All Classes and Interfaces

Solace implementation of VendorImplementation.
A basic AuthenticationProvider that requires a simple user name and password.
Solace implementation of VendorImplementation.
A certificate based AuthenticationProvider.
Helper class for parameter to apply to a solace connection factory.
A custom connection error handler that can be configured on your Solace consumers.
Advanced properties specifically for
Once a message has been consumed from Solace, this translator will generate an AdaptrisMessage from the payload and headers of the consumed message.
A bytes message translator specifically for Solace's JCSMP API.
A bytes xml message translator specifically for Solace's JCSMP API.
The Interlok AdaptrisConnection that will allow us to connect to your Solace router via the JCSMP api.
The Interlok ConnectionErrorHandler implementation specifically for SolaceJcsmpConnection
Used with the message translator to move headers and metedata between the Solace and Adaptris messages.
A Solace JCSMP asynchronous producer event handler that is registered to the Solace producer.
This implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer will use the Solace Jcsmp Api to consume messages from a Queue on your Solace router.
This implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer will use the Solace Jcsmp Api to produce messages to a queue on your Solace router.
A text message translator specifically for Solace's JCSMP API.
This implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer will use the Solace Jcsmp Api to consume messages from a Topic on your Solace router.
This implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer will use the Solace Jcsmp Api to produce messages to a topic on your Solace router.
An xml content message translator specifically for Solace's JCSMP API.
JNDI Solace implementation of VendorImplementation.