Class MessageMetricsInterceptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
AdaptrisComponent, ComponentLifecycle, ComponentLifecycleExtension, StateManagedComponent, WorkflowInterceptor

@ComponentProfile(summary="Interceptor that captures the total number of messages passing through the workflow", tag="interceptor") public class MessageMetricsInterceptor extends MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes metrics via JMX.

This workflow interceptor captures the total number of messages that passed through this workflow, and captures the size of messages entering the workflow (but not the total size of messages exiting the workflow); and also the number of messages that had an error condition at the end of the workflow.

In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as message-metrics-interceptor which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • MessageMetricsInterceptor

      public MessageMetricsInterceptor()
    • MessageMetricsInterceptor

      public MessageMetricsInterceptor(String uid, TimeInterval timesliceDuration)
    • MessageMetricsInterceptor

      public MessageMetricsInterceptor(String uid, TimeInterval timesliceDuration, Integer historyCount)
  • Method Details

    • workflowStart

      public void workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage inputMsg)
      Description copied from interface: WorkflowInterceptor
      Mark the start of a workflow. This doesn't mean the message has started processing but only that the message will - at some point - be processed by the workflow.
      inputMsg - the message that will be processed by this workflow.
    • workflowEnd

      public void workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage inputMsg, AdaptrisMessage outputMsg)
      Description copied from interface: WorkflowInterceptor
      Mark the end of a workflow.
      inputMsg - the original message that was originally submitted to the workflow; in the event of an exception during processing, the exception will be stored in object metadata in the inputMsg
      outputMsg - the message contaning any changes that may have been applied by the services within the workflow.
      See Also: