Class IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator extends XmlDocumentAggregator
MessageAggregator implementation that creates single XML using each message that needs to be joined up.

The original pre-split document is completely ignored; you should specify in the template the XML document that will be used to merge split documents.

Use XmlDocumentAggregator.setDocumentEncoding(String) to force the encoding of the resulting XML document to the required value; if not set, then either the original AdaptrisMessage.getCharEncoding() (if set) or UTF-8 will be used in that order.

In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as ignore-original-xml-document-aggregator which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

  • Constructor Details

    • IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator

      public IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator()
    • IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator

      public IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator(String template)
    • IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator

      public IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator(String template, DocumentMerge merge)
  • Method Details