Class MetadataXpathNodeListQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:
XpathMetadataQuery, XpathObjectQuery

public class MetadataXpathNodeListQuery extends MetadataXpathQueryImpl implements XpathObjectQuery
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a NodeList from an xpath derived from metadata.

Note that depending on the XPath engine; it is possible that XpathQueryImpl.setAllowEmptyResults(Boolean) may have no effect, as it may return a zero length NodeList.

See Also:

In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as metadata-xpath-nodelist-query which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

  • Constructor Details

    • MetadataXpathNodeListQuery

      public MetadataXpathNodeListQuery()
    • MetadataXpathNodeListQuery

      public MetadataXpathNodeListQuery(String metadataKey, String xpathMetadataKey)
  • Method Details