All Classes and Interfaces

Simply takes all the fields from the BAPIRETURN and adds them as metadata.
Simply takes the TYPE and MESSAGE fields from the BAPIRETURN and adds them as metadata.
Sets the configured metadata key to be true, if the BAPI RETURN Type indicates such.
Simply takes all the fields from the first BAPIRETURN export param / table and adds them as metadata.
Abstract base class responsible for invoking the RFC in question.
Automatically purge all the trace files based on the configured criteria.
ExceptionReportGenerator implementation that uses an exception and creates XML matching the standard RETURN parameter from a BAPI.
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer based on SAP JCO3 libraries.
Interface for handling the BAPIRETURN structure.
Service implementation that generates an XML input file sample for a BAPI.
Class that contains static RFC JCO connection information.
Allows you to pass in a constant as the value of an Import Parameter to an RFC Call.
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer based on SAP JCO3 libraries.
Class for managing RFC JCO connections.
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer based on SAP JCO3 libraries.
Marshalled class that maps a specific exception to a TYPE, ID, and NUMBER.
Interface that acts as the go-between for RFC Parameters and AdaptrisMessage.
Throws an exception if the 'TYPE' of the BAPIRETURN structure/table indicates an error.
Abstract implementation of JcoConnection for handling IDocs.
Class for managing connections when receiving IDocs from SAP via ALE.
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer based on SAP JCO libraries.
Marker interface for handling IDoc generation.
Exception occurring during the creation of an IDoc.
Helper class to enumerate valid SAP IDoc XML Formats.
Provides a friendly text representation of the format.
Class for managing connections when sending IDocs to SAP via ALE.
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer based on SAP JCO libraries.
Interface that acts as the go-between for RFC Parameters and AdaptrisMessage.
Custom implementation of and that allows us to explicitly configure destinations in adapter configuration rather than separate configuration property files.
Abstract implementation of a standard jco3 connection.
Provides common behaviour for all JcoConnection implementations.
Abstract Implementation of ConnectionErrorHandler which is a JCO JCoServerErrorListener and JCoServerExceptionListener.
Abstract base class for manipulating a JCoDestination that is in object metadata.
Exception wrapping JcoException
Exception occurring during the execution of an RFC call in a service.
Implementation of ConnectionErrorHandler which simply logs the error received.
Metadata keys used by the various SAP producers and consumers.
Allows the use of AdaptrisMessage Metadata as either an Import or Export parameter to a given RFC Call.
Null implementation of the TransactionIdRepository.
Do nothing implementation of TraceFileHandler
Abstract base class for all RFC parameters.
Exception wrapping any underlying exceptions around parameter handling.
Helper class to enumerate valid SAP XML Parse options.
Provides a friendly text representation of the options.
Allows the use of the AdaptrisMessage Payload as either an Import or Export parameter to a given RFC Call.
Wraps what would normally be placed into individual property files when configuring SAP JCO 3.x
Helper class to enumerate valid SAP XML Rendering options.
Provides a friendly text representation for each of the base options.
Base implementation of BapiReturnParser.
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer based on SAP JCO3 libraries.
Implementation of ServiceCollection that creates a JCoDestination instance at the start of the execution of the service list and stores it in object metadata.
Generate an XML input file from a RFC or BAPI.
Service implementation that generates an XML input file sample for a RFC.
Ant task that queries a given repository for a SAP Function.
Service Implementation that uses object metadata to end a stateful session.
Service Implementation that uses object metadata to start a stateful session.
Allows you use AdaptrisMessage Metadata as either an Import or Export parameter to a given RFC Call.
Allows the use of the AdaptrisMessage Payload as a String based parameter to a given RFC Call.
Exports a structure into the payload converting it into XML.
Exports a structure into metadata converting it into XML.
Exports a structure into the payload converting it into XML.
Exports all the rows of a table into metadata converting it to XML.
Exports all the rows of a table into a payload converting it to XML.
Perform general housekeeping of trace files.
Bean for storing SAP Transaction Ids.
This class is the base abstract class for the storing of SAP Transaction IDs
XML implementation of the TransactionIdRepository that stores all the tids in a Set in a file.
Base implementation for conveting a SAP function parameter into an XML document.
Allows the use of an XPath which is resolved from the payload to be used as an Import paramter for an RFC Call.
Allows the use of an XPath which is resolved from the payload to be used as an Import paramter for an RFC Call.
Allows the use of an XPath which is resolved from the payload to be used as an Import paramter for an RFC Call.