Class BasicSonicMqImplementation

    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicSonicMqImplementation

        public BasicSonicMqImplementation()
    • Method Detail

      • createConnectionFactory

        public progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory createConnectionFactory()
                                                                           throws javax.jms.JMSException

        Returns a new instance of progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory.

        Specified by:
        createConnectionFactory in interface VendorImplementation
        a QueueConnectionFactory
        javax.jms.JMSException - if any occur
      • createConnectionFactory

        protected progress.message.jclient.ConnectionFactory createConnectionFactory​(java.lang.String url)
                                                                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
      • getConnectionUrls

        public java.lang.String getConnectionUrls()
        Return any additional urls in use.
        Returns the connectionUrls.
        See Also:
      • setConnectionUrls

        public void setConnectionUrls​(java.lang.String s)
        Set any additional urls to use when connecting to a broker.

        Sonic MQ provides the facility for high availability, this is where you would add in additional urls that should be used if the primary connection is unavailable

        s - the connectionUrls to set, comma delimited
      • getConnectId

        public java.lang.String getConnectId()
      • setConnectId

        public void setConnectId​(java.lang.String s)
        Set the ConnectID for the connection factory.

        If the ConnectID is not set for a given connection factory, then one will be assigned dynamically. In the event of a connection being terminated unexpectedly, there can be a time delay within SonicMQ before a different ConnectID (associated with a given client-id) can be used to connect to a durable topic subscription or exclusive queue. Use of this parameter is optional, but is likely to be required if you are using multiple adapters in a fault-tolerant fashion.

        s - the connect id.
        See Also: