteIfExists​(java.lang.Boolean b)
        If the file already exists then overwrite it with the current message in transit.

        In reality, this performs a delete of the file (which fails silently if the file does not exist) prior to attempting to write the file with the payload.

        b - true or false (default false).
      • overwriteIfExists

        public boolean overwriteIfExists()
      • setMetadataFilter

        public void setMetadataFilter​(MetadataFilter filter)
        Set a metadata filter that will filter out metadata before it is written to filesystem
        filter - the filter.
      • getBaseUrl

        public java.lang.String getBaseUrl()