Package com.adaptris.jclouds.blobstore

Interact with cloud provider blob storage via apache jclouds.

All the providers supported by jclouds are listed on their website. You should use that as the canonical reference. We have tested the blob storage with 3 different providers (the unit tests use the filesystem provider); and the operations have been confirmed to work.

  • To access AWS-S3 via jclouds you will need to include the artefact org.apache.jclouds.provider:aws-s3:XYZ; where XYZ is the appropriate version; and use the provider aws-s3. This was tested for completeness, using the interlok-aws-s3 optional component is generally the better option.
  • To access Backblaze via jclouds you will need to include the artefact org.apache.jclouds.provider:b2:XYZ; where XYZ is the appropriate version; and use the provider b2
  • To access MS Azure blob storage via jclouds you will need to include the artefact org.apache.jclouds.provider:azureblob:XYZ; where XYZ is the appropriate version; and use the provider azureblob