Interface CertificateBuilder

public interface CertificateBuilder
The interface for the creation of certificates.

The default type of certificate is an X509 certificate, however, there are a number of considerations when using this interface to generate self-signed certificates.

  • The Certificate is valid from "now" until 12months from now.
  • The unique serial id for the certificate is a random number between 0 and 10000
  • Subject unique ID or Issuer unique id is not set
  • No V3 extensions are added.
  • The base version of the certificate is 1

Example Use

    CertificateParameter cp = new CertificateParameter();
    X500NameBuilder subject = new X500NameBuilder();

    subject.addRDN(X509ObjectIdentifiers.countryName, "GB");
    subject.addRDN(X509ObjectIdentifiers.stateOrProvinceName, "Middlesex");
    subject.addRDN(X509ObjectIdentifiers.localityName, "Uxbridge");
    subject.addRDN(X509ObjectIdentifiers.organization, "Adaptris");
    subject.addRDN(X509ObjectIdentifiers.organizationalUnitName, "Development");
    subject.addRDN(X509ObjectIdentifiers.commonName, "My Name");
    subject.addRDN(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_emailAddress, "");
    cp.setKeyAlgorithm("RSA", 2048);
    // Now actually create the certificate
    CertificateBuilder cm = CertificateBuilderFactory.getInstance().createBuilder();
    Certificate cert = cm.createSelfSignedCertificate();
    // Just print out some information.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setCertificateParameters

      void setCertificateParameters(CertificateParameter cm)
      Set the certificate parameters for this maker object.

      The certificate parameters determine the x.500 information that goes into the certificate

      cm - the Certifcate Parameters
      See Also:
    • getPrivateKey

      PrivateKey getPrivateKey()
      Return the private key associated with the recently created certificate.
      the private key, null if no certificate has been created
    • getPublicKey

      PublicKey getPublicKey()
      Return the public key associated with the recently created certificate.
      the public key, null if no certificate has been created
    • reset

      void reset()
      Reset the internal state, ready to create a new certificate.

      It must be invoked if attempting to create more one certificate using the same object. It does not necessarily have to be called if this is the first time creating a certificate

    • createSelfSignedCertificate

      void createSelfSignedCertificate(OutputStream out) throws AdaptrisSecurityException
      Create a self signed certificate, and write it to the supplied oututStream.

      The default implementation writes out the certificate as a DER encoded ASN.1 data structure

      out - the OutputStream to write to
      AdaptrisSecurityException - if any error occurs
      See Also:
    • createSelfSignedCertificate

      Certificate createSelfSignedCertificate() throws AdaptrisSecurityException
      Create a self-signed certificate, and return it as a Certificate object.
      the created certificate
      AdaptrisSecurityException - if any error occurs
      See Also: