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Package Summary
The main Interlok package.
Base cache provider implementations.
Generalised Config Pre-Processors support for both startup and during runtime.
Additional events that can be generated by Interlok.
AdaptrisMessageProducer and AdaptrisMessageConsumer implementations, based on com.adaptris.fs package.
Various enhancements to the base filesystem consumer and producers.
Implementation of the core AdaptrisMessageConsumer and AdaptrisMessageProducer interface providing FTP transport functionality.
Interfaces that support HTTP interaction.
Classes for configuring HTTP producers.
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer based around the package and URLConnection
Implementation of the core AdaptrisMessageConsumer and AdaptrisMessageProducer interface using an embedded Jetty webserver engine.
Simplifies the retrieval of OAUTH tokens from various 3rd party resources.
Classes for configuring HTTP server based consumers.
Implementations of WorkflowInterceptor.
JDBC support within Interlok.
Provides JMS functionality within Interlok
ActiveMQ specific JMS implementation of com.adaptris.core.jms package interfaces.
JMS implementation of com.adaptris.core.jms package interfaces that uses JNDI.
Adds support for arbitarily large messages.
Management components within Interlok.
Turning the configuration file into an object graph.
ManagementComponent that embeds Jetty.
ManagementComponent implementations exposing adapter controls via JMX
Custom classes for resolving properties held in the bootstrap property file.
Interfaces that allow Interlok configuration to be checked out at runtime.
Classes used to support using XStream as a marshaller.
Utilities related to handling metadata.
Allos you to manipulate Interlok at runtime.
Implementation of the core Service interface providing encryption and decryption functionality.
Generic Service implementations that aren't protocol/use-case specific.
Service implementations for aggregating messages.
Service implementations that use Cache
CacheValueTranslator implementations.
Services that support conditional operations.
Conditions for
Operators for
Implementations of Service that allow the handling of duplicate messages.
Service implementation which allow arbitrary Service instances to be located, created and applied at run time.
Services which handle exceptions.
Service implementations relating to finding and replacing text with an AdaptrisMessage
Implementations of Service relating to JDBC operations.
Implementations of Service relating to JDBC operations that do not interrogate the payload.
Implementations of ColumnTranslator supporting JdbcDataQueryService.
Service implementations to execute a JMX operation
Service implementations relating to metadata manipulation within the framework.
Service implementation that compares 2 metadata values.
Implementations for handling XML based metadata manipulation.
Implementations of Service and supporting classes that manipulate MIME based documents.
Service implementations and supporting classes for content based routing.
Implementations of Service and supporting classes that deal with message splitting.
Implementations of Service and supporting classes allow execution of system commands.
Implementation of the core Service interface providing flat file and XML transformation functionality.
Implementation(s) of the MessageValidator that supports XML Schema validation.
Utility clases that are tightly coupled to Interlok.
Interface declarations for handling remote file based transfers such as FTP.
Provides functionality used to read, write, delete and list from local file systems.
Provides an implementation of FileTransferClient specifically for the File Transfer Protocol.
Classes representing SQL queries and providing conversion between SQL and Java types.
Connection wrapper that allows manual failover to a secondary JDBC connection.
Support for the adapter: JNDI scheme
Provides security services that provide legacy encrypt/decrypt services.
Abstraction around Certificate.
Classes that form the Security exception hierarchy.
Abstraction of KeyStore and where they are.
Handles encrypted passwords within adapter configuration.
Provides Utility classes for the security stuff.
Provides an implementation of FileTransferClient specifically for the SSH File Transfer Protocol.
Transform framework classes
Validation of transformed documents
General utility classes.
Utility classes relating to stream handling.
Utility classes relating to text handling.
Utility classes relating to mime type handling.
Utility classes relating to XML processing.