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com.adaptris.security.pgp - package com.adaptris.security.pgp


doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPDecryptService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPVerifyService


getArmorEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
Get whether the cipher text output should be ASCII armor encoded.
getArmorEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Get whether the signature output should be ASCII armor encoded.
getCipherText() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPDecryptService
Get the cipher text to decrypt.
getCipherText() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
Get the encrypted cipher text.
getClearText() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPDecryptService
Get the decrypted clear text.
getClearText() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
Get the clear text to encrypt.
getClearText() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Get the data to sign.
getDetachedSignature() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Get whether the signature should be detached from the message.
getIntegrityCheck() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
Get whether there should be integrity checks within the cipher text.
getOriginalMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPVerifyService
Get the unsigned message.
getPassphrase() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPDecryptService
Get the passphrase to unlock the private key.
getPassphrase() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Get the passphrase to unlock the private key.
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPDecryptService
Get the private key for decryption.
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Get the private key for decryption.
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
Get the pubilc key for encryption.
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPVerifyService
Get the private key for decryption.
getSignature() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Get the signature.
getSignature() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPVerifyService
Get the signature to verify.
getSignedMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPVerifyService
Get the signed message to verify.


PGPDecryptService - Class in com.adaptris.security.pgp
This service provides a way to decrypt GPG/PGP encrypted messages.
PGPDecryptService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPDecryptService
PGPEncryptService - Class in com.adaptris.security.pgp
This service provides a way to encrypt messages with GPG/PGP.
PGPEncryptService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
PGPSignService - Class in com.adaptris.security.pgp
This service provides a way to sign messages via GPG/PGP.
PGPSignService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
PGPVerifyService - Class in com.adaptris.security.pgp
This service provides a way to verify GPG/PGP signed messages.
PGPVerifyService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPVerifyService


setArmorEncoding(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
Set whether the cipher text output should be ASCII armor encoded.
setArmorEncoding(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Set whether the signature output should be ASCII armor encoded.
setCipherText(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPDecryptService
Set the cipher text to decrypt.
setCipherText(DataOutputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
Set the encrypted cipher text.
setClearText(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
Set the clear text to encrypt.
setClearText(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Set the data to sign.
setClearText(DataOutputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPDecryptService
Set the decrypted clear text.
setDetachedSignature(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Set whether the signature should be detached from the message.
setIntegrityCheck(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
Set whether there should be integrity checks within the cipher text.
setOriginalMessage(DataOutputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPVerifyService
Set the unsigned message.
setPassphrase(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPDecryptService
Set the passphrase to unlock the private key.
setPassphrase(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Set the passphrase to unlock the private key.
setPrivateKey(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPDecryptService
Set the private key for decryption.
setPrivateKey(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Set the private key for decryption.
setPublicKey(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPEncryptService
Set the public key for encryption.
setPublicKey(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPVerifyService
Set the private key for decryption.
setSignature(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPVerifyService
Set the signature to verify.
setSignature(DataOutputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPSignService
Set the signature.
setSignedMessage(DataInputParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.security.pgp.PGPVerifyService
Set the signed message to verify.
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