Package com.adaptris.jmx.remote.provider.activemq

JMX Remote provider for ActiveMQ.

Various URL query parameters control the behaviour of the the JMS Connection; which are described in the table below. Each of these properties can also be provided in the initial set of attributes that is passed in JMXConnectorServerFactory#newJMXConnectorServer or JMXConnectorFactory#newJMXConnector(). All keys are case sensitive, and if specified in the URL will be stripped before being passed to ActiveMQConnectionFactory

Attribute/Parameter Description
jmx.type The destination type (i.e. Topic or Queue; case-sensitive); defaults to Topic.
jmx.destination The name of a Topic or Queue; if not assigned, then a unique one will be created to avoid exceptions; this is, though, pointless from a usability perspective
jmx.brokerUser The username to connect to the broker (if required); defaults to null. This may be a redundant; as you can often configure the username directly on the URL
jmx.brokerPassword The password to connect to the broker (if required); defaults to null. This is likely to be redundant; as you can often configure the password directly on the URL.
jmx.timeout The timeout in milliseconds for a client to wait for a reply after sending a request; defaults to 60000.
jmx.clientid The client ID to be associated with the underlying ActiveMQConnectionFactory if desired. This is likely to be redundant; as you can often configure the clientid directly on the URL anyway.

You can mix and match the environment with the URL, the URL will take precedence, apart from in the case where JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS exists in the initial set of attributes, that will always replace the brokerUser and brokerPassword.

  • service:jmx:activemq:///tcp://localhost:61616?jmx.type=Queue&jmx.destination=jmxQueue
  • service:jmx:activemq:///tcp://localhost:61616?jmx.type=Topic&jmx.destination=jmxTopic
  • service:jmx:activemq:///tcp://localhost:61616?jmx.type=Topic&jmx.destination=jmxTopic&jmx.brokerUser=myUserName&jmx.brokerPassword=MyPassword

Or if you want to have things in the initial environment, then you could have something like

 JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:activemq:///tcp://localhost:61616?jmx.destination=jmxQueue");
 Map env = new HashMap();
 env.put(JmsJmxConnectionFactory.ATTR_DESTINATION_TYPE, "Queue");
 env.put(JmsJmxConnectionFactory.ATTR_BROKER_USERNAME, "MyUserName");
 env.put(JmsJmxConnectionFactory.ATTR_BROKER_PASSWORD, "MyPassword");
 JMXConnector jmxClient = JMXConnectorFactory.newJMXConnector(url, env);

Note that if you are using ActiveMQ 5.12 and above then you will need to set the org.apache.activemq.SERIALIZABLE_PACKAGES system property to enable notifications to be sent via ActiveMQ as object message serialization needs to be explicitly enabled. Check the documentation for the specifics of the property.