Class SolaceJndiVendorImplementation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ComponentLifecycleExtension, ConnectionComparator<VendorImplementationBase>, VendorImplementation, VendorImplementationBase

    @ComponentProfile(summary="Custom solace JNDI implementation that has consumer creation reties should it error when starting up/restarting..",
    public class SolaceJndiVendorImplementation
    extends StandardJndiImplementation

    JNDI Solace implementation of VendorImplementation.

    This vendor implementation allows you to configure the JNDI properties that will fetch the connection-factory from the Solace JNDI store..

    The main reason to use this JNDI implementation rather than the standard JNDI implementation, is that this one allows us retry creating the consumer should it fail. Typically this might happen if a Solace queue has been shutdown. In which case the consumer creation will fail.

    This was built against Solace 10.6.0

    In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as solace-jndi-implementation which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

    License Required: BASIC

    • Constructor Detail

      • SolaceJndiVendorImplementation

        public SolaceJndiVendorImplementation()
    • Method Detail

      • createConsumerRetryWaitSeconds

        public java.lang.Integer createConsumerRetryWaitSeconds()
      • createConsumerMaxRetries

        public java.lang.Integer createConsumerMaxRetries()
      • getCreateConsumerRetryWaitSeconds

        public java.lang.Integer getCreateConsumerRetryWaitSeconds()
        Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before each attempt to create the message consumer.
      • setCreateConsumerRetryWaitSeconds

        public void setCreateConsumerRetryWaitSeconds​(java.lang.Integer createConsumerRetryWaitSeconds)
        Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before each attempt to create the message consumer.
      • getCreateConsumerMaxRetries

        public java.lang.Integer getCreateConsumerMaxRetries()

        Sets the maximum amount of times to retry attempting to create the message consumer.

        A value of zero means continue trying forever

      • setCreateConsumerMaxRetries

        public void setCreateConsumerMaxRetries​(java.lang.Integer createConsumerMaxRetries)

        Sets the maximum amount of times to retry attempting to create the message consumer.

        A value of zero means continue trying forever