Class SolaceJcsmpAbstractConsumer

    • Constructor Detail

      • SolaceJcsmpAbstractConsumer

        public SolaceJcsmpAbstractConsumer()
    • Method Detail

      • onException

        public void onException​(com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPException exception)
        Specified by:
        onException in interface com.solacesystems.jcsmp.XMLMessageListener
      • onReceive

        public void onReceive​(com.solacesystems.jcsmp.BytesXMLMessage message)
        Specified by:
        onReceive in interface com.solacesystems.jcsmp.XMLMessageListener
      • createConsumerFlowProperties

        protected com.solacesystems.jcsmp.ConsumerFlowProperties createConsumerFlowProperties​(com.solacesystems.jcsmp.Queue queue)
      • createEndpointProperties

        protected com.solacesystems.jcsmp.EndpointProperties createEndpointProperties()
      • getMessageTranslator

        public SolaceJcsmpMessageTranslator getMessageTranslator()
        The message translator is responsible for translating the Solace JCSMP message object into an AdaptrisMessage and the reverse. The translator will typically handle the payload and the headers/metadata.
      • setMessageTranslator

        public void setMessageTranslator​(SolaceJcsmpMessageTranslator messageTranslator)
        The message translator is responsible for translating the Solace JCSMP message object into an AdaptrisMessage and the reverse. The translator will typically handle the payload and the headers/metadata.
        messageTranslator -
      • getEndpointPermissions

        public java.lang.String getEndpointPermissions()


        This must match your end-point permissions on the Solace queue/topic.

      • setEndpointPermissions

        public void setEndpointPermissions​(java.lang.String endpointPermissions)


        This must match your end-point permissions on the Solace queue/topic.

        endpointPermissions -
      • getEndpointAccessType

        public java.lang.String getEndpointAccessType()


        This must match your end-point configuration on the Solace queue/topic.

      • setEndpointAccessType

        public void setEndpointAccessType​(java.lang.String endpointAccessType)


        This must match your end-point configuration on the Solace queue/topic.

        endpointAccessType -
      • getAcknowledgeMode

        public java.lang.String getAcknowledgeMode()

        "CLIENT" / "AUTO"

        Client acknowledge mode means Interlok will handle the Acknowledgements after the workflow has finished or the producer gives us a successful async callback.

      • setAcknowledgeMode

        public void setAcknowledgeMode​(java.lang.String acknowledgeMode)

        "CLIENT" / "AUTO"

        Client acknowledge mode means Interlok will handle the Acknowledgements after the workflow has finished or the producer gives us a successful async callback.

        acknowledgeMode -
      • getTransacted

        public java.lang.Boolean getTransacted()
        If set to 'true' will commit or rollback the consumed message upon success or failure during processing.
      • setTransacted

        public void setTransacted​(java.lang.Boolean transacted)
        If set to 'true' will commit or rollback the consumed message upon success or failure during processing.