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CELL_POSITION - com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle.ElementNaming
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml
com.adaptris.core.poi - package com.adaptris.core.poi
Support for extract information from an excel spreadsheet using Apache POI
createColumnNames(Sheet, XmlStyle) - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle.ElementNaming


doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml


ExcelToXml - Class in com.adaptris.core.poi
Service to extract data from an Excel spreadsheet.
ExcelToXml() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml


getDateFormat() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
getElementNamingStyle() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
getEmitCellPositionAttr() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
getEmitDataTypeAttr() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
getEmitRowNumberAttr() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
getHeaderRow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
getIgnoreNullRows() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml
getNumberFormat() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
getXmlEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
getXmlStyle() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml


HEADER_ROW - com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle.ElementNaming
headerRow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle


ignoreNullRows() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml


logger() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml


prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml


setDateFormat(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
Set the date format for date fields.
setElementNamingStyle(XmlStyle.ElementNaming) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
Set how element names are generated
setEmitCellPositionAttr(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
Whether or not to emit an absolute cell position attribute for each cell in a row.
setEmitDataTypeAttr(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
Whether or not to emit a type attribute for each cell.
setEmitRowNumberAttr(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
Whether or not to emit a row number attribute for each row.
setHeaderRow(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
If element name generation style is HEADER_ROW then use this to specify which row is considered the header.
setIgnoreNullRows(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml
Set to true to ignore null rows.
setNumberFormat(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
Set the format for numeric fields
setXmlEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
Set the encoding for the resulting XML document.
setXmlStyle(XmlStyle) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml
SIMPLE - com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle.ElementNaming


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle.ElementNaming
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle.ElementNaming
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


writeXmlDocument(Document, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.poi.ExcelToXml


XmlStyle - Class in com.adaptris.core.poi
Controls the XML look and feel for ExcelToXml.
XmlStyle() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.poi.XmlStyle
XmlStyle.ElementNaming - Enum in com.adaptris.core.poi
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