All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for adding sequence numbers into metadata.
The behaviour of the sequence number generator when the number exceeds that specified by the number format.
Abstract implementation of AdaptrisMarshaller.
Wrapper around an OAUTH token.
Utility class to convert a meaningful string into a javax.jms.Session constant.
Service which processes asynchronous acknowledgements for messages stored using StoreMessageForRetryServiceTest.
ConnectionErrorHandler implementation that actively attempts messages via JMS to detect outages.
Main class in core package.
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that close has been invoked.
Implementation of AdapterComponentCheckerMBean for use by the GUI to check components.
MBean for the UI to ask the adapter to test configuration.
Base interface that exposes management functionality for an Adapter component.
The interface which has all the methods that provide the functionality to create, save or sync the adapter.
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that init has been invoked.
Contains behaviour common to all Events in the framework which relate to an Adapter's lifecycle.
Base implementation of AdapterManagerMBean.
MBean specification that allows control of a single adapter.
Factory Class that creates the required Marshaller ie the DataBinder instance that allows us to marshal & unmarshal our objects eg XStream, Castor etc
This factory also allows the DataBinder to be configured to output to a given format eg JSON/XML.
A registry of Adapters that are available for management.
Responsible for authenticating against network resources when requested.
Base interface that exposes management functionality for an Adapter component.
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that ShutdownHandler has been invoked.
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that start has been invoked.
Concrete implementations of this Event contains details of the Adapter configuration.
Summary of the state of an Adapter and associated Channels
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that stop has been invoked.
XStream Marshaller Specific Factory class.
Base interface for components in the framework.
Represents a connection to an application or of a protocol type.
Contains behaviour common to implementations of AdaptrisConnection.
Defines methods required to 'marshal' Java objects to XML.
Represents a message in the framework.
Implementations of AdaptrisMessageConsumer obtain data, convert it into an AdaptrisMessage and pass the message to the registered AdaptrisMessageListener.
Implementation of behaviour common to AdaptrisMessageConsumers.
Implementations of AdaptrisMessageEncoder create representations of whole AdaptrisMessages, including metadata and unique ID.
Partial implementation of behaviour commom to all AdaptrisMessageEncoder instances.
A static factory which returns implementations of AdaptrisMessage.
Standard implementation of AdaptrisMessage interface.
Applies arbitrary processing to AdaptrisMessages.
Implementations of AdaptrisMessageProducer produce messages to a destination (such as a JMS Queue or file system directory).
Implementation of behaviour common to AdaptrisMessageProducers.
New interface so that we can re-use producer style functionality without all the additional requirements surrounds AdaptrisMessageWorker.
Base interface for translating messages to and from AdaptrisMessage instances.
Defines behaviour common to AdaptrisMessageConsumer and AdaptrisMessageProducer.
Implementation of behaviour common to AdaptrisMessageConsumer and AdaptrisMessageProducer.
This is the root container class for any exceptions that occur in the security library.
Add a mapped diagnostic context via MDC.put(String, String).
Add a formatted metadata item to a Message.
Add a mapped diagnostic context via MDC.put(String, String).
Implementation of Service that adds static metadata to be added to a message.
Implementation of CommandOutputCapture that saves the output of the system command to a metadata value
Implementation of Service that adds a static NamespaceContext to object metadata for use by other services.
Add a new payload to the message.
Adds timestamp information as metadata.
Service implementation that adds entries to a cache based on its configured CacheEntryEvaluators.
Version of AddToCacheService that doesn't use CacheEntryEvaluator.
ActiveMQ implementation of VendorImplementation.
Non-Exhaustive list that matches various ActiveMQConnectionFactory methods.
A DatabaseConnection instance that provides connection pooling via c3p0.
Splits incoming AdaptrisMessages into several using an implementation of MessageSplitter.
Consumer interface for performing aggregation.
Base class for AggregatingConsumer implementations.
Marker interface for all implementations of AggregatingConsumer to use.
Base class for AggregatingConsumeService implementations providing common functionality.
AggregatingConsumer implementation that allows you to read a separate message from the filesystem that is correlated in some way to the current message.
Implentation of AggregatingConsumeService that allows you to consume a related message from a directory based on some criteria.
AggregatingConsumer implementation that allows you to read a separate message from an FTP filesystem that is correlated in some way to the current message.
Implentation of AggregatingConsumeService that allows you to consume a related message via FTP based on some criteria.
Implentation of AggregatingConsumeService that allows you to consume a related message from a queue based on some criteria.
AggregatingConsumer implementation that allows you to read a separate message(s) from a queue that need to be aggregated with the current message.
Alias in a keystore.
Abstract class for connections that have the ability to retry connections.
Translate the all the rows of the result set into metadata.
Sort the list of files alphabetically.
Sort the list of files alphabetically in reverse order
since 3.0.0 consider using ThrowExceptionService instead which will give you a better exception message.
Identity verification always fails.
Always match.
This RestartStrategy will always return true upon requiresRestart().
ApacheFtpClientImpl<T extends>
Base implementation of FileTransferClient that uses the apache commons net FTP implementation.
Implementation of FsWorker that appeneds to the file for any write operations.
Implementation of MessageAggregator that just appends payloads.
Utility for parsing unix style arguments.
Perform a best guess routine on the JMSMessage when translating to an AdaptrisMessage.
javax.jms.Message types that are supported by this translator.
Simply convert to and from base58.
Simply convert to and from base64.
Base64 decods an item of metadata.
Base64 Decode the message.
Base64 encode an item of metadata.
Base 64 Encode the message.
Basic JMX component mbean interface.
ActiveMQ implementation of VendorImplementation.
Factory which will return an instance of
Translates between AdaptrisMessage and javax.jms.Messages
This is the abstract class for all implementations that make use of Jetty to receive messages.
Splits incoming AdaptrisMessages into several AdaptrisMessages using an implementation of MessageSplitter.
Used with XmlValidationService to validate an XML message against a schema.
Binary Stream Statement Parameter.
A blacklisting classloader factory.
Column Translator implementation for handling BLOB types
Translates between AdaptrisMessage and BlobMessage.
Proxy class for creating BlobTransferPolicy objects
Blocking strategy for starting channels.
Allows you to iterate over a multipart returning each part as a MimeBodyPart.
Column Translator implementation for handling boolean types
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setBooleanProperty(String key, boolean value).
Boolean Statement Parameter.
This class holds the necessary information for startup and provides a extra method for getting the available adapter configuration.
Branch support for HTTP via interrogation of the HTTP status.
Implementation of ServiceCollection which allows branching services to select the next service to apply.
Service that wraps other services allowing them to be branching.
Contains behaviour common to BranchingServices.
Column Translator implementation for handling byte array types.
A Datasource wrapping an arbitary array of bytes.
Wraps a metadata value as a byte[]
Wraps an object metadata value as a byte[]
Returns the message payload as as byte array.
Allows you to iterate over a multipart returning each part as a byte array.
This DataOutputParameter is used when you want to write data to the AdaptrisMessage payload.
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that retrieves / sets the payload of the message.
Byte Payload Statement Parameter.
Translates between AdaptrisMessage and javax.jms.BytesMessages.
Abstract Base class for converting strings into bytes and vice versa.
Interface that defines basic general cache operations for use within the adapter.
A Connection to a cache instance.
Extension of StandardJndiImplementation that caches destinations in between calls.
Evaluates cache keys and values for the various cache services.
Interface for EventListeners on the cache.
Implementation that implements CacheEventListener and logs all the events.
Get the key from the message.
A Connection to a cache instance.
Base class that provides common functions used by all cache services
Interface that defines a two way interaction - one to retrieve a value from an AdaptrisMessage and another to inject a value into one.
Helper to avoid multiple executions of DefaultPreProcessorLoader.load(BootstrapProperties).
A 'case' for Switch.
Condition that is always true.
List implementation for use with castor marshal/unmarshalling.
Wraps any exception encountered during certificate operations.
The interface for the creation of certificates.
Another factory for building certificates.
A wrapper around a certificate object.
Factory to build Certificate Handlers.
Container class with enough information to create a certificate.
Convenience wrapper for verifiying Certificate chains.
Creating Certificate Signing Requests.
Changes the character encoding associated with a message.
Links two AdaptrisConnection implementations and has a WorkflowList
ConnectionErrorHandler which shutdowns the channel where there is a problem.
Strategy for handling channel lifecycle within a ChannelList.
Container for a collection of Channel objects
Base implementation of ChannelManagerMBean.
Interface specifying controls for a single channel.
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating a Channel restart.
since 4.2.0
Character Stream Statement Parameter.
Simply convert bytes into strings using the configured encoding.
Service implementation that checks if specific key(s) exist in the cache and retrieves.
Service implementation that checks if specific key(s) exist in the cache.
Branching Service implementation which checks the value stored against a configured metadata key against a list of previously received values.
Branching Service implementation which checks the value stored against a configured metadata key against a list of previously received values.
Basic interface of MBeans that contain child member components.
Basic interface of MBeans that contain child member components.
Clear the contents of the specified cache.
Clears any exception stored against CoreConstants.OBJ_METADATA_EXCEPTION.
Remove all mapped diagnostic context via MDC.clear().
AcknowledgementHandler implementation that handles acknowledging messages when in CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode.
Additional settings on the FTPClient.
Additional settings on the FTPSClient.
ClientSettings.Setter<T extends>
Column Translator implementation for handling CLOB types
Implementation of ServiceCollection that creates a new clone of AdaptrisMessage for each configured service.
Represents closed StateManagedComponents and implements permitted transitions.
Translate a column in a ResultSet into a String for processing.
Write a column into an Output stream.
Interface for providing command line arguments to the SystemCommandExecutorService
Interface for building a process.
Interface for capturing output from a process.
FTP Client implementation.#
FTP/SSL client.
Defines standard lifecycle operations for components in the framework.
Extensions on the standard component lifecycle.
Base class for all component managers.
Defines the state transition requests that can be made to a StateManagedComponent.
Default implementation of ComponentState.
A FileFilter that contains other filters.
IdentityBuilder implementation that wraps a list of builders.
Composite keystore which manages keystores of different types.
MetadataFilter implementation that wraps a list of filters.
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that uses nested providers to add headers to a HttpURLConnection.
Implementation of ResponseHeaderHandler that uses nested handlers to extract headers from a HttpURLConnection.
ResponseHeaderProvider implementation that uses a nested set of providers to private HTTP response headers.
Conditions are used with logical expressions in configuration such as IfElse and While.
This Condition allows you to configure a list of child Condition's where all must evaluate to "true".
This Condition allows you to specify a boolean evaluated expression, with static values and resolved metadata values.
This Condition targets message metadata.
Condition that is never true.
This Condition allows you to negate a child Condition's result.
This Condition allows you to configure a list of child Condition's where only one has to evaluate to "true".
This Condition targets the message payload.
Interface for managing JSCH/SSH configuration specifics.
Provides the ability for the UI to have notes associated with an configuration item.
AdapterConfigManager is now available, the only reason why this still exists is to avoid breaking sonic-mf
Implementations of this interface will perform actions on the xml configuration before the configuration is unmarshalled.
An abstract implementation of the ConfigPreProcessor
Jetty Security Handler Wrapper which allows the configuration of different Login Service and Authenticators.
ServiceLoader interface that allows for config checks to be performed.
ServiceLoader interface that allows for config checks to be reported on.
Build an HttpConstants.AUTHORIZATION header from static data.
Provides a static content type.
ExceptionGenerator implementation that generates the exception from static configuration.
Abstract class for presenting arbitary configuation as KeystoreLocation objects.
Private key password provider which explicitly configures the password in configuration
ReplacementSource implementation which returns the passed in value.
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that applies configured values as headers to a HttpURLConnection.
Static implementation of RequestMethodProvider.
ResponseHeaderProvider implementation that provides a static configured set of headers.
Build an SQL Statement for JdbcDataQueryService from static configuration.
Static implementation of HttpStatusProvider that uses HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus to derive the correct code.
Allows the wrapping of a configured URL as a KeystoreLocation
Authenticate using the standard PasswordAuthentication method with a static username and password
XpathObjectQuery implementation that returns a NodeList.
XpathObjectQuery implementation that returns a Node
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a single text item from the configured xpath.
Abstract base class for XpathQuery implementations that are statically configured.
An interface that represents a Service that contains a connection.
Implementations of this class encapsualte behaviour that is invoked when an Exception relating to a connection is encountered.
Behaviour common to ConnectionErrorHandlers.
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to configure data directly in the Interlok configuration.
Constants relating to retrying messages.
Constants and lots of them.
This implementation of @{link ValueTranslator} uses a static String value, that can be used as a parameter for Jmx operations.
Interface to provide a Content-Type header for the HTTP request or response.
Interface for validating arbitary XML content against the relevant schema.
Simple Data Conversion methods.
Implementation of Service that copies Object metadata to standard metadata, overwriting standard metadata.
Copies metadata from one key to another.
Constants for the core package.
Standard Exception in the core package and sub-packages.
The base class for all security services.
Provides a JMSCorrelationId for the javax.jms.Message.
Service that creates a URL query string from the specified metadata keys.
Abstract class containing configuration for JDBC Connection classes.
DataStore abstract class.
Column Translator implementation for handling date types
Builds a DateFormat instance for use with ReformatDateService and AddTimestampMetadataService.
Builds a DateFormat instance for use with ReformatDateService and AddTimestampMetadataService.
Contains convenience method to format date strings into Date objects.
Custom date formats over and above SimpleDateFormat.
A Date extension to StatementParameter.
Constructs a C3P0 connection pool with various debug settings enabled.
Interface for decoding properties.
Decodes the payload and updates the in flight message with the decoded output.
Wraps any exception during decryption.
Perform decryption.
AdaptrisMessage implementation created by DefaultMessageFactory
Default strategy for starting channels.
Default implementation of CommandBuilder
Basic implementation of EventHandler.
Implementation of FailedMessageRetrier that does not allow duplicate workflows.
JMX Interface for DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
Convenience for getting the default marshalling system currently available in the adapter.
The default factory which returns implementations of AdaptrisMessage.
MessageLogger implementation that that logs unique-id and metadata.
Constructs a C3P0 connection pool for use with JdbcPooledConnection and PluggableJdbcPooledConnection.
Default implementation of ProducerSessionFactory.
Default ServiceExtractor implementation that treats the entire payload as the service.
Default CallableStatementCreator.
Default strategy for starting workflows.
Contains behaviour common to PTP and PAS JMS message producers.
Utility class to convert a meaningful string into a javax.jms.DeliveryMode constant.
An OutputStream that goes nowhere.
Metadata Filter implementation that removes all metadata which have an empty value.
ResponseHeaderHandler implementation that discards the headers from the HTTP response.
Metadata Filter implementation that removes all metadata where the value exceeds the configured length.
Allows simple configuration of a DocumentBuilderFactory.
Column Translator implementation for handling double types
Double Statement Parameter.
Simulate a do-while loop.
Class which checks the value of a configured metadata key against a list of previously received values.
Abstract super-class of the two Services which handle duplicate message checking.
Build a HttpConstants.AUTHORIZATION (Basic only) from configuration (or metadata).
Allows you to dynamically connect to different JMXServiceURLs and execute JMX Operations.
Provides a template for PollingTrigger.
Marker interface so that not all services can be configured.
Implementation of Service which dynamically obtains and applies a Service to an AdaptrisMessage based on the contents of the message.
A Service instance that references a Service made available via SharedComponentList.getServices().
Format element metadata as a string.
Key and value element formatter.
Default element formatter.
This service holder is used to hold the service or list of services that will be executed by logical expressions, such as IfElse should configured Condition's NOT pass.
The EmbeddedConnection makes use of the existing Jetty Engine that has been enabled as part of the bootstrap process.
A no-op identity builder.
Just the supported Base64 styles which are available via Base64
Standard supported encodings
Encodes the in flight message and sets the payload to the encoded output.
Wraps any exception encountered during encryption operations.
Container class with encryption algorithm information.
Perform encryption only.
Base case for performing encryption and signing.
Perform encryption and signing.
This Operator simply tests two values for equality.
Exact value match implementation of MetadataValueMatcher for MetadataValueBranchingService.
Contains behaviour common to all Events in the framework.
Static factory which creates Events.
Defines behaviour related to sending and receiving Events using other standard framework components.
Marker interface indicating that this component needs to be made aware of the EventHandler.
Contains behaviour common to implementations of EventHandler.
All concrete subclasses of Event should define there own 'name space' or hierarchical name, thus allowing interested parties to subscribe for Events selectively.
Implementation of StatusEvaluator for use with BranchingHttpRequestService.
Serializes the exception as a String.
Use with ExceptionReportService to write the exception as part of an xml document.
ExceptionGenerator implementation that generates the exception from metadata.
ExceptionGenerator implementation that generates the exception from metadata.
Interface for generating an exception from an AdaptrisMessage object.
Wraps services so that errors are intercepted and processed by a different service.
Helper class that assists converting exceptions.
Object that wraps all the information for an exception report.
Interface for generating an XML report from an exception for use with ExceptionReportService
Service that takes an exception in object metadata and serializes that into the AdaptrisMessage payload.
Use with ExceptionReportService to write the exception as part of the message.
Metadata filter implementation that removes metadata where the key matches ^JMS.*$.
Implementation of CallableStatementExecutor will use the PreparedStatement.execute() method.
Implementation of CallableStatementExecutor will use the PreparedStatement.executeQuery() method.
Implementation of CallableStatementExecutor will use the PreparedStatement.executeUpdate() method.
Condition that checks whether a key exists in a Cache
Cache implementation backed by net.jodah:expiringmap hosted on github.
ExpirationListener implementation that notifies any configured CacheEventListener that are configured.
Used with XmlValidationService to validate an XML message against a schema.
Extract additional metadata values from an item of metadata.
Interface that allows you to configure the ConnectionFactory that is returned from a StandardJndiImplementation.
Component which consumes AdaptrisMessages and, based on message metadata, resubmits them to the Workflow which processed them originally.
Component which consumes AdaptrisMessages and, based on message metadata, resubmits them to the Workflow which processed them originally.
Class that is used to configure a failover database connection.
A wrapper around a JDBC Connection.
Datasource that has a connection capable of failover to an alternate database.
An AdaptrisConnection implementation for a failover database connection.
JmsConnection implementation that wraps a list of concrete JMSConnection instances to provide failover.
Wraps an instance of Semaphore and adds 'mut-ex' behaviour.
Represents a message in the framework which is backed by a file on the filesystem.
Message factory that returns an AdaptrisMessage Implementation that is backed by a pair of files.
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageEncoder that stores payload and metadata as a mime-encoded multipart message.
DataInputParameter implementation that reads from a file.
DataInputParameter implementation that writes to a file.
MessageWrapper implementation that wraps an external file as an InputStream.
DataInputParameter implementation that returns an input stream to a file.
Creates a file name for an AdaptrisMessage.
MessageWrapper implementation that wraps an external file as an OutputStream.
Interface that allows FsConsumer style implementations to sort the list of files before processing.
Writes data into local storage for retry.
Common interface for all FTP client flavours.
Abstract implementation of FileTransferClient.
Class containing common configuration for all FTP Connection types.
Common data/methods for file transfer connections that use username/password
Exception encapsulating an file transfer error.
Filtered start strategy for SharedComponentList
Implementation of Service which allows find and replace operations on the message payload.
A unit of configuration for doing find and replace.
Translate the first row of the result set into metadata.
Implementation of Poller which polls at a configurable fixed interval.
MetadataFilter that just uses the configured KeyValuePairSet as the metadata.
Flatten any nested MimeBodyParts inside the payload.
Column Translator implementation for handling float types
Float Statement Parameter.
A for-each implementation that iterates over the payloads in a multi-payload message MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage.
Abstract column Translator implementation for handling column types that might need to have formatting applied to it.
Implementation of FileNameCreator that uses String.format(String, Object...).
Service that creates something suitable to send as application/x-www-url-form-encoded from metadata.
Takes a application/x-www-url-form-encoded payload and extracts it as metadata.
Build a jetty server from a failsafe XML configuration
File system implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer based on the com.adaptris.fs package.
Abstract implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer based on the com.adaptris.fs package.
Root of all custom Exceptions in the fs package and sub-packages.
Subclass of FsException indicating that a file has not be found.
Subclass of FsException indicating that a file has not be found.
Implementation of Poller which listens for file events.
AdaptrisMessageProducer implementation that writes to the file system.
Defines basic file system operations.
Class containing configuration for both FTP Consumers and producers.
Abstract implementation of FTPConnection both vanilla and SSL.
FTP implementation of the AdaptrisMessageConsumer interface.
Abstract FTP Implementation of the AdaptrisMessageConsumer implementation.
Represents the DATA mode.
FTP specific exceptions
Extension to FileTransferClient specifically for FTP.
Ftp implementation of the AdaptrisMessageProducer interface.
FTP implementation of the AdaptrisMessageConsumer interface.
Allows connections to FTP (Explicit) SSL connections.
MessageLogger implementation that that logs unique-id, metadata, payload, and events.
Implementation of Poller which polls at a random interval with a normal distribution.
Service implementation that generates a unique item of metadata.
Variation of GetOauthToken that automatically caches the AccessToken in the cache of your choosing.
Simplified framework for retrieving OAUTH tokens from verious 3rd party resources (such as Salesforce, or Google).
Version of RetrieveFromCacheService that doesn't use CacheEntryEvaluator.
Creates a GUID using UUID.randomUUID().
Generates a unique id that is still globally unique similar to GuidGenerator but contains a date/time component.
Unzip the given payload.
Gzip the given payload.
Allows you to configure a HashLoginService for use with Jetty.
Interface for handling behaviour for HTTP headers.
Abstract HeaderHandler implementation that provides a prefix.
Standard Adapter heartbeat event.
A utility class to perform a hexdump of a given number of bytes.
ReplacementSource implementation which assumes that the value is a byte sequence represented as a sequence of hexadecimal numbers (2 characters per byte).
Simply converts to and from a Hex String
This class will decode hex encoded metadata value(s) using the specified character encoding
Constructs a HikariCP connection pool for use with PluggableJdbcPooledConnection.
Contains host configuration for use with PerHostConfigBuilder.
HttpAuthenticator is an interface designed to facilitate HttpAuthentication in various ways.
Concrete implementation of JettyConnection that allows HTTP traffic.
Standard HttpConfiguration properties for use with HttpConnection.setHttpConfiguration(KeyValuePairSet).
Standard ServerConnector properties for use with HttpConnection.setServerConnectorProperties(KeyValuePairSet).
Direct HTTP support as a service rather wrapped via StandaloneProducer or StandaloneRequestor.
Direct HTTP support as a service rather than wrapped via StandaloneProducer or StandaloneRequestor.
Concrete implementation of JettyConnection that allows HTTPs traffic.
Properties for SecureRequestCustomizer.
Properties for SslContextFactory.
Builder class for a HttpStatusProvider.Status.
Interface for providing a HTTP Status.
Default status code definitions.
HttpURLConnectionAuthenticator is an interface designed to facilitate HttpAuthentication in various ways.
Used in conjunction with IdentityBuilder.
Interface for ID Generation.
This Service allows you to test boolean (true or false) Condition's, which if evaluate to "true" will run a configured set of services, otherwise run a different set of services.
Ignore all exceptions coming nested services, including Timeouts
XmlTransformParameter implementation that returns a null map.
MessageAggregator implementation that creates a new mime part for each message that needs to be joined up.
MessageAggregator implementation that creates single XML using each message that needs to be joined up.
Null implementation of CommandOutputCapture
Ignores case match implementation of MetadataValueMatcher for MetadataValueBranchingService.
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes acts as the source for MessageInFlightMBean.
Represents initialised StateManagedComponents and implements permitted transitions.
A statically configured SSH ConfigRepository with global defaults for all hosts.
In memory cache of items that have been processed.
Specifically presents an embedded encoded Certificate string as a KeystoreLocation object.
Builds a MIME Body part by rendering a byte array as the content of the part.
Represents a single INOUT parameter for a Stored Procedure.
This class contains the INOUT parameters that a stored procedure will require to be executed.
Represents a single IN parameter for a Stored Procedure.
This class contains the IN parameters that a stored procedure will require to be executed.
Convenience helper to see if configuration is considered an expression
Forces IO to happen from the message inputstream to outputstream.
Merge implementation that appends the result to a parent node derived from an Xpath.
Column Translator implementation for handling integer types
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setIntProperty(String key, int value).
Integer Statement Parameter.
Integer based value match implementation of MetadataValueMatcher for MetadataValueBranchingService.
Management MBean definition for publishing JMX notifications.
This Operator simply tests that the given value evaluates to null or an empty string.
FileFilter that accepts files that are files that just uses under the covers.
This Operator tests whether a specified value matches any value in a list
This Operator simply tests a single value is null.
Check the content and ensure it is not null.
Capture Data from a AdaptrisMessage and store it in a JDBC-compliant database.
Stored Procedure parameter implementation
Implementation of AdaptrisConnectionImp for JDBC.
Stored Procedure parameter implementation, can be used only for IN Stored Procedure parameters.
Capture Data from a AdaptrisMessage and store it in a JDBC-compliant database.
Base implementation for capturing data from an AdaptrisMessage and storing it in a jdbc database.
Perform a triggered JDBC query and the results of this query that can be stored in the AdaptrisMessage.
A Date extension to StatementParameter.
A Time extension to StatementParameter.
A Timestamp extension to StatementParameter.
Allows you to configure a as the login service to use with Jetty.
Base behaviour of inserting Objects directly into a db.
Handles simple type conversions for the fields in the map that needs to be inserted into the DB.
Base behaviour for upserting objects directly into a db.
Stored Procedure parameter implementation, can be used for all IN, INOUT and OUT Stored Procedure parameters.
Stored Procedure parameter implementation, can be used for all IN, INOUT and OUT Stored Procedure parameters.
A DatabaseConnection instance that provides connection pooling via c3p0.
Capture Data from a AdaptrisMessage and store it in a JDBC-compliant database.
JDBC-based implementation of RetryStore.
Provides database connection for JDBC-based Service implementations.
Implementation of ServiceCollection that creates a Connection instance at the start of the execution of the service list and stores it in object metadata.
Base implementation for interacting with a database with configurable parameters.
StoredProcedure Producer implementation; executes a stored procedure within your chosen database vendor.
Stored Procedure parameter implementation.
Helper methods used internally to support JDBC operations within the framework.
Stored Procedure parameter implementation, can be used only for IN Stored Procedure parameters.
Allows you to handle a single HTTP request across 2 workflows within the same Interlok instance.
Interface for factory to create Jetty Authenticators
This class is the base class that all Jetty based Connections extend.
IdentityVerifier implementation that uses the same file as HashLoginServiceFactory to perform identity verification.
Interface to create Jetty LoginService instance
This is the standard class that receives documents via HTTP.
WorkflowInterceptor that automatically returns a 503 if it knows there is nothing available to handle the inbound message in the parent workflow.
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that allows a Jetty Consumer to be part of a PoolingWorkflow.
Send a response via HTTP as a service rather than having to wrap in a StandaloneProducer.
Condition implementation that evaulates based on the JettyURI and HTTP method.
Used with JettyRoutingService to help decide which branch to execute.
Use as part of a BranchingServiceCollection to branch based on the jetty URI and method.
This class can be used for configuring and starting a Jetty webserver for the adapter.
Interface for registering servlets by the various jetty connection implementations.
Class that contains information that about the jetty request/response.
Interface specifying common configuration for JMS Workers
JMS 2.0 Producer implementation that extends all features of JmsProducer, but allows us to send messages asynchronously.
JMS 1.1 standard JMS connection.
Simple interface that provides configuration information for sub components.
Standard implementation of ConnectionErrorHandler which implements ExceptionListener.
Constants used in this package.
JMS Consumer implementation that can target queues or topics via an RFC6167 style destination.
Contains behaviour common to PTP and PAS JMS message consumers.
A JMS Destination as specified by a limited parse of an RFC6167 style string.
Concrete JmsPollingConsumerImpl implementation that can target queues or topics via an RFC6167 style destination.
Abstract implementation of AdaptrisPollingConsumer for queues and topics.
JMS Producer implementation that can target queues or topics via an RFC6167 style destination.
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that retrieves and sets the JMSReplyTo destination of a message.
JMS synchronous consumer implementation that can target queues or topics via an RFC6167 style endpoint.
Subclass of StandardWorkflow for use with JMS consumers.
Helper for JMX
Allows you to make a remote call on a JMX operation.
Base abstract implementation for all JMX services.
Base abstract implementation for all JMX services.
Implementation of the ManagementComponent interface for JSR160.
A WorkflowInterceptor that simply caches all messages that have completed running through the workflow.
Allows you to make a remote call on a JMX operation and wait until the result from the JMX operation is "true"
Text justification.
Wraps any exceptions encountered during keystore operations.
Factory for creating Keystore Proxy objects.
Wrapper that is used handle the IO to a keystore.
Used to read and write from a keystore.
A key value pair.
A Collection of of KeyValuePair instances.
An collection of KeyValuePair instances.
An List of KeyValuePair instances.
A Set of KeyValuePair instances.
File system implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer with large message support.
File system implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer with large message support.
Workflow that does not store the original message for error-handling purposes.
ExceptionGenerator implementation that generates the exception from the last known exception.
Timestamp Generator implementation that returns the last Date a message passed through the service.
Sort the list of files by their last modified attribute
Sort the list of files by their last modified attribute in reverse order.
Abstract FileFilter that accepts files based on the last modified time of the file.
Legacy private key password provider based on the property file ''.
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that this Adapter's license is about to expire.
Helper class that assists in managing component lifecycles.
Split an AdaptrisMessage object by line.
Compare the content against some specified list.
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that adds a mapped diagnostic context via org.slf4j.MDC#put(String, String).
Utility for generating logging messages.
Log some arbitrary information.
Abstract configuration for bundled implementations.
Proxy class that allows us to add "roles" as a custom attribute to the ServletRequest.
Service which logs the AdaptrisMessage to the configured logger for debugging purposes.
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setLongProperty(String key, long value).
Long Statement Parameter.
XStream Mapper that aids in name format conversion and handling of implicit collections.
A MessageCache implementation that uses an ArrayBlockingQueue to hold the messages.
Simple ThreadFactory implementation for use within the adapter.
Interface for management components that exist outside of the standard adapter lifecycle.
Simple factory that creates management components.
Translates between AdaptrisMessage and javax.jms.MapMessage.
Changes the value of a specific metadata key based on a regular expression match of the value associated with the key.
MetadataFilter implementation that modifies keys matching a specific regular expression to another key name.
Build the identity from metadata which is mapped to specific values.
Resolver that maps URLs to another URL and caches the results.
Extension to InlineItemCache that stores the procssed items to disk.
This Operator simply tests two values for using String.matches(String).
Functional interface that defines behaviour when max-loops is encountered in While or DoWhile.
Merge the ResultSet contents into an existing XML Payload.
Interface for creating a single AdaptrisMessage instance from multiple Messages.
Abstract implementation of MessageAggregator.
Interceptor that emits a Notification under based on message count being higher or lower than the given message count.
Implementation of ProducerSessionFactory that creates a new session/producer based the number of messages.
This RestartStrategy monitors the number of messages processed and if this number passes our maximum threshold, then this strategy will return true upon requiresRestart().
MessageErrorDigest that contains a fixed size list of the last n errors.
A Digester for handling and recording any errors during the standard workflow processing.
Implemented by classes which generate message lifecycle events.
Attempts to use the InterlokMessage.getUniqueId() as the JMSCorrelationID and vice versa.
Management bean interface for messages in flight.
Container for message lifecycle events (MleMarkers) for implementations of AdaptrisMessage.
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes metrics via JMX.
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that captures metrics about messages that match a given metadata criteria.
Abstract WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes metrics via JMX.
Management bean interface for message statistics.
Implementation of ProducerSessionFactory that creates a new session/producer based on message size.
Interface for creating multiple messages from a single AdaptrisMessage instance.
Partial implementation of MessageSplitter that handles MessageSplitter.splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage).
Abstract base class for splitting messages based on some criteria.
A message statistic stored by a MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl instances.
Interceptor that emits a Notification if the number of messages has exceeded the specified threshold in the current timeslice.
Interface that translate AdaptrisMessages to the various type of javax.jms.Messages, and vice versa.
Super class of classes that translate AdaptrisMessages to the various type of javax.jms.Messages, and vice versa.
Write the token to metadata.
Service to append multiple metadata keys together to form a new key.
Build an HttpConstants.AUTHORIZATION header from metadata.
Behaviour common to Services which branch based on AdaptrisMessage metadata.
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that maps values to / from metadata on the message.
A container class for handling a Collection of MetadataElement instance.
Provides the metadata value associated with the specified key as a command line argument
Compare two items of metadata returning the result of the comparison.
Implementation of Service that compares two items of metadata.
Provides a content type derived from metadata.
Contains behaviour common to the MetadataConverters.
Implementation of CorrelationIdSource which uses the value stored against a configureable metadata key as the JMSCorrelationId .
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes metrics about metadata values via JMX.
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the AdaptrisMessage metadata.
This DataOutputParameter is used when you want to write some data to the AdaptrisMessage metadata.
Implementation of MessageSplitter which creates multiple instances of the same document based on a metadata key.
A key-value pair of String metadata.
Service which sets the ID of the Service to apply next based on whether any value is present against any configured metadata key.
Implementation of FileNameCreator which obtains the file name to use from message metadata.
Interface for finding matching metadata on a AdaptrisMessage.
Implementation of Service that filters metadata keys based on a MetadataFilter.
Class that abstracts the handling of AdaptrisMessage metadata and JMS Headers away from the MessageTypeTranslator.
Interface that abstracts the handling of AdaptrisMessage metadata and JMS Headers away from the MessageTypeTranslator.
Hashes the metadata value stored against a metadata key.
HeaderHandler implementation that stores HTTP headers as standard metadata.
Build the identity from metadata
Types of metadata.
Implementation of AbstractJdbcSequenceNumberService where the identity is derived from metadata.
Identity verification based on matching metadata keys against other metadata keys.
MessageWrapper implementation wraps a metadata value as an InputStream.
MetadataLogger implementation that that logs metadata keys only
Implementation of ReformatMetadataKey that uses WordUtils.capitalizeFully(String) to capitalize each word in the key.
Implementation of ReformatMetadataKey that converts keys to lower case.
Implementation of ReformatMetadataKey that converts keys to upper case.
ParameterHandler implementation that stores headers as standard metadata.
Implementation of ProducerSessionFactory that creates a new session/producer based on message size.
Interface that handles metadata reformatting.
ReplacementSource implementation which returns the metadata value when the replacement value is treated as a metadata key.
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that applies AdaptrisMessage metadata as headers to a HttpURLConnection.
Implementation of RequestMethodProvider that can derive the method from AdaptrisMessage metadata.
This resolver allows you to specify a prefixed ($$) metadata key in configuration whose metadata value will be used as the actual metadata item key lookup.
ResponseHeaderProvider implementation that providers HTTP response headers from metadata.
Abstract class for translating result sets into metadata.
Build an SQL Statement for JdbcDataQueryService from metadata.
A metadata statistic stored by concrete implementations MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
Management bean interface for metadata totals statistics.
Implementation of HttpStatusProvider that can derive the status and text from AdaptrisMessage metadata.
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to read some data from metadata.
MessageWrapper implementation wraps a metadata value as an OutputStream along with a ByteTranslator
This DataOutputParameter is used when you want to write some data to AdaptrisMessage metadata.
Takes a metadata value and sets that as the payload.
Enumeration of where the two types of metadata.
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes metrics about integer metadata values via JMX.
Authenticate using the standard PasswordAuthentication method with a username and password derived from metadata.
Implementation of Service which sets the unique ID of the next Service to apply based on values of AdaptrisMessage metadata.
Takes a metadata value and escapes double quote.
Takes a metadata value and escapes single quote.
Interface for use in MetadataValueBranchingService.
Takes a metadata value and converts it to lower case.
Takes a metadata value and converts it to upper case.
This implementation of ValueTranslator will pull a metadata value from the AdaptrisMessage to be used as a Jmx operation parameter.
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a NodeList from an xpath derived from metadata.
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a Node from an xpath derived from metadata.
Use ConfiguredXpathQuery with %message{metadata} syntax to extract XPath from metadata.
Use ConfiguredXpathQueryImpl with %message{metadata} syntax to extract XPath from metadata.
Abstract WorkflowInterceptor implementation that captures historical data.
Common behaviour for all metrics MBeans.
MessageAggregator implementation that creates a new mime part for each message that needs to be joined up.
Just some constants that are used by Mime.
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageEncoder that stores AdaptrisMessage payload and metadata as a mime-encoded multipart message.
Utility for handling MIME messages.
Choose a specific mime part from an existing multipart message to become the payload of the AdaptrisMessage.
Implementation of MessageSplitter which allows a single AdaptrisMessage that contains multiple mime parts to be split into AdaptrisMessage[].
ServiceExtractor implementation that uses a PartSelector to extract where the service is.
MessageLogger implementation that that logs unique-id only
Records information about activities (generally Service implementations) performed on a AdaptrisMessage during a workflow.
Extends the non-deleting FS consumer, and after processing stores files in a separate directory.
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a multiple text items from the configured xpath.
Use MultiItemConfiguredXpathQuery with %message{metadata} syntax to extract XPath from metadata.
Constructs a multipart MIME payload from various sources.
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that applies multipart MIME message headers as headers to a HttpURLConnection.
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the AdaptrisMessage multipart MIME payload.
Handle creation of multipart mime output.
Interface for Adaptris messages that support multiple payloads, referenced by an ID/key.
The standard implementation of multi-payload messages; MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage implementation created by MultiPayloadMessageFactory.
This MultiPayloadDataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
This MultiPayloadDataOutputParameter is used when you want to insert data into the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
Combine multiple standard Adaptris messages into a single multi-payload Adaptris message.
The multi-payload message factory which returns an implementations of MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage.
Multi-payload message MIME encoder.
Split a multi-payload Adaptris message into its various payloads and return a list of standard Adaptris messages.
This MultiPayloadDataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
This MultiPayloadDataOutputParameter is used when you want to insert data into the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
This MultiPayloadDataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
This MultiPayloadDataOutputParameter is used when you want to insert data into the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
Implementation of Service which provides transformation of XML payloads contained within the new multi-payload message.
Implementation of Workflow that contains multiple producers.
MySQL CallableStatement generator.
ParameterApplicator implementation that allows referencing by name.
FileFilter accepts files based on the last modified time of the file.
Implementation of FsWorker that uses java.nio to perform put and get operations.
Entry point into an adapter from the command line.
No Authentication required.
ProcessedItemCache implementation that doesn't cache.
Ignores exception so long as some messages were considered successful based on a metadata key.
Non Blocking start strategy for channels.
A simple non-blocking ThreadPool implementation for use with Quartz.
File system implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer based on the com.adaptris.fs package.
AcknowledgementHandler implementation that does nothing.
Base Implementation of a no-op connection.
ExtraFactoryConfiguration implementation that does nothing.
HeaderHandler implementation that ignores HTTP headers.
Metadata Filter implementation that does no filtering.
ParameterHandler implementation that ignores HTTP parameters.
ResponseHeaderProvider implementation that does not add any HTTP response headers.
Ignores the result set completely.
A MessageSplitter implementation that doesn't actually split.
No Proxy connection.
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that adds no additional headers
Implementation of CallableStatementExecutor will use the PreparedStatement.execute() method.
This is a dummy for marshalling purposes.
Do no sorting at all.
This Operator simply tests that the given value does not evaluate to null or an empty string.
This Operator simply tests two values for non-equality.
This Operator Test whether a specified value doesn't match with any value from the list
Makes sure that the content is not in the specified list.
This Operator simply tests a single value is not null.
Check the content and ensure it is null.
Implementation of Cache that does nothing.
No Op connection
Implementation of ConnectionErrorHandler for use with polling consumers where you do not want an Exception thrown back to run to re-init the Channel.
Returns a null as the content-type.
Interface for handling null parameters.
Default implementation od CorrelationIdSource which does nothing.
Special implementation of MessageAggregator that does not aggregate messages.
Null implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer.
Default null implementation of MessageErrorDigester.
Null implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer.
Implementation of the OutOfStateHandler which does no checks.
PartSelector implementation that just selects an arbitrary part.
Implementation of NullConverter that simply returns the value passed in.
Null implementation of Processing Exceptions.
since 4.2.0
Null implementation of Service.
Implementation of NullConverter that throws an UnsupportedOperationException if null is the param.
Implementation of NullConverter that converts null to the empty string ''.
Translates between javax.jms.ObjectMessages and AdaptrisMessages and vice versa.
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that retrieves and sets the arbitrary object metadata of a message.
HeaderHandler implementation stores HTTP headers as object metadata.
XmlTransformParameter implementation that makes object metadata available as transform parameters
ParameterHandler implementation stores HTTP headers as object metadata.
This implementation of ValueTranslator will pull an object metadata value from the AdaptrisMessage to be used as a Jmx operation parameter.
Breadth first object tree traversal to find all the matches within a tree.
Timestamp Generator implementation that mimics the default behaviour available in AddTimestampMetadataService.
FileFilter accepts files based on the last modified time of the file..
MaxLoopBehaviour implementation that does nothing.
MaxLoopBehaviour implementation that marks a message with metadata that stop processing.
MaxLoopBehaviour implementation that throws a ServiceException.
Behaviour for javax.jms.MessageListener.onMessage is identical for polling and listening implementations.
Builds a ConfigRepository based on an OpenSSH configuration file.
Operators are used with Condition's in configuration such as ConditionMetadata and ConditionPayload.
Oracle CallableStatement generator.
Metadata Filter implementation that returns keys in order defined.
Implementations will be able to test if a StateManagedComponent is in the expected state.
Abstract implementation of the OutOfStateHandler.
This class represents a single OUT parameter for a Stored Procedure.
This class contains the OUT parameters that a stored procedure will require to be executed.
Core interface for handling encrypted/signed payloads.
Implementation of FsWorker that uses overwrites the file if it already exists.
Implementation of CommandOutputCapture that overwrites the existing message with the output.
Replaces the current payload with a report of the schema violations.
Interface defining how parameters are applied to SQL statements.
Interface for handling HTTP Parameters.
Abstract ParameterHandler implementation that provides a prefix.
This class represents a list of data types that may be used as Stored Procedure parameter IN, OUT and INOUT parameter values.
Basic interface of MBeans that contain child member components.
Basic interface of MBeans that contain child member components.
Select a specific MimeBodyPart from a Mime Multipart.
JMS Publish-and-subscribe implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer.
PAS implementation of JmsPollingConsumer.
AdaptrisMessageProducer implementation for Topic based JMS.
Handles simple encryption and decryption of passwords that may be stored in XML configuration.
Primary interface for handling password encoding and decoding.
Metadata Filter implementation that decodes all values that match the specified key.
Decodes a password using Password.decode(String)
Metadata Filter implementation that encodes all values that match the specified key.
Wraps any exceptions encountered during Password operations.
Interface for PathBuilder.
Replaces the payload with something built from a template and optional metadata keys.
Create a hash of the payload based on the configurable algorithm and stores it as metadata.
MessageWrapper implementation wraps the payload as an InputStream.
MessageLogger implementation that that logs unique-id, metadata and payload.
MessageWrapper implementation wraps the payload as an OutputStream.
Decrypt part of a message using a configurable path.
Encrypt part of a message using a configurable path.
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the AdaptrisMessage payload.
This DataOutputParameter is used when you want to write data to the AdaptrisMessage payload.
Takes the entire payload and writes it out to metadata (either object or normal metadata).
Enumeration of where the two types of metadata.
This implementation of ValueTranslator will pull the string payload value from the AdaptrisMessage to be used as a Jmx operation parameter.
A statically configured SSH ConfigRepository that supports different configuration on a per host basis.
Implementation of ProducerSessionFactory that creates a new session every time is produced.
Basic IdGenerator implementation
Concrete JdbcPooledConnectionImpl that allows you to plug in connection pool implementations.
Schedules polling for AdaptrisPollingConsumers.
Partial implementation of Poller.
Periodically sends a template message to trigger a Workflow
How to generate the template that will be sent to the workflow.
Used with AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection to configure the underlying c3po datasource.
Implementation of the Splitter and Aggregator enterprise integration pattern.
Extension to AdvancedMessageSplitterService that uses a underlying thread and object pool to execute the service on each split message.
A Workflow that pools ServiceCollections.
ExceptionGenerator implementation that generates the exception from metadata.
Create a string similar to SELECT my_stored_procedure(?,?,?)
Proxy class for creating ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy objects
XStream version of AdaptrisMarshaller that supports additional config pre-processors when unmarshalling.
XML output formatter used by XStream to marshal objects.
Interface for providing the private key password within adapter configuration.
An entry in the ProcessedItemCache that marks a file that was already processed when using a NonDeletingFsConsumer.
Simple interface to track items that have been processed for NonDeletingFsConsumer
Used by MarshallingItemCache to persist ProcessedItem entries to disk.
Standard interface for handling errors during processing of a message.
Exception thrown by AdaptrisMessageProducers.
since 4.2.0
since 4.2.0
Convenience class that only supports produce rather than request.
Wrapper around a MessageProducer and Session.
Handles the creation of a JMS Session and MessageProducer for JmsProducerImpl instances.
Partial implementation of ProducerSessionFactory
This statistic manager allows you to configure a marshaller and a stand alone producer.
Resolves any properties that are stored using a scheme and decodes using the specified Decoder implementation.
Adds proxy support for connecting to an SFTP server
ProxyNonClosingSqlConnection is a simple wrapper around a SqlConnection
Pseudo Random IdGenerator implementation
JMS Queue implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer
Queue implementation of JmsPollingConsumerImpl.
AdaptrisMessageProducer implementation for Queue based JMS.
Implementation of Poller which provides cron style scheduled polling based on the Quartz project.
This implementation of the OutOfStateHandler will simply throw an OutOfStateException every time when a StateManagedComponent is not in the correct/expected state.
Implementation of Poller which polls at a random interval with a delay between each execution of up-to the configured poll interval (in ms).
Implementation of StatusEvaluator for use with BranchingHttpRequestService.
Provides a static content type.
Static implementation of HttpStatusProvider that allows a numeric status code.
Read a file from a specific path into the message payload.
Implementation of Service that reads metadata from the filesystem.
Proxy class for creating RedeliveryPolicy objects
Reformats the date and time stored against a metadata key.
Implementation of Service that reformats matching metadata.
Implementation of Service that reformats matching metadata keys.
Regular Expression based implementation of MetadataFilter
Match the content against a regular expression.
Performs a Regular Expression based Query on a supplied String.
Service which information from the message payload and sets it as metadata.
This service allows you to configure an regular expression which will be executed on source data, the result of which can be saved to multiple locations.
Match against a number of configured regular expressions.
Match the metadata value against a regular expression for MetadataValueBranchingService.
FTP implementation which does not have any guarantees as to the atomicity of operations.
Ftp producer implementation.
Metadata Filter implementation that removes all metadata.
Service that retrieves an item from the cache and then removes it
Simplified version of RemoveFromCacheService that doesn't retrieve the value for insertion into the message.
Remove a mapped diagnostic context via MDC.remove(String).
Interface for handling how find and replace operations occur for FindAndReplaceService.
Implementation of Service that adds a performs a simple find and replace on the specified metadata value.
Merge implementation that replaces a node derived from an Xpath.
Merge implementation that simply replaces the original.
Special implementation of MessageAggregator that replaces the original payload with the first aggregated message.
Encapsulates the FTP server reply
Supports reporting of what's in the retry store.
Interface to generate http request headers.
Interface for providing a HTTP method.
Valid methods as defined by RFC2616 & RFC5789 (PATCH method).
Abstract Request Reply enabled producer that may be extended by concrete sub-classes.
Abstract Request Reply enabled producer that may be extended by concrete sub-classes.
Implementation of Workflow to handle synchronous replies.
XmlTransformParameter implementation that filters resolvable expressions making matches available as String parameters.
Simple resolver that caches URLs that it has previously encountered.
Interface used to delegate authentication for network resources.
Simply allows access to the protected Authenticator methods.
Allows different HTTP implementations to offer different matching mechanisms for authentication purposes.
Interface to handle the headers from the HTTP response.
Interface to generate http response headers.
Concrete implementation of ResponseHeaderHandler which adds all the HTTP headers from the response as metadata to the AdaptrisMessage.
Concrete implementation of ResponseHeaderHandler which adds all the HTTP headers from the response as object metadata to the AdaptrisMessage.
since 3.10.2
Restart strategy for StatelessServiceWrapper.
Interface used to format output from a JdbcDataQueryService
Base implementation for converting a ResultSet into an AdaptrisMessage.
Service that looks up an object from the cache using the configured CacheEntryEvaluator instances.
FailedMessageRetrier implementation that retries upon demand.
Implementation of Cache that proxies another Cache instance.
This service wrapper, will attempt to run the wrapped service and should the service fail with a ServiceException we will attempt to retry the service according to your configuration.
MessageErrorHandler implementation that allows automatic retries for a problem message.
Abstract MessageErrorHandler implementation that allows automatic retries for a problem message.
Service which obtains messages from the retry store that meet the appropriate criteria and retries them.
An implementation of StandaloneProducer that on encountering an error producing a message, waits for a configurable period, re-initialises the underlying components, then tries to produce once one more.
Partial implementation of behaviour common to retry services.
Delete a message from the configured retry store.
List messages in the configured retry store.
Write a message for retry with RetryFromJetty.
Abstract class representing a service that checks X509Certificates against an external source for revocations.
RootProcessingExceptionHandler which allows you to register a Digester for aggregating information about all the errors that have occurred.
Base interface for components that have statistics and similar information that need exposing during normal runtime.
Overrides standard GuidGenerator behaviour using GuidGenerator.safeUUID() for IdGenerator.create(Object) instead.
Resolver implementation that resolves and escapes XML content.
Object model representation of all an individual schema violation for rendering purposes.
Object model representation of all the schema violations for rendering purposes.
A security constraint which allows you to place restrictions on a number of paths.
Interface for handling encryption, signing and verification requests.
Factory for creating output specific security services.
Security Utilities.
PartSelector implementation that selects by the Content-Id header of the MimeBodyPart.
PartSelector implementation that parses a specific header examining the value to see if it matches the configured regular expression.
Selects a MimeBodyPart based on its position within the Multipart.
ParameterApplicator implementation that applies parameters sequentially.
The SerializableAdaptrisMessage simply represents an AdaptrisMessage that can be serialized.
Implementations of Service apply aribtrary functionality to AdaptrisMessages.
Defines behaviour common to collections of Services.
Behaviour common to ServiceCollections.
Exception thrown by Services.
Default ServiceErrorHandler that captures exceptions thrown and rethrows the first exception when requested.
Interface for use with DynamicServiceExecutor.
Extract the service to execute from a cache
Extract the service to execute from a database
Extract the service to execute based on the configured DataInputParameter
Extract the service to execute based on the configured URL.
Implementation of default / common behaviour for Services.
Implementation of ServiceCollection with an ordered list of Services.
A marker interface for Services that wrap other services.
Wrapper class around a servlet for jetty.
Provides SSH File Transfer Protocol implementation of FileTransferClient
Exception wrapping any specific SFTP Exception.
SftpAuthenticationProvider using a password.
Strategy for handling connection lifecycle within a SharedComponentList.
A common store for components.
A connection instance that references a connection made available via SharedComponentList.
A Service instance that references a Service made available via SharedComponentList.
Allows you to short cut JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor behaviour in a PoolingWorkflow.
Short Statement Parameter.
Runnable implementation to be used as a Shutdown Hook.
Wraps any exception during signing.
Perform Signing.
A simple bean util class that allows us to call setters that have a primitive param.
Entry point into an adapter from the commandline.
Simply convert using the default platform encoding.
ExceptionReportGenerator implementation that inserts the entire stack trace of the exception as the configured element.
ExtraFactoryConfiguration implementation using reflection to configure fields on the ConnectionFactory.
Variation of PlainIdGenerator which uses the hostname instead of a random sequence of bytes.
Compare the content against some specified list.
Implementation of NamespaceContext that is based on a number of key value pairs.
Serializes a Notification into an simple text message.
Implement of Output that simply wraps a byte array
Takes the first result set, and the specified column (optional) and makes that the payload.
Class which splits batched files in a singel AdaptrisMessage into individual ones based on a regular expression match.
Simple sequence number generator that uses a file to store the next sequence number.
The behaviour of the sequence number generator when the number exceeds that specified by the number format.
Sort the list of files by their size.
Branching Service which sets the unique ID of the next Service to apply based on the size of the AdaptrisMessage.
MessageSplitter implementation that splits by size.
Sort the list of files by their size in reverse order
FileFilter accepts files based on whether the size of the file is greater than the specified value.
FileFilter accepts files based on whether the size of the file is greater or equal to the specified value.
FileFilter accepts files based on whether the size of the file is less than the specified value.
FileFilter accepts files based on whether the size of the file is less than or equal to the specified value..
An OutputStream that flushes out to a slf4j logger.
Interceptor that emits a Notification if a message has exceeded the specified threshold for processing within a workflow.
Implementation of MessageSplitter which allows a single AdaptrisMessage that contains a metadata key that is considered to contain multiple elements to be split.
Translate the ResultSet contents into some number of XML messages.
Wrapper class for a AdaptrisMessageConsumer and a AdaptrisConnection.
Wrapper for a AdaptrisConnection and a AdaptrisMessageProducer for convenience.
StandaloneProducer extension that allows request reply functionality within a service
Event containing Adapter start-up information..
Default HttpProducer implementation that uses HttpURLConnection available in a standard java runtime.
VendorImplementation that gets a ConnectionFactory from the configured JNDI Store.
Record any error'd adaptris messages and make these available through JMX.
Exposes all the records handled by StandardMessageErrorDigester and exposes them via JMX.
ProcessingExceptionHandler implementation that contains a single service to apply when a message fails.
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer writes to the HttpServletResponse object metadata provided by the Jetty engine.
SFTP Connection class that connects via a configurable SftpAuthenticationProvider.
Implementation of FsWorker that uses standard to perform put and get operations.
Standard implementation of Workflow.
Represents started StateManagedComponents and implements permitted transitions.
Stateless service wrapper, wraps any configured service and allows you to set a strategy on when to restart the service before allowing it to execute.
Specifies methods for components which manage state transitions.
Extension to StateManagedComponent used for fine grained state transitions.
Encapsulates a parameter that is used by the JdbcDataCaptureService.
Defines all the static query types supported by a Statement Parameter.
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that could be useful for resolving the key when checking or retrieving from a cache.
Returns a fixed value for this command line argument.
Implementation of AbstractJdbcSequenceNumberService where the identity is statically configured.
Provides a static template for PollingTrigger.
This marshaller is designed for InterceptorStatistic and is used exclusively with the ProducingStatisticManager.
Abstract implementation of StatusEvaluator.
Represents stopped StateManagedComponents and implements permitted transitions.
This service will cause the message to not be processed any further and will also request that the Workflows producer not be called.
Service which stores unacknowledged messages for future retry.
Service implementation which stores the value held against a configured metadata key in a persistent list, generally for use by CheckMetadataValueService.
Some utility methods associated with input streams.
Column Translator implementation for handling string types
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setStringProperty(String key, String value).
XmlTransformParameter implementation that filters metadata making matches available as String parameters.
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that retrieves / sets the payload of the message.
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the AdaptrisMessage payload.
This DataOutputParameter is used when you want to write data to the AdaptrisMessage payload.
Partial implementation of MessageSplitter that splits Strings based payloads.
String Statement Parameter.
This class will encode a metadata value into its equivalent hex encoded metadata value(s) using the specified character encoding
The StxTransformerFactory is responsible for creating the Transformer.
Base implementation for converting a ResultSet into an AdaptrisMessage.
Represents how column names are formatted.
A switch statement in configuration.
Switch the message payload from one payload to another.
Branching Service which determines the next Service to apply according to SyntaxIdentifiers, as used by SyntaxRoutingService.
Interface used by SyntaxRoutingService.
Extracts data from an AdaptrisMessage and stores it against metadata.
Service that runs the specified system executable with the provided arguments, optionally capturing the output.
Set additional system properties from properties stored in the file.
Translates between AdaptrisMessage and javax.jms.TextMessages.
This service holder is used to hold the service or list of services that will be executed by logical expressions, such as IfElse and While, should configured Condition's pass.
Workflow that executes services in the current thread.
The throttling interceptor will attempt to limit the number of messages that are processed by an adapter over a given time slot.
Throws an exception based on a configurable set of criteria.
Column Translator implementation for handling time types
Implementation of ProducerSessionFactory that creates a new session/producer based an inactivity timer.
This RestartStrategy monitors the last usage of the service and if the last usage passes an inactivity period, then this strategy will return true upon requiresRestart().
Class that describes a time unit for use within the adapter.
Configure the behaviour that should occur when the max mait time is exceeded
A Timeslice used by ThrottlingInterceptor.
Abstract base for implementation of TimeSliceCacheProvider
interface for caching timeslices.
The default implementation that handles the current time slice persistence.
A singleton that will manage all caches and for each cache will maintain the current time slice.
Column Translator implementation for handling timestamp types
A Timestamp extension to StatementParameter.
Time extension to StatementParameter.
Represents the FTP Transfer type.
Extension of the standard FsConsumer that traverses all subdirectories for files that match the filter expression.
Trim a metadata values of leading and trailing whitespace.
MessageLogger & MetadataLogger implementation that that logs unique-id and metadata but truncates metadata at the configured length.
Abstract class preserving backwards config compatibility from StatementParameter.
Class UnbufferedLineInputStream.
Workaround for a Sun JVM bug whereby it does not handle streams that have a UTF-8 BOM.
This is the class that handles almost everything required for startup.
Iterator implementation.
Wrapper class around the URLConnection.getHeaderFields() for insertion into object metadata.
A Simple URL parser, that can parse any given URL into it's constituent parts.
Partial implementation with common or default behaviour.
Implementation of MetadataValueMatcher for MetadataValueBranchingService which returns the serviceKey as identifier of the next Service to apply.
Changes the character encoding associated with a message.
Service that removes UTF8 byte order marks that may be present.
Verify that a message has all the required metadata keys set.
Provides some utilities for javax validation style checking.
A Stage within the validation.
Implementations of this interface can be used to supply parameters to Jmx operation calls.
Constants controlling behaviour when integrating against a version control system.
Abstract factory that insulates vendor-specific code from the rest of the com.adaptris.core.jms package.
Partial implementation with common or default behaviour.
Wraps any exception during verify of signatures.
A simple service that allows you to verify that the message contents and/or metadata passes muster.
Basic Version control System interface.
Class to report module version numbers.
Connect via a HTTP proxy
Adds proxy support for connecting to an SFTP server
Connect via a SOCKS4 proxy
Connect via a SOCKS5 proxy
Uses SchemaViolations to render schema violations into something meaningful.
Uses SchemaViolations and adds it as standard metadata.
Uses SchemaViolations and adds it as object metadata.
This implementation of the OutOfStateHandler will simply wait on the current Thread for the StateManagedComponent to be in the correct/expected state.
Implementation of Service for testing which sleeps for a configurable period.
Reports on warnings from various ConfigurationChecks based on a system property.
This Service allows you to test boolean (true or false) Condition's, which if evaluate to "true" will run a configured set of services continuously until the configured conditions do not evaluate to true.
Workflows link an AdaptrisMessageConsumer, a ServceCollection and an AdaptrisMessageProducer.
Partial implementation of Workflow.
Interface for intercepting messages as they enter and exit a workflow.
Abstract WorkflowInterceptor implementation.
Strategy for handling workflow lifecycle within a WorkflowList.
Container for a collection of Workflows.
Base implementation of WorkflowManagerMBean.
Interface specifying controls for a single workflow.
Strategy for starting workflows that retries a workflow init or start a number of times.
Strategy for starting workflows that retries a workflow init or start a number of times.
A Workflow that has a object pool of ServiceCollections
Implementation of Service that writes metadata to the filesystem.
Used with XmlValidationService to validate that a message is in fact XML.
MessageAggregator implementation that creates single XML using each message that needs to be joined up.
ExceptionReportGenerator implementation that renders the exception as XML.
Helper class for handling XML within an AdaptrisMessage
Serializes a Notification into an XML message.
Translate the ResultSet contents into an XML Payload.
Base class for translating ResultSet contents into an XML Payload.
ExceptionReportGenerator implementation that renders the exception as XML including the stacktrace
Used with XmlValidationService to validate an XML message against various rules.
Responsible for applying transforms.
Interface for handling parameters passed into an XML transform.
XmlTransformParameter implementation allows multiple nested implementations.
Implementation of Service which provides transformation of XML payloads.
Class which provides convenience methods for various aspects of XML usage.
Service which validates an input XML document.
Wrapper around XPath/
Extracts and inserts values from message payload using defined Xpaths String.
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that retrieves a value from the supplied AdaptrisMessage using an XPath.
Implementation of MessageSplitter which creates multiple instances of the same XML document based on an XPath.
Implementation of MessageSplitter which splits an XML document based on an XPath.
Base interface for generating metadata from an xpath.
Store values extracted from message payload using XpathQuery as metadata.
SyntaxIdentifier implementation using XPATH.
Store values extracted from message payload using XpathQuery as object metadata.
Interface for creating metadata from an Xpath.
Interface for creating string metadata from an Xpath.
Abstract base class for Metadata Xpath Queries.
This service allows you to configure an xpath expression which will be executed on source xml, the result of which can be saved to multiple locations.
SyntaxIdentifier implementation using XPATH.
The XsltTransformerFactory is responsible for creating the Transformer.
Implementation of the AdapterConfigManager interface for XStream.
JSON implementation of AdaptrisMarshaller using XStream.
XStream version of AdaptrisMarshaller
Abstract XStream version of AdaptrisMarshaller
General Utilities used by various XStream related classes
MessageAggregator implementation that creates single zip using each message as a file in the zip.
Message factory that creates file backed messages from ZIP files.