Class RegexpSyntaxIdentifier

All Implemented Interfaces:
ComponentLifecycle, Condition, SyntaxIdentifier

public class RegexpSyntaxIdentifier extends SyntaxIdentifierImpl
Match against a number of configured regular expressions.

The regular expressions are the same as those in the java.util.regex package.

Since 3.10.0 this class implements Condition which means that it can be used as part of the conditional services; if used in such a manner, then configuration is contextual, get/setDestination will be ignored (but may still have to be configured due to validation

See Also:

In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as routing-regexp-syntax-identifier which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

  • Constructor Details

    • RegexpSyntaxIdentifier

      public RegexpSyntaxIdentifier()
    • RegexpSyntaxIdentifier

      public RegexpSyntaxIdentifier(List<String> patterns, String dest)
  • Method Details