Class AdvancedConsumerConfigBuilder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ConfigBuilder, ConsumerConfigBuilder

    @ComponentProfile(summary="Advanced implementation of a Kafka consumer config builder",
    public class AdvancedConsumerConfigBuilder
    extends AdvancedConfigBuilder
    implements ConsumerConfigBuilder
    Implementation of ConsumerConfigBuilder that exposes all configuration.

    Exposes all possible settings via a KeyValuePairSet. No checking of values is performed other than for the various SSL passwords (such as "ssl.key.password") which will be decoded using Password.decode(String) appropriately.

    Regardless of what is configured; the key.deserializer property is fixed to be a StringDeserializer; and the value.deserializer property is always an AdaptrisMessageDeserializer.

    In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as kafka-advanced-consumer-config which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AdvancedConsumerConfigBuilder

        public AdvancedConsumerConfigBuilder()
      • AdvancedConsumerConfigBuilder

        public AdvancedConsumerConfigBuilder​(KeyValuePairSet cfg)