All Classes and Interfaces

Top level Edi Formatter class.
Top level formatter class that allows any model object to be formatted to any output.
Top level edi package parser that handles xml and edi parsing.
Top level abstract Stax (streaming api for xml) parser.
Top level delegate parsing class that parses a xml element and creates an equivalent data object representation (EdiElement).
This class defines the xml tags that are used to read in an xml files that was produced by the original Adaptris EdiXMLService, ie an xml encoded edi message.
This class defines the xml tags that are used to read in an xml files that was produced by the original Adaptris EdiXMLService, ie an xml encoded edi message.
Parent class that can hold a number of Element nodes
Provides a default implementation of the XMLTagNames interface.
Main processing class overseeing the conversion of a EDI file to a XML encoded EDI file.
Used to inform the main process that the charset defined in an EDIFACT UNB segment is not found/defined.
Abstract parent service class for the two service implementations to encapsulate common functionality.
Abstract Parent class of all Elements that are used to represent Edi Data internally as a tree structure.
The following asci image shows the structure of an EDI document, and this class aims to be the base node for all other nodes that will represent it internally.
The diagram shows a Msg which has four child nodes, the third of which is a Group node that itself has two segment nodes.
This class represents the special separators used in EDI, but is also the base class for other versions.
This class is based on the EDIFACT UNA segment for the listing of the separators.
This class has a total of 7 separators: component data element separator (:) data element separator (+) decimal notification (.) release character (?) reserved, must be a space segment terminator (') X12 segment id separator (+), X12 differs from EDIFACT in that the first data element separator in a segment is different from the rest.
Used to notify main process that we encountered an invalid segment that we could not parse.
Formats out a internal object structure into EDI output text.
Main EDI parser class, used to parse EDI text into an object structure.
Note that this parser parses the Edi Document line by line ie segment by segment.
Informs the main process that we expected a mandatory element in the input document but it was not encountered.
Utilities and static data that aid the processing and setup of EdiElement model objects.
Formats out a internal object structure into EDI output text adding a newline 0x0A after the segment(record) separator
Creates a suitable instance for any parser within the com.adaptris.adapter.edi package.
Based on XML Edi message output as defined by the EdiReader from Berryworks.
Encapsulates common functionality for both processors: EDI2XML and XML2EDI
A URLStreamHandler that handles resources on the classpath.
Used to notify main process of the presence of validator errors once parsing has completed.
Responsible for validating the EDI data once it has been converted to an internal object form.
EDI to XML (streaming) service.
Represents an ElementCode object which are used to represent data within the gxml StandardCodes.
This class is an object representation of the gxml Element tag.
This tag can appear in Segments and Composites.
Represents the type of data that the field holds, however this is only used for validation
Used to implement separate parsers based on gml (grammar xml) tags.
Used to parse the Composite data from the gxml file and return a Composite instance if successful or null otherwise.
Composite element parser for the new GXML v8 document.
Parses the children of the Standard Codes element.
Parses the children of the Standard Codes element.
Used to implement separate parsers based on gml (grammar xml) tags.
Used to parse the Field data from the gxml file and return a Field instance if successful or null otherwise.
Field element parser for the new GXML v8 document.
Dummy parser used to skip over leading XML from the Root to get to the Transaction xml element.
Used to parse the Loop data from the gxml file and return a Loop instance if successful or null otherwise.
Loop element parser for the new GXML v8 document.
Used to parse the Message data from the gxml file and return a Message instance if successful or null otherwise.
Message element parser for the new GXML v8 document.
Main parser class for parsing a gml file, this is file (also known as a grammar file) that defines the structure of an Edi message and contains validation details on the data that the message conveys.
This class parses the gxml file and converts it into an object graph representation.
Context that contains key data for the parsing of the gxml (grammar xml) file.
Used to parse the Segment data from the gxml file and return a Segment instance if successful or null otherwise.
Segment element parser for the new GXML v8 document
Used to parse the Standard code data from the gxml file
Created for GXML v8 file parsing, most element tag attributes are Camel case rather than lowercase
Allows EDI services to use the Interlok Cache.
Unfortunately this cache does not support multiple regions unlike the other implementations.
Basic internal cache implementation for holding parsed grammar files
This class is effective a fixed size cache that retains only the newest entries.
A linked Hash Map implementation which has a Capacity Limit.
Interface used to listen for parsing event, the listener will be informed of when a object is about to be parsed and when it has completed being parsed.
In the case of the "begin" parsing event - the basic details need to be parsed in order for the event to be of any use eg the identifier of a segment is parsed before the event is fired.
Identify which type of object is/has been parsed
Used to get a string representation of the current parsed element path within the document.
Interface that allows a Listener to receive stack change events.
This interface is used to control the names of the xml tags that we use in the creation xml files and reading of xml edi files: Reading the gxml files that defines the Edi msg structure Reading in a Edi XML files ie XML representation of an Edi msg. Writing a parsed Edi msg to XML
A parent class that is used to represent a repeating group of elements.
Top level item that represents a document.
Singleton class, used to hold Rules structures for a number of Edi messages ie the parsed gxml file.
This class basically wraps a Map, where the key is the Edi Message, and the value is its parsed gxml rules structure.
Since we support a number of Messages, the message key is defined as:
Represents the main EDI governing bodies to which all of our messages should belong and be defined by.
Represents GXML file version types We currently just discern between the new v8 and the old original supported versions
Used to convey determined msg details from input document stream.
Navigator class driven by matching parsed element.
An iterator implementation for the rules tree structure ie the internal model representation.
Represents the various states of the navigator class with regards to the rules structure.
Significant object, typically represents a single line in an edi document.
Responsible for calculating changes between two stacks and issues calls to change the old stack into the new stack.
This class holds the standard codes data from the gxml file.
Context that contains key data for the parsing of the gxml (grammar xml) file.
List of Utility functions for dealing with Stax parsing.
Note: No defensive code has been added, it is up to the caller to insure that they call the routines with valid parameters & understand the structure of the document that they are parsing.
A class which enables reading and re-reading of an InputStream.
Defines typical separators used for Tradacom messages
Extract all the values including separators from an standard ISA record into metadata.
Extract the Message Type from an X12 Message.
Defines typical separators used for X12 messages.
Note that X12 msgs can use varying separators rather stick to a specific set.
Main processing class overseeing the conversion of a XML encoding EDI file to an EDI file.
Top level XML tagname to model object delegate parser
This class reads in all the XML data for a given XML tag and creates the equivalent model object (including its full object sub heirarchy)
The boolean attribute: buildObjectTree allows to caller to control whether the XML document is to be fully represented as an internal object structure or not.
Creates a Composite object from a XML data stream.
Creates a Field object from a XML data stream.
Creates a Loop object from a XML data stream fully initialised with any children objects.
Creates the toplevel Message object from a XML data stream fully initialised with any children objects.
Main XML document parser that is configured with delegate parsers to parse each specific tag that it contains.
Creates a Segment object from a XML data stream fully initialised with any children objects.
XML to EDI (streaming) service.
Main class responsible for the generation of xml text from an internal object structure.
Proxy class to aid debugging of XML Stream processing.