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abort(Executor) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
abort(Executor) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
AbstractJdbcSequenceNumberService - Class in
Abstract base class for adding sequence numbers into metadata.
AbstractJdbcSequenceNumberService() - Constructor for class
AbstractJdbcSequenceNumberService.OverflowBehaviour - Enum in
The behaviour of the sequence number generator when the number exceeds that specified by the number format.
AbstractMarshaller - Class in com.adaptris.core
Abstract implementation of AdaptrisMarshaller.
AbstractMarshaller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
AbstractMarshaller.Deserializer - Interface in com.adaptris.core
AbstractMarshaller.Serializer - Interface in com.adaptris.core
AbstractParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
AbstractParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AbstractParameter
AbstractReplacementSource - Class in
AbstractReplacementSource() - Constructor for class
accept(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.CompositeFileFilter
accept(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.IsFileFilter
accept(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NewerThan
accept(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.OlderThan
accept(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeGreaterThan
accept(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeGreaterThanOrEqual
accept(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeLessThan
accept(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeLessThanOrEqual
accept(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
accept(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
ACCEPT - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
ACCEPT_CHARSET - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
ACCEPT_RANGES - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Response Fields.
acceptProtocol(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Validate the URL Protocol when a URL is used.
acceptProtocol(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnection
acceptProtocol(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpSslConnection
acceptProtocol(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
AccessToken - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.oauth
Wrapper around an OAUTH token.
AccessToken(String, long) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
since 3.10.1 with no replacement (use AccessToken.withExpiry(String)) instead.
AccessToken(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
Calls AccessToken(String, String, long) with Bearer as the type and -1 as the expiry
AccessToken(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
Calls AccessToken(String, String, long) with -1 as the expiry
AccessToken(String, String, long) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
since 3.10.1 with no replacement (use AccessToken.withExpiry(String)) instead.
AccessTokenBuilder - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.oauth
AccessTokenWriter - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.oauth
acknowledge(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
AcknowledgementHandler - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
acknowledgeMessage(JmsActorConfig, Message) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.AcknowledgementHandler
acknowledgeMessage(JmsActorConfig, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AsyncAcknowledgementHandler
acknowledgeMessage(JmsActorConfig, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ClientAcknowledgementHandler
acknowledgeMessage(JmsActorConfig, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.NoOpAcknowledgementHandler
AcknowledgeMode - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Utility class to convert a meaningful string into a javax.jms.Session constant.
AcknowledgeMode() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.AcknowledgeMode
AcknowledgeMode.Mode - Enum in com.adaptris.core.jms
acquire() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.FifoMutexLock
Wraps call to Semaphore.acquire().
activateObject(PooledObject<WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.WorkerFactory
activateObject(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.PoolAttendant
In this implementation it does nothing.
ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
ConnectionErrorHandler implementation that actively attempts messages via JMS to detect outages.
ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler.JmsConnectionVerifier - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler.JmsTemporaryDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
actor - Variable in class
Adapter - Class in com.adaptris.core
Main class in core package.
Adapter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
ADAPTER_CLOSE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
Name space for AdapterCloseEvent.
ADAPTER_INIT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
Name space for AdapterInitEvent.
ADAPTER_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard prefix indicating the parent adapter which is ",adapter="
ADAPTER_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
Name space for AdapterShutdownEvent.
ADAPTER_START - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
Name space for AdapterStartEvent.
ADAPTER_START_UP - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
Name space for AdapterStartUpEvent.
ADAPTER_STOP - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
Name space for AdapterStopEvent.
AdapterBuilderMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
AdapterCloseEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core.event
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that close has been invoked.
AdapterCloseEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.event.AdapterCloseEvent
Creates a new instance.
AdapterComponentChecker - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Implementation of AdapterComponentCheckerMBean for use by the GUI to check components.
AdapterComponentChecker(AdapterManager) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentChecker
AdapterComponentCheckerMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
MBean for the UI to ask the adapter to test configuration.
AdapterComponentMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Base interface that exposes management functionality for an Adapter component.
AdapterConfigManager - Interface in
The interface which has all the methods that provide the functionality to create, save or sync the adapter.
AdapterConfigurationChecker - Class in
AdapterConfigurationChecker() - Constructor for class
AdapterInitEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core.event
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that init has been invoked.
AdapterInitEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.event.AdapterInitEvent
Creates a new instance.
AdapterLifecycleEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core
Contains behaviour common to all Events in the framework which relate to an Adapter's lifecycle.
AdapterLifecycleEvent(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdapterLifecycleEvent
Creates a new instance with passed name space.
AdapterManager - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Base implementation of AdapterManagerMBean.
AdapterManager(Adapter) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
AdapterManagerMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
MBean specification that allows control of a single adapter.
AdapterMarshallerFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core
Factory Class that creates the required Marshaller ie the DataBinder instance that allows us to marshal & unmarshal our objects eg XStream, Castor etc
This factory also allows the DataBinder to be configured to output to a given format eg JSON/XML.
AdapterMarshallerFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdapterMarshallerFactory
AdapterMarshallerFactory.MarshallingOutput - Enum in com.adaptris.core
AdapterNamingException - Exception in com.adaptris.naming.adapter
AdapterNamingException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.naming.adapter.AdapterNamingException
Creates a new instance.
AdapterNamingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.naming.adapter.AdapterNamingException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception.
AdapterNamingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.naming.adapter.AdapterNamingException
Creates a new instance with a description of the Exception.
AdapterNamingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.naming.adapter.AdapterNamingException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception and a description of the Exception.
AdapterRegistry - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
AdapterRegistryMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
A registry of Adapters that are available for management.
AdapterResourceAuthenticator - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.auth
Responsible for authenticating against network resources when requested.
AdapterRuntimeComponent<S extends StateManagedComponent> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Base interface that exposes management functionality for an Adapter component.
AdapterRuntimeManager - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
AdapterSchemeJndiNameCreator - Class in com.adaptris.naming.adapter
AdapterSchemeJndiNameCreator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.AdapterSchemeJndiNameCreator
AdapterShutdownEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core.event
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that ShutdownHandler has been invoked.
AdapterShutdownEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.event.AdapterShutdownEvent
Creates a new instance.
AdapterStartEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core.event
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that start has been invoked.
AdapterStartEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.event.AdapterStartEvent
Creates a new instance.
AdapterStartUpEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core
Concrete implementations of this Event contains details of the Adapter configuration.
AdapterStartUpEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStartUpEvent
AdapterStateSummary - Class in com.adaptris.core
Summary of the state of an Adapter and associated Channels
AdapterStateSummary() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
AdapterStateSummary(Adapter) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
Utility constructor that summarises the current state of the passed Adapter.
AdapterStopEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core.event
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that stop has been invoked.
AdapterStopEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.event.AdapterStopEvent
Creates a new instance.
adapterURLContextFactory - Class in com.adaptris.naming.adapter
adapterURLContextFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.adapterURLContextFactory
AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core
XStream Marshaller Specific Factory class.
AdaptrisComponent - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Base interface for components in the framework.
AdaptrisConnection - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Represents a connection> to an application or of a protocol type.
AdaptrisConnectionImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Contains behaviour common to implementations of AdaptrisConnection.
AdaptrisConnectionImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
Created a new instance.
AdaptrisMarshaller - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Defines methods required to 'marshal' Java objects to XML.
AdaptrisMarshaller.MarshalInputStream - Interface in com.adaptris.core
AdaptrisMarshaller.MarshalOutputStream - Interface in com.adaptris.core
AdaptrisMessage - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Represents a message in the framework.
AdaptrisMessageConsumer - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Implementations of AdaptrisMessageConsumer obtain data, convert it into an AdaptrisMessage and pass the message to the registered AdaptrisMessageListener.
AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of behaviour common to AdaptrisMessageConsumers.
AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
AdaptrisMessageEncoder<T,S> - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Implementations of AdaptrisMessageEncoder create representations of whole AdaptrisMessages, including metadata and unique ID.
AdaptrisMessageEncoderImp<T,S> - Class in com.adaptris.core
Partial implementation of behaviour commom to all AdaptrisMessageEncoder instances.
AdaptrisMessageEncoderImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageEncoderImp
AdaptrisMessageFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core
A static factory which returns implementations of AdaptrisMessage.
AdaptrisMessageFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
AdaptrisMessageImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Standard implementation of AdaptrisMessage interface.
AdaptrisMessageImp(IdGenerator, AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
Creates a new instance.
AdaptrisMessageListener - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Applies arbitrary processing to AdaptrisMessages.
AdaptrisMessageProducer - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Implementations of AdaptrisMessageProducer produce messages to a destination (such as a JMS Queue or file system directory).
AdaptrisMessageProducerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of behaviour common to AdaptrisMessageProducers.
AdaptrisMessageProducerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageProducerImp
AdaptrisMessageSender - Interface in com.adaptris.core
New interface so that we can re-use producer style functionality without all the additional requirements surrounds AdaptrisMessageWorker.
AdaptrisMessageTranslator - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Base interface for translating messages to and from AdaptrisMessage instances.
AdaptrisMessageWorker - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Defines behaviour common to AdaptrisMessageConsumer and AdaptrisMessageProducer.
AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of behaviour common to AdaptrisMessageConsumer and AdaptrisMessageProducer.
AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
AdaptrisPollingConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core
AdaptrisPollingConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
AdaptrisPollingConsumer.LockOperator - Interface in com.adaptris.core
AdaptrisSecurityException - Exception in
This is the root container class for any exceptions that occur in the security library.
AdaptrisSecurityException() - Constructor for exception
AdaptrisSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception
AdaptrisSecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
AdaptrisSecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
add(Channel) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
add(int, Channel) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
add(ConfigPreProcessor) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
add(E) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager.MaxCapacityList
add(int, E) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager.MaxCapacityList
add(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterList
add(MessageDigestErrorEntry) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
add(int, MessageDigestErrorEntry) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
add(Service) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
add(int, Service) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
add(JdbcStatementParameter) - Method in class
add(int, JdbcStatementParameter) - Method in class
add(E) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
add(int, E) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
add(E) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.UnmodifiableListIterator
add(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
add(int, Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
add(KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
add(int, KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
addAdapter(AdapterManagerMBean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
addAdapter(AdapterManagerMBean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Add an AdapterManagerMBean instance to the registry.
addAdapterSchemePackage(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.JndiContextFactory
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
addAll(Collection<? extends ConfigPreProcessor>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager.MaxCapacityList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager.MaxCapacityList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends MessageDigestErrorEntry>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
addAll(Collection<? extends Service>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Service>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
addAll(Collection<? extends JdbcStatementParameter>) - Method in class
addAll(int, Collection<? extends JdbcStatementParameter>) - Method in class
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Workflow>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
addAll(Properties) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Convenience method to add all the associated properties to this collection
addAll(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Convenience method to add the associated map to this collection
addAll(int, Collection<? extends KeyValuePair>) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
addAndBindSharedConnection(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
addAndBindSharedConnection(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Add an AdaptrisConnection to the adapter's shared components.
addAndBindSharedService(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
addAndBindSharedService(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Add an Service to the adapter's shared components.
addAndCommit(File, String, String...) - Method in interface
Add and commit the list of provided files to the remote repository.
addAppendKey(String) - Method in class
Adds a metadata key whose value to append.
addArgument(CommandArgument) - Method in class
addAuthenticator(ResourceAuthenticator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.AdapterResourceAuthenticator
addCacheEntryEvaluator(CacheEntryEvaluator) - Method in class
addCacheValueToMessage(AdaptrisMessage, String, CacheValueTranslator, boolean) - Method in class
Retrieves the value from the cache and then stores it against the message using the supplied value translator
addChannel(Channel) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Adds a Channel to the underlying List and validates its unique ID.
addChannel(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
addChannel(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Add a Channel to this adapter.
addChannelState(String, ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
Adds the state of a Channel to the internal store.
addChannelState(KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
Adds the state of a Channel to the internal store.
addChild(ChannelRuntimeManager) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
addChild(WorkflowRuntimeManager) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
addChild(S) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentComponent
Add a a child to this parent.
addChildJmxComponent(ChildRuntimeInfoComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
addChildJmxComponent(ChildRuntimeInfoComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
addChildJmxComponent(ChildRuntimeInfoComponent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentRuntimeInfoComponent
addChildJmxComponent(ChildRuntimeInfoComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
addChildren(Collection<ChannelRuntimeManager>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
addChildren(Collection<WorkflowRuntimeManager>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
addChildren(Collection<S>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentComponent
Add some children to this parent (optional operation).
addColumnTranslator(ColumnTranslator) - Method in class
addConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
addConfiguration(Properties) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
addConnection(JmsConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
addConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Convenience method to add a service collection performing verification.
addConnections(Collection<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Convenience method to add connections performing verification.
addConnectionUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Add a Connection URL to the configured list.
addConnectUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
Add a Connection URL to the configured list.
addConsumeLocation(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
addContent(String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Add a new payload to the message, with the given ID and content.
addContent(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Add a new payload to the message, with the given ID and content and encoding.
addContent(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Add a new payload to the message, with the given ID and content.
addContent(String, String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Add a new payload to the message, with the given ID and content and encoding.
addEnvironmentMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
addEvent(MessageEventGenerator, boolean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Adds an event to this AdaptrisMessage's MessageLifecycleEvent.
addEvent(MessageEventGenerator, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
addEventListener(CacheEventListener) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCacheListener
addExceptionListener(StateManagedComponent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Add a component that will be notified upon exception.
addExceptionListener(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
addExceptionListener(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
addExclude(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
addExcludePattern(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
AddExtendedLoggingContext - Class in
Add a mapped diagnostic context via MDC.put(String, String).
AddExtendedLoggingContext() - Constructor for class
addFeature(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
AddFormattedMetadataService - Class in
Add a formatted metadata item to a Message.
AddFormattedMetadataService() - Constructor for class
addHandler(ResponseHeaderHandler<HttpURLConnection>) - Method in class
addHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpURLConnection) - Method in class
addHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpURLConnection) - Method in class
addHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpURLConnection) - Method in class
addHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpURLConnection) - Method in class
addHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, T) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.client.RequestHeaderProvider
Apply any additional headers required.
addHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.CompositeResponseHeaderProvider
addHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfiguredResponseHeaderProvider
addHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataResponseHeaderProvider
addHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.NoOpResponseHeaderProvider
addHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, T) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.server.ResponseHeaderProvider
Apply any additional headers required.
addInclude(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
addIncludePattern(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
addInterceptor(WorkflowInterceptor) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
additionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
additionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
additionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
additionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
additionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
additionalLogging() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
additionalSettings - Variable in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
addJndiProperties(Properties) - Static method in class
addKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataDestination
Adds a key to the end of the list of keys to look for in the metadata.
addKeystore(KeystoreLocation) - Method in class
Adds a keystore file to the keystore list.
addKeystoreUrl(ConfiguredKeystore) - Method in class
Add an url to the list.
addKeyValuePair(KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Add a KeyValuePair to the collection
addKeyValuePair(KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairCollection
addKeyValuePair(KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
addKeyValuePair(KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairSet
addListEntry(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ListContentValidation
Add an entry to the list that will be used for validation.
AddLoggingContext - Class in
Add a mapped diagnostic context via MDC.put(String, String).
AddLoggingContext() - Constructor for class
AddLoggingContext(String, String) - Constructor for class
addManagementComponentInfo(ManagementComponentInfo) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
addMessageConsumer(AdaptrisMessageConsumer) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Adds a AdaptrisMessageConsumer to this connection's internal store of message consumers.
addMessageConsumer(AdaptrisMessageConsumer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
addMessageConsumer(AdaptrisMessageConsumer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
addMessageHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
addMessageHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
addMessageProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Adds a AdaptrisMessageProducer to this connection's internal store of message producers.
addMessageProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
addMessageProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
addMetadata(String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Puts the passed value into the metadata against the passed key.
addMetadata(MetadataElement) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Puts the passed MetadataElement into the metadata.
addMetadata(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
addMetadata(MetadataElement) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
addMetadata(Map<String, List<String>>, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
addMetadata(Map<String, List<String>>, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
addMetadata(Map<String, List<String>>, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
addMetadata(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
Add a single item of metadata.
addMetadata(MetadataElement) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
Add a single item of metadata.
addMetadataElement(MetadataElement) - Method in class
Adds a MetadataElements to the Set that will be added to the AdaptrisMessage.
addMetadataElement(String, String) - Method in class
Adds a MetadataElements made up of the passed key and value to the Set that will be added to the AdaptrisMessage .
addMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
addMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Adds a metadata key to the end of the List.
AddMetadataService - Class in
Implementation of Service that adds static metadata to be added to a message.
AddMetadataService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
AddMetadataService(Collection<MetadataElement>) - Constructor for class
AddMetadataService(MetadataElement...) - Constructor for class
AddMetaDataValue - Class in
Implementation of CommandOutputCapture that saves the output of the system command to a metadata value
AddMetaDataValue() - Constructor for class
addMleMarker(MleMarker) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Adds a MleMarker to the end of the ordered internal store.
AddNamespaceObjectMetadata - Class in
Implementation of Service that adds a static NamespaceContext to object metadata for use by other services.
AddNamespaceObjectMetadata() - Constructor for class
AddNamespaceObjectMetadata(KeyValuePairSet) - Constructor for class
addObjectHeader(Object, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
Adds an Object to this message as metadata.
addObjectMetadata(String, Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
addObjectMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
addParameter(StoredProcedureParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
addParams(PreparedStatement, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
addParams(PreparedStatement, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface
addParams(PreparedStatement, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
addParams(PreparedStatement, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
addPart(String, String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Add a new part to the mime multipart.
addPart(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Add a new part to the mime multipart.
addPart(byte[], String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Add a new part to the mime multipart.
addPart(byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Add a new part to the mime multipart.
addPart(MimeBodyPart, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Add a new part to the mime multipart.
addPartsToMessage(BodyPartIterator, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
addPartsToMessage(BodyPartIterator, MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageMimeEncoder
addPattern(String) - Method in class
addPayload(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Add a new payload to the message, with the given ID and data.
addPayload(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Add a new payload to the message, with the given ID and data.
AddPayloadService - Class in com.adaptris.core
Add a new payload to the message.
AddPayloadService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
addProcessedItem(ProcessedItem) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemList
addProducerMetadata(AdaptrisMessage, File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
addProvider(RequestHeaderProvider<HttpURLConnection>) - Method in class
addProvider(ResponseHeaderProvider<HttpServletResponse>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.CompositeResponseHeaderProvider
addProvider() - Static method in class
Add a JCE provider.
addRegexpMetadataQuery(RegexpMetadataQuery) - Method in class
Adds a RegexpMetadataQuery to the list be applied.
addRequiredKey(String) - Method in class
Add a key to the List.
addResultSet(JdbcResultSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
addRule(ContentValidation) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
Add a rule to this stage.
addService(Service) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollection
Adds a Service to this collection.
addService(Service) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Adds a Service to the end of the configured List.
addService(Service) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Convenience method to add a connection performing verification.
addServices(Collection<Service>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Convenience method to add service collections performing verification.
addServlet(ServletWrapper) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
addServlet(ServletWrapper) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConnection
addServlet(ServletWrapper) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyServletRegistrar
Add a servlet to the jetty engine.
addSharedConnection(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
addSharedConnection(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Add an AdaptrisConnection to the adapter's shared components..
addSharedService(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
addSharedService(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Add a Service to the adapter's shared components.
addStandaloneProducer(StandaloneProducer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
Adds a StandaloneProducer to the List of producers which will be used to send the processed message.
addStandardMetadata(AdaptrisMessage, File, File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
addStandardMetadata(AdaptrisMessage, String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
addStatementParameter(JdbcStatementParameter) - Method in class
Add a StatementParameter to this service.
addSyntaxIdentifier(SyntaxIdentifier) - Method in class
Add a SyntaxIdentifier to the configured list.
addSyntaxIdentifier(SyntaxIdentifier) - Method in class
Add a SyntaxIdentifier to the configured list.
addSystemProperties(Properties) - Static method in class
Add a subset of the properties parameter as system properties.
AddTimestampMetadataService - Class in
Adds timestamp information as metadata.
AddTimestampMetadataService() - Constructor for class
AddTimestampMetadataService(String, String) - Constructor for class
AddTimestampMetadataService(String, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class
AddTimestampMetadataService(String, String, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
AddTimestampMetadataService(String, String, Boolean, TimestampGenerator) - Constructor for class
AddToCacheService - Class in
Service implementation that adds entries to a cache based on its configured CacheEntryEvaluators.
AddToCacheService() - Constructor for class
addToEnvironment(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
addUnAckedMessage(String, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
addUpdatedMetadata(int, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
addValidationStage(ValidationStage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlRuleValidator
AddValueToCache - Class in
Version of AddToCacheService that doesn't use CacheEntryEvaluator.
AddValueToCache() - Constructor for class
addValueToMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Object) - Method in class
addValueToMessage(AdaptrisMessage, S) - Method in interface
Injects the supplied Object value into the message,
addValueToMessage(AdaptrisMessage, byte[]) - Method in class
addValueToMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Destination) - Method in class
sets the JMSReplyTo destination on the message
addValueToMessage(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
Sets the result of calling toString() on the supplied Object as the value of the metadata item associated with the configured metadataKey
addValueToMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Object) - Method in class
addValueToMessage(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
addViolation(SchemaViolation...) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.SchemaViolations
addWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrier
Add a Workflow to the internal register of workflows
addWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
addWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
addWorkflow(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
addWorkflow(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManagerMBean
Add a Workflow to this channel.
addWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
Add a workflow.
addXpathQuery(XpathQuery) - Method in class
addXpathQuery(XpathQuery) - Method in class
AdvancedActiveMqImplementation - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq
ActiveMQ implementation of VendorImplementation.
AdvancedActiveMqImplementation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation
AdvancedActiveMqImplementation.ConnectionFactoryProperty - Enum in com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq
Non-Exhaustive list that matches various ActiveMQConnectionFactory methods.
AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
A DatabaseConnection instance that provides connection pooling via c3p0.
AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection
AdvancedMessageSplitterService - Class in
Splits incoming AdaptrisMessages into several using an implementation of MessageSplitter.
AdvancedMessageSplitterService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
AesCrypto - Class in
AesCrypto() - Constructor for class
AGE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Response Fields.
aggregate(AdaptrisMessage, Iterable<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
aggregate(AdaptrisMessage, Iterable<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
aggregate(AdaptrisMessage, Iterable<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in interface
Joins multiple AdaptrisMessages into a single AdaptrisMessage objects.
aggregate(AdaptrisMessage, Iterable<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
aggregate(AdaptrisMessage, Iterable<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
aggregate(AdaptrisMessage, Iterable<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
aggregate(AdaptrisMessage, Iterable<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
aggregate(AdaptrisMessage, Iterable<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
aggregateMessages(AdaptrisMessage, AggregatingFsConsumeService) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
aggregateMessages(AdaptrisMessage, AggregatingFtpConsumeService) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumer
aggregateMessages(AdaptrisMessage, AggregatingJmsConsumeService) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingQueueConsumer
aggregateMessages(AdaptrisMessage, T) - Method in interface
Perform the aggregation.
AggregatingConsumer<T extends AggregatingConsumeService> - Interface in
Consumer interface for performing aggregation.
AggregatingConsumerImpl<E extends AggregatingConsumeService> - Class in
Base class for AggregatingConsumer implementations.
AggregatingConsumerImpl() - Constructor for class
AggregatingConsumeService<T extends AdaptrisConnection> - Interface in
Marker interface for all implementations of AggregatingConsumer to use.
AggregatingConsumeServiceImpl<E extends AdaptrisConnection> - Class in
Base class for AggregatingConsumeService implementations providing common functionality.
AggregatingConsumeServiceImpl() - Constructor for class
AggregatingFsConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
AggregatingConsumer implementation that allows you to read a separate message from the filesystem that is correlated in some way to the current message.
AggregatingFsConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
AggregatingFsConsumer(ConsumeDestinationGenerator) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
AggregatingFsConsumeService - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
Implentation of AggregatingConsumeService that allows you to consume a related message from a directory based on some criteria.
AggregatingFsConsumeService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumeService
AggregatingFtpConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
AggregatingConsumer implementation that allows you to read a separate message from an FTP filesystem that is correlated in some way to the current message.
AggregatingFtpConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumer
AggregatingFtpConsumer(ConsumeDestinationGenerator) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumer
AggregatingFtpConsumeService - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
Implentation of AggregatingConsumeService that allows you to consume a related message via FTP based on some criteria.
AggregatingFtpConsumeService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumeService
AggregatingFtpConsumeService(AdaptrisConnection, AggregatingFtpConsumer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumeService
AggregatingJmsConsumer - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
AggregatingJmsConsumeService - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Implentation of AggregatingConsumeService that allows you to consume a related message from a queue based on some criteria.
AggregatingJmsConsumeService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
AggregatingQueueConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
AggregatingConsumer implementation that allows you to read a separate message(s) from a queue that need to be aggregated with the current message.
AggregatingQueueConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingQueueConsumer
AggregatingQueueConsumer(ConsumeDestinationGenerator) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingQueueConsumer
Alias - Class in
Alias in a keystore.
Alias() - Constructor for class
Alias(String, String) - Constructor for class
Alias(String, char[]) - Constructor for class
Alias(String) - Constructor for class
aliases() - Method in class
Gets all the aliases of the keystores pointed by this composite keystore.
ALLOW - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Entity Fields.
allowedInConjunctionWith(ConnectionErrorHandler) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandler
Is this error handler allowed to work with this error handler.
allowedInConjunctionWith(ConnectionErrorHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandlerImp
allowedInConjunctionWith(ConnectionErrorHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandlerImpl
allowEmptyResults() - Method in class
AllowsRetriesConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core
Abstract class for connections that have the ability to retry connections.
AllowsRetriesConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.AllowsRetriesConnection
Default Constructor with the following default values.
AllRowsMetadataTranslator - Class in
Translate the all the rows of the result set into metadata.
AllRowsMetadataTranslator() - Constructor for class
AlphabeticAscending - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced
Sort the list of files alphabetically.
AlphabeticAscending() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.AlphabeticAscending
AlphabeticDescending - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced
Sort the list of files alphabetically in reverse order
AlphabeticDescending() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.AlphabeticDescending
AlwaysFailService - Class in
since 3.0.0 consider using ThrowExceptionService instead which will give you a better exception message.
AlwaysFailService() - Constructor for class
AlwaysFailVerifier - Class in
Identity verification always fails.
AlwaysFailVerifier() - Constructor for class
AlwaysMatchSyntaxIdentifier - Class in
Always match.
AlwaysMatchSyntaxIdentifier() - Constructor for class
AlwaysMatchSyntaxIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class
AlwaysRestartStrategy - Class in
This RestartStrategy will always return true upon requiresRestart().
AlwaysRestartStrategy() - Constructor for class
AlwaysTrustManager - Class in
AlwaysTrustManager() - Constructor for class
alwaysValidateConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
AMPERSAND - Static variable in class
ApacheFtpClientImpl<T extends> - Class in com.adaptris.ftp
Base implementation of FileTransferClient that uses the apache commons net FTP implementation.
ApacheFtpClientImpl(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
AppendingFsWorker - Class in com.adaptris.fs
Implementation of FsWorker that appeneds to the file for any write operations.
AppendingFsWorker() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.fs.AppendingFsWorker
AppendingMessageAggregator - Class in
Implementation of MessageAggregator that just appends payloads.
AppendingMessageAggregator() - Constructor for class
appendNode(Node, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Convenience method which appends a new Node to the children of a parent
apply(AccessToken, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessTokenWriter
Apply the token to the message.
apply(AccessToken, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
apply(E) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl.StatisticsDelta
apply(KeyValuePairSet, ComboPooledDataSource) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledConnectionProperties
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in interface
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
apply(int, PreparedStatement, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
apply(int, PreparedStatement, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
apply(int, PreparedStatement, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
apply(int, PreparedStatement) - Method in interface
apply(int, PreparedStatement, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Apply this statement parameter to the PreparedStatement.
apply(int, PreparedStatement, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
apply(int, PreparedStatement, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
apply(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
applyConfiguration(Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.ExtraFactoryConfiguration
Apply any additional configuration to the XA/ConnectionFactory.
applyConfiguration(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.NoOpFactoryConfiguration
applyConfiguration(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.SimpleFactoryConfiguration
applyDataMode(FTPClient) - Method in enum com.adaptris.ftp.FtpDataMode
applyInputParam(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jdbc.InParameter
applyInputParam(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcBytePayloadParameter
applyInputParam(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConstantParameter
applyInputParam(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcMetadataParameter
applyInputParam(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcObjectMetadataParameter
applyInputParam(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStringPayloadParameter
applyInputParam(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcXPathParameter
applyOutputParam(Object, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcBytePayloadParameter
applyOutputParam(Object, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConstantParameter
applyOutputParam(Object, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcMetadataParameter
applyOutputParam(Object, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcObjectMetadataParameter
applyOutputParam(Object, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStringPayloadParameter
applyOutputParam(Object, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcXPathParameter
applyOutputParam(Object, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jdbc.OutParameter
applyService(String, SerializableMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentChecker
applyService(String, SerializableMessage, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentChecker
applyService(String, SerializableMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentCheckerMBean
applyService(String, SerializableMessage, boolean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentCheckerMBean
Apply the configured services to the msg.
applyService(Service, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
applyServices(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
applyServices(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.CloneMessageServiceList
applyServices(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Apply the required services to the message.
applyServices(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceList
applyServices(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
applyStatementParameters(AdaptrisMessage, PreparedStatement, StatementParameterCollection, String) - Method in class
applyStatementParameters(AdaptrisMessage, PreparedStatement, StatementParameterCollection, String) - Method in interface
applyStatementParameters(AdaptrisMessage, PreparedStatement, StatementParameterCollection, String) - Method in class
applyTimeout(Statement) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
applyTransferType(FTPClient) - Method in enum com.adaptris.ftp.TransferType
applyVendorSessionProperties(Session) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
Empty implementation that does not apply any session properties.
Args - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Args() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.Args
ArgUtil - Class in
Utility for parsing unix style arguments.
ArgUtil() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
artifactIdentifier() - Method in class
asArray(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConnection
asDataSource() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Expose this DatabaseConnection as a DataSource
asDataSource() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
asKeystoreLocation() - Method in class
asKeystoreLocation() - Method in class
asKeystoreLocation() - Method in class
asKeystoreProxy() - Method in class
asList(String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
asMap(Collection<MetadataElement>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
Helper to turn a set of metadata elements into Map.
asMap() - Method in class
asMap(Properties) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Convenience method to turn a Properties into a Map
asMap(KeyValuePairBag) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Convert a KeyValuePairBag into a Map object.
asMimePart(Exception) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
asProperties(MessageStatistic) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
asProperties(Collection<MetadataElement>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
Helper to turn a set of metadata elements into Properties.
asProperties(KeyValuePairBag) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Convert a KeyValuePairBag into a Properties object.
asServletWrapper() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
asSet(Collection<MetadataElement>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
Helper to turn a metadata elements into Set.
asXml(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
Marshal the object as XML.
AsyncAcknowledgementHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
AsyncAcknowledgementHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.AsyncAcknowledgementHandler
attempt(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.FifoMutexLock
Wraps call to Semaphore.tryAcquire(long, TimeUnit).
attemptLock() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollerImp
ATTR_BOOTSTRAP_KEYS - Static variable in class
ATTR_JMX_ADAPTER_UID - Static variable in class
ATTR_JMX_SERVICE_URL - Static variable in class
authenticate(ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ThreadLocalCredentials
authenticate(ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
autoCommit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
AutoConvertMessageTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Perform a best guess routine on the JMSMessage when translating to an AdaptrisMessage.
AutoConvertMessageTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator
Default constructor.
AutoConvertMessageTranslator.SupportedMessageType - Enum in com.adaptris.core.jms
javax.jms.Message types that are supported by this translator.
availableImplementations() - Method in class
This static method will return all available RuntimeVersionControls.


BACK_SLASH - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpHelper
Base58 - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Base58() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.Base58
Base58ByteTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Simply convert to and from base58.
Base58ByteTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.Base58ByteTranslator
Base64ByteTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Simply convert to and from base64.
Base64ByteTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.Base64ByteTranslator
Base64DecodeMetadataService - Class in
Base64 decods an item of metadata.
Base64DecodeMetadataService() - Constructor for class
Base64DecodeMetadataService(String) - Constructor for class
Base64DecodeService - Class in
Base64 Decode the message.
Base64DecodeService() - Constructor for class
Base64EncodeMetadataService - Class in
Base64 encode an item of metadata.
Base64EncodeMetadataService() - Constructor for class
Base64EncodeMetadataService(String) - Constructor for class
Base64EncodeService - Class in
Base 64 Encode the message.
Base64EncodeService() - Constructor for class
Base64MetadataService - Class in
Base64MetadataService() - Constructor for class
Base64MetadataService(String) - Constructor for class
Base64Service - Class in
Base64Service() - Constructor for class
base64StringToByteArray(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Conversion
since 3.10, use Base64 instead.
BaseComponentMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Basic JMX component mbean interface.
baseDirUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
BaseJndiImplementation - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi
BaseJndiImplementation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
BaseStatisticManager - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
BaseStatisticManager() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
BaseStatisticManager(int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
BaseStatisticManager.MaxCapacityList<E> - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
BasicActiveMqImplementation - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq
ActiveMQ implementation of VendorImplementation.
BasicActiveMqImplementation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BasicActiveMqImplementation
BasicActiveMqImplementation(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BasicActiveMqImplementation
BasicAuthenticatorFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Factory which will return an instance of
BasicAuthenticatorFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicAuthenticatorFactory
BasicJavaxJmsMessageTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Translates between AdaptrisMessage and javax.jms.Messages
BasicJavaxJmsMessageTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.BasicJavaxJmsMessageTranslator
BasicJettyConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
This is the abstract class for all implementations that make use of Jetty to receive messages.
BasicJettyConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
BasicJettyConsumer.BasicServlet - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
BasicJettyConsumer.HttpOperation - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
BasicMessageSplitterService - Class in
Splits incoming AdaptrisMessages into several AdaptrisMessages using an implementation of MessageSplitter.
BasicMessageSplitterService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
BasicServlet() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer.BasicServlet
BasicXmlSchemaValidator - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
Used with XmlValidationService to validate an XML message against a schema.
BasicXmlSchemaValidator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.BasicXmlSchemaValidator
beginTransaction() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
beginTransaction() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transaction.TransactionManager
BinaryStreamStatementParameter - Class in
Binary Stream Statement Parameter.
BinaryStreamStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
BinaryStreamStatementParameter(String) - Constructor for class
bind(Collection<? extends AdaptrisComponent>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
bind(AdaptrisComponent) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
bind(Collection<? extends AdaptrisComponent>, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
bind(AdaptrisComponent, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
bind(Context, Collection<? extends AdaptrisComponent>, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
bind(Context, AdaptrisComponent, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
bind(Name, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
bind(Name, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
bind(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
bindings - Variable in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
Bindings in this Context.
bindJNDI(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Bind a previously added Connection to JNDI.
BlacklistingFactory - Class in
A blacklisting classloader factory.
BlacklistingFactory(BootstrapProperties) - Constructor for class
Create a new blacklisting factory that blacklists the classes specified in the bootstrap properties.
BlobColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling BLOB types
BlobColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
BlobColumnTranslator(String) - Constructor for class
BlobMessageTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq
Translates between AdaptrisMessage and BlobMessage.
BlobMessageTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobMessageTranslator
BlobMessageTranslator(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobMessageTranslator
BlobTransferPolicyFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq
Proxy class for creating BlobTransferPolicy objects
BlobTransferPolicyFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
Default constructor.
blockForAvailableThreads() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy - Class in com.adaptris.core.lifecycle
Blocking strategy for starting channels.
BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy
BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy(TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy
BodyPartIterator - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
Allows you to iterate over a multipart returning each part as a MimeBodyPart.
BodyPartIterator(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.BodyPartIterator
BodyPartIterator(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.BodyPartIterator
BodyPartIterator(DataSource) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.BodyPartIterator
BodyPartIterator.MimePartHolder - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
BooleanColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling boolean types
BooleanColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
BooleanMetadataConverter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setBooleanProperty(String key, boolean value).
BooleanMetadataConverter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.BooleanMetadataConverter
BooleanMetadataConverter(MetadataFilter) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.BooleanMetadataConverter
BooleanStatementParameter - Class in
Boolean Statement Parameter.
BooleanStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
BooleanStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
boot() - Method in class
boot() - Method in class
Key representing the name of the file that was used to bootstrap the adapter.
BootstrapProperties - Class in
This class holds the necessary information for startup and provides a extra method for getting the available adapter configuration.
BootstrapProperties() - Constructor for class
BootstrapProperties(String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapProperties(Properties) - Constructor for class
branchingEnabled - Variable in class
BranchingHttpRequestService - Class in
Branch support for HTTP via interrogation of the HTTP status.
BranchingHttpRequestService() - Constructor for class
BranchingHttpRequestService(String) - Constructor for class
BranchingServiceCollection - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of ServiceCollection which allows branching services to select the next service to apply.
BranchingServiceCollection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
BranchingServiceCollection(Collection<Service>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
BranchingServiceEnabler - Class in
Service that wraps other services allowing them to be branching.
BranchingServiceEnabler() - Constructor for class
BranchingServiceEnabler(Service) - Constructor for class
BranchingServiceImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Contains behaviour common to BranchingServices.
BranchingServiceImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceImp
brokerDetailsForLogging() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
build(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ContentTypeProviderImpl
build(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
build(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
build(Iterable<RemoteBlob>, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.ReportBuilder
build(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessTokenBuilder
Build the access token.
build() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.HttpStatusBuilder
build(PluggableJdbcPooledConnection) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ConnectionPoolBuilder
build(PluggableJdbcPooledConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DefaultPoolFactory
build(PluggableJdbcPooledConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.HikariPoolBuilder
build() - Method in class
build(Properties) - Static method in class
build(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
build(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
build(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
build(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
build(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
build(MetadataElement, AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class
build(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
build(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
build(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
build(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Build the body part
build() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Create a DocumentBuilderFactory.
build() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultBuilder
buildConfigRepository() - Method in interface com.adaptris.sftp.ConfigBuilder
Build a ConfigRepository.
buildConfigRepository() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.InlineConfigBuilder
buildConfigRepository() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.OpenSSHConfigBuilder
buildConfigRepository() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.PerHostConfigBuilder
buildDestination(ProduceDestination, AdaptrisMessage, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
Build a JMSDestination.
buildEncodedString(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
builder(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLoggerImpl
buildExpiry(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheExpiry
Build an expiry from the provided value.
buildForRetry(String, Map<String, String>, AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
buildForRetry(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStore
Retrieve the message id from the store.
buildForRetry(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStore
Retrieve the message id from the store.
buildForRetry(String, Map<String, String>, AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStore
Build the message for retrying from the store.
buildFromVersionFile() - Method in class
buildProducer(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
buildProducer(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
buildProxy() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ConfigBuilderImpl
buildProxy() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.NoProxy
buildProxy() - Method in interface com.adaptris.sftp.ProxyBuilder
buildProxy() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaProxy
buildReport() - Method in class
buildStatementParam(String, String) - Method in class
buildTasks(ServiceExceptionHandler, List<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
buildTasks(ServiceExceptionHandler, List<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
ByteArrayColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling byte array types.
ByteArrayColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
ByteArrayDataSource - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
A Datasource wrapping an arbitary array of bytes.
ByteArrayDataSource(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
ByteArrayDataSource(byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
ByteArrayDataSource(byte[], String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
ByteArrayFromMetadata - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
Wraps a metadata value as a byte[]
ByteArrayFromMetadata() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromMetadata
ByteArrayFromMetadataWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
ByteArrayFromMetadataWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromMetadataWrapper
ByteArrayFromObjectMetadata - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
Wraps an object metadata value as a byte[]
ByteArrayFromObjectMetadata() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromObjectMetadata
ByteArrayFromPayload - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
Returns the message payload as as byte array.
ByteArrayFromPayload() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromPayload
ByteArrayIterator - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
Allows you to iterate over a multipart returning each part as a byte array.
ByteArrayIterator(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayIterator
ByteArrayIterator(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayIterator
ByteArrayPayloadDataOutputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This DataOutputParameter is used when you want to write data to the AdaptrisMessage payload.
ByteArrayPayloadDataOutputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayPayloadDataOutputParameter
byteArrayToBase64String(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Conversion
since 3.10, use Base64 instead.
byteArrayToBase64String(byte[]) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Conversion
since 3.10, use Base64 instead.
byteArrayToHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Conversion
Convert a byte array to a hexadecimal String.
BytePayloadCacheValueTranslator - Class in
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that retrieves / sets the payload of the message.
BytePayloadCacheValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
BytePayloadStatementParameter - Class in
Byte Payload Statement Parameter.
BytePayloadStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
BytePayloadStatementParameter(String) - Constructor for class
bytes() - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.GuidGeneratorWithTime.BytesProvider
BytesMessageTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Translates between AdaptrisMessage and javax.jms.BytesMessages.
BytesMessageTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.BytesMessageTranslator
byteToHexString(byte) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Conversion
Convert a byte to a hexadecimal String.
ByteTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Abstract Base class for converting strings into bytes and vice versa.
ByteTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.ByteTranslator


C3P0PooledDataSource - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
C3P0PooledDataSource(ComboPooledDataSource) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.C3P0PooledDataSource
Cache - Interface in com.adaptris.core.cache
Interface that defines basic general cache operations for use within the adapter.
cache - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
General Fields associated HTTP Headers
CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper
CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper(String, AdaptrisMessage) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper
cacheAndGetTransformer(String, XmlTransformerFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
cacheConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
CacheConnection - Class in
A Connection to a cache instance.
CacheConnection() - Constructor for class
CacheConnection(Cache) - Constructor for class
cacheContains(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
CachedDestinationJndiImplementation - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi
Extension of StandardJndiImplementation that caches destinations in between calls.
CachedDestinationJndiImplementation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.CachedDestinationJndiImplementation
CachedDestinationJndiImplementation(int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.CachedDestinationJndiImplementation
CacheEntryEvaluator - Class in
Evaluates cache keys and values for the various cache services.
CacheEntryEvaluator() - Constructor for class
CacheEntryEvaluator.NullCacheValueTranslator - Class in
CacheEventListener - Interface in com.adaptris.core.cache
Interface for EventListeners on the cache.
CacheEventLogger - Class in com.adaptris.core.cache
Implementation that implements CacheEventListener and logs all the events.
CacheEventLogger() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventLogger
CacheExpiry - Class in com.adaptris.core.cache
CacheExpiry() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheExpiry
CacheExpiry.Expiry - Class in com.adaptris.core.cache
CacheKeyTranslator - Interface in
Get the key from the message.
CacheProvider - Interface in com.adaptris.core.cache
A Connection to a cache instance.
CacheServiceBase - Class in
Base class that provides common functions used by all cache services
CacheServiceBase() - Constructor for class
CacheServiceImpl - Class in
CacheServiceImpl() - Constructor for class
cacheSize() - Static method in class
CacheValueTranslator<S> - Interface in
Interface that defines a two way interaction - one to retrieve a value from an AdaptrisMessage and another to inject a value into one.
CachingConfigLoader - Class in
Helper to avoid multiple executions of DefaultPreProcessorLoader.load(BootstrapProperties).
calculateDeliveryMode(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
calculatePriority(AdaptrisMessage, Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
calculateTimeToLive(AdaptrisMessage, Long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
CallableStatementCreator - Interface in com.adaptris.jdbc
CallableStatementExecutor - Interface in com.adaptris.jdbc
CallableStatementExecutorImpl - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
CallableStatementExecutorImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.CallableStatementExecutorImpl
callSetter(Object, String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.SimpleBeanUtil
Invoke the setter method on the object.
canHandle(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ResolveFromPayloadUsingXPath
Can this resolver handle this type of value.
canHandle(String) - Method in class
canHandle(String) - Method in class
canHandle(String) - Method in interface
Can this implementation handle an encoded password of this type.
canHandle(String) - Method in class
captureOutgoingMessageDetails() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
captureOutgoingMessageDetails(Message, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Case - Class in
A 'case' for Switch.
Case() - Constructor for class
CaseDefault - Class in
Condition that is always true.
CaseDefault() - Constructor for class
castOrFail(Object, Class<T>, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
CastorizedList<E> - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
List implementation for use with castor marshal/unmarshalling.
CastorizedList(List<E>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
castorWorkAround() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
CATEGORY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
CertException - Exception in
Wraps any exception encountered during certificate operations.
CertException() - Constructor for exception
CertException(String) - Constructor for exception
CertException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
CertException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
CertificateBuilder - Interface in
The interface for the creation of certificates.
CertificateBuilderFactory - Class in
Another factory for building certificates.
CertificateHandler - Interface in
A wrapper around a certificate object.
CertificateHandlerFactory - Class in
Factory to build Certificate Handlers.
CertificateHandlerFactory() - Constructor for class
CertificateParameter - Class in
Container class with enough information to create a certificate.
CertificateParameter() - Constructor for class
Default constructor
CertificatePathVerifier - Class in
Convenience wrapper for verifiying Certificate chains.
CertificatePathVerifier() - Constructor for class
CertRequestHandler - Class in
Creating Certificate Signing Requests.
CFG_JMX_LOCAL_ADAPTER_UID - Static variable in class
The property key that will contain include the adapter's unique id for JMX purposes
CFG_KEY_CONFIG_MANAGER - Static variable in class
Bootstrap Property containing the classname that will manage configuration style.
CFG_KEY_CONFIG_URL - Static variable in class
Bootstrap Property containing the the URL of the adapter config.
CFG_KEY_JMX_SERVICE_URL_KEY - Static variable in class
Bootstrap property key that defines whether a java remote management JMXConnectorServer is created or not.
CFG_KEY_JMX_SERVICE_URL_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in class
Bootstrap property key that defines the optional object name
CFG_KEY_JNDI_SERVER - Static variable in class
Bootstrap Property specifying whether or not to enable the localJndiServer.
CFG_KEY_LICENSE_URL - Static variable in class
Bootstrap Property containing the URL of the license file.
CFG_KEY_LOGGING_RECONFIGURE - Static variable in class
Bootstrap Property specifying whether or not reconfigure logging
CFG_KEY_LOGGING_URL - Static variable in class
Bootstrap Property specifying the logging configuration URL.
CFG_KEY_MANAGEMENT_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
Bootstrap property containing a colon separated list of items that implement ManagementComponent
CFG_KEY_MARSHALLER_OUTPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class
Bootstrap Property containing an enum value that defines the Data Binder output format to generate ie XML/JSON.
CFG_KEY_PROXY_AUTHENTICATOR - Static variable in class
Bootstrap property that enables default HTTP Proxy authentication via the user of standard system properties.
CFG_KEY_START_QUIETLY - Static variable in class
Bootstrap Property that specifies whether or not to start the adapter quietly
Bootstrap Property telling us whether to use ManagementFactory to find the platform MBeanServer.
ChangeCharEncodingService - Class in
Changes the character encoding associated with a message.
ChangeCharEncodingService() - Constructor for class
ChangeCharEncodingService(String) - Constructor for class
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Updates the state for the component ComponentState.
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
Updates the state for the component ComponentState.
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.StateManagedComponent
Updates the state for the component ComponentState.
changeState(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Channel - Class in com.adaptris.core
Links two AdaptrisConnection implementations and has a WorkflowList
Channel() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Creates a new instance.
Channel(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.Channel
CHANNEL_ID_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
A channel's id is stored against this key in the logger's Mapped Diagnostic Context
CHANNEL_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard prefix indicating the parent channel which is ",channel="
CHANNEL_RESTART - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
Name space for ChannelRestartEvents.
ChannelCloseErrorHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
ConnectionErrorHandler which shutdowns the channel where there is a problem.
ChannelCloseErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ChannelCloseErrorHandler
ChannelLifecycleStrategy - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Strategy for handling channel lifecycle within a ChannelList.
ChannelList - Class in com.adaptris.core
Container for a collection of Channel objects
ChannelList() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Creates a new instance.
ChannelList(Collection<Channel>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
ChannelManager - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Base implementation of ChannelManagerMBean.
ChannelManager(Channel, AdapterManager) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
ChannelManagerMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Interface specifying controls for a single channel.
ChannelRestartEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core.event
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating a Channel restart.
ChannelRestartEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.event.ChannelRestartEvent
Creates a new instance.
ChannelRestartProduceExceptionHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of ProduceExceptionHandler which attempts to restart the parent Channel of the Workflow that had the failure.
ChannelRestartProduceExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ChannelRestartProduceExceptionHandler
ChannelRuntimeManager - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
channelUnavailableWait() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
CharacterStreamStatementParameter - Class in
Character Stream Statement Parameter.
CharacterStreamStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
CharacterStreamStatementParameter(String) - Constructor for class
charset(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamParameter
CharsetByteTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Simply convert bytes into strings using the configured encoding.
CharsetByteTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.CharsetByteTranslator
Default charset encoding is UTF-8.
CharsetByteTranslator(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.CharsetByteTranslator
chdir(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Change the remote working directory to that supplied
chdir(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
change directory on the server
chdir(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
CheckAndRetrieve - Class in
Service implementation that checks if specific key(s) exist in the cache and retrieves.
CheckAndRetrieve() - Constructor for class
CheckCacheService - Class in
Service implementation that checks if specific key(s) exist in the cache.
CheckCacheService() - Constructor for class
CheckCacheService.FoundInCache - Interface in
checkCharsetAndApply(AdaptrisMessage, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MessageHelper
Check the character set and apply it as the ContentEncoding on the message.
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, Socket) - Method in class
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, SSLEngine) - Method in class
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class
checkExists(File) - Static method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Throw an exception if the file does not exist.
checkInitialise(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentChecker
checkInitialise(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentCheckerMBean
Check that this XML will initialise.
checkInternalState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
checkMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcMetadataParameter
CheckMetadataValueService - Class in
Branching Service implementation which checks the value stored against a configured metadata key against a list of previously received values.
CheckMetadataValueService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
checkModified(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Does this file match the quiet period directive.
checkNonExistent(File) - Static method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Throw an exception if the file exists.
checkout() - Method in interface
Will checkout a fresh copy of the remote repository files.
checkout(String, File) - Method in interface
Will perform a fresh checkout from the remote repository url to the local working copy url.
checkout(String, File, String) - Method in interface
Will perform a fresh checkout from the remote repository url to the local working copy url, to the specified revision number.
checkPoolConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
Check the object pool such that it isn't going to cause issues.
checkReadable(File) - Static method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Throw an exception if the file is not readable
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, Socket) - Method in class
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, SSLEngine) - Method in class
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class
checkTimeout(JettyConsumerMonitor) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.TimeoutAction
checkTransitionTo(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
checkTransitionTo(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
checkTransitionTo(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
Check whether the transition is allowed in the context of the current component's (or parent's) state.
checkTransitionTo(ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
CheckUniqueMetadataValueService - Class in
Branching Service implementation which checks the value stored against a configured metadata key against a list of previously received values.
CheckUniqueMetadataValueService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
checkWriteable(File) - Static method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Throw an exception if the file is not readable or writeable
ChildComponent<S extends AdapterRuntimeComponent> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Basic interface of MBeans that contain child member components.
ChildComponentMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Basic interface of MBeans that contain child member components.
ChildRuntimeInfoComponent - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl
ChildRuntimeInfoComponentMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
childUpdated() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
childUpdated() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
childUpdated() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentComponent
Notifies a parent that a child component has been updated.
CHUNKED - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Fields Values.
ClassDescriptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
ClassDescriptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
ClassDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
ClassDescriptor.ClassType - Enum in com.adaptris.core.runtime
ClassDescriptorProperty - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
ClassDescriptorProperty() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
ClassLoaderFactory - Interface in
ClasspathDupConfigurationChecker - Class in
ClasspathDupConfigurationChecker() - Constructor for class
clean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandler
This deletes any files in the log directory older than the clean period.
clean() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.LogHandler
Clean up any logfiles.
clean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullLogHandler
cleanupLogfiles() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandlerJmx
cleanupLogfiles() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandlerJmxMBean
clear() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
Clears all entries from the cache (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.NullCacheImplementation
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
clear() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemCache
Clear the cache.
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
clear() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticManager
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlicePersistence
Will clear the time slices that have been recorded so far.
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
ClearCacheService - Class in
Clear the contents of the specified cache.
ClearCacheService() - Constructor for class
clearExceptions() - Method in class
ClearExceptionService - Class in
Clears any exception stored against CoreConstants.OBJ_METADATA_EXCEPTION.
ClearExceptionService() - Constructor for class
ClearLoggingContext - Class in
Remove all mapped diagnostic context via MDC.clear().
ClearLoggingContext() - Constructor for class
clearMetadata() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Clears the current metadata.
clearMetadata() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
clearStatistics() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
clearStatistics() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatistics
clearStatistics() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
clearStatistics() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistics
clearStatistics() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsMBean
Clear any statistics held in this MBean.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
clearWorkflows() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrier
Clear the internal store of workflows.
clearWorkflows() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
clearWorkflows() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
ClientAcknowledgementHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
AcknowledgementHandler implementation that handles acknowledging messages when in CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode.
ClientAcknowledgementHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.ClientAcknowledgementHandler
ClientSettings - Class in com.adaptris.ftp
ClientSettings() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.ftp.ClientSettings
ClientSettings.FTP - Enum in com.adaptris.ftp
Additional settings on the FTPClient.
ClientSettings.FTPS - Enum in com.adaptris.ftp
Additional settings on the FTPSClient.
ClientSettings.Setter<T extends> - Interface in com.adaptris.ftp
ClobColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling CLOB types
ClobColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
clone() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Returns a deep clone of this object.
clone() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
clone() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp
clone() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
clone() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
clone() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
clone() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
clone() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
clone() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
clone() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
cloneForTesting() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Make a copy of this object for test purposes.
cloneForTesting() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
cloneForTesting() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
cloneForTesting() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
CloneMessageServiceList - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of ServiceCollection that creates a new clone of AdaptrisMessage for each configured service.
CloneMessageServiceList() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.CloneMessageServiceList
CloneMessageServiceList(Collection<Service>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.CloneMessageServiceList
CloneMessageServiceList(Service...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.CloneMessageServiceList
cloneServiceCollection(ServiceCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelCloseErrorHandler
close(List<Channel>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ChannelLifecycleStrategy
Close a list of channels.
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Uses the the configured ChannelLifecycleStrategy to invoke StateManagedComponent.requestClose() on the underlying Channels in the List.
close() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ComponentLifecycle
Closes the component.
close(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultChannelLifecycleStrategy
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
close(List<Workflow>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultWorkflowLifecycleStrategy
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicPollingTemplate
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase.EventEmissary
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsImmediateEventPoller
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.MarshallingItemCache
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
close() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.auth.HttpAuthenticator
Undo whatever global state modifications have been made by this HttpAuthenticator.
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.NoAuthentication
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.UserPassAuthentication
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
CLOSE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Fields Values.
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyNoBacklogInterceptor
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWorkflowInterceptorImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InFlightWorkflowInterceptor
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.C3P0PooledDataSource
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.HikariPoolBuilder.HikariDataSourceWrapper
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxyNonClosingSqlConnection
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobMessageTranslator
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandler
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ProducerSessionFactoryImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
close(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy
close(Collection<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
close(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.NonBlockingChannelStartStrategy
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeFsConsumer
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullConnectionErrorHandler
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullProcessingExceptionHandler
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
close(Set<ObjectName>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
Convenience method to close a set of adapter managers that uses AdapterComponentMBean.requestClose()
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigesterImp
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ScheduledTaskPoller
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close(Collection<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentLifecycleStrategy
Close a list of connections.
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
close(ComponentLifecycle...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
Close the component.
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Close this component.
close(List<Workflow>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.WorkflowLifecycleStrategy
Close a list of workflows.
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
close() - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultSetImpl
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.BodyPartIterator
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayIterator
close() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartFileInput
CloseableIterable<E> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.util
since 3.10.2 moved to com.adaptris.interlok.util package.
closeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
Close the underlying connection.
closeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
closeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
closeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConnection
closeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
closeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
closeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
closeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
closeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoOpConnection
closeConnection() - Method in class
closeConsumers(List<Workflow>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultWorkflowLifecycleStrategy
closeCreated(BootstrapProperties, boolean) - Static method in class
closeDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Initialise the underlying database connection.
closeDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
closeDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
closeDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
ClosedState - Class in com.adaptris.core
Represents closed StateManagedComponents and implements permitted transitions.
closeJdbcService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
Close the service.
closeJdbcService() - Method in class
closeJdbcService() - Method in class
closeJdbcService() - Method in class
closeJdbcService() - Method in class
closeMessageConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
closeQuietly(Connection) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
Close a Connection without logging any errors or stopping the connection first.
closeQuietly(Connection, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
Close a Connection without logging any errors.
closeQuietly(Session) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
Close a Session without logging any errors.
closeQuietly(MessageProducer) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
Close a MessageProducer without logging any errors.
closeQuietly(MessageConsumer) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
Close a MessageConsumer without logging any errors.
closeQuietly(ProducerSession) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ProducerSessionFactoryImpl
closeQuietly(AdaptrisComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
closeQuietly(ObjectPool<?>) - Static method in class
since 3.11.0 use Closer#closeQuietly(Closeable) instead.
closeQuietly(AutoCloseable...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreServiceImpl
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ShortCutJettyResponse
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullService
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SwitchPayloadService
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
closeService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlValidationService
closeSession() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
closeWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
closeWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
closeWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
closeWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflowImpl
closeWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
closeWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Close the workflow.
collect(Iterable<AdaptrisMessage>) - Static method in interface
COLON - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
a colon
columnBookend() - Method in class
ColumnHelper - Class in
ColumnHelper() - Constructor for class
ColumnTranslator - Interface in
Translate a column in a ResultSet into a String for processing.
columnWriter() - Method in class
ColumnWriter - Interface in
Write a column into an Output stream.
ColumnWriterWithCharEncoding - Class in
ColumnWriterWithCharEncoding() - Constructor for class
com.adaptris.core - package com.adaptris.core
The main Interlok package.
com.adaptris.core.cache - package com.adaptris.core.cache
Base cache provider implementations.
com.adaptris.core.common - package com.adaptris.core.common
com.adaptris.core.config - package com.adaptris.core.config
Generalised Config Pre-Processors support for both startup and during runtime.
com.adaptris.core.event - package com.adaptris.core.event
Additional events that can be generated by Interlok.
com.adaptris.core.fs - package com.adaptris.core.fs
AdaptrisMessageProducer and AdaptrisMessageConsumer implementations, based on com.adaptris.fs package.
com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced - package com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced
Various enhancements to the base filesystem consumer and producers.
com.adaptris.core.ftp - package com.adaptris.core.ftp
Implementation of the core AdaptrisMessageConsumer and AdaptrisMessageProducer interface providing FTP transport functionality.
com.adaptris.core.http - package com.adaptris.core.http
Interfaces that support HTTP interaction.
com.adaptris.core.http.auth - package com.adaptris.core.http.auth
com.adaptris.core.http.client - package com.adaptris.core.http.client
Classes for configuring HTTP producers. - package
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer based around the package and URLConnection
com.adaptris.core.http.jetty - package com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Implementation of the core AdaptrisMessageConsumer and AdaptrisMessageProducer interface using an embedded Jetty webserver engine.
com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry - package com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry
com.adaptris.core.http.oauth - package com.adaptris.core.http.oauth
Simplifies the retrieval of OAUTH tokens from various 3rd party resources.
com.adaptris.core.http.server - package com.adaptris.core.http.server
Classes for configuring HTTP server based consumers.
com.adaptris.core.interceptor - package com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Implementations of WorkflowInterceptor.
com.adaptris.core.jdbc - package com.adaptris.core.jdbc
JDBC support within Interlok.
com.adaptris.core.jms - package com.adaptris.core.jms
Provides JMS functionality within Interlok
com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq - package com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq
ActiveMQ specific JMS implementation of com.adaptris.core.jms package interfaces.
com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi - package com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi
JMS implementation of com.adaptris.core.jms package interfaces that uses JNDI.
com.adaptris.core.jmx - package com.adaptris.core.jmx
com.adaptris.core.lifecycle - package com.adaptris.core.lifecycle
com.adaptris.core.lms - package com.adaptris.core.lms
Adds support for arbitarily large messages. - package
Management components within Interlok. - package - package
Turning the configuration file into an object graph. - package
ManagementComponent that embeds Jetty. - package
ManagementComponent implementations exposing adapter controls via JMX - package
Custom classes for resolving properties held in the bootstrap property file. - package
Interfaces that allow Interlok configuration to be checked out at runtime.
com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream - package com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream
Classes used to support using XStream as a marshaller.
com.adaptris.core.metadata - package com.adaptris.core.metadata
Utilities related to handling metadata.
com.adaptris.core.runtime - package com.adaptris.core.runtime
Allos you to manipulate Interlok at runtime. - package
Implementation of the core Service interface providing encryption and decryption functionality. - package - package
Generic Service implementations that aren't protocol/use-case specific. - package
Service implementations for aggregating messages. - package
Service implementations that use Cache - package
CacheValueTranslator implementations. - package
Services that support conditional operations. - package
Conditions for - package
Operators for - package
Implementations of Service that allow the handling of duplicate messages. - package
Service implementation which allow arbitrary Service instances to be located, created and applied at run time. - package
Services which handle exceptions. - package
Service implementations relating to finding and replacing text with an AdaptrisMessage - package
Implementations of Service relating to JDBC operations. - package
Implementations of Service relating to JDBC operations that do not interrogate the payload. - package
Implementations of ColumnTranslator supporting JdbcDataQueryService. - package
Service implementations to execute a JMX operation - package
Service implementations relating to metadata manipulation within the framework. - package
Service implementation that compares 2 metadata values. - package - package
Implementations for handling XML based metadata manipulation. - package
Implementations of Service and supporting classes that manipulate MIME based documents. - package - package
Service implementations and supporting classes for content based routing. - package
Implementations of Service and supporting classes that deal with message splitting. - package
Implementations of Service and supporting classes allow execution of system commands. - package
com.adaptris.core.transaction - package com.adaptris.core.transaction
com.adaptris.core.transform - package com.adaptris.core.transform
Implementation of the core Service interface providing flat file and XML transformation functionality.
com.adaptris.core.transform.schema - package com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
Implementation(s) of the MessageValidator that supports XML Schema validation.
com.adaptris.core.util - package com.adaptris.core.util
Utility clases that are tightly coupled to Interlok.
com.adaptris.filetransfer - package com.adaptris.filetransfer
Interface declarations for handling remote file based transfers such as FTP.
com.adaptris.fs - package com.adaptris.fs
Provides functionality used to read, write, delete and list from local file systems.
com.adaptris.ftp - package com.adaptris.ftp
Provides an implementation of FileTransferClient specifically for the File Transfer Protocol.
com.adaptris.jdbc - package com.adaptris.jdbc
Classes representing SQL queries and providing conversion between SQL and Java types.
com.adaptris.jdbc.connection - package com.adaptris.jdbc.connection
Connection wrapper that allows manual failover to a secondary JDBC connection.
com.adaptris.naming.adapter - package com.adaptris.naming.adapter
Support for the adapter: JNDI scheme - package
Provides security services that provide legacy encrypt/decrypt services. - package
Abstraction around Certificate. - package
Classes that form the Security exception hierarchy. - package
Abstraction of KeyStore and where they are. - package
Handles encrypted passwords within adapter configuration. - package
Provides Utility classes for the security stuff.
com.adaptris.sftp - package com.adaptris.sftp
Provides an implementation of FileTransferClient specifically for the SSH File Transfer Protocol.
com.adaptris.transform - package com.adaptris.transform
Transform framework classes
com.adaptris.transform.validate - package com.adaptris.transform.validate
Validation of transformed documents
com.adaptris.util - package com.adaptris.util
General utility classes.
com.adaptris.util.datastore - package com.adaptris.util.datastore - package
Utility classes relating to stream handling.
com.adaptris.util.text - package com.adaptris.util.text
Utility classes relating to text handling.
com.adaptris.util.text.mime - package com.adaptris.util.text.mime
Utility classes relating to mime type handling.
com.adaptris.util.text.xml - package com.adaptris.util.text.xml
Utility classes relating to XML processing.
COMMAND_RETURN_VALUE_METADATA_KEY - Static variable in class
CommandArgument - Interface in
Interface for providing command line arguments to the SystemCommandExecutorService
CommandBuilder - Interface in
Interface for building a process.
CommandOutputCapture - Interface in
Interface for capturing output from a process.
commit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
commit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
commit(File, String) - Method in interface
Will send your changes to the remote repository, with the supplied commit message.
commit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
commit() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transaction.TransactionManager
commit(Connection) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
Commit any pending transactions on the Connection.
commit(Connection, AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
Commit the connection
commit() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
commit() - Method in interface
Save the contents of the keystore to file.
CommonsNetFtpClient - Class in com.adaptris.ftp
FTP Client implementation.#
CommonsNetFtpClient(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpClient
CommonsNetFtpClient(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpClient
CommonsNetFtpClient(String, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpClient
CommonsNetFtpSslClient - Class in com.adaptris.ftp
FTP/SSL client.
CommonsNetFtpSslClient(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpSslClient
CommonsNetFtpSslClient(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpSslClient
CommonsNetFtpSslClient(String, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpSslClient
ComparatorImpl - Class in
ComparatorImpl() - Constructor for class
compare(File, File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.AlphabeticAscending
compare(File, File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.AlphabeticDescending
compare(String, String) - Method in class
compare(MetadataElement, MetadataElement) - Method in class
compare(String, String) - Method in class
compare(MetadataElement, MetadataElement) - Method in class
compare(String, String) - Method in class
compare(MetadataElement, MetadataElement) - Method in class
compare(String, String) - Method in class
compare(MetadataElement, MetadataElement) - Method in class
compare(String, String) - Method in class
compare(MetadataElement, MetadataElement) - Method in interface
compare(MetadataElement, MetadataElement) - Method in class
compare(String, String) - Method in class
CompareTimestamps - Class in
CompareTimestamps() - Constructor for class
CompareTimestamps(String) - Constructor for class
CompareTimestamps(String, String) - Constructor for class
compareToPreviousMatch() - Method in class
COMPONENT_CHECKER_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentCheckerMBean
ComponentLifecycle - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Defines standard lifecycle operations for components in the framework.
ComponentLifecycleExtension - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Extensions on the standard component lifecycle.
ComponentManagerImpl<E extends StateManagedComponent> - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Base class for all component managers.
ComponentManagerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
ComponentManagerImpl.ComponentNotificationType - Enum in com.adaptris.core.runtime
ComponentState - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Defines the state transition requests that can be made to a StateManagedComponent.
ComponentStateImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Default implementation of ComponentState.
ComponentStateImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ComponentStateImp
ComponentVersion(Properties, String) - Constructor for class
composeName(Name, Name) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
composeName(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
CompositeFileFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
A FileFilter that contains other filters.
CompositeFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.CompositeFileFilter
Create the filefilter using the specified filterExpression.
CompositeFileFilter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.CompositeFileFilter
CompositeIdentityBuilder - Class in
IdentityBuilder implementation that wraps a list of builders.
CompositeIdentityBuilder() - Constructor for class
CompositeIdentityBuilder(List<IdentityBuilder>) - Constructor for class
CompositeKeystore - Class in
Composite keystore which manages keystores of different types.
CompositeKeystore() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
CompositeKeystore(List<KeystoreLocation>) - Constructor for class
Constructor using the default KeystoreFactory
CompositeKeystore(KeystoreFactory, List<KeystoreLocation>) - Constructor for class
Constructor supplying both the factory and list of keystore locations.
CompositeMetadataFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
MetadataFilter implementation that wraps a list of filters.
CompositeMetadataFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.CompositeMetadataFilter
CompositeMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.CompositeMetadataFilter
CompositeRequestHeaders - Class in
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that uses nested providers to add headers to a HttpURLConnection.
CompositeRequestHeaders() - Constructor for class
CompositeRequestHeaders(RequestHeaderProvider<HttpURLConnection>...) - Constructor for class
CompositeResponseHeaderHandler - Class in
Implementation of ResponseHeaderHandler that uses nested handlers to extract headers from a HttpURLConnection.
CompositeResponseHeaderHandler() - Constructor for class
CompositeResponseHeaderHandler(ResponseHeaderHandler<HttpURLConnection>...) - Constructor for class
CompositeResponseHeaderProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
ResponseHeaderProvider implementation that uses a nested set of providers to private HTTP response headers.
CompositeResponseHeaderProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.CompositeResponseHeaderProvider
CompositeResponseHeaderProvider(ResponseHeaderProvider<HttpServletResponse>...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.CompositeResponseHeaderProvider
computeTime(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.GuidGeneratorWithTime
Returns a date that contains the time portion of the UUID.
Condition - Interface in
Conditions are used with logical expressions in configuration such as IfElse and While.
condition() - Method in class
ConditionAnd - Class in
This Condition allows you to configure a list of child Condition's where all must evaluate to "true".
ConditionAnd() - Constructor for class
ConditionExpression - Class in
This Condition allows you to specify a boolean evaluated expression, with static values and resolved metadata values.
ConditionExpression() - Constructor for class
ConditionFunction - Class in
A javascript condition.
ConditionFunction() - Constructor for class
ConditionFunction(String) - Constructor for class
ConditionImpl - Class in
ConditionImpl() - Constructor for class
ConditionListImpl - Class in
ConditionListImpl() - Constructor for class
ConditionListImpl.LifecycleOperation - Interface in
ConditionMetadata - Class in
This Condition targets message metadata.
ConditionMetadata() - Constructor for class
ConditionNever - Class in
Condition that is never true.
ConditionNever() - Constructor for class
ConditionNot - Class in
This Condition allows you to negate a child Condition's result.
ConditionNot() - Constructor for class
ConditionOr - Class in
This Condition allows you to configure a list of child Condition's where only one has to evaluate to "true".
ConditionOr() - Constructor for class
ConditionPayload - Class in
This Condition targets the message payload.
ConditionPayload() - Constructor for class
ConditionWithOperator - Class in
ConditionWithOperator() - Constructor for class
config() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
CONFIG_ADDITIONAL_DEBUG - Static variable in class
System Property that can be set to be true to enable additional debug
ConfigBuilder - Interface in com.adaptris.sftp
Interface for managing JSCH/SSH configuration specifics.
ConfigBuilderImpl - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
ConfigBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.ConfigBuilderImpl
ConfigComment - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Provides the ability for the UI to have notes associated with an configuration item.
ConfigManager - Interface in
AdapterConfigManager is now available, the only reason why this still exists is to avoid breaking sonic-mf
ConfigPreProcessor - Interface in com.adaptris.core.config
Implementations of this interface will perform actions on the xml configuration before the configuration is unmarshalled.
ConfigPreProcessorImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.config
An abstract implementation of the ConfigPreProcessor
ConfigPreProcessorImpl(BootstrapProperties) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorImpl
ConfigPreProcessorImpl(KeyValuePairSet) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorImpl
ConfigPreProcessorLoader - Interface in com.adaptris.core.config
ConfigPreProcessors - Class in com.adaptris.core.config
ConfigPreProcessors() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
ConfigPreProcessors(Collection<? extends ConfigPreProcessor>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
ConfigPreProcessors(ConfigPreProcessor...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
ConfigurableSecurityHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Jetty Security Handler Wrapper which allows the configuration of different Login Service and Authenticators.
ConfigurableSecurityHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfigurableSecurityHandler
CONFIGURATION_PRE_PROCESSORS - Static variable in interface
Bootstrap property that lists the configuration pre-processors separated by colons.
ConfigurationChecker - Interface in
ServiceLoader interface that allows for config checks to be performed.
ConfigurationCheckReport - Class in
ConfigurationCheckReport() - Constructor for class
ConfigurationCheckRunner - Class in
ConfigurationCheckRunner() - Constructor for class
ConfigurationException - Exception in
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance with a description of the Exception.
ConfigurationReporter - Interface in
ServiceLoader interface that allows for config checks to be reported on.
ConfigurationReportRunner - Class in
ConfigurationReportRunner() - Constructor for class
configure(ServerConnector) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
configure(BootstrapProperties) - Method in interface
configure(BootstrapProperties) - Method in class
configure(Executor) - Method in interface
Configure the Executor.
configure(Executor) - Method in class
configure(DocumentBuilderFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Configure a document builder factory
configure(DocumentBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Configure a document builder.
configure(XmlTransformer) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.StxTransformerFactory
configure(XmlTransformer) - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactory
configure(XmlTransformer) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactoryImpl
configureActor(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
configureConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class
configureConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class
configureConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Method in interface
Perform whatever actions are required to the HttpURLConnection after it's been opened (setting custom headers, etc).
configureConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class
configuredAcknowledgeMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
configuredAcknowledgeMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
configuredAcknowledgeMode() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsActorConfig
Return the current acknowledge mode.
configuredAcknowledgeMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
configuredAcknowledgeMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
ConfiguredAuthorizationHeader - Class in
Build an HttpConstants.AUTHORIZATION header from static data.
ConfiguredAuthorizationHeader() - Constructor for class
configuredClientId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
configuredClientId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
configuredClientId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionConfig
The client id.
configuredClientId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
ConfiguredComponentState - Enum in com.adaptris.core
ConfiguredConsumeDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core
Basic implementation of ConsumeDestination.
ConfiguredConsumeDestination() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination
Creates a new instance.
ConfiguredConsumeDestination(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination
Creates a new instance.
ConfiguredConsumeDestination(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination
Creates a new instance.
ConfiguredConsumeDestination(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination
ConfiguredContentTypeProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http
Provides a static content type.
ConfiguredContentTypeProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.ConfiguredContentTypeProvider
ConfiguredContentTypeProvider(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.ConfiguredContentTypeProvider
configuredCorrelationIdSource() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
configuredCorrelationIdSource() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
configuredCorrelationIdSource() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsActorConfig
Return the current correlation id source.
configuredCorrelationIdSource() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
configuredCorrelationIdSource() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
ConfiguredDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core
Effectively replaces ConfiguredProduceDestination because of the introduction of MessageDrivenDestination to reflect its intended usage.
ConfiguredDestination() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredDestination
ConfiguredDestination(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredDestination
configuredEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumer
configuredEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
configuredEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumer
configuredEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
configuredEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
configuredEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasPollingConsumer
configuredEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpConsumer
configuredEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpPollingConsumer
ConfiguredException - Class in
ExceptionGenerator implementation that generates the exception from static configuration.
ConfiguredException() - Constructor for class
ConfiguredException(String) - Constructor for class
ConfiguredKeystore - Class in
Abstract class for presenting arbitary configuation as KeystoreLocation objects.
ConfiguredKeystore() - Constructor for class
configuredMessageListener() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
configuredMessageListener() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
configuredMessageListener() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsActorConfig
return the current configured MessageListener.
configuredMessageListener() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
configuredMessageListener() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
configuredMessageTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
configuredMessageTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
configuredMessageTranslator() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsActorConfig
Return the currently configured messageTranslator.
configuredMessageTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
configuredMessageTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
configuredPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
configuredPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
configuredPassword() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionConfig
The password.
configuredPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
ConfiguredPrivateKeyPasswordProvider - Class in
Private key password provider which explicitly configures the password in configuration
ConfiguredPrivateKeyPasswordProvider() - Constructor for class
ConfiguredPrivateKeyPasswordProvider(String) - Constructor for class
ConfiguredProduceDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core
Basic implementation of ProduceDestination that has a configured String destination.
ConfiguredProduceDestination() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredProduceDestination
ConfiguredProduceDestination(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredProduceDestination
ConfiguredReplacementSource - Class in
ReplacementSource implementation which returns the passed in value.
ConfiguredReplacementSource() - Constructor for class
ConfiguredReplacementSource(String) - Constructor for class
ConfiguredRequestHeaders - Class in
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that applies configured values as headers to a HttpURLConnection.
ConfiguredRequestHeaders() - Constructor for class
ConfiguredRequestMethodProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.client
Static implementation of RequestMethodProvider.
ConfiguredRequestMethodProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.client.ConfiguredRequestMethodProvider
ConfiguredRequestMethodProvider(RequestMethodProvider.RequestMethod) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.client.ConfiguredRequestMethodProvider
ConfiguredResponseHeaderProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
ResponseHeaderProvider implementation that provides a static configured set of headers.
ConfiguredResponseHeaderProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfiguredResponseHeaderProvider
ConfiguredResponseHeaderProvider(KeyValuePair...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfiguredResponseHeaderProvider
ConfiguredSQLStatement - Class in
Build an SQL Statement for JdbcDataQueryService from static configuration.
ConfiguredSQLStatement() - Constructor for class
ConfiguredSQLStatement(String) - Constructor for class
ConfiguredStatementCreator - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
ConfiguredStatementCreator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.ConfiguredStatementCreator
ConfiguredStatusProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.server
Static implementation of HttpStatusProvider that uses HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus to derive the correct code.
ConfiguredStatusProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.server.ConfiguredStatusProvider
ConfiguredStatusProvider(HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.server.ConfiguredStatusProvider
ConfiguredUrl - Class in
Allows the wrapping of a configured URL as a KeystoreLocation
ConfiguredUrl() - Constructor for class
ConfiguredUrl(String) - Constructor for class
ConfiguredUrl(String, String) - Constructor for class
configuredUserName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
configuredUserName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
configuredUserName() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionConfig
The username.
configuredUserName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
ConfiguredUsernamePassword - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.auth
Authenticate using the standard PasswordAuthentication method with a static username and password
ConfiguredUsernamePassword() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ConfiguredUsernamePassword
ConfiguredUsernamePassword(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ConfiguredUsernamePassword
configuredVendorImplementation() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
configuredVendorImplementation() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
configuredVendorImplementation() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionConfig
The vendor specific implementation.
configuredVendorImplementation() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
ConfiguredXpathNodeListQuery - Class in
XpathObjectQuery implementation that returns a NodeList.
ConfiguredXpathNodeListQuery() - Constructor for class
ConfiguredXpathNodeListQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class
ConfiguredXpathNodeQuery - Class in
XpathObjectQuery implementation that returns a Node
ConfiguredXpathNodeQuery() - Constructor for class
ConfiguredXpathNodeQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class
ConfiguredXpathQuery - Class in
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a single text item from the configured xpath.
ConfiguredXpathQuery() - Constructor for class
ConfiguredXpathQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class
ConfiguredXpathQueryImpl - Class in
Abstract base class for XpathQuery implementations that are statically configured.
ConfiguredXpathQueryImpl() - Constructor for class
configureWorkDir(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
configureWorkDir(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
configureXStream(XStream, AdapterMarshallerFactory.MarshallingOutput) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
Configures the given XStream object.
It is expected that the Factory has been initialised and that all of the configuration settings have been processed and stored already.
connect(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Connect to the host.
connect(SftpClient, FileTransferConnection.UserInfo) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpAuthenticationProvider
connect(SftpClient, FileTransferConnection.UserInfo) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpAuthenticationWrapper
connect(SftpClient, FileTransferConnection.UserInfo) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpKeyAuthentication
connect(SftpClient, FileTransferConnection.UserInfo) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpPasswordAuthentication
connect() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Returns the underlying SQLConnection.
connect(String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Connect and login into an account on the FTP server.
connect(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
connect(String, String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
connect(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.ftp.FtpFileTransferClient
Connect and login into an account on the FTP server.
connect(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
connect(String, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
Connect and login into an account on the SFTP server.
connect(URLString) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.URLHelper
Connect to the URL specified by this URLString
connect(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.URLHelper
Connect to the specified URL.
ConnectedService - Interface in com.adaptris.core
An interface that represents a Service that contains a connection.
CONNECTION - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
General Fields associated HTTP Headers
connection - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
connectionAttempts() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AllowsRetriesConnection
ConnectionComparator<T> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
connectionEquals(T) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.ConnectionComparator
connectionEquals(JmsConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
connectionEquals(JmsConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
connectionEquals(VendorImplementationBase) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
connectionEquals(VendorImplementationBase) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.UrlVendorImplementation
connectionErrorHandler() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Returns the currently active ConnectionErrorHandler
connectionErrorHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
ConnectionErrorHandler - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Implementations of this class encapsualte behaviour that is invoked when an Exception relating to a connection is encountered.
connectionErrorHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
connectionErrorHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
ConnectionErrorHandlerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Behaviour common to ConnectionErrorHandlers.
ConnectionErrorHandlerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandlerImp
connectionPool - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
ConnectionPoolBuilder - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
connectionProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
ConnectionProxy(FailoverConfig) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
connectionRetryInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AllowsRetriesConnection
Returns the wait between connection attempts in milliseconds.
ConsoleReporter - Class in
ConsoleReporter() - Constructor for class
ConstantDataInputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to configure data directly in the Interlok configuration.
ConstantDataInputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.ConstantDataInputParameter
ConstantDataInputParameter(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.ConstantDataInputParameter
Constants - Class in
Constants and lots of them.
Constants() - Constructor for class
Constants - Class in
ConstantValueTranslator - Class in
This implementation of @{link ValueTranslator} uses a static String value, that can be used as a parameter for Jmx operations.
ConstantValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
ConstantValueTranslator(String, String) - Constructor for class
constraintName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
constructAdaptrisMessage() - Method in class
constructAdaptrisMessage() - Method in class
ConsumeDestination - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Represents a destination such as a directory or JMS Queue in the Framework.
consumeDestination(String, ConsumeDestination) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DestinationHelper
Get the configured consume destination
ConsumeDestinationFromMetadata - Class in
A ConsumeDestinationGenerator that works with metadata.
ConsumeDestinationFromMetadata() - Constructor for class
ConsumeDestinationGenerator - Interface in
Generate a ConsumeDestination based on the message currently being processed.
ConsumeDestinationImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Partial implementation of ConsumeDestination containing behaviour common to all implementations.
ConsumeDestinationImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestinationImp
consumeLocationKey() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumer
Return the specific metadata key that contains the consume location.
consumeLocationKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Provides the metadata key '"fsConsumeDir"' that contains the directory (if not null) where the file was read from.
consumeLocationKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
Provides the metadata key '"fsConsumeDir"' that contains the directory (if not null) where the file was read from.
consumeLocationKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
Provides the metadata key '"jettyURI"' that contains the URI which triggered the consumer.
consumeLocationKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
Provides the metadata key "JMSDestination" which will only be populated if MessageTypeTranslatorImp.getMoveJmsHeaders() is true.
consumeLocationKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
Provides the metadata key "JMSDestination" which will only be populated if MessageTypeTranslatorImp.getMoveJmsHeaders() is true.
consumeLocationKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
Provides the metadata key '"jmxNotificationSource"' that contains the source of the notifcation.
consumer - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
ConsumerCreator - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
ConsumerMonitorImpl<T extends AdaptrisMessageConsumer> - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
ConsumerMonitorImpl(WorkflowManager, T) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ConsumerMonitorImpl
ConsumerMonitorMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
contains(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
contains(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
contains(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemCache
Query the cache for this key.
contains(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
contains(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageCache
Contains - Class in
Contains() - Constructor for class
Contains(String) - Constructor for class
contains(KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Does the underlying set contain this KeyValuePair
containsAlias(String) - Method in class
containsAlias(String) - Method in interface
Checks if the given alias exists in this keystore.
containsConnection(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Does the underlying connection list contain this id.
ContainsIgnoreCase - Class in
ContainsIgnoreCase() - Constructor for class
ContainsIgnoreCase(String) - Constructor for class
containsKey(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
Simple utility method that will scan the MetadataElement's and will check the each key equals the supplied key.
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
containsService(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Does the underlying service collection list contain this id.
containsSharedConnection(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
containsSharedConnection(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Check if the associated connectionId is already present in the shared connections.
containsSharedService(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
containsSharedService(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Check if the associated serviceId is already present in the shared services.
CONTENT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Entity Fields.
CONTENT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Entity Fields.
CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Entity Fields.
CONTENT_LOCATION - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Entity Fields.
CONTENT_MD5 - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Entity Fields.
CONTENT_RANGE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Entity Fields.
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Entity Fields.
CONTENT_TYPE_EXPR - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
CONTENT_TYPE_METADATA_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
CONTENT_TYPE_OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
CONTENT_TYPE_WWW_FORM_URLENCODE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
contentId(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
contentId - Variable in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator.KeyedByContentId
contentType(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
contentTypeProbe() - Method in class
ContentTypeProvider - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http
Interface to provide a Content-Type header for the HTTP request or response.
ContentTypeProviderImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.http
ContentTypeProviderImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.ContentTypeProviderImpl
ContentValidation - Interface in com.adaptris.transform.validate
Interface for validating arbitary XML content against the relevant schema.
context - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConnection
context - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
continueLooping(int, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
continueOnFailure() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Service
If true containers should continue and apply the next configured Service even if this Service throws an Exception.
continueOnFailure() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
continueOnFailure() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
continueOnFailure() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
continueProcessingMessages(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
Whether or not to continue processing messages.
Conversion - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Simple Data Conversion methods.
convert(Object) - Method in class
convert(T) - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.text.NullConverter
Convert a null into something more meaningful.
convert(T) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.NullPassThroughConverter
convert(T) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.NullsNotSupportedConverter
convert(T) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.NullToEmptyStringConverter
convertFromKeyValuePairs(KeyValuePairBag) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MetadataHelper
convertFromProperties(Properties) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MetadataHelper
convertNull() - Method in class
ConvertObjectMetadataService - Class in
Implementation of Service that copies Object metadata to standard metadata, overwriting standard metadata.
ConvertObjectMetadataService() - Constructor for class
ConvertObjectMetadataService(String) - Constructor for class
convertToProperties(Collection<MetadataElement>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MetadataHelper
convertToQueryClass(Object) - Method in class
Convert the given string to the corresponding query class.
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
convertToType(Object) - Method in class
COOKIE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Other Fields.
copyAndClose(InputStream, Writer) - Static method in class
copyAndClose(InputStream, Writer, Charset) - Static method in class
copyAndClose(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class
copyConfiguration(MessageTypeTranslator, MessageTypeTranslatorImp) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
copyExceptionHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
copyMetadata(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Copy metadata from the parent to the child.
CopyMetadataService - Class in
Copies metadata from one key to another.
CopyMetadataService() - Constructor for class
copyPayload(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
since 3.11.0 use MessageHelper#copyPayload(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) instead.
copyPayload(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MessageHelper
Copy the payload from the src to the destination message.
copyPayloadStream(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MessageHelper
Copy the payload from the src to the destination message.
copyReplyContents(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerBase
copyStream(InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class
Copy from an InputStream to an OutputStream for expected bytes.
copyStream(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Copy from an InputStream to an OutputStream for expected bytes.
CoreConstants - Class in com.adaptris.core
Constants for the core package.
CoreConstants() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
CoreException - Exception in com.adaptris.core
Standard Exception in the core package and sub-packages.
CoreException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.CoreException
Creates a new instance.
CoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.CoreException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception.
CoreException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.CoreException
Creates a new instance with a description of the Exception.
CoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.CoreException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception and a description of the Exception.
CoreSecurityService - Class in
The base class for all security services.
CoreSecurityService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new Object with the following defaults.
CorrelationIdSource - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
Provides a JMSCorrelationId for the javax.jms.Message.
countResultSets() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
create(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.EventFactory
Create an Event.
create(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.EventFactory
create(String, int, FileTransferConnection.UserInfo) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Create an instance of the FileTransferClient for use with the producer or consumer.
create(String, int, FileTransferConnection.UserInfo) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
create(String, int, FileTransferConnection.UserInfo) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
create() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DebugPoolFactory
create() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DefaultPoolFactory
create() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPoolFactory
create(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation
create(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BasicActiveMqImplementation
create() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
Create a BlobTransferPolicy.
create() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
Create an ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy.
create() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
Create a RedeliveryPolicy.
create(VendorImplementationBase, JmsActorConfig, String) - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination.DestinationType
create() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsMessageConsumerFactory
create(ClassLoader) - Method in class
create(ClassLoader) - Method in interface
create(BootstrapProperties) - Static method in class
create(ParentRuntimeInfoComponent, AdaptrisComponent) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.RuntimeInfoComponentFactory
create(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
create(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
create(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Generate a service exception from the AdaptrisMessage.
create(Exception, String, String) - Method in interface
Create a Document from the exception.
create(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
create(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
create(Exception, String, String) - Method in class
create(Exception, String, String) - Method in class
create(String, char[]) - Method in class
Create a KeyStoreLocation instance.
create(String) - Method in class
Create a KeyStoreLocation instance.
create(KeystoreLocation) - Method in class
Create a KeystoreProxy instance.
create(String) - Static method in class
Create a password implementation of the specified type.
create(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.GuidGenerator
create(Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.IdGenerator
Create a unique id based on the object.
create(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.PlainIdGenerator
create(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.PseudoRandomIdGenerator
A generated ID.
create(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.SafeGuidGenerator
create(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.SimpleIdGenerator
create(KeyValuePairSet) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.SimpleNamespaceContext
Create a NamespaceContext based on the supplied key value pairs.
create(KeyValuePairSet, AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.SimpleNamespaceContext
Create a NamespaceContext based on the supplied key value pairs or object metadata.
create(Document) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XpathMergeImpl
createAdapter() - Method in interface
createAdapter(String) - Method in interface
createAdapter() - Method in class
use BootstrapProperties.getConfigManager() to create an AdapterManagerMBean instead.
createAdapter() - Method in class
createAdapter() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterBuilderMBean
createAdapter(URLString) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterBuilderMBean
createAdapter(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterBuilderMBean
createAdapter(URLString) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
createAdapter(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
createAdapter(URLString) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
since 3.6.1 get it via AdapterRegistryMBean.getBuilder(Properties) instead.
createAdapter(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
since 3.6.1 get it via AdapterRegistryMBean.getBuilder(Properties) instead.
createAdapterFromUrl(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterBuilderMBean
createAdapterFromUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
createAdapterFromUrl(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
since 3.6.1
createAdaptrisMessage(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
createArrayOf(String, Object[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
createArrayOf(String, Object[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
createBlob() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
createBlob() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
createBodyPart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createBodyPartIterator(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MimeHelper
Convenience method to create a BodyPartIterator allowing you to iterate a mime-payload.
createBuilder() - Method in class
Return the default instance of a Certificatebuilder.
createByteArrayIterator(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MimeHelper
Convenience method to create a ByteArrayIterator on a message allowing you to iterate a mime-payload.
createCall(String, int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.jdbc.CallableStatementCreator
Create a CallableStatement String suitable for the database in question.
createCall(String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.ConfiguredStatementCreator
createCall(String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.DefaultStatementCreator
Creates a String of { CALL my_stored_procedure(?, ?, ?); }
createCall(String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.MysqlStatementCreator
Creates a String of CALL my_stored_procedure(?, ?, ?); which is valid for mysql-connector-5.
createCall(String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.OracleStatementCreator
Creates a String of begin ? := procedureName(?,?,?,?,?); end; which should be suitable for Oracle databases.
createCall(String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.PostgresStatementCreator
createCall(String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.SqlServerStatementCreator
Creates a String of { CALL my_stored_procedure(?, ?, ?); }
createClob() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
createClob() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
createCodec(String) - Method in class
createCommandLine(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Build a ProcessBuilder object from the available data.
createCommandLine(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createCommonsObjectPool() - Method in class
createComponent(ParentRuntimeInfoComponent, AdaptrisComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.RuntimeInfoComponentFactory
createConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
createConnection(ConnectionFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
createConnection(ConnectionFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
createConnection(ConnectionFactory, JmsConnectionConfig) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementation
Create a connection based on the factory and configuration.
createConnectionFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
createConnectionFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpsConnection
createConnectionFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BasicActiveMqImplementation
Returns a new instance of org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.
createConnectionFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
createConnectionFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.StandardJndiImplementation
createConnectionFactory() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementation
Returns a ConnectionFactory.
createConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
createConsumer(Session, JmsDestination, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.ConsumerCreator
createConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumer
createConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
createConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumer
createConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
createConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
createConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
createConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasPollingConsumer
createConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpConsumer
createConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpPollingConsumer
createConsumer(JmsDestination, String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationBase
Create a message consumer for the given destination and filter expression.
createConsumer(JmsDestination, String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
createDestination(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.DefinedJmsProducer
createDestination(ProduceDestination, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
createDestination(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
createDestination(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
createDestination(String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationBase
Create either a Topic or Queue based on a RFC6167 style destination.
createDestination(String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
createDocument(String) - Method in class
createDocument(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
createDocument(AdaptrisMessage, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
createDocument(AdaptrisMessage, DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Create a document from an AdaptrisMessage.
createDocument(AdaptrisMessage, DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Create a document from an AdaptrisMessage.
createDocument(AdaptrisMessage, NamespaceContext) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
createDocument(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
createDocument(String, NamespaceContext) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
createDocument(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
createDocument(String, DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Create a document from an AdaptrisMessage.
createDocument(String, DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Create a document from an AdaptrisMessage.
createDocument(InputStream, DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Create a document from an InputStream.
createDocument(InputStream, DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Create a document from an InputStream.
createEnvironment(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Create the environment when executing the process.
createEnvironment(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createEvent(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMarshaller) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.EventFactory
createEvent(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.EventFactory
createExecutor() - Method in class
createExecutor(String) - Method in class
createExecutor() - Method in class
createFallback(MessageTypeTranslatorImp) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator.SupportedMessageType
createFile(InputStream, int) - Static method in class
Read from the inputstream associated with the socket and write the data straight out to a unique file in the temporary (system defined) directory
createFile(InputStream, int, String) - Static method in class
Read from the inputstream associated with the socket and write the data straight out to a unique file in the specified directory
createFileReference(URL) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsHelper
Create a file reference from a URL using the platform default encoding for the URL.
createFileReference(URL, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsHelper
Create a file reference from a URL using the platform default encoding for the URL.
createFilter(String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsHelper
createForReport(File) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
createFtpClient(String, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnection
createFtpClient(String, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
createFtpClient(String, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpSslConnection
createFTPClient() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
Create the base commons net client.
createFTPClient() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpClient
createFTPClient() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpSslClient
createInitialPart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createInitialPart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createInputFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.PrettyStaxDriver
createInputSource(String) - Static method in class
createJmxWrapper(Properties) - Method in class
createJndiName(AdaptrisComponent) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
createLifecycleNotification(String, ObjectName) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
createListFromResultSet(XmlPayloadTranslatorImpl.DocumentWrapper, JdbcResultSet) - Method in class
createLoggingStatement(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AllowsRetriesConnection
createMarshaller() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterMarshallerFactory
createMarshaller(AdapterMarshallerFactory.MarshallingOutput) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterMarshallerFactory
createMarshaller(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterMarshallerFactory
Creates an AdaptrisMarshaller based on the passed in config property which specifies the output format to use.
createMarshaller() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
createMarshaller(AdapterMarshallerFactory.MarshallingOutput) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
createMessage(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicPollingTemplate
createMessage(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
Create an AdaptrisMessage from the incoming servlet request and response.
createMessage(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyMessageConsumer
createMessage(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger.MessageProvider
createMessage(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StaticPollingTemplate
createName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageProducerImp
createName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
createName(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.FileNameCreator
Returns a file name for the passed AdaptrisMessage.
createName(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedFilenameCreator
createName() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MessageEventGenerator
Create a name for any MleMarker that is generated.
createName(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataFileNameCreator
Obtains the value for the configured metadata key, if this is not null or empty it is returned.
createName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
createName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
createName() - Method in class
createName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
createName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
createName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
createName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory
createName(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.AdapterSchemeJndiNameCreator
createName(Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.naming.adapter.JndiNameCreator
createNameSpace() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Event
Creates the hierarchical name space for this event.
createNClob() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
createNClob() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
createNode(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which will create a Node path based on the supplied XPath
createObjectHierarchyString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
createObjectHierarchyString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
createObjectHierarchyString() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.HierarchicalMBean
Create an ObjectName key/value pair hierarchy.
createObjectHierarchyString() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentComponent
Create an ObjectName key/value pair hierarchy.
createObjectHierarchyString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
createObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotification
createObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
createObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
createObjectName() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.BaseComponentMBean
Create the object name representation of the mbean.
createObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
createObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl
createObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
createObjectPool() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
createOutputFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.PrettyStaxDriver
createOutputPart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createParameters(AdaptrisMessage, Map) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.IgnoreMetadataParameter
createParameters(AdaptrisMessage, Map) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.ObjectMetadataParameter
createParameters(AdaptrisMessage, Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.ResolvableExpressionParameter
createParameters(AdaptrisMessage, Map) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.StringMetadataParameter
createParameters(AdaptrisMessage, Map<Object, Object>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformParameter
createParameters(AdaptrisMessage, Map) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformParameterBuilder
createParentFields(Class<?>, String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.XStreamUtils
Given a Field of a Class this method will return a Set of a number of possible fully qualified reference names for the field.
createPool() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection
createPool() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
createPool() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
createPool() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
createProducerSession(JmsProducerImpl, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.DefaultProducerSessionFactory
createProducerSession(JmsProducerImpl, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageCountProducerSessionFactory
createProducerSession(JmsProducerImpl, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageSizeProducerSessionFactory
createProducerSession(JmsProducerImpl, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataProducerSessionFactory
createProducerSession(JmsProducerImpl, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PerMessageProducerSessionFactory
createProducerSession(JmsProducerImpl, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.ProducerSessionFactory
Create or reuse an existing session.
createProducerSession(JmsProducerImpl) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ProducerSessionFactoryImpl
createProducerSession(JmsProducerImpl, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.TimedInactivityProducerSessionFactory
createProxy(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaHttpProxy
createProxy(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaProxy
createProxy(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaSocks4Proxy
createProxy(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaSocks5Proxy
createQualifier() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
createQualifier() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MessageEventGenerator
Create a qualifier for any MleMarker that is generated.
createQualifier() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
createQualifier() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
createQualifier() - Method in class
createQualifier() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
createQualifier() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
createQualifier() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
CreateQueryStringFromMetadata - Class in
Service that creates a URL query string from the specified metadata keys.
CreateQueryStringFromMetadata() - Constructor for class
createQueue(String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
createQueue(String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.CachedDestinationJndiImplementation
Checks to see if the queue cache contains the provided name.
createQueue(String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationBase
Create or otherwise obtain a Queue.
createQueue(String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
createQueueReceiver(ConsumeDestination, JmsActorConfig) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationBase
since 3.11.0 since ConsumeDestination is considered deprecated.
createQueueReceiver(String, String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationBase
Create or otherwise get a MessageConsumer
createQueueReceiver(String, String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
createReader() - Method in class
createReader() - Method in class
createReader() - Method in class
createReplyTo(AdaptrisMessage, JmsDestination, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
Create a Destination for JMSReplyTo if one doesn't already exist or if JMS_ASYNC_STATIC_REPLY_TO exists as metadata.
createReportObject(Exception, String, String) - Method in class
createReportObject(Exception, String, String) - Method in class
createRequest(Certificate, PrivateKey) - Static method in class
Create a certificate request based on the provided certificate.
createRequest(Certificate, PrivateKey, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Create a CertificateRequest based on the provided certificate and write it to the supplied outputStream.
createSavepoint(Connection) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
Create a Savepoint on the connection
createSecurityHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfigurableSecurityHandler
createSelfSignedCertificate(OutputStream) - Method in interface
Create a self signed certificate, and write it to the supplied oututStream.
createSelfSignedCertificate() - Method in interface
Create a self-signed certificate, and return it as a Certificate object.
createService() - Method in class
Create an instance of the specified security service.
createSession(int, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
createSession(boolean, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
Creates a new Session on the underlying JMS Connection.
createSession(boolean, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Creates a new Session on the underlying JMS Connection.
createSession(int, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
createSession(int, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
createSession(Connection, boolean, int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationBase
Create or otherwise get a Session
createSession(Connection, boolean, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
createSQLXML() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
createSQLXML() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
createStatement(Connection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
createStatement() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
createStatement(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createStatement(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
createStatement(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createStatement() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
createStruct(String, Object[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
createStruct(String, Object[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
createSubcontext(Name) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
createSubcontext(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
createTempFile(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
createTempFile(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
Create a temp file that will be deleted when marker goes out of scope and garbage collection occurs.
createTemporaryDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.DefinedJmsProducer
createTemporaryDestination(Session) - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination.DestinationType
createTemporaryDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
createTemporaryDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
createTextNode(Document, String, boolean) - Method in class
createThread(Runnable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory
createThread(String, Runnable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory
createThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory
createTopic(String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
createTopic(String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.CachedDestinationJndiImplementation
Checks to see if the topic cache contains the provided name.
createTopic(String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationBase
Create or otherwise obtain a Topic.
createTopic(String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
createTopicSubscriber(ConsumeDestination, String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationBase
since 3.11.0 since ConsumeDestination is considered deprecated.
createTopicSubscriber(String, String, String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationBase
Create or otherwise get a TopicSubscriber.
createTopicSubscriber(String, String, String, JmsActorConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
createTransformer(XmlPayloadTranslatorImpl.DocumentWrapper) - Static method in class
createTransformer(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.StxTransformerFactory
createTransformer(String, EntityResolver) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.StxTransformerFactory
createTransformer(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactory
createTransformer(String, EntityResolver) - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactory
createTransformer(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XsltTransformerFactory
createTransformer(String, EntityResolver) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XsltTransformerFactory
createUrlFromString(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsHelper
createUrlFromString(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsHelper
Creates a URL based on the passed destination.
createUserInfo() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
createUserInfo() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnectionUsingPassword
createUserInfo() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
createWrapper(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createWriter(OutputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.PrettyStaxDriver
createWriter(Writer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.PrettyStaxDriver
createXmlUtils(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class
createXmlUtils(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
createXmlUtils(AdaptrisMessage, NamespaceContext) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
createXmlUtils(AdaptrisMessage, NamespaceContext, DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Create an XMLUtils class from an AdaptrisMessage.
createXPath() - Method in class
createXPath() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XpathMergeImpl
createXpathQuery(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createXpathQuery(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
createXpathQuery(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Create an Xpath from the AdaptrisMessage object.
createXStream() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
Public method that returns a configure XStream object instance read for use
createXStream(AdapterMarshallerFactory.MarshallingOutput) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
Public method that returns a configure XStream object instance read for use configured for the given form of output.
createXStreamInstance(AdapterMarshallerFactory.MarshallingOutput) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
Creates the XStream object instance
CRLF - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Carriage return line feed.
CURRENT_TIME_SLICE_END_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceAbstractCacheProvider
CURRENT_TIME_SLICE_MESSAGE_COUNT_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceAbstractCacheProvider
currentAuthenticators() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.AdapterResourceAuthenticator
Return a cloned list of the current set of configured authenticators.
currentBusyConnectionCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection
currentBusyConnectionCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
currentConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
currentConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
currentConnectionCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection
currentConnectionCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
currentIdleConnectionCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection
currentIdleConnectionCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
currentLogger() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
currentLogger() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsActorConfig
Return the configured logger.
currentLogger() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
currentLogger() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
currentLogger() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
currentLogger() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
currentlyActiveObjects() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
Return the number of currently active objects.
currentlyIdleObjects() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
Return the number of currently idle objects.
currentMarshaller() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
currentMessageFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageEncoderImp
currentMessageFactory() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageTranslator
Return the currently registered message factory.
currentMessageFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultSerializableMessageTranslator
currentMessageFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
currentMessageFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
currentObjectPoolCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
Return the total number of objects in the pool.
currentSession() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
currentSession() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
currentSession() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsActorConfig
Return the current jms session.
currentSession() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
currentSession() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
currentSession() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslator
Obtain the JMS session currently registered.
currentSession() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
currentSource() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessage
Returns the current file that is the source of the message.
currentThreadPoolCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
Return the current number of active threads in the thread pool.


DatabaseConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Abstract class containing configuration for JDBC Connection classes.
DatabaseConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Creates a new instance.
dataSource - Variable in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
DataStore - Class in com.adaptris.util.datastore
DataStore abstract class.
DataStore() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStore
DataStoreException - Exception in com.adaptris.util.datastore
DataStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStoreException
DataStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStoreException
DataStoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStoreException
DATE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
General Fields associated HTTP Headers
DateColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling date types
DateColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
The default dateformat is "yyyy-MM-dd"
DateFormatBuilder - Class in
Builds a DateFormat instance for use with ReformatDateService and AddTimestampMetadataService.
DateFormatBuilder() - Constructor for class
DateFormatBuilder(String) - Constructor for class
DateFormatBuilder.DateFormatter - Interface in
DateFormatBuilderWithOptionalFractionAndOffset - Class in
Builds a DateFormat instance for use with ReformatDateService and AddTimestampMetadataService.
DateFormatBuilderWithOptionalFractionAndOffset() - Constructor for class
DateFormatBuilderWithOptionalFractionAndOffset.XmlDateFormatter - Class in
DateFormatUtil - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Contains convenience method to format date strings into Date objects.
DateFormatUtil.CustomDateFormat - Enum in com.adaptris.util.text
Custom date formats over and above SimpleDateFormat.
DateStatementParameter - Class in
A Date extension to StatementParameter.
DateStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
DateStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, SimpleDateFormat) - Constructor for class
DateStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String, SimpleDateFormat) - Constructor for class
DatetimeStatementParameter<T> - Class in
DatetimeStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
DatetimeStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String, SimpleDateFormat) - Constructor for class
DBG - Static variable in class
DEBUG - Static variable in class
DEBUG - Static variable in class
Boolean representation of CONFIG_ADDITIONAL_DEBUG
debugLog(String, Object...) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
debugMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
DebugPoolFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Constructs a C3P0 connection pool with various debug settings enabled.
DebugPoolFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DebugPoolFactory
decode(byte[]) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorker
Decodes the passed byte[] using the configured AdaptrisMessageEncoder.
decode(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
decode(String) - Method in interface
Decode the value.
decode(String) - Method in class
decode(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoder
Convenience method that is available so that existing underlying implementations are not broken due to the AdaptrisMessageEncoder interface change.
decode(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
decode(String, String) - Method in class
decode(String, String) - Method in class
decode(String) - Static method in class
Convenience method to decrypt a password.
decode(String, String) - Method in interface
Show the plain text.
decode(String) - Method in interface
Invokes PasswordCodec.decode(String, String) with null as the charset parameter
decode(String, String) - Method in class
decode(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Base58
Decodes the given base58 string into the original data bytes.
decodePassword(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.UserPassAuthentication
Decoder - Interface in
Interface for decoding properties.
decoder() - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.util.EncodingHelper.Base64Encoding
DecodingService - Class in
Decodes the payload and updates the in flight message with the decoded output.
DecodingService() - Constructor for class
DecodingService(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Constructor for class
DecryptException - Exception in
Wraps any exception during decryption.
DecryptException() - Constructor for exception
DecryptException(String) - Constructor for exception
DecryptException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
DecryptException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
DecryptionService - Class in
Perform decryption.
DecryptionService() - Constructor for class
deepClone(Service) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
DEFAULT_ACCEPT - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
The default Accept header to use
DEFAULT_ACQUIRE_INCREMENT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
DEFAULT_BATCH_WINDOW - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_CHECK_KEY - Static variable in class
Metadata key against which the value to check for uniqueness is stored.
DEFAULT_CONFIG_MANAGER - Static variable in class
The default configuration manager.
DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_DELETE_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
DEFAULT_EXPIRATION - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
DEFAULT_FILE_FILTER_IMPL - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
since 3.11.1 {@link FileFilterBuilder#DEFAULT_FILE_FILTER_IMP instead.
DEFAULT_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
The default data filename.
DEFAULT_FILENAME_METADATA - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_INSERT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_JETTY_PORT - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_JMX_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in class
The default object name "com.adaptris:type=JmxConnectorServer"
DEFAULT_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationHandlerImpl
DEFAULT_LICENSE_URL - Static variable in class
The default license file.
DEFAULT_LOCK - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
The default lock file.
DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
The default size of the cache if a size isn't specified (16)
DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
The default max idle size.
DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGES - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
Default max messages = 100
DEFAULT_MAX_POOLSIZE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
The default maximum pool size.
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
DEFAULT_METADATA_KEY - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_METADATA_KEY - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
the default minimum idle size.
DEFAULT_MINIMUM_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
DEFAULT_OLDER_THAN - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME_REGEX - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in interface
DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_ID - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
The ID to use for the default payload.
DEFAULT_PROPS_RESOURCE - Static variable in class
The default bootstrap resource file.
DEFAULT_REPORTING_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
DEFAULT_RESET_STATEMENT - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_SELECT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_SERVER_SOCKET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Default server socket timeout, 6secs
DEFAULT_SERVICE_ID_DUPLICATE - Static variable in class
Default next Service ID to set if the message metadata value does appear in the store of previously received values.
DEFAULT_SERVICE_ID_UNIQUE - Static variable in class
Default next Service ID to set if the message metadata value does not appear in the store of previously received values.
DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Default socket timeout 1min
DEFAULT_SPLIT_SIZE - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_TIMESLICE_HISTORY_COUNT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
DEFAULT_UPDATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_XSTREAM_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class
The default configuration resource for XStreamConfigManager
DefaultAdapterStartUpEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core
DefaultAdapterStartUpEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdapterStartUpEvent
DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
AdaptrisMessage implementation created by DefaultMessageFactory
DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp(IdGenerator, AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp
defaultBufferSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
DefaultChannelLifecycleStrategy - Class in com.adaptris.core
Default strategy for starting channels.
DefaultChannelLifecycleStrategy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultChannelLifecycleStrategy
DefaultCommandBuilder - Class in
Default implementation of CommandBuilder
DefaultCommandBuilder() - Constructor for class
defaultControlPort() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
defaultControlPort() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
defaultControlPort() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
DefaultEventHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
Basic implementation of EventHandler.
DefaultEventHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
DefaultEventHandler(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
DefaultEventHandler(AdaptrisConnection, AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
DefaultFailedMessageRetrier - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of FailedMessageRetrier that does not allow duplicate workflows.
DefaultFailedMessageRetrier() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmx - Class in com.adaptris.core
DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmxMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core
JMX Interface for DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
defaultIfNull(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Convenience method for null protection.
defaultIfNull(AdaptrisMarshaller) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMarshaller
Convenience method for null protection.
defaultIfNull(CorrelationIdSource) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.NullCorrelationIdSource
Helper method for null protection.
defaultInstance() - Static method in class
Get the default instance of the factory.
DefaultMarshaller - Class in com.adaptris.core
Convenience for getting the default marshalling system currently available in the adapter.
DefaultMarshaller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMarshaller
DefaultMessageFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core
The default factory which returns implementations of AdaptrisMessage.
DefaultMessageFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
DefaultMessageLogger - Class in com.adaptris.core
MessageLogger implementation that that logs unique-id and metadata.
DefaultMessageLogger() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageLogger
defaultPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnectionUsingPassword
DefaultPoolFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Constructs a C3P0 connection pool for use with JdbcPooledConnection and PluggableJdbcPooledConnection.
DefaultPoolFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DefaultPoolFactory
DefaultPoolingFutureExceptionStrategy - Class in
since 3.11.1 replaced by ServiceErrorHandler and PooledSplitJoinService.
DefaultPoolingFutureExceptionStrategy() - Constructor for class
DefaultPreProcessorLoader - Class in com.adaptris.core.config
DefaultPreProcessorLoader() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.config.DefaultPreProcessorLoader
DefaultProducerSessionFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Default implementation of ProducerSessionFactory.
DefaultProducerSessionFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.DefaultProducerSessionFactory
DefaultSerializableMessageTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.core
DefaultSerializableMessageTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultSerializableMessageTranslator
DefaultServiceExtractor - Class in
Default ServiceExtractor implementation that treats the entire payload as the service.
DefaultServiceExtractor() - Constructor for class
DefaultStatementCreator - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
Default CallableStatementCreator.
DefaultStatementCreator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.DefaultStatementCreator
defaultTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
The default is 1 minute (60000 ms).
defaultTimeout() - Method in class
defaultTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
defaultTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
defaultTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerBase
The default timeout for request messages when not supplied.
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class
DefaultWorkflowLifecycleStrategy - Class in com.adaptris.core
Default strategy for starting workflows.
DefaultWorkflowLifecycleStrategy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DefaultWorkflowLifecycleStrategy
deferConsumerCreationToVendor() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumer
deferConsumerCreationToVendor() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
DefinedJmsProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Contains behaviour common to PTP and PAS JMS message producers.
DefinedJmsProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.DefinedJmsProducer
delete(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
delete(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStore
Delete a message from the store (optional operation).
delete(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Delete the specified remote file
delete(File) - Method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Deletes the specified file.
delete(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
delete a file on the server
delete(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
deleteAttribute(String, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which deletes an attribute from the specified Node, which must be of type org.w3c.dom.Element.
deletePayload(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Delete an existing payload, with the given payload ID.
deletePayload(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Delete an existing payload, with the given payload ID.
deleteQuietly() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler.JmsTemporaryDestination
deleteQuietly(TemporaryQueue) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
Delete a TemporaryQueue without logging any errors.
deleteQuietly(TemporaryTopic) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
Delete a TemporaryTopic without logging any errors.
deleteTemporaryDestination(Destination) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
Delete a temporary destnation without logging any errors.
delistXAResource(String, XAResource, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
delistXAResource(String, XAResource, int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transaction.TransactionManager
DeliveryMode - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Utility class to convert a meaningful string into a javax.jms.DeliveryMode constant.
DeliveryMode() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.DeliveryMode
deliveryMode() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination
Get the delivery mode from the URI.
deliveryMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination
DeliveryMode.Mode - Enum in com.adaptris.core.jms
DeprecatedConfigurationChecker - Class in
DeprecatedConfigurationChecker() - Constructor for class
deRegisterXAResource(String, XAConnectionFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
deRegisterXAResource(String, XAConnectionFactory) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transaction.TransactionManager
DeserializationConfigurationChecker - Class in
DeserializationConfigurationChecker() - Constructor for class
deserialize() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller.Deserializer
DestinationHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
DestinationHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.DestinationHelper
destinationType() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination
Return the type of destination.
destinationType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination
destroy() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer.BasicServlet
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in interface
Destroy the management component making it require re-initialisation.
destroy() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
destroyAdapter(AdapterManagerMBean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
destroyAdapter(ObjectName) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
destroyAdapter(AdapterManagerMBean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Close the underlying adapter and unregister from JMX.
destroyAdapter(ObjectName) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Close the underlying adapter and unregister from JMX.
destroyObject(PooledObject<WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.WorkerFactory
destroyObject(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.PoolAttendant
destroySubcontext(Name) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
destroySubcontext(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
DevNullOutputStream - Class in
An OutputStream that goes nowhere.
DevNullOutputStream() - Constructor for class
digest(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigester
Digest the error that failed.
digest(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.NullMessageErrorDigester
digest(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
dir() - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
List current directory's contents as an array of strings of filenames.
dir(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
List a directory's contents as an array of strings of filenames.
dir(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
List a directory's contents as an array of strings.
dir(String, FileFilter) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
List a directory's contents
dir(String, FileFilter) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
dir(String, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
dir(String, FileFilter) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
dir(String, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
DISABLE_DOCTYP - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
disableMessageCount() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Whether or not message-counts should be disabled on this workflow.
disableMessageCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
DiscardEmptyValuesFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Metadata Filter implementation that removes all metadata which have an empty value.
DiscardEmptyValuesFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.DiscardEmptyValuesFilter
discardNulls(Service...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ServiceUtil
DiscardResponseHeaders - Class in
ResponseHeaderHandler implementation that discards the headers from the HTTP response.
DiscardResponseHeaders() - Constructor for class
DiscardValuesTooLongFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Metadata Filter implementation that removes all metadata where the value exceeds the configured length.
DiscardValuesTooLongFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.DiscardValuesTooLongFilter
DiscardValuesTooLongFilter(Integer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.DiscardValuesTooLongFilter
disconnect(FileTransferClient) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Disconnect the FTP client.
disconnect() - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Quit the FTP session
disconnect() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
disconnect from the server
disconnect(T) - Static method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
disconnect() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
doClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
doClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Close any additional components.
doClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceListBase
doClose() - Method in class
DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Allows simple configuration of a DocumentBuilderFactory.
DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
documentFactoryBuilder() - Method in class
DocumentMerge - Interface in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
doEncryption(byte[], Alias) - Method in class
doEncryption(byte[], Alias) - Method in class
doEncryption(byte[], Alias) - Method in class
doEncryption(byte[], Alias) - Method in class
doInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
doInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Start any additional components.
doInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceList
doInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceListBase
doInit() - Method in class
doLifecycle(List<Condition>, ConditionListImpl.LifecycleOperation) - Static method in class
doLifecycleQuietly(List<Condition>, ConditionListImpl.LifecycleOperation) - Static method in class
doOperation() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer.LockOperator
doOperation() - Method in interface
doProcessMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpProducer
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.StandardResponseProducer
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination, Destination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.DefinedJmsProducer
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage, Destination, Destination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.DefinedJmsProducer
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToWorkflow
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsTransactedWorkflow
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ProduceOnlyProducerImp
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerImp
Actually do the produce.
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
Overrides Workflow to provide req-rep functionality.
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Produce the message.
doProduce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
This method contains the behaviour that varies between standard and request -reply workflows.
doQuery(String) - Method in class
Performs the query against the payload of the supplied String and constructs a MetdataElement with the configured Key and the result as the Value.
doRequest(AdaptrisMessage, String, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
doRequest(AdaptrisMessage, String, long) - Method in class
doRequest(AdaptrisMessage, String, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
doRequest(AdaptrisMessage, String, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerImp
Actually do the request.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
Add a new payload to the message.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumeService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumeService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreDeleteService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreListService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreWriteService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ShortCutJettyResponse
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryOnceStandaloneProducer
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Service
Apply the service to the message.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Retrieves the item from the cache, stores it against the message and then removes it from the cache
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Looks up an object from the cache and then stores it in the metadata
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Apply the service to the message.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Method which checks to see if the message is unique (based on a metadata element) and sets a new metadata element with a value which is dependant upon the uniqueness or otherwise of the received element.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
The main service method, which sees the specified query executed and the results returned in an XML message.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Adds the configured metadata to the message.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Apply the service to the message.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Obtains the value associated with each configured metadata key, concatenates these keys, then looks up and sets the Service unique ID associated with this concatenated key.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Adds the configured metadata to the message.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Invokes the command line executable
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Waits for the configured number of milliseconds.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneRequestor
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SwitchPayloadService
Switch the message payload from one to another.
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.MultiPayloadXmlTransformService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
doService(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlValidationService
doSplitService(Iterable<AdaptrisMessage>, PooledSplitJoinService.CountingExceptionHandlerWrapper) - Method in class
doStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
doStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Start any additional components.
doStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceListBase
doStart() - Method in class
doStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
doStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Stop any additional components.
doStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceListBase
doStop() - Method in class
DoubleColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling double types
DoubleColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
DoubleColumnTranslator(String) - Constructor for class
DoubleStatementParameter - Class in
Double Statement Parameter.
DoubleStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
DoubleStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
DoWhile - Class in
Simulate a do-while loop.
DoWhile() - Constructor for class
DuplicateMessageRoutingService - Class in
Class which checks the value of a configured metadata key against a list of previously received values.
DuplicateMessageRoutingService() - Constructor for class
DuplicateMessageRoutingService.Operator - Interface in
DuplicateMetadataValueService - Class in
Abstract super-class of the two Services which handle duplicate message checking.
DuplicateMetadataValueService() - Constructor for class
duplicateWithPayload(AdaptrisMessageFactory, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
DynamicBasicAuthorizationHeader - Class in
Build a HttpConstants.AUTHORIZATION (Basic only) from configuration (or metadata).
DynamicBasicAuthorizationHeader() - Constructor for class
DynamicBasicAuthorizationHeader(String, String) - Constructor for class
DynamicJmxOperationService - Class in
Allows you to dynamically connect to different JMXServiceURLs and execute JMX Operations.
DynamicJmxOperationService() - Constructor for class
DynamicPollingTemplate - Class in com.adaptris.core
Provides a template for PollingTrigger.
DynamicPollingTemplate() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DynamicPollingTemplate
DynamicPollingTemplate(DynamicPollingTemplate.TemplateProvider) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DynamicPollingTemplate
DynamicPollingTemplate.TemplateProvider - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Marker interface so that not all services can be configured.
DynamicServiceExecutor - Class in
Implementation of Service which dynamically obtains and applies a Service to an AdaptrisMessage based on the contents of the message.
DynamicServiceExecutor() - Constructor for class
DynamicServiceExecutor(ServiceExtractor) - Constructor for class
DynamicSharedService - Class in com.adaptris.core
A Service instance that references a Service made available via SharedComponentList.getServices().
DynamicSharedService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
DynamicSharedService(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService


ELEMENT_NAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class
ELEMENT_NAME_RESULTS - Static variable in class
ELEMENT_NAME_ROW - Static variable in class
ElementFormatter - Interface in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Format element metadata as a string.
ElementKeyAndValueFormatter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Key and value element formatter.
ElementKeyAndValueFormatter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.ElementKeyAndValueFormatter
Default constructor.
ElementValueFormatter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Default element formatter.
ElementValueFormatter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.ElementValueFormatter
ElseService - Class in
This service holder is used to hold the service or list of services that will be executed by logical expressions, such as IfElse should configured Condition's NOT pass.
ElseService() - Constructor for class
EmbeddedConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
The EmbeddedConnection makes use of the existing Jetty Engine that has been enabled as part of the bootstrap process.
EmbeddedConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
EmbeddedScriptingService - Class in
Supports arbitary scripting languges that are supported by JSR223.
EmbeddedScriptingService() - Constructor for class
EmbeddedScriptingService(String) - Constructor for class
EmptyIdentityBuilder - Class in
A no-op identity builder.
EmptyIdentityBuilder() - Constructor for class
enableEncodedPasswords() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
encode(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Uses the passed AdaptrisMessageEncoder to create an encoded version of this AdaptrisMessage.
encode(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
encode(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorker
Encode the passed message using the configured AdaptrisMessageEncoder.
encode(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
encode(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoder
Convenience method that is available so that existing underlying implementations are not broken due to the AdaptrisMessageEncoder interface change.
encode(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
encode(String, String) - Method in class
encode(String, String) - Method in class
encode(String, String) - Static method in class
Convenience method to encode a password.
encode(String) - Method in interface
Invokes PasswordCodec.encode(String, String) with null as the charset parameter
encode(String, String) - Method in interface
Obfuscate the plain text.
encode(String, String) - Method in class
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Base58
Encodes the given bytes as a base58 string (no checksum is appended).
encodeData(byte[], String, InternetHeaders) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeUtils
encoder() - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.util.EncodingHelper.Base64Encoding
encoding - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.common.InputStreamWithEncoding
ENCODING_7BIT - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
7bit Encoding type
ENCODING_8BIT - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
8bit Encoding type
ENCODING_BASE64 - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
base64 Encoding type
ENCODING_BINARY - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
binary Encoding type
ENCODING_QUOTED - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
quoted-printable Encoding type
ENCODING_UUENCODE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
uuencode Encoding type
EncodingHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
EncodingHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.EncodingHelper
EncodingHelper.Base64Encoding - Enum in com.adaptris.core.util
Just the supported Base64 styles which are available via Base64
EncodingHelper.Encoding - Enum in com.adaptris.core.util
Standard supported encodings
EncodingService - Class in
Encodes the in flight message and sets the payload to the encoded output.
EncodingService() - Constructor for class
EncodingService(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Constructor for class
encrypt(byte[], Alias, Alias) - Method in interface
Encrypt the given string into the Output object.
encrypt(String, Alias, Alias) - Method in interface
Encrypt the given string into the Output object.
ENCRYPTED - Static variable in interface
encrypted output
EncryptException - Exception in
Wraps any exception encountered during encryption operations.
EncryptException() - Constructor for exception
EncryptException(String) - Constructor for exception
EncryptException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
EncryptException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
EncryptionAlgorithm - Class in
Container class with encryption algorithm information.
EncryptionAlgorithm() - Constructor for class
EncryptionAlgorithm(String) - Constructor for class
EncryptionAlgorithm(String, int) - Constructor for class
EncryptionAlgorithm(String, String) - Constructor for class
EncryptionOnlyService - Class in
Perform encryption only.
EncryptionOnlyService() - Constructor for class
EncryptionService - Class in
Base case for performing encryption and signing.
EncryptionService() - Constructor for class
EncryptionSigningService - Class in
Perform encryption and signing.
EncryptionSigningService() - Constructor for class
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageProducerImp
Return the endpoint that will be derived from the message.
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpProducer
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
endpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
endpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
endpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
endpoint(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
ENDPOINT_SERVICE_UNIQUE_ID - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Constant used by branching services to indicate to BranchingServiceCollection that an end point has been reached.
EndsWith - Class in
EndsWith() - Constructor for class
EndsWith(String) - Constructor for class
EndsWithIgnoreCase - Class in
EndsWithIgnoreCase() - Constructor for class
EndsWithIgnoreCase(String) - Constructor for class
endWorkflow(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWorkflowInterceptorImpl
enforceRequirements(Service) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
enforceRequirements(Collection<? extends Service>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
enforceRequirements(Service) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Enforce any requirements of the list.
enforceRequirements(Collection<? extends Service>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Enforce any requirements of the list.
enforceSerializable() - Method in class
enlistXAResource(String, XAResource) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
enlistXAResource(String, XAResource) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transaction.TransactionManager
ensureCloseable(Iterable<E>) - Static method in interface com.adaptris.core.util.CloseableIterable
ensureIsPath(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
ensureNotNull(FileFilter) - Method in class com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClientImp
ensureState(ComponentState...) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
environment - Variable in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
JNDI Environment.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination
Semantic equality is based on equality of the underlying String destination name and String filter expressions.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ServletWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Force implementations to over-ride equals with a semantic implementation.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandlerImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
EQUALS - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
Equality is based on the underlying ObjectName.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
Equality is based on the underlying ObjectName.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
Equality is based on the underlying ObjectName.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
Equals - Class in
This Operator simply tests two values for equality.
Equals() - Constructor for class
Equals - Class in
Equals() - Constructor for class
Equals(String) - Constructor for class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePair
KeyValuePairs are semantically equally if their keys only are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairSet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator.KeyedByContentId
equals(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
EqualsIgnoreCase - Class in
EqualsIgnoreCase() - Constructor for class
EqualsIgnoreCase(String) - Constructor for class
EqualsValueMatcher - Class in
Exact value match implementation of MetadataValueMatcher for MetadataValueBranchingService.
EqualsValueMatcher() - Constructor for class
equivalentForTracking(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
AdaptrisMessage's are equivalent for tracking if they have the same unique Id, their payloads are equal, their char encodings are equal and their metadata is equal.
equivalentForTracking(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp
equivalentForTracking(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
ERROR - Static variable in class
ErrorHandlerRegistrar - Interface in com.adaptris.core
ETAG - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Response Fields.
eval(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
eval(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
eval(AdaptrisMessage, CheckCacheService.FoundInCache) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
evaluate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Default implementation for Condition
Event - Class in com.adaptris.core
Contains behaviour common to all Events in the framework.
Event() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.Event
Event(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.Event
Creates a new instance with passed name space.
EVENT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
Default name space, inherited by Events which do not define their own.
EVENT_CLASS - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
The metadata key for storing the classname of the event.
EVENT_NAME_SPACE_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key for storing the name space of an event when it is converted to an AdaptrisMessage.
EventEmissary() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase.EventEmissary
EventFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core
Static factory which creates Events.
EventFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.EventFactory
eventHandler - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
EventHandler - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Defines behaviour related to sending and receiving Events using other standard framework components.
eventHandler - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
eventHandler - Variable in class
eventHandler - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
eventHandler - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
EventHandlerAware - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Marker interface indicating that this component needs to be made aware of the EventHandler.
EventHandlerBase - Class in com.adaptris.core
Contains behaviour common to implementations of EventHandler.
EventHandlerBase() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
Creates a new instance.
EventHandlerBase.EventEmissary - Class in com.adaptris.core
eventHandlerClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
eventHandlerClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
eventHandlerInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
eventHandlerInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
eventHandlerStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
eventHandlerStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
eventHandlerStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
eventHandlerStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
EventNameSpaceConstants - Class in com.adaptris.core
All concrete subclasses of Event should define there own 'name space' or hierarchical name, thus allowing interested parties to subscribe for Events selectively.
EventNameSpaceConstants() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
eventProducerDelegate - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
evict() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
evict() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
evict() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemCache
evict any items in the cache that require it..
ExactMatch - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.client
Implementation of StatusEvaluator for use with BranchingHttpRequestService.
ExactMatch() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.client.ExactMatch
ExactMatch(int, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.client.ExactMatch
exceedsMaxSequence(int) - Method in class
EXCEPTION_CONTENT_ID - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
EXCEPTION_LOCATION - Static variable in class
EXCEPTION_MESSAGE - Static variable in class
EXCEPTION_MSG - Static variable in class
ExceptionAsString - Class in
Serializes the exception as a String.
ExceptionAsString() - Constructor for class
ExceptionAsXml - Class in
Use with ExceptionReportService to write the exception as part of an xml document.
ExceptionAsXml() - Constructor for class
ExceptionDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of ProduceDestination which matches the Exception class in object metadata to generate a destination string.
ExceptionDestination() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ExceptionDestination
ExceptionDestination(String, KeyValuePairCollection) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ExceptionDestination
ExceptionFromMetadata - Class in
ExceptionGenerator implementation that generates the exception from metadata.
ExceptionFromMetadata() - Constructor for class
ExceptionFromMetadata(String) - Constructor for class
ExceptionFromMetadata(String, String) - Constructor for class
ExceptionFromMetadataImpl - Class in
ExceptionGenerator implementation that generates the exception from metadata.
ExceptionFromMetadataImpl() - Constructor for class
ExceptionGenerator - Interface in
Interface for generating an exception from an AdaptrisMessage object.
ExceptionHandlingServiceWrapper - Class in
Wraps services so that errors are intercepted and processed by a different service.
ExceptionHandlingServiceWrapper() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
ExceptionHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Helper class that assists converting exceptions.
ExceptionHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
ExceptionReport - Class in
Object that wraps all the information for an exception report.
ExceptionReport() - Constructor for class
ExceptionReport(Exception, boolean) - Constructor for class
ExceptionReportGenerator - Interface in
Interface for generating an XML report from an exception for use with ExceptionReportService
ExceptionReportService - Class in
Service that takes an exception in object metadata and serializes that into the AdaptrisMessage payload.
ExceptionReportService() - Constructor for class
ExceptionReportService(ExceptionSerializer) - Constructor for class
ExceptionSerializer - Interface in
Use with ExceptionReportService to write the exception as part of the message.
ExcludeJmsHeaders - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Metadata filter implementation that removes metadata where the key matches ^JMS.*$.
ExcludeJmsHeaders() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.ExcludeJmsHeaders
execute(JobExecutionContext) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller.MyProcessJob
execute(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
execute(ComponentLifecycle) - Method in interface
execute() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
executeCallableStatement(CallableStatement) - Method in interface com.adaptris.jdbc.CallableStatementExecutor
executeCallableStatement(CallableStatement) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.ExecuteCallableStatementExecutor
executeCallableStatement(CallableStatement) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.ExecuteQueryCallableStatementExecutor
executeCallableStatement(CallableStatement) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.ExecuteUpdateCallableStatementExecutor
executeCallableStatement(CallableStatement) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.NoResultSetCallableStatementExecutor
ExecuteCallableStatementExecutor - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
Implementation of CallableStatementExecutor will use the PreparedStatement.execute() method.
ExecuteCallableStatementExecutor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.ExecuteCallableStatementExecutor
ExecuteQueryCallableStatementExecutor - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
Implementation of CallableStatementExecutor will use the PreparedStatement.executeQuery() method.
ExecuteQueryCallableStatementExecutor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.ExecuteQueryCallableStatementExecutor
executeQuietly(Service, AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
executeService(Service, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
executeUpdate(PreparedStatement) - Method in class
executeUpdate(PreparedStatement) - Method in class
executeUpdate(PreparedStatement) - Method in class
ExecuteUpdateCallableStatementExecutor - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
Implementation of CallableStatementExecutor will use the PreparedStatement.executeUpdate() method.
ExecuteUpdateCallableStatementExecutor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.ExecuteUpdateCallableStatementExecutor
Execution - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
Execution() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.Execution
Execution(DataInputParameter<String>, DataOutputParameter<String>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.Execution
executor - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
executor - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.ScheduledTaskPoller
exists() - Method in interface
Does the location wrapped by this KeystoreLocation object exist.
exists(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStore
Check if the data exists in the store.
exists(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
ExistsInCache - Class in
Condition that checks whether a key exists in a Cache
ExistsInCache() - Constructor for class
EXPECT - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
expiration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
expirationMillis() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
expirationMillis() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
expirationPolicy() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
expired(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCacheListener
EXPIRES - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Entity Fields.
expiresIn() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheExpiry.Expiry
ExpiringMapCache - Class in com.adaptris.core.cache
Cache implementation backed by net.jodah:expiringmap hosted on github.
ExpiringMapCache() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
ExpiringMapCacheListener - Class in com.adaptris.core.cache
ExpirationListener implementation that notifies any configured CacheEventListener that are configured.
ExpiringMapCacheListener() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCacheListener
extendedLogging() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
ExtendedXmlSchemaValidator - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
Used with XmlValidationService to validate an XML message against a schema.
ExtendedXmlSchemaValidator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ExtendedXmlSchemaValidator
extract(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ConstantDataInputParameter
extract(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileDataInputParameter
extract(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileInputStreamDataInputParameter
extract(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataDataInputParameter
extract(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamInputParameter
extract(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadByteArrayInputParameter
extract(String, MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadByteArrayInputParameter
Extract the payload with the given ID from the multi-payload message.
extract(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStreamInputParameter
extract(String, MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStreamInputParameter
Extract the payload with the given ID from the multi-payload message.
extract(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStringInputParameter
extract(String, MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStringInputParameter
Extract the payload with the given ID from the multi-payload message.
extract(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.PayloadStreamInputParameter
extract(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.StringPayloadDataInputParameter
extractInfo(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
ExtractMetadataService - Class in
Extract additional metadata values from an item of metadata.
ExtractMetadataService() - Constructor for class
ExtractorWithConnection - Class in
ExtractorWithConnection() - Constructor for class
extractState(Adapter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.HeartbeatEvent
Extracts a report on the Adapter's current state.
ExtraFactoryConfiguration - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi
Interface that allows you to configure the ConnectionFactory that is returned from a StandardJndiImplementation.


factory - Variable in class
failAllMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
failAllMessages(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitor
failAllMessages(boolean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitorMBean
Fail all the messages associated with the RetryMessageErrorHandler instance.
FailedMessageRetrier - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Component which consumes AdaptrisMessages and, based on message metadata, resubmits them to the Workflow which processed them originally.
FailedMessageRetrierImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Component which consumes AdaptrisMessages and, based on message metadata, resubmits them to the Workflow which processed them originally.
FailedMessageRetrierImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
Creates a new instance.
failFutureMessages(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
failMessage(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
failMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
failMessage(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitor
failMessage(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitorMBean
Fail in individual message.
failOnIteratorFailure() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
FailoverConfig - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc.connection
Class that is used to configure a failover database connection.
FailoverConfig() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
FailoverConfig(Properties) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Constructor using a pre-existing map.
FailoverConnection - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc.connection
A wrapper around a JDBC Connection.
FailoverConnection(FailoverConfig) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConnection
FailoverDataSource - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc.connection
Datasource that has a connection capable of failover to an alternate database.
FailoverDataSource(Properties) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc.connection
This class proxies the underlying FailoverConnection class.
FailoverDataSource.PoolAttendant - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc.connection
This class is reponsible for creating swimmers who swim in the Datasource Pool.
FailoverJdbcConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
An AdaptrisConnection implementation for a failover database connection.
FailoverJdbcConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
Creates a new instance.
FailoverJmsConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JmsConnection implementation that wraps a list of concrete JMSConnection instances to provide failover.
FailoverJmsConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
FALLBACK_TRANSFORMER_FACTORY_IMPL - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
fetchAndProcess(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
fetchAndProcess(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
fetchAndProcess(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpConsumer
FIELD_MESSAGE_EVENTS - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLoggerImpl
FIELD_METADATA - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLoggerImpl
FIELD_PAYLOAD - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLoggerImpl
FIELD_UNIQUE_ID - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLoggerImpl
FifoMutexLock - Class in com.adaptris.util
Wraps an instance of Semaphore and adds 'mut-ex' behaviour.
FifoMutexLock() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.FifoMutexLock
Creates a new instance.
FifoMutexLock(boolean) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.FifoMutexLock
Creates a new instance.
FILE_LAST_MODIFIED_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key for storing the last modified date of the consumed file.
FILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
The filename property
FileBackedMessage - Interface in com.adaptris.core.lms
Represents a message in the framework which is backed by a file on the filesystem.
FileBackedMessageFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.lms
Message factory that returns an AdaptrisMessage Implementation that is backed by a pair of files.
FileBackedMessageFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
Default constructor.
FileBackedMimeEncoder - Class in com.adaptris.core.lms
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageEncoder that stores payload and metadata as a mime-encoded multipart message.
FileBackedMimeEncoder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMimeEncoder
FileDataInputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
DataInputParameter implementation that reads from a file.
FileDataInputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.FileDataInputParameter
FileDataOutputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
DataInputParameter implementation that writes to a file.
FileDataOutputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.FileDataOutputParameter
fileFilter - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
fileFilter - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
fileFilterImp() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
FileInputMessageWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
MessageWrapper implementation that wraps an external file as an InputStream.
FileInputMessageWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.FileInputMessageWrapper
FileInputStreamDataInputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
DataInputParameter implementation that returns an input stream to a file.
FileInputStreamDataInputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.FileInputStreamDataInputParameter
FileLogHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
FileLogHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandler
FileLogHandlerJmx - Class in com.adaptris.core
FileLogHandlerJmxMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core
FileNameCreator - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Creates a file name for an AdaptrisMessage.
FileOutputMessageWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
MessageWrapper implementation that wraps an external file as an OutputStream.
FileOutputMessageWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.FileOutputMessageWrapper
FileParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
FileParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.FileParameter
FileSorter - Interface in com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced
Interface that allows FsConsumer style implementations to sort the list of files before processing.
FilesystemRetryStore - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry
Writes data into local storage for retry.
FilesystemRetryStore() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
FileTransferClient - Interface in com.adaptris.filetransfer
Common interface for all FTP client flavours.
FileTransferClientImp - Class in com.adaptris.filetransfer
Abstract implementation of FileTransferClient.
FileTransferClientImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClientImp
FileTransferConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
Class containing common configuration for all FTP Connection types.
FileTransferConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
FileTransferConnection.UserInfo - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
FileTransferConnectionUsingPassword - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
Common data/methods for file transfer connections that use username/password
FileTransferConnectionUsingPassword() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnectionUsingPassword
FileTransferException - Exception in com.adaptris.filetransfer
Exception encapsulating an file transfer error.
FileTransferException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferException
FileTransferException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferException
FileTransferException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferException
FileTransferException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferException
filter(Collection<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.CompositeMetadataFilter
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.DiscardEmptyValuesFilter
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.DiscardValuesTooLongFilter
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.ExcludeJmsHeaders
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.FixedValuesMetadataFilter
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MappedKeyMetadataFilter
filter(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.metadata.MetadataFilter
Return all the metadata that matches the filter.
filter(Set<MetadataElement>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.metadata.MetadataFilter
Return all the metadata that matches the filter.
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.metadata.MetadataFilter
Return all the metadata that matches the filter.
filter(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MetadataFilterImpl
filter(Set<MetadataElement>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MetadataFilterImpl
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.NoOpMetadataFilter
Simply returns a shallow clone of the original metadata set.
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.OrderedItemMetadataFilter
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordMetadataFilter
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
filter(MetadataCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RemoveAllMetadataFilter
Returns a new empty MetadataCollection.
filter(Collection<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
filter(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
filterDate() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.LastModifiedFilter
FilteredSharedComponentStart - Class in com.adaptris.core.lifecycle
Filtered start strategy for SharedComponentList
FilteredSharedComponentStart() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
FilteredSharedComponentStart(Boolean) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
filterExpression() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
filterExpression() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
filterExpression(String, ConsumeDestination) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DestinationHelper
Get the configured consume destination
filterGuid(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper
filterStarted(Map<String, Workflow>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
findAdapterResource() - Method in class
FindAndReplaceService - Class in
Implementation of Service which allows find and replace operations on the message payload.
FindAndReplaceService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
FindAndReplaceUnit - Class in
A unit of configuration for doing find and replace.
FindAndReplaceUnit() - Constructor for class
FindAndReplaceUnit(ReplacementSource, ReplacementSource) - Constructor for class
findInstance(Properties) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
findMBeanServer(Properties) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JmxHelper
Convenience method for directly passing in a BootstrapProperties object
findMBeanServer() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JmxHelper
Find the MBeanServer to use.
finish() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler.JmsConnectionVerifier
finishUpdate(PreparedStatement) - Method in class
finishUpdate(PreparedStatement) - Method in class
finishUpdate(PreparedStatement) - Method in class
FirstRowMetadataTranslator - Class in
Translate the first row of the result set into metadata.
FirstRowMetadataTranslator() - Constructor for class
FixedIntervalPoller - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of Poller which polls at a configurable fixed interval.
FixedIntervalPoller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.FixedIntervalPoller
FixedIntervalPoller(TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.FixedIntervalPoller
FixedValuesMetadataFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
MetadataFilter that just uses the configured KeyValuePairSet as the metadata.
FixedValuesMetadataFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.FixedValuesMetadataFilter
FlattenMimeParts - Class in
Flatten any nested MimeBodyParts inside the payload.
FlattenMimeParts() - Constructor for class
FloatColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling float types
FloatColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
FloatColumnTranslator(String) - Constructor for class
FloatStatementParameter - Class in
Float Statement Parameter.
FloatStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
FloatStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
flushBuffers() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
forceClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
forceClose() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Forcibly close the associated adapter.
forceRelativePath() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
ForEach - Class in
A for-each implementation that iterates over the payloads in a multi-payload message MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage.
ForEach() - Constructor for class
format(Collection<MetadataElement>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLoggerImpl
format(MetadataElement) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.metadata.ElementFormatter
Format the matadata element as a string.
format(MetadataElement) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.ElementKeyAndValueFormatter
Format the matadata element as a string.
format(MetadataElement) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.ElementValueFormatter
Format the matadata element as a string.
format(String) - Method in enum
format(Date) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.DateFormatUtil
Return the default formatted String for a given date.
FormattableColumnTranslator - Class in
Abstract column Translator implementation for handling column types that might need to have formatting applied to it.
FormattableColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
FormattableColumnTranslator(String) - Constructor for class
FormattedFilenameCreator - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of FileNameCreator that uses String.format(String, Object...).
FormattedFilenameCreator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.FormattedFilenameCreator
FormattedMetadataDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of ProduceDestination that uses String.format(String, Object...) along with metadata to create a dynamic destination.
FormattedMetadataDestination() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
FormDataFromMetadata - Class in
Service that creates something suitable to send as application/x-www-url-form-encoded from metadata.
FormDataFromMetadata() - Constructor for class
FormDataToMetadata - Class in
Takes a application/x-www-url-form-encoded payload and extracts it as metadata.
FormDataToMetadata() - Constructor for class
FORWARD_SLASH - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpHelper
forwardConnectionException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
friendlyName() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageListener
Get the friendly name for this component.
friendlyName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
friendlyName(Object) - Static method in class
friendlyName() - Method in class
friendlyName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
friendlyName(Service) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper
friendlyName(StateManagedComponent) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper
friendlyName(ComponentLifecycle) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper
friendlyName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
FROM - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
FromClasspath - Class in
Build a jetty server from a failsafe XML configuration
FromClasspath(Properties) - Constructor for class
FS_CONSUME_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key for storing the directory where a file was consumed from.
FS_CONSUME_PARENT_DIR - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key for storing the name of the immediate parent directory that a file was consumed from.
FS_FILE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key for storing the size of the message
FS_PRODUCE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key for storing the directory where a file was produced to by instances of FsProducer
FsConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
File system implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer based on the com.adaptris.fs package.
FsConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumer
Creates a new instance.
FsConsumerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
Abstract implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer based on the com.adaptris.fs package.
FsConsumerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
FsConsumerMonitor - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
FsConsumerMonitor(WorkflowManager, FsConsumerImpl) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerMonitor
FsConsumerMonitorMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.fs
FsException - Exception in com.adaptris.fs
Root of all custom Exceptions in the fs package and sub-packages.
FsException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsException
FsException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsException
FsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsException
FsException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsException
FsFilenameExistsException - Exception in com.adaptris.fs
Subclass of FsException indicating that a file has not be found.
FsFilenameExistsException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsFilenameExistsException
FsFilenameExistsException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsFilenameExistsException
FsFilenameExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsFilenameExistsException
FsFilenameExistsException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsFilenameExistsException
FsFileNotFoundException - Exception in com.adaptris.fs
Subclass of FsException indicating that a file has not be found.
FsFileNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsFileNotFoundException
FsFileNotFoundException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsFileNotFoundException
FsFileNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsFileNotFoundException
FsFileNotFoundException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.fs.FsFileNotFoundException
FsHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
FsHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsHelper
FsImmediateEventPoller - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
Implementation of Poller which listens for file events.
FsImmediateEventPoller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsImmediateEventPoller
FsProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
AdaptrisMessageProducer implementation that writes to the file system.
FsProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
fsWorker - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
FsWorker - Interface in com.adaptris.fs
Defines basic file system operations.
FTP_REPLYTO_NAME - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
since 3.11.0 if you're using FTP to do request reply, then please don't.
ftpClient - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
FtpConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
Class containing configuration for both FTP Consumers and producers.
FtpConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnection
FtpConnection(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnection
FtpConnectionImp - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
Abstract implementation of FTPConnection both vanilla and SSL.
FtpConnectionImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
Default Constructor with the following default values.
FtpConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
FTP implementation of the AdaptrisMessageConsumer interface.
FtpConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
FtpConsumerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
Abstract FTP Implementation of the AdaptrisMessageConsumer implementation.
FtpConsumerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
FtpDataMode - Enum in com.adaptris.ftp
Represents the DATA mode.
FtpException - Exception in com.adaptris.ftp
FTP specific exceptions
FtpException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.ftp.FtpException
FtpException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.ftp.FtpException
FtpException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.ftp.FtpException
FtpFileTransferClient - Interface in com.adaptris.ftp
Extension to FileTransferClient specifically for FTP.
FtpHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
FtpHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpHelper
FtpProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
Ftp implementation of the AdaptrisMessageProducer interface.
FtpProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
Default Constructor with the following defaults.
FtpSslConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
Allows connections to FTP (Explicit) SSL connections.
FtpSslConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpSslConnection
ftpURL() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
FullMessageLogger - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
MessageLogger implementation that that logs unique-id, metadata, payload, and events.
FullMessageLogger() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.FullMessageLogger
fullURL - Variable in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
The full version of the URL


GaussianIntervalPoller - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of Poller which polls at a random interval with a normal distribution.
GaussianIntervalPoller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.GaussianIntervalPoller
Creates a new instance.
GaussianIntervalPoller(TimeInterval, TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.GaussianIntervalPoller
generate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
generate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
generateHandler(byte[]) - Method in class
Create a CertificateHandler instance from the specified bytes.
generateHandler(Certificate) - Method in class
Create a CertificateHandler instance from a pre-existing Certificate.
generateHandler(InputStream) - Method in class
Create a CertificateHandler instance from the supplied inputstream.
generateKey(String) - Method in class
generateTimestamp(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
generateTimestamp(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
generateTimestamp(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
GenerateUniqueMetadataValueService - Class in
Service implementation that generates a unique item of metadata.
GenerateUniqueMetadataValueService() - Constructor for class
GenerateUniqueMetadataValueService(String) - Constructor for class
GenerateUniqueMetadataValueService(String, IdGenerator) - Constructor for class
get(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
Retrieves an object from the cache
get(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
get(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.NullCacheImplementation
get(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
get(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
get(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
get(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
get(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemCache
Get the TrackedItem associated with the key.
get(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceCacheProvider
Will return the current time slice.
get(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceDefaultCacheProvider
get(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
get(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
get(int) - Method in class
get(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
get(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
get(String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Get data from the FTP server.
get(OutputStream, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Get data from the FTP server.
get(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Get data from the FTP server.
get(File) - Method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Gets the contents of the specified File.
get(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.fs.NioWorker
get(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.fs.StandardWorker
get(OutputStream, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
Get data from a remote file
get(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
Get data as a byte array from a server file
get(OutputStream, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
get(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
get(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
getAbsolutePath() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
getAcceptedIssuers() - Method in class
getAcceptSuccessCallbacks() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
getAccessTokenBuilder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
getAccessTokenWriter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
getAcknowledgeMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
Sets the JMS acknowledge mode to use.
getAcknowledgeMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
Returns the JMS acknowledge mode to use.
getAcknowledgeMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Returns the JMS acknowledge mode.
getAcquireIncrement() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
getActualMarshaller() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticMarshaller
getAdapterBuildVersion() - Method in class
Get the Adapter Build Version.
getAdapterBuildVersion() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getAdapterBuildVersion() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Get the adapter build version.
getAdapterRegistry() - Method in interface
getAdapters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getAdapters() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Get all the adapters that have been registered.
getAdapterState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
Returns the state of the Adapter.
getAdapterStateSummary() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.HeartbeatEvent
Return the AdapterStateSummary.
getAdapterUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterLifecycleEvent
Returns the unique ID of the adapter emitting this event.
getAdaptrisMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
getAddCurrentThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
Append the current thread name to any generated friendly name.
getAddDefaultKeysAsObjectMetadata() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
Return whether the default keys will be added to object metadata.
getAdditionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
The additional debug flag.
getAdditionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
getAdditionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
getAdditionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
Set additional trace debug logs
getAdditionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
getAdditionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
Log the internal object pool state.
getAdditionalDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
getAdditionalLogging() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
getAdditionalParams() - Method in interface
getAdditionalSettings() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
getAddNullValues() - Method in class
getAgeBeforeEviction() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
getAggregator() - Method in class
The MessageAggregator implementation to use to join messages together.
getAggregator() - Method in class
getAlgorithm() - Method in class
getAlgorithm() - Method in class
getAlgorithm() - Method in class
Return the algorithm.
getAlgorithms() - Static method in class
getAlias() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
getAlias() - Method in class
Get the alias associated with this object.
getAlias() - Method in class
getAliasPassword() - Method in class
Get the password associated with this object.
getAllDescendants() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getAllDescendants() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRuntimeComponent
Get all the descendants of this ParentComponent implementation.
getAllDescendants() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
getAllDescendants() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentComponent
Get all the descendants of this ParentComponent implementation.
getAllDescendants() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
getAllowEmptyResults() - Method in class
getAllowForwardSearch() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceList
getAllowNulls() - Method in class
Returns whether the class allows null results.
getAllowOverride() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
Returns true if a configured XSLT URL may be over-ridden by one stored against a metadata key.
getAllowRedirect() - Method in class
Automatically handle redirection.
getAlwaysHandleException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
getAlwaysReplace() - Method in class
getAlwaysReplaceMetadata() - Method in class
getAlwaysReplaceMetadata() - Method in class
getAlwaysSendPayload() - Method in class
Whether or not to always attempt to send the payload as the entity body.
getAlwaysValidateConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Returns whether to always validate the database connection.
getAlwaysValidateConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
GetAndCacheOauthToken - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.oauth
Variation of GetOauthToken that automatically caches the AccessToken in the cache of your choosing.
GetAndCacheOauthToken() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
getAndIncrementStatistic(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
getApi(Properties) - Method in interface
Will return a fully configured low-level api should you wish to perform direct actions on the VCS.
getAppendKeys() - Method in class
Returns the List of metadata keys whose values are to be appended.
getArgument(String[]) - Method in class
Get the argument specified.
getArgument(String[], String[]) - Static method in class
Convenience method to get the arguments.
getArgumentMetadataKeys() - Method in class
getArguments() - Method in class
getArtifactIdentifiers() - Method in class
Get maven style artifact identifiers.
getArtifactIdentifiers() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getArtifactIdentifiers() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Get a list of all the modules currently installed for this adapter.
getAsString() - Method in interface
Return the internal message, either encrypted or decrypted.
getAsString(String) - Method in interface
Return the internal message, either encrypted or decrypted.
getAsString() - Method in class
getAsString(String) - Method in class
getAttemptAutoConvert() - Method in class
getAuthentication() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
getAuthenticator() - Method in class
getAuthenticator() - Method in class
getAuthenticator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfigurableSecurityHandler
getAutoCommit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Returns whether to auto-commit.
getAutoCommit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getAutoCommit() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Get autoCommit flag for this configuration
getAutoCommit() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getAutoStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
getBackOffMultiplier() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
getBaseDirectoryUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
The base directory specified as a URL.
getBaseDirectoryUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
The base directory specified as a URL.
getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
The base URL file:///... where we can discover files.
getBatchWindow() - Method in class
getBlobTransferPolicy() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation
Get the Blob Transfer Policy.
getBody() - Method in class
getBodyPart(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.BodyPartIterator
getBodyPart(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.BodyPartIterator
getBootstrapProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorImpl
getBoundedCache() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
getBranchingEnabled() - Method in class
getBrokerUploadUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
getBrokerUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.UrlVendorImplementation
Returns the broker URL.
getBufferSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
getBufferSize() - Method in class
getBuildDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
Get the build directory.
getBuilder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
getBuilder(ObjectName) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getBuilder(Properties) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getBuilder(ObjectName) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Get a reference to the AdapterBuilderMBean instance that built the corresponding AdapterManagerMBean instance.
getBuilder(Properties) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Get the AdapterBuilderMBean associated with given Properties object.
getBuilder() - Method in class
getBuilderMBean(ObjectName) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getBuilderMBean(ObjectName) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Get a reference to the AdapterBuilderMBean instance that built the corresponding AdapterManagerMBean instance.
getBuilders() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getBuilders() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Get All the builders.
getBuilders() - Method in class
getByName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterList
getByName(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ParameterList
getByOrder(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterList
getByOrder(int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ParameterList
getBytes() - Method in interface
Return the internal message, either encrypted or decrypted.
getBytes() - Method in class
getBytes() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
getBytes() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Get bytes created by this multi-part.
getByteTranslator() - Method in class
getByteTranslator() - Method in class
getCache() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
getCacheConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
getCacheEntryEvaluators() - Method in class
getCacheExpiration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
getCacheInstance() - Method in class
getCacheKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
getCacheKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
getCacheName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
getCacheNames() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlicePersistence
getCacheProvider() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
getCacheTransforms() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
Returns true if XSLTs should be cached.
getCaptureOutgoingMessageDetails() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
getCases() - Method in class
getCatalog() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getCatalog() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getCdataColumnRegexp() - Method in class
getCertificate() - Method in interface
Get the certificate contained within this handler for further manual querying.
getCertificate(String) - Method in class
getCertificate() - Method in class
getCertificate(String) - Method in interface
Return the certificate specified by the given alias.
getCertificateChain(String) - Method in class
getCertificateChain(String) - Method in interface
Return the certificate specified by the given alias.
getChannel(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Returns the Channel stored at the passed pos in the List.
getChannel(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Returns the Channel with the passed uniqueId or null if no such channel exists.
getChannelFriendlyName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.event.ChannelRestartEvent
Returns the friendly name of the Channel if one has been configured.
getChannelId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Get the id of the channel that started processing this message.
getChannelList() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Returns the ChannelList.
getChannels() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Returns the underlying List of Channels.
getChannelStates() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
getChannelUnavailableWaitInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Get the time the Workflow implementation will wait if its parent Channel is unavailable before resubmitting the message.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class
getCharEncoding() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
since 3.0.6 use {InterlokMessage.getContentEncoding() instead.
getCharEncoding() - Method in class
getCharEncoding() - Method in class
getCharset() - Method in class
getCharset() - Method in class
getCharsetEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.CharsetByteTranslator
getCheckCharset() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyMessageConsumer
Whether or not to check the character encoding on the request
getCheckClassName() - Method in class
getCheckInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
getCheckName() - Method in class
getChildren() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getChildren() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
getChildren() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentComponentMBean
Get the list of ObjectName instances that map to all the immeidate child components of this parent.
getChildRuntimeInfoComponents() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getChildRuntimeInfoComponents() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
getChildRuntimeInfoComponents() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentRuntimeInfoComponentMBean
getChildRuntimeInfoComponents() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
getCipherTransformation() - Method in class
getClassDefinition(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getClassDefinition(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
In JSON format return the full class description, including subclasses and annotation detail.
getClassDescriptorProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
getClasses(InputStream) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.XStreamUtils
Reads in the given resource file and converts each line of input into a Class.
getClassMappings() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MarshalledClassDestination
Get the mappings.
getClassName() - Method in class
getClassName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
getClassName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
getClassType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
getClientId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Sets the broker connection client ID.
getClientId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
getClientInfo() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getClientInfo(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getClientInfo() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getClientInfo(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getCloneService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
getCoalescing() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setCoalescing(boolean) if non-null
getCode() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.server.HttpStatusProvider.Status
The HTTP status code itself.
getCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.RawStatusProvider
getCodeKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.MetadataStatusProvider
getCollisionAvoidancePercent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
getColumnBookendCharacter() - Method in class
getColumnName() - Method in class
getColumnNameStyle() - Method in class
Get the column name format.
getColumnTranslators() - Method in class
getColumnWriter() - Method in class
getCommandBuilder() - Method in class
getComment() - Method in class
getComments() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
getComments() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConfigComment
getComments() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
getComments() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
getComparator() - Method in class
getCompareToPreviousMatch() - Method in class
Returns whether this splitter will group matched records together.
getComponentState() - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredComponentState
getComponentState() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Get the state of this managed runtime component.
getComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
getCompressionMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.ZipFileBackedMessageFactory
getCondition() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
getCondition() - Method in class
getCondition() - Method in class
getCondition() - Method in class
getCondition() - Method in class
getConditions() - Method in class
getConfig() - Method in class
getConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConnection
Get the configuration.
getConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
getConfig(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.InlineConfigBuilder
getConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.InlineConfigBuilder
getConfig(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.PerHostConfigBuilder
Return the configuration for the host.
getConfigItem(String) - Method in class
getConfigItem(String, String) - Method in class
getConfigLocation() - Method in class
Gets the location for the file that will contain the persisted list of received ids.
getConfigManager() - Method in class
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
getConfiguration() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Get a marshalled copy of the configuration for this item.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getConfiguration() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
since 3.6.1 get it via AdapterRegistryMBean.getBuilder(ObjectName) instead.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStore
Get the configuration for this datastore.
getConfigurationStream() - Method in class
getConfigurationURL(ObjectName) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getConfigurationURL(ObjectName) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Get the URL that was used to create the adapter associated with that ObjectName.
getConfigurationUrls() - Method in class
getConfigurationURLString(ObjectName) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getConfigurationURLString(ObjectName) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Get the URL that was used to create the adapter associated with that ObjectName.
getConfiguredThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestinationImp
Returns the configured thread name.
getConfirmationId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
since 3.6.2 since MessageEventGenerator#isConfirmation() is deprecated
getConnection() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConnectedService
Returns the AdaptrisConnection to use.
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
Returns the AdaptrisConnection to use.
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumeService
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The underlying Jetty connection.
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
getConnection(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
Get the Connection either from the AdaptrisMessage object or from configuration.
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
getConnection() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in class
Returns the AdaptrisConnection to use for producing split messages.
getConnection() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in class
Returns the AdaptrisConnection to use for producing split messages.
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
Get the connection to be used.
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
Returns the connection to use.
getConnection(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisConnection) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
Convenience method to get the Connection either from the AdaptrisMessage object or from configuration.
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConnection
Returns the userConnection.
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
Get the configured connection.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
Get the configured connection.
getConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
getConnectionAcquireWait() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
getConnectionAttempts() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AllowsRetriesConnection
Returns the number of connection attempts to make.
getConnectionErrorHandler() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Returns the configured ConnectionErrorHandler.
getConnectionErrorHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
getConnectionErrorHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
getConnectionFactoryProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation
getConnectionIds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Return a list of connection-ids that are registered.
getConnectionName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Returns a name for this connection for logging purposes.
getConnectionName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
getConnectionName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
getConnectionName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
getConnectionPoolProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection
getConnectionProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Get any additional connection properties that have been configured.
getConnectionProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
getConnectionRetryInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AllowsRetriesConnection
getConnections() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
getConnections() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Returns a clone of the connections list.
getConnectionUrls() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Get the configured list of URLs.
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class
The connect timeout.
getConnectUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
Returns the connection string to use for this JDBC source.
getConnectUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
getConnectUrls() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
Get the configured list of URLs.
getConstant() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConstantParameter
getConstraintName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
getConsumeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Returns the AdaptrisConnection used for consuming.
getConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumeService
getConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
Returns the underlying AdaptrisMessageConsumer.
getConsumer() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Returns this Workflow's AdaptrisMessageConsumer.
getConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Returns the AdaptrisMessageConsumer to use.
getContent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp
getContent(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Get the payload content for the given ID.
getContent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the current payload content.
getContent(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the payload content for the given ID.
getContent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamParameter
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.PayloadStreamOutputParameter
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.StringPayloadDataOutputParameter
getContentEncoding(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Get the content encoding for the given payload ID.
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
getContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the content encoding for the given payload ID.
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
getContentEncoding() - Method in class
getContentId() - Method in class
getContentId() - Method in class
getContentId() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByContentId
getContentType() - Method in class
getContentType(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ConfiguredContentTypeProvider
getContentType(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.ContentTypeProvider
Get the content type.
getContentType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
getContentType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.ReportBuilder
Set the content type to be associated with the report.
getContentType(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.MetadataContentTypeProvider
getContentType(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.NullContentTypeProvider
getContentType(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.RawContentTypeProvider
getContentType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.RawContentTypeProvider
getContentType() - Method in class
getContentType() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
getContentType() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.InputStreamDataSource
getContentType() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
Convenience Method to get the content-Type
getContentTypeKey() - Method in class
getContentTypeMetadataKey() - Method in class
getContentTypeProbe() - Method in class
getContentTypeProvider() - Method in class
Content-Type header associated with the HTTP operation
getContentTypeProvider() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
The Content-Type to send with the response.
getContinueOnFail() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
getContinueOnFail() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
getContinueOnFail() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
getConvertBackToConsumedType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator
getConvertNull() - Method in class
Whether to convert null object results into something meaningful.
getCopyMetadata() - Method in class
getCopyMetadata() - Method in class
Returns whether to copy metadata from the original message to the split messages.
getCopyObjectMetadata() - Method in class
getCorrectState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.OutOfStateHandlerImp
getCorrelationIdSource() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
Sets correlationIdSource.
getCorrelationIdSource() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
Returns correlationIdSource.
getCorrelationIdSource() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Returns correlationIdSource.
getCountThreshold() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
getCreateDatabase() - Method in class
getCreateDirs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Create missing directories when trying to poll
getCreateDirs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
Specify whether to create directories that do not exist.
getCreateTempDir() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
getCreationCompleteCheck() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsImmediateEventPoller
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Event
Returns the creation time of this Event.
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Get the creation time.
getCronExpression() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
Return the cron expression to use.
getCurrentDoc() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
getCurrentPayloadId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Get the ID of the current payload.
getCurrentPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the ID of the current payload.
getCurrentTimeSlice() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
getCurrentTimeSlice(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlicePersistence
getDatabaseDriver() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Get the configured database Driver for this config
getDataFile() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
Get the data filename.
getDate() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
getDateFormat() - Method in class
Get the configured Date Format.
getDateFormat() - Method in class
getDateFormat() - Method in class
getDateFormatBuilder() - Method in class
getDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
getDebugMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Returns this connection's debug mode.
getDebugMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Return whether the database connection should have further verbose logging.
getDebugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DebugPoolFactory
getDefault() - Static method in class
Get the default instance of the factory.
getDefaultAccount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
getDefaultAdapterConfig() - Method in interface
getDefaultAdapterConfig() - Method in class
getDefaultAdapterResourceName() - Method in class
getDefaultBufferSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
getDefaultCharEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Return the default character encoding for the message.
getDefaultCharEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
getDefaultCharEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
getDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.PerHostConfigBuilder
getDefaultControlPort() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
getDefaultDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ExceptionDestination
getDefaultDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MarshalledClassDestination
Get the default destination.
getDefaultDestination() - Method in class
getDefaultDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
getDefaultEncoding() - Method in class
getDefaultExceptionMessage() - Method in class
Returns the configured exception message to use.
getDefaultFilterExpression() - Method in class
getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Get the default implementationion of AdaptrisMessageFactory.
getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class
Convenience method to get a default instance of the PropertyResolver.
getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class
Get the default instance of the RevocationService.
getDefaultMarshaller() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMarshaller
getDefaultMethod() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.MetadataRequestMethodProvider
getDefaultMimeType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.MetadataContentTypeProvider
getDefaultName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataFileNameCreator
Sets the 'default name' which will be used if the metadata value is null or empty.
getDefaultPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnectionUsingPassword
Get the password.
getDefaultPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpPasswordAuthentication
Get the password.
getDefaultPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Get the default payload ID.
getDefaultServiceId() - Method in class
Set the default service-id in the event that no matches are found (optional).
getDefaultServiceId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
getDefaultServiceId() - Method in class
Returns the ID of an optional default Service.
getDefaultStatus() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.MetadataStatusProvider
getDefaultUploadUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
getDefaultUserName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Returns the default user name.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
getDeferConsumerCreationToVendor() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumer
Set to true if you wish to let the JMS message consumer be delegated by the configured vendor implementation.
getDeferConsumerCreationToVendor() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
Set to true if you wish to let the JMS message consumer be delegated by the configured vendor implementation.
getDefinition() - Method in class
getDelayBetweenRetries() - Method in class
getDeleteAggregatedFiles() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
getDeleteAggregatedFiles() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumer
getDeleteEndpointPrefix() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The delete endpoint.
getDeleteHttpMethod() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The HTTP method which is required for deleting messages from the retry store; the default is DELETE.
getDeliveryMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Returns the JMS delivery mode.
getDeliveryThreadName() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestination
Returns the name to use for the delivery thread.
getDeliveryThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestinationImp
getDestDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
Get the destination directory.
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileParameter
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination
getDestination(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredDestination
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredDestination
getDestination() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestination
Returns the name of the destination.
getDestination(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ExceptionDestination
getDestination(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpProducer
getDestination() - Method in class
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler.JmsTemporaryDestination
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
since 3.11.0 use the endpoint/queue/topic configuration available on the concrete consumer
getDestination() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination
The JMS Destination.
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
since 3.11.0 use the endpoint/queue/topic configuration available on the concrete consumer
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination
getDestination(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToDestination
Creates a new ProduceDestination based on object metadata
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
getDestination(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MarshalledClassDestination
Get the destination based on the type of object this AdaptrisMessage is.
getDestination(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataDestination
Creates a new ProduceDestination by concatenating the values of configurable metadata from the AdaptrisMessage.
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageConsumer
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
getDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
getDestination(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ProduceDestination
Returns a String destination name.
getDestination() - Method in class
getDestination() - Method in class
getDestination() - Method in class
getDestination() - Method in interface
Get the configured destination.
getDestination() - Method in class
getDestination(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
getDestinationFormatBuilder() - Method in class
getDestinationId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Event
Returns the unique ID of the destination Adapter (or other entity such as a GUI).
getDestinationKey() - Method in class
Gets the Key for the output MetadataElement which will contain the output destination.
getDestinationMetadataKey() - Method in class
getDestinationTemplate() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
getDigest() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
getDigest() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
getDigest() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmxMBean
getDigestMaxSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
getDigestSubset(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
getDigestSubset(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
getDigestSubset(int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmxMBean
getDigestSubset(int, int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmxMBean
getDirectory(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpHelper
getDirectory(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpHelper
getDirectoryRoot(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Returns the directory root for the passed host URL.
getDisableDefaultMessageCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
getDisplayColumnErrors() - Method in class
getDocumentEncoding() - Method in class
Set the XML encoding for the resulting document which defaults to 'UTF-8' if not explicitly configured.
getDocumentMerge() - Method in class
getDriverImp() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Returns the driver implementation to use.
getDuplicateDestination() - Method in class
Sets the output destination String which will be stored as the value of the MetadataElement if the id is not unique.
getDurable() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
getDurableTopicPrefetch() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
getElementFormatter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
Get the element formatter.
getElementFormatter() - Method in class
Get the element formatter.
getElementName() - Method in class
getElementXpath() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
Get the configured element xpath.
getEnableEncodedPasswords() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
Whether or not encoded passwords are enabled.
getEncodedPassword() - Method in class
getEncodedPasswordKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
getEncoder() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorker
Returns the AdaptrisMessageEncoder to use.
getEncoder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
getEncoder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
getEncoder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumer
getEncoder() - Method in class
getEncoder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
getEncoding() - Method in class
getEncoding() - Method in class
getEncoding() - Method in class
getEncoding() - Method in class
Gets the encoding used by this splitter
getEncoding() - Method in class
getEncoding() - Method in class
getEncryptionAlgorithm() - Method in class
Get the encryption algorithm to be used.
getEndMillis() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorStatistic
getEndMillis() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
getEndMillis() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlice
getEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumer
The RFC6167 format topic/queue.
getEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumer
The JMS destination in RFC6167 format.
getEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
The JMS Endpoint defined in an RFC6167 manner.
getEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
The RFC6167 format topic/queue.
getEndTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConsumerMonitor
getEnforceSerializable() - Method in class
getEntityResolver() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilder.setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) if non-null.
getEnvironment() - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
getEnvironmentMetadataKeys() - Method in class
getEnvironmentProperties() - Method in class
getErrorOnEmptyKey() - Method in class
getErrorOnEmptyValue() - Method in class
getErrorThreshold() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
getEscapeBackslash() - Method in class
getEventHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Returns the EventHandler.
getEventHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducer
getEventListener() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
getExceptionGenerator() - Method in class
getExceptionGenerator() - Method in class
getExceptionHandlingService() - Method in class
Returns the Service to call if an exception is encountered calling the wrapped Service.
getExceptionIfNotFound() - Method in class
getExceptionIfNotFound() - Method in class
getExceptionMapping() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ExceptionDestination
getExceptionMessageMetadataKey() - Method in class
Returns the metadata key against which an exception message is expected at runtime.
getExceptionMessageMetadataKey() - Method in class
Returns the metadata key to store the exception message against.
getExceptionOnInterrupt() - Method in class
getExceptionSerializer() - Method in class
getExcludePatterns() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
getExcludes() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
getExecutablePath() - Method in class
getExecutions() - Method in class
getExecutions() - Method in class
getExpandEntityReferences() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setExpandEntityReferences(boolean) if non-null
getExpiration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
getExpiration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
Time (LRU) before expiration.
getExpirationPolicy() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
getExpiry() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
getExpiry() - Method in class
getExpiryDate() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.event.LicenseExpiryWarningEvent
getExpressions() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.ResolvableExpressionParameter
getExtendedLogging() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
getExtraFactoryConfiguration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
getFactory() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Return the factory that created this message.
getFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getFailedMessageRetrier() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Returns the FailedMessageRetrier to use.
getFailId() - Method in class
getFailIfNotFound() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
getFailOnDeleteFailure() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpConsumer
getFailOnIterateFailure() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
getFailOnRecoverableError() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactoryImpl
since 3.6.5, XSLT 3.0 has eliminated all "recoverable errors" from the specification. If you are using a previous version of saxon or xalan then this will still have an effect.
getFailureExceptions() - Method in class
getFailureId() - Method in class
getFeatures() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setFeature(String, boolean) for each value defined.
getFieldCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
getFieldMappings() - Method in class
getFieldName(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
getFieldNames() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
getFieldType(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
getFieldType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
getFieldTypes() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
getFieldValue(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
getFieldValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
getFile() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Returns the file name of this URLString.
getFileFilterImp() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
getFileFilterImp() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Set the filename filter implementation that will be used for filtering files.
getFileFilterImp() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumer
getFileFilterImp() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
Set the filename filter implementation that will be used for filtering files.
getFilename(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpHelper
Get the filename part from an NLST command.
getFilename(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpHelper
getFilename() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyHashUserRealmVerifier
getFilename() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceFactoryImpl
getFilenameCreator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
Sets the FileNameCreator.
getFilenameCreator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
getFilenameCreator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpProducer
getFilenameCreator() - Method in class
getFilenameCreator() - Method in class
getFilenameFormat() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedFilenameCreator
getFilenameMetadata() - Method in class
The metadata key that contains the filename to use in the zip file when aggregating.
getFilePath() - Method in class
Get the file path parameter.
getFilesize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
getFileSorter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Set the filesorter implementation to use.
getFileSystemPath() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
getFilter() - Method in class
getFilter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataResponseHeaderProvider
getFilter() - Method in class
getFilterCondition() - Method in class
Allows you to filter the messages based on a condition - optional, positive filter match
getFilterExpression() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination
getFilterExpression() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestination
Returns the filter expression to use.
getFilterExpression() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
The filter expression to use when listing files.
getFilterExpression() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
The filter expression to use when listing files.
getFilterMetadataKey() - Method in class
getFilters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.CompositeMetadataFilter
getFind() - Method in class
getFindAndReplaceUnits() - Method in class
getFirstKey() - Method in class
getFirstServiceId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
Returns the unique ID of the first Service to apply.
getFirstThrowableException() - Method in class
getFlushBuffer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
getForceRelativePath() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Get the force relative path flag.
getFormat() - Method in class
getFormat() - Method in class
getFormatString() - Method in class
getFormatter() - Method in class
getForwardConnectionException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
Throw an exception if producing the response fails.
getFriendlyName() - Method in class
getFriendlyName() - Method in interface
getFriendlyName() - Method in class
getFriendlyName() - Method in class
getFriendlyName() - Method in class
getFriendlyName() - Method in class
getFriendlyName() - Method in class
getFriendlyName() - Method in class
getFsConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumeService
getFsWorker() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
The FsWorker implementation to use when performing write operations.
getFtpDataMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
getFtpEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
The FTP endpoint where we will retrieve files files.
getFtpEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
The FTP endpoint in which to deposit files.
getFtpEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpProducer
The FTP endpoint in which to deposit files.
getGenerator() - Method in class
getGreaterThanServiceId() - Method in class
getHandleMultipleResultsetsQuietly() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.CallableStatementExecutorImpl
getHandler(StatementParameterImpl.QueryType) - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHashAlgorithm() - Method in class
getHashAlgorithm() - Method in class
getHeaderHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyMessageConsumer
What to do with any HTTP headers
getHeaderName() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByHeader
getHeaderPrefix() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HeaderHandlerImpl
getHeaderPrefix() - Method in class
getHeaderPrefix() - Method in class
Get the header prefix.
getHeaders() - Method in class
getHeaders() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfiguredResponseHeaderProvider
getHeaders() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.InputStreamDataSource
getHeaders() - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeHeaders
getHeaders() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
getHeaderValue() - Method in class
getHeaderValueRegExp() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByHeader
getHeartbeatEventImp() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Returns the class name of the heartbeat event imp to use.
getHeartbeatEventInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
getHeartbeatTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.HeartbeatEvent
Returns the time this event was sent.
getHistorySize() - Method in class
Gets the number of elements to keep in the previously received IDs list.
getHoldability() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getHoldability() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getHost() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Returns the host of this URLString.
getHostname() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
getHosts() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.PerHostConfigBuilder
getHttpConfiguration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
getHttpStatus() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
getIdentity(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Get the appropriate identity from the msg.
getIdentity(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getIdentity() - Method in class
getIdentity(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getIdentityMetadataKey() - Method in class
getIdentityService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceProxy
getIdField() - Method in class
getIdleConnectionTestPeriod() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
getIgnoreBlankLines() - Method in class
Whether to ignore blank lines or not.
getIgnoreCase() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.OrderedItemMetadataFilter
getIgnoreCase() - Method in class
getIgnoreCase() - Method in class
getIgnoreCase() - Method in class
getIgnoreCase() - Method in class
getIgnoreComments() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setIgnoringComments(boolean) if non-null
getIgnoreExecuteQueryErrors() - Method in class
getIgnoreFirstSubMessage() - Method in class
Returns whether this splitter will ignore the first record or not.
getIgnoreReplyMetadata() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerBase
getIgnoreServerResponseCode() - Method in class
Set whether to ignore the server response code.
getIgnoreSplitMessageFailures() - Method in class
getIgnoreUnsupported() - Method in class
getIgnoreWhitespace() - Method in class
getIgnoreWhitespace() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(boolean) if non-null
getIgnoreXmlParseExceptions() - Method in class
getImplementationName() - Method in interface
Return the name of the version control system this implementation is built for.
getImplementationName() - Method in interface
getImplicitSsl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpSslConnection
getInactivityInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.TimedInactivityProducerSessionFactory
getInactivityPeriod() - Method in class
getIncludeMetadata() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PayloadMessageLogger
getIncludePatterns() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
getIncludeQueryPrefix() - Method in class
getIncludes() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
getIncludeStackTrace() - Method in class
getIndexMetadataKey() - Method in class
getInitialContext(Hashtable) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.JndiContextFactory
getInitialRedeliveryDelay() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
getInitialVector() - Method in class
getInitWaitTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
Set the amount of time to wait for object pool population.
getInOutParameters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
getInParameters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
getInput() - Method in class
getInputStream() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp
getInputStream(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Get the input stream for the given payload ID.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
getInputStream(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the input stream for the given payload ID.
getInputStream(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getInputStream(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getInputStream(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getInputStream(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getInputStream(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getInputStream(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getInputStream(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getInputStream() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
getInputStream() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.InputStreamDataSource
getInputStyle() - Method in class
getInsertStatement() - Method in class
getInsertStatement(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.ClosedState
Returns the single instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.AdapterResourceAuthenticator
getInstance(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ThreadLocalCredentials
Get an instance for the specified target.
getInstance(String, ResourceTargetMatcher) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ThreadLocalCredentials
Get an instance for the specified target using the specified ResourceTargetMatcher.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.InitialisedState
Returns the single instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlicePersistence
getInstance(String[]) - Static method in class
Get the default implementation of the argument processor.
getInstance() - Method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
Get the singleton of the VersionReport.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.StartedState
Returns the single instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.StoppedState
Returns the single instance of this class.
getInstance() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XStreamJsonMarshaller
getInstance() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XStreamMarshaller
getInstance() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XStreamMarshallerImpl
Typically it will do something like this:-
getInstance() - Static method in class
Get the instance of the CertificateBuilderFactory.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Get a factory for handling X509 certificates.
getInterceptors() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Return all the configured interceptors.
getInterceptors() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
getInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
getIntervalToCheck() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WaitingOutOfStateHandler
getInValue() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
getIsConfirmation() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
since 3.6.2 since MessageEventGenerator#isConfirmation() is deprecated
getIssuer() - Method in interface
Get the Issuer of this certificate.
getIsTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
getIsTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
getIsTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
getIsTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
getIsTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class
getIsTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
getIsTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
getIterates() - Method in class
Get the configured iteration flag.
getIterationXpath() - Method in class
Get the configured iteration xpath.
getIterationXpath() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
Get the iteration xpath.
getJettyConfigResource() - Method in class
getJmsConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
getJmsOutputType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator
getJmxProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
getJmxServiceUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
getJmxServiceUrl() - Method in class
getJndiName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
Returns the name to look up in the JNDI store.
getJndiParams() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
Returns a KeyValuePairSet of the parameters requires to connect to the JNDI store.
getJobKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
Creates a job key that encapsulates the job name and group name.
getKeepAliveTimeout() - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Get the time to wait between sending control connection keepalive messages.
getKeepAliveTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
getKeepAliveTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
getKeepHeaderLines() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromMetadataWrapper
getKey() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
getKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
getKey() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class
getKey(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePair
getKey() - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.NameValuePair
getKeyAlgorithm() - Method in interface
Extract the KeyAlgorithm from the certificate.
getKeyAlgorithm() - Method in class
Return the keyAlgorithm.
getKeyForPayload() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MapMessageTranslator
getKeyFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
getKeyFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getKeyFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getKeyFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getKeyFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getKeyLength() - Method in class
return the key length.
getKeys() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
Retrieves a List of all the keys in the cache (optional operation).
getKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
getKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.NullCacheImplementation
getKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
getKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
Get the metadata keys captured by this statistic.
getKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataDestination
Returns the List of keys that are used to construct the destination name.
getKeys() - Method in class
getKeysFoundServiceId() - Method in class
getKeySize() - Method in class
Return the key size.
getKeysNotFoundServiceId() - Method in class
getKeysToModify() - Method in class
getKeystore() - Method in class
Return the keystore.
getKeystore() - Method in interface
Return the underyling keystore object for manual querying.
getKeystoreFactory() - Method in class
getKeystoreFactory(ConfiguredKeystore) - Static method in class
getKeystorePassword() - Method in class
getKeystorePassword() - Method in interface
Return the keystore password.
getKeyStoreType() - Method in interface
Get the type of keystore.
getKeystoreUrls() - Method in class
Get the list of keystore urls.
getKeyToCheck() - Method in class
Gets the key for the MetadataElement to check for uniqueness.
getKeyTranslator() - Method in class
Get the configured key translator.
getKeyValuePair(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Return the first KeyValuePair that matches the given key.
getKeyValuePairs() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Returns the underlying Collection of KeyValuePair instances
getKeyValuePairs() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairCollection
getKeyValuePairs() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
getKeyValuePairs() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairSet
getKnownHostsFile() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
getLanguage() - Method in class
getLanguageTag() - Method in class
getLastModified() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
getLastProcessed() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
getLastRevocationCheck() - Method in interface
Return a Calendar object that indicates the date that a revocation check was last performed.
getLastRevocationCheck(X509Certificate) - Method in class
Get the last time this certificate was checked.
getLastStartTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
getLastStopTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
getLatestStat() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
getLatestStat() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticManager
getLicenseExpiry() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.event.LicenseExpiryWarningEvent
Get the date of the license expiry.
getLifecycleEvent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
getLifecycleStrategy() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
getLifecycleStrategy() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
getLifecycleStrategy() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
getListeners() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCacheListener
getListEntries() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ListContentValidation
Get the list of entries that will be used for validation.
getLocalPartner() - Method in class
Get the local partner keystore alias.
getLocalRevision(File) - Method in interface
This method will return your local repositories current revision number/string/id.
getLock() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
Get a lock on the file
getLockFile() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
Get the lock file name.
getLogAllExceptions() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
getLogAllExceptions() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Log all the stack traces or not.
getLogCategory() - Method in class
getLogDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandler
Get the directory used for logging.
getLogExceptions() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpAuthenticationWrapper
getLogFile() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandler
Return the filename that will be sent as part of the LogRequestEvent.
getLogger(LoggingServiceImpl.LoggingLevel) - Static method in class
getLoggingFormat() - Method in class
getLogHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
getLoginService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfigurableSecurityHandler
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
getLogLevel() - Method in class
getLogPrefix() - Method in class
getLogWriter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
getLogWriter() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
getLookupName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
Set the name of the service that will be looked up from SharedComponentList.getServices(),
getLookupName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
getLookupName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
Set the name of the service that will be looked up from SharedComponentList.getServices(),
getLookupName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
getLower() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.RangeMatch
getManagementComponentInfo() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getManagementComponentInfo() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Will return a Map of ManagementComponentInfo's.
getMappings() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.MappedResolver
getMarkAsNonMime() - Method in class
getMarshaller() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
getMarshaller() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
getMarshaller() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MarshalledClassDestination
Get the marshaller used to unmarshall the AdaptrisMessage object.
getMarshaller() - Method in class
getMatchPattern() - Method in class
Gets the regular expression to group records on.
getMaxAttempts() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
getMaxAttempts() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
Return the number of attempts to gain a lock
getMaxCapacity() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager.MaxCapacityList
getMaxClientCacheSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Get the max number of entries in the cache.
getMaxDate(String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
Get the max of two dates.
getMaxDestinationCacheSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.CachedDestinationJndiImplementation
Get the max number of entries in the cache.
getMaxDestinationCacheSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
Get the max number of entries in the cache.
getMaxEntries() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
getMaxEntries() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
Max entries to store in the internal cache.
getMaxHistoryCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
getMaxIdle() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
The maximum number of idle objects in the pool.
getMaxIdleTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
getMaximumMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
getMaximumPendingMessageLimit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
getMaximumPoolSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
getMaximumRedeliveries() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
getMaximumSequenceNumber() - Method in class
getMaximumSequenceNumber() - Method in class
getMaximumWaitTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WaitingOutOfStateHandler
getMaxJmxConnectionCache() - Method in class
Get the max number of entries in the cache.
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.TruncateMetadata
getMaxLengthChars() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.DiscardValuesTooLongFilter
getMaxLoops() - Method in class
getMaxMemorySizeBytes() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
getMaxMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageCountProducerSessionFactory
getMaxMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
getMaxMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
getMaxMessagesCount() - Method in class
getMaxMessagesPerPoll() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
getMaxNotifications() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
getMaxRetries() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.WorkflowRetryAndContinue
getMaxRowsPerMessage() - Method in class
getMaxSizeBytes() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageSizeProducerSessionFactory
getMaxStartupWait() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
getMaxThreads() - Method in class
Set the max number of threads to operate on split messages
getMaxThreads() - Method in class
getMaxValue(String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
Get the max of two numbers.
getMaxWaitTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.TimeoutAction
getMeanInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.GaussianIntervalPoller
getMergeImplementation() - Method in class
How to merge the split documents into the main XML document.
getMergeImplementation() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper
getMessage() - Method in class
Returns the configured exception message to use.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.adaptris.transform.validate.ContentValidation
Get the message that caused false to be returned
getMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.IsNullContentValidation
getMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.NotInListContentValidation
getMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.NotNullContentValidation
getMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.RegexpContentValidation
getMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.SimpleListContentValidation
getMessageAggregator() - Method in class
getMessageCache() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
getMessageCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
getMessageErrorDigester() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
getMessageErrorHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Returns the configured MessageErrorHandler.
getMessageErrorHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Returns the MessageErrorHandler to use.
getMessageErrorHandler() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Returns the ProcessingExceptionHandler to use.
getMessageErrorHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Returns the MessageErrorHandler to use.
getMessageFactory() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorker
getMessageFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
getMessageFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
getMessageFactory() - Method in class
getMessageFactory() - Method in class
getMessageFactory() - Method in class
getMessageFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
getMessageHeaders() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getMessageHeaders() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
getMessageId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreDeleteService
The messageID to delete.
getMessageId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper
getMessageID() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
Convenience Method to get the Message-ID from the underlying datasource.
getMessageLifecycleEvent() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Returns this object's MessageLifecycleEvent.
getMessageLifecycleEvent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getMessageLogger() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
getMessageProvider() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
getMessageSelector() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
The filter expression to use when matching messages to consume
getMessageSelector() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
The message selector to use when matching messages to consume
getMessageTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingQueueConsumer
getMessageTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
Sets the MessageTypeTranslator to use.
getMessageTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
Returns the MessageTypeTranslator to use.
getMessageTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Returns the MessageTypeTranslator to use.
getMessageUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Returns the unique ID of the message to which these MleMarkers are related.
getMetadata(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Returns the MetadataElement containing the passed key or null if the key does not exist.
getMetadata() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Returns a shallow clone of this message's metadata.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getMetadata() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getMetadata(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
getMetadata(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStore
Retrieve the metadata associated with the msgId the store.
getMetaData() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getMetadata() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.FixedValuesMetadataFilter
getMetadata(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
getMetadata() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
getMetaData() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getMetadataConverters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
Get the list of metadata converters to uses when converting from AdaptrisMessage to JMS Message.
getMetadataElement() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorByMetadata
getMetadataElements() - Method in class
Returns the MetadataElements that will be added to the AdaptrisMessage.
getMetadataEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
Returns the metadata MIME encoding.
getMetadataExistsServiceId() - Method in class
Returns the ServiceId to use next if metadata (other than "") exists against any of the configured keys.
getMetadataFilter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
Return the current metadata filter.
getMetadataFilter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataConverter
MetadataFilter applied to MetadataCollection
getMetadataFilter() - Method in class
getMetadataFilter() - Method in class
getMetadataFilter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.StringMetadataParameter
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataDataInputParameter
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataDataOutputParameter
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutput
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamParameter
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.MetadataRequestMethodProvider
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.MetadataContentTypeProvider
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataCountInterceptor
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcMetadataParameter
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataCorrelationIdSource
Returns the metadata key that should be used to obtain the JMSCorrelationId.
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataProducerSessionFactory
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataFileNameCreator
Returns the metadata key to look up.
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
Returns the metadata key whose value should be checked.
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
Returns the metadata key whose value should be checked.
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
Returns the key to store the result of the regexp query against.
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in interface
Get the key that this Xpath query will be associated with.
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
Set the metadata key that captures if any service did work.
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationsAsMetadata
getMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
Returns the metadata key against which an over-ride XSLT URL may be stored.
getMetadataKeyMap() - Method in class
Returns a KeyValuePairList in which the key is the regular expression to match the metadata value against, and the value is the replacement value.
getMetadataKeyPrefix() - Method in class
getMetadataKeyRegexp() - Method in class
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
since 3.9.0 use a condition instead
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataTotalsInterceptor
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.OrderedItemMetadataFilter
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class
Returns a KeyValuePairCollection in which the key is the key to look up, and the value is the key to store whatever was found against.
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class
Returns a List of String metadata keys.
getMetadataKeyToCheck() - Method in class
Returns the metadata key whose value should be checked.
getMetadataLogger() - Method in class
getMetadataMap() - Method in class
getMetadataMap() - Method in class
getMetadataPrefix() - Method in class
getMetadataPrefix() - Method in class
getMetadataSeparator() - Method in class
getMetadataSet(InputStream) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
getMetadataSource() - Method in class
getMetadataSource() - Method in class
getMetadataStatistics() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
getMetadataTarget() - Method in class
getMetadataTokens() - Method in class
getMetadataToServiceIdMappings() - Method in class
getMetadataUrlKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobMessageTranslator
Get the metadata key that will be used to generate the URL.
getMetadataValue(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Returns the String value associated with the passed key or null if the key does not exist.
getMetadataValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getMetadataValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
getMetadataValueIgnoreKeyCase(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
First looks for a metadata value stored against the passed key taking account of the passed key's case.
getMetadataValueIgnoreKeyCase(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getMethod(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.ConfiguredRequestMethodProvider
getMethod() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.ConfiguredRequestMethodProvider
getMethod(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.MetadataRequestMethodProvider
getMethod(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getMethod() - Method in class
getMethod(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.client.RequestMethodProvider
Get the method that should be used with the HTTP request.
getMethod() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
getMethod() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
since 3.9.0 use a condition instead
getMethodProvider() - Method in class
The request method.
getMethods() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
Comma separated string of valid methods.
getMimeContentSubType() - Method in class
getMimeContentSubType() - Method in class
getMimeHeader() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Return the underlying mime header that will be used to write the headers.
getMimeHeaderFilter() - Method in class
getMimeHeaderFilter() - Method in class
getMimeParts() - Method in class
getMimeType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ConfiguredContentTypeProvider
getMinDate(String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
Get the min of two dates.
getMinIdle() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
The minimum number of idle objects in the pool.
getMinimumPoolSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
getMinValue(String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
Get the min of two numbers.
getMleMarkers() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Returns the List of MleMarkers.
getMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
getMode(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AcknowledgeMode
Get the appropriate AcknowledgeMode.
getMode(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.DeliveryMode
Get the appropriate DeliveryMode.
getModuleVersions() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getModuleVersions() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Get a list of all the modules currently installed for this adapter.
getMonitor() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
getMoveJmsHeaders() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
Returns true if JMS Headers (as well as JMS Properties) should be copied.
getMultiLineExpression() - Method in class
getMultipleTextItems(String, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which returns an array of String representations of either a TEXT_NODE or an ATTRIBUTE_NODE, extracted from the provided Node.
getMultipleTextItems(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which returns an array of String representations of either a TEXT_NODE or an ATTRIBUTE_NODE, extracted from the Node created by "setSource".
getMustAuthenticate() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
getName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceProxy
getName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AbstractParameter
getName() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameter
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Returns the name of the 'event'.
getName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
getName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
getName() - Method in interface
Get the name of this parameter.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
getName() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
getName() - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingEntry
getName() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
getName() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.InputStreamDataSource
getNameInNamespace() - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
getNameParser(Name) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
getNameParser(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
getNameSpace() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterLifecycleEvent
Returns the name space of this Event.
getNameSpace() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Event
Returns the immutable name space of this Event.
getNameSpace() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Returns the immutable name space of this Event.
getNamespaceAware() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(boolean) if non null
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcXPathParameter
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlRuleValidator
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XpathMergeImpl
getNegate() - Method in class
getNetworkTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getNetworkTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getNewContextOnException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
getNewPayload() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
Get the source of the new payload.
getNewPayloadEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
Get the encoding for the new payload.
getNewPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
Get the ID of the payload to add.
getNewPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SwitchPayloadService
Get the ID of the payload to switch to.
getNextServiceId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Returns the unique ID of the next Service to apply to the message.
getNextServiceId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getNextServiceId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
getNextServiceId(String, KeyValuePairBag) - Method in class
getNextServiceId(String, KeyValuePairBag) - Method in class
getNextServiceId(String, KeyValuePairBag) - Method in class
getNextServiceId(String, KeyValuePairBag) - Method in interface
Get the next service id from the mapping.
getNextServiceId(String, KeyValuePairBag) - Method in class
getNextServiceId(String, KeyValuePairBag) - Method in class
getNextServiceIdIfDuplicate() - Method in class
Returns the ID of the next Service to apply if the metadata exists if the store of previous values.
getNextServiceIdIfDuplicate() - Method in class
Returns the ID of the next Service to apply if the metadata exists if the store of previous values.
getNextServiceIdIfUnique() - Method in class
Returns the ID of the next Service to apply if the metadata does not exist if the store of previous values.
getNextServiceIdIfUnique() - Method in class
Returns the ID of the next Service to apply if the metadata does not exist if the store of previous values.
getNodeList(String, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which returns a NodeList extracted from the provided Node based on the provided xpath String.
getNodeList(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which returns a NodeList extracted from the Node created by the setSource method based on the provided xpath String.
getNotificationInfo() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotification
getNotificationInfo() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getNotificationInfo() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
getNotificationInfo() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
getNotificationType(ComponentManagerImpl.ComponentNotificationType) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getNotificationType(ComponentManagerImpl.ComponentNotificationType) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
getNotificationType(ComponentManagerImpl.ComponentNotificationType) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
getNotificationType(ComponentManagerImpl.ComponentNotificationType) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
getNotifyThreshold() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
getNullConverter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.NullableParameter
getNumberFormat() - Method in class
getNumberFormat() - Method in class
getNumberOfPreviousValuesToStore() - Method in class
Returns the number of previous values to keep.
getNumberOfPreviousValuesToStore() - Method in class
Returns the number of previous values to keep.
getNumberOfTimeSlices() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatistics
getNumberOfTimeSlices() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistics
getNumberOfTimeSlices() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsMBean
Get the current number of timeslices stored.
getNumRetries() - Method in class
getNumRowsUpdated() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
GetOauthToken - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.oauth
Simplified framework for retrieving OAUTH tokens from verious 3rd party resources (such as Salesforce, or Google).
GetOauthToken() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
getObject() - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingEntry
getObjectHeaders() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.adapterURLContextFactory
getObjectMetadata() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
since 3.0.6 use InterlokMessage.getObjectHeaders() instead.
getObjectMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToDestination
getObjectMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationsAsObjectMetadata
getObjectMetadataKeyRegexp() - Method in class
getObjectMetadataKeyRegexp() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.ObjectMetadataParameter
getObjectMetadataKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
getObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
The object name which we will register as a listener for.
getObjectName() - Method in class
getOffset() - Method in class
getOnMaxLoops() - Method in class
getOpensshConfigFile() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.OpenSSHConfigBuilder
getOperationMode() - Method in class
getOperationName() - Method in class
getOperationParameters() - Method in class
getOperator() - Method in class
getOptimizeDurableTopicPrefetch() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
getOrder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AbstractParameter
getOrder() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameter
getOrder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
getOrder() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
getOtherwise() - Method in class
getOutOfStateHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
getOutParameters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
getOutputCapture() - Method in class
getOutputMessageEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.XmlNotificationSerializer
getOutputMessageEncoding() - Method in class
getOutputMessageEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
getOutputPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.MultiPayloadXmlTransformService
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp
getOutputStream(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Get the output stream for the given payload ID.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
getOutputStream(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the output stream for the given payload ID.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.InputStreamDataSource
getOutputStyle() - Method in class
getOutValue() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
getOverflowBehaviour() - Method in class
getOverflowBehaviour() - Method in class
getOverrideMetadata() - Method in class
getOverrideMetadataFilter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.CloneMessageServiceList
getOverwrite() - Method in class
getOverwriteExistingMetadata() - Method in class
getOverwriteIfExists() - Method in class
getOverwriteMetadata() - Method in class
Whether or not to overwrite original metadata with metadata from the split messages.
getParameterApplicator() - Method in class
getParameterBuilder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
getParameterBuilders() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformParameterBuilder
getParameterByName(String) - Method in interface
getParameterByName(String) - Method in class
getParameterHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyMessageConsumer
What to do with any parameters that are part of the request.
getParameterLogger() - Method in class
getParameterNamePrefix() - Method in class
getParameterNameRegex() - Method in class
getParameterPrefix() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ParameterHandlerImpl
getParameters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.InOutParameters
getParameters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.InParameters
getParameters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterList
getParameters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.OutParameters
getParameters() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ParameterList
getParameters() - Method in class
getParameters() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
getParameters() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
getParameterType() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
getParameterValueType() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
getParent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
getParent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
getParent() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildComponent
Get our direct parent component.
getParent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
getParentId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotification
getParentId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
getParentId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildComponentMBean
Get the parent's uniqueid.
getParentId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl
getParentId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentMBean
Get the parent's uniqueid.
getParentId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
getParentLogger() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
getParentLogger() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
getParentObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotification
getParentObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
getParentObjectName() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildComponentMBean
Get the parents ObjectName representation.
getParentObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl
getParentObjectName() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentMBean
Get the parents ObjectName representation.
getParentObjectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmx
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandlerJmx
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotification
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageInFlight
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatistics
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistics
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitor
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentChecker
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponent
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ConsumerMonitorImpl
getParentRuntimeInfoComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
getParseMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which returns the success / fail message generated by the document parser.
getPart(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayIterator
Get a part by the contentId.
getPart(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayIterator
Get a BodyPart based on the it's position within the multipart.
getPartContentId() - Method in class
getPartContentType() - Method in class
getPartHeaderFilter() - Method in class
getPartHeaderFilter() - Method in class
getPartHeaderPrefix() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection.UserInfo
getPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ConfiguredUsernamePassword
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
getPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Sets the broker password.
getPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
getPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
getPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
getPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaProxy
getPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Returns the password of this URLString.
getPasswordAuthentication() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.AdapterResourceAuthenticator
getPasswordAuthentication(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ConfiguredUsernamePassword
getPasswordAuthentication(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.MetadataUsernamePassword
getPasswordAuthentication(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.UserPassAuthentication
getPasswordMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.MetadataUsernamePassword
getPasswordPatterns() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordMetadataFilter
getPath() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
The path we register against jetty for this consumer
getPaths() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
getPattern() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.RegexpContentValidation
Get the pattern we are matching against.
getPatterns() - Method in class
getPayload() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Returns a copy of this message's payload in its raw, byte[] form.
getPayload() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp
getPayload(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Get the payload data for the given ID.
getPayload() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the current payload data.
getPayload(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the payload data for the given ID.
getPayloadCount() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Return the number of payloads contained within the message.
getPayloadCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Return the number of payloads contained within the message.
getPayloadEncoding() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
Returns the payload MIME encoding.
getPayloadForLogging() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
getPayloadForLogging() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
getPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadByteArrayInputParameter
Get the ID of the payload to extract.
getPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadByteArrayOutputParameter
Get the ID of the payload to extract.
getPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStreamInputParameter
Get the ID of the payload to extract.
getPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStreamOutputParameter
Get the ID of the payload to extract.
getPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStringInputParameter
Get the ID of the payload to extract.
getPayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStringOutputParameter
Get the ID of the payload to extract.
getPayloadIDs() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Get the payload IDs used within this message.
getPayloadIDs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the payload IDs used within this message.
getPeriod() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandler
Get the clean period.
getPerMessageProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
getPersistence() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceDefaultCacheProvider
getPersistentStore() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.MarshallingItemCache
getPoller() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
getPollInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FixedIntervalPoller
getPoolFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
getPoolProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
getPoolsize() - Method in class
The size of the underlying object/thread pool used to execute services.
getPoolSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
getPoolSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
The max size of the pool
getPort() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
Get the port to listen on for HTTP traffic.
getPort() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
getPort(String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.GetServiceByName
Get the integer port represented by the servicename and class.
getPort(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.GetServiceByName
Convenience Method to get a tcp service method.
getPort() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Returns the port number of this URLString.
getPosition() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByPosition
getPrefetchPolicy() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation
Get the Prefetch Policy.
getPrefix() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MappedKeyMetadataFilter
getPrefix() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.PseudoRandomIdGenerator
getPreProcessorConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
getPreProcessorLoader() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
getPreProcessors() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
getPreProcessors() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
getPreserveHeaders() - Method in class
Get the preserve headers flag.
getPreserveHeadersAsMetadata() - Method in class
getPreserveOriginalMessage() - Method in class
getPreservePartHeadersAsMetadata() - Method in class
getPrimaryUrl() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Returns the JMS priority.
getPrivateKey() - Method in interface
Return the private key associated with the recently created certificate.
getPrivateKey(String, char[]) - Method in class
getPrivateKey(String, char[]) - Method in interface
Method to extract a Partner's Private Key from their Keystore entry and return a PrivateKey object to the caller.
getPrivateKeyFilename() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpKeyAuthentication
getPrivateKeyPassword() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpKeyAuthentication
The password for the private key (if it has one)
getPrivateKeyPasswordProvider() - Method in class
getProcDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
Get the "proc" directory.
getProcedureName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
The name of the stored procedure.
getProcessedItemCache() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
getProcessedItems() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemList
getProcessedPath() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.MovingNonDeletingFsConsumer
Get the path where processed files are placed once done with.
getProcessingExceptionService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
Get the service(s) that will be applied.
getProduceConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Returns the AdaptrisConnection used for producing.
getProduceExceptionHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Returns produceExceptionHandler.
getProducer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
Returns the AdaptrisMessageProducer to use.
getProducer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
getProducer() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.ProducerSession
getProducer() - Method in class
Returns the AdaptrisMessageProducer to use for producing split messages.
getProducer() - Method in class
Returns the AdaptrisMessageProducer to use for producing split messages.
getProducer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
Returns the producer to use.
getProducer() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Returns this Workflow's AdaptrisMessageProducer.
getProducer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Returns the AdaptrisMessageProducer to use.
getProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorImpl
getProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.SimpleFactoryConfiguration
getProperty(String, Long) - Method in class
Add overloaded method to get numerical values from
getPropertyIgnoringCase(Properties, String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Convenience method to get a property value ignoring the case.
getPropertyIgnoringCase(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
getPropertySubset(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Get a subset of the configuration properties.
getPropertySubset(Properties, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Get a subset of the configuration properties.
getProtocol() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Returns the protocol of this URLString.
getProviders() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpAuthenticationWrapper
getProviders() - Method in class
getProviders() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.CompositeResponseHeaderProvider
getProxiedCache() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
getProxy() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ConfigBuilderImpl
getProxy() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaProxy
getPublicKey() - Method in interface
Return the public key associated with the recently created certificate.
getPublicKey() - Method in interface
Extract the PublicKey from the given Certificate.
getQualifier() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
The qualifier for the event in question
getQuartzId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
getQuery() - Method in class
getQueryClass() - Method in class
Return the type of the underlying jdbc object.
getQueryExpression() - Method in class
Returns the regexp query expression.
getQueryString() - Method in class
Get the query string.
getQueryType() - Method in class
Return the query type.
getQueryValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getQueue() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpConsumer
The JMS Queue
getQueue() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpPollingConsumer
The JMS Topic
getQueue() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
The JMS Queue
getQueueBrowserPrefetch() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
getQueuePrefetch() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
getQuiet() - Method in class
getQuietInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Specify how old a file must be before a file is deemed safe to be processed.
getQuietInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
getQuoteHandling() - Method in class
getQuoteReplacement() - Method in class
getRandomize() - Method in class
getReacquireLockBetweenMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
Get the reacquire lock flag.
getReader() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getReadTimeout() - Method in class
Set the read timeout.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
Sets the period that this class should wait for the broker to deliver a message.
getRedeliveryPolicy() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation
Get the Redelivery Policy.
getRef() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Returns the reference of this URLString.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
getRefreshTokenKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
getRefreshTokenKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
getRegexpMetadataQueries() - Method in class
getRegexpSource() - Method in class
getRegisteredChannels() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandlerImp
getRegisterOwner() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
getRegularExpression() - Method in class
getRemotePartner() - Method in class
Get the remote partner alias.
getRemotePartnerMetadataKey() - Method in class
getRemoteRevision(String, File) - Method in interface
This method will return the remote repositories latest revision number/string/id.
getRemoteRevisionHistory(String, File, int) - Method in interface
Will return a list of RevisionHistoryItem's from the remote repository.
getRemoveOriginalMessageTypeKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator
getReplace() - Method in class
getReplaceAll() - Method in class
getReplaceFirstOnly() - Method in class
Returns replaceFirstOnly.
getReplacement() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MappedKeyMetadataFilter
getReplacementValue() - Method in class
getReplaceOriginalMessage() - Method in class
et whether to replace the original multi-payload message payload.
getReplyCode() - Method in exception com.adaptris.ftp.FtpException
Get the reply code if it exists
getReplyCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.Reply
Getter for reply code
getReplyDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
getReplyProcDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
getReplyProducer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
Returns the AdaptrisMessageProducer to use for the reply.
getReplyServiceCollection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
Returns the ServiceCollection to use on the reply.
getReplyText() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.Reply
Getter for reply text
getReplyTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
getReplyTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneRequestor
getReplyToDestination() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination
Get the Jms replyTo Destination.
getReplyToDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination
getReplyUsesEncoder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
getReport() - Method in class
Get a report on all the modules.
getReportAllErrors() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
getReportBuilder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
How to build reports.
getReportingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The endpoint that allows reporting on what has failed.
getReportRenderer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.ReportBuilder
getReportRenderer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreListService
getRequest() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
getRequestBody() - Method in class
Set where the HTTP Request body is going to come from.
getRequestHeaderProvider() - Method in class
Specify how we want to generate the initial set of HTTP Headers.
getRequestHeaderProvider() - Method in class
getRequestingHost() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
getRequestingPort() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
getRequestingPrompt() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
getRequestingProtocol() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
getRequestingScheme() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
getRequestingSite() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
getRequestingURL() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
getRequestorType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
getRequiredKeys() - Method in class
Returns the List of keys which must be present and have non empty values.
getResetStatement() - Method in class
getResetWipFiles() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumer
getResolveAsNodeset() - Method in class
getResponse() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
getResponseBody() - Method in class
Set where the HTTP Response Body will be written to.
getResponseHeaderHandler() - Method in class
Specify how we handle headers from the HTTP response.
getResponseHeaderHandler() - Method in class
getResponseHeaderProvider() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
getResponseHeaderProvider() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
Additional HTTP headers that will be sent as part of the response.
getRestartAffectedServiceOnException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
getRestartOnFailure() - Method in class
getRestartStrategy() - Method in class
getResultCountMetadataItem() - Method in class
getResultKey() - Method in class
getResultKey() - Method in class
getResultKey() - Method in class
Returns the metadata key that the concatenated metadata values will be stored against.
getResultSet(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
getResultSetCounterPrefix() - Method in class
getResultSets() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
getResultSetTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
getResultSetTranslator() - Method in class
getResultSetTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
getResultValueTranslator() - Method in class
getResultValueTranslator() - Method in class
getRetainFilterExceptionsMessages() - Method in class
Should an error occur with the filter, should we exclude these messages from the result?
getRetainUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
Returns true if the original ID of a decoded message should be retained for the new message.
getRetainUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
getRetryEndpointPrefix() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The retry endpoint.
getRetryHttpMethod() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The HTTP method which is required for retries; the default is POST.
getRetryInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
getRetryInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
getRetryInterval() - Method in class
getRetryLimit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
Get the retry limit.
getRetryStore() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
Where messages are stored for retries.
getRetryStore() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreServiceImpl
Where messages are stored for retries.
getRevision() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
getRoutes() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
getRoutingKey() - Method in class
Get the metadata key that the value will be stored against.
getRows() - Method in interface com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultSet
getRows() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultSetImpl
getRowsAffectedMetadataKey() - Method in class
getRowsUpdatedMetadataKey() - Method in class
getRules() - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
Get the list of configured rules.
getSaveReturnedKeys() - Method in class
Get the configured flag.
getSchedulerGroup() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
getSchema() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getSchema() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
Returns the schema to validate against.
getSchema() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
Returns the schema to validate against.
getSchema() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getSchemaCache() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
getSchemaCache() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
getSchemaViolationHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ExtendedXmlSchemaValidator
getScript() - Method in class
getScriptFilename() - Method in class
getSearchValue() - Method in class
getSecondKey() - Method in class
getSecureRandom() - Static method in class
Return a SecureRandom implementation.
getSecurityConstraints() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfigurableSecurityHandler
getSecurityFactory() - Method in class
Get the encryption type to be used.
getSecurityHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
getSecurityHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
getSelector() - Method in class
getSelector() - Method in class
getSelectStatement() - Method in class
getSendEvents() - Method in class
getSendEvents() - Method in class
Whether or not to send events for the split message once service execution has completed.
getSendEvents() - Method in class
getSendEvents() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Return whether events should be sent.
getSendPayload() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
Send the current payload as part of the response.
getSendProcessingInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
getSeparator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.ElementKeyAndValueFormatter
Get the key/value separator.
getSeparator() - Method in class
getSeparator() - Method in class
getSeparator() - Method in class
getSeparator() - Method in class
getSeparator() - Method in class
getSeparator() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.PlainIdGenerator
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Get the sequence number for this marker.
getSequenceNumberFile() - Method in class
getSerializer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
getServerConnectorProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
getServerTimezone() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
getService(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMarshaller) - Method in interface
Build a service from the message.
getService(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMarshaller) - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
Returns the Service to wrap.
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
The Service to execute over all the split messages.
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
GetServiceByName - Class in com.adaptris.util
getServiceCollection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Returns the ServiceCollection to use.
getServiceErrorHandler() - Method in class
The strategy to use when encountering any errors during execution.
getServiceExtractor() - Method in class
getServiceId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.StatusEvaluatorImpl
getServiceId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
getServiceIds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Return a list of service-ids that are registered.
getServices() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollection
Returns a List of the Services in this collection.
getServices() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Returns the configured List of Services.
getServices() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Returns a clone of the shared-services
getServletHolder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ServletWrapper
getSession() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.ProducerSession
getSessionFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
getSharedComponents() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
getSharedConnectionIds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getSharedConnectionIds() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Get all the connection unique-ids that are currently registered as a shared connection.
getSharedServiceIds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getSharedServiceIds() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Get all the service unique-ids that are currently registered as a shared service.
getShutdownWaitSeconds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
getShutdownWaitTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
Set the shutdown wait timeout for the pool.
getShutdownWaitTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
Set the shutdown wait timeout for the pool.
getShutdownWaitTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ScheduledTaskPoller
getSignatureAlgorithm() - Method in interface
This method extracts the Signature Algorithm from the given Certificate.
getSignatureAlgorithm() - Method in class
Return the signatureAlgorithm.
getSignatureAlgorithmObjectId() - Method in interface
This method extracts the Signature Algorithm OID from the given Certificate.
getSingleExecution() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandler
getSingleNode(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which returns a Node by applying the provided, this Node can either be modified directly using the DOM api or by using the convenience methods in this class.
getSingleNode(String, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which returns a Node by applying the provided relative to the specified root Node.
getSingleTextItem(String, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which returns a String representation of either a TEXT_NODE or an ATTRIBUTE_NODE, extracted from the provided Node.
getSingleTextItem(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which returns a String representation of either a TEXT_NODE or an ATTRIBUTE_NODE, extracted from the Node created by "setSource".
getSize() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Return the size of the payload.
getSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp
getSize(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Get the size of the payload for the given ID.
getSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the current payload size.
getSize(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Get the size of the payload for the given ID.
getSizeCriteriaBytes() - Method in class
getSizeThreshold() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
getSmallerThanServiceId() - Method in class
getSocketTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
getSocketTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
getSource() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.Execution
getSource() - Method in class
getSourceFormatBuilder() - Method in class
getSourceId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Event
Returns the unique ID of the source Adapter (or other entity such as a GUI).
getSourceKey() - Method in class
getSourcePayloadId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.MultiPayloadXmlTransformService
getSplitMetadataKey() - Method in class
getSplitOnLine() - Method in class
Get the number of lines that we are splitting on.
getSplitPattern() - Method in class
Gets the regular expression to split on.
getSplitSizeBytes() - Method in class
getSplitter() - Method in class
Returns the MessageSplitter to use.
getSplitter() - Method in class
The MessageSplitter implementation to use to split the incoming message.
getSplitter() - Method in class
getSqlConnection() - Method in class
getSslProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpsConnection
getStackTrace() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
getStandaloneConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
getStandaloneProducers() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
Returns the List of underlying StandaloneProducer s used to send processed messages.
getStandardDeviationInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.GaussianIntervalPoller
getStartMillis() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorStatistic
getStartMillis() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
getStartTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConsumerMonitor
getStartUpEventImp() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Returns the name of the start up event class to use.
getState() - Method in class
getStatement() - Method in class
getStatement() - Method in class
The configured Statement.
getStatement() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.ConfiguredStatementCreator
getStatement() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
getStatementCreator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
getStatementCreator() - Method in class
getStatementCreator() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
getStatementExecutor() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
getStatementExecutor() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
getStatementParameters() - Method in class
getStatementTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
getStatisticManager() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
getStatisticManager() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
getStatistics() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatistics
getStatistics(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatistics
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatisticsMBean
Get all the statistics hosted by this management bean.
getStatistics(int, int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatisticsMBean
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
getStatistics() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistics
getStatistics(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistics
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatisticsMBean
Get all the statistics hosted by this management bean.
getStatistics(int, int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatisticsMBean
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
getStats() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
getStats() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
getStats() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
getStats() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticManager
getStatus(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
getStatus() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.TimeoutAction
getStatus(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.ConfiguredStatusProvider
getStatus() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.ConfiguredStatusProvider
getStatus(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.server.HttpStatusProvider
Get the method that should be used with the HTTP request.
getStatus(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.MetadataStatusProvider
getStatus(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.RawStatusProvider
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.ExactMatch
getStatusCode() - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.server.HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus
getStatusMatches() - Method in class
Set the nextServiceId based on these evaluators.
getStatusProvider() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
The HTTP Status.
getStoreFileUrl() - Method in class
Returns the persistent store for previously received values in the form of a file URL.
getStoreFileUrl() - Method in class
Returns the persistent store for previously received values in the form of a file URL.
getStrict() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsTransactedWorkflow
getStrict() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.ZipFileBackedMessageFactory
getStrictConversion() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataConverter
getStringPayload() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
since 3.0.6 use {InterlokMessage.getContent() instead.
getStrip() - Method in class
getStripIllegalXmlChars() - Method in class
getStyle() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordEncodeMetadataFilter
getStyle() - Method in class
getStyle() - Method in class
getSubjectInfo() - Method in class
Return the subject.
getSubscriptionId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
Our subscription ID.
getSubscriptionId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasPollingConsumer
Returns the subscription ID to use.
getSubTypes() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
getSuccessExitCode() - Method in class
getSuccessId() - Method in class
getSuccessId() - Method in class
getSummary() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
getSyntaxIdentifiers() - Method in class
Return the list of configured SyntaxIdentifers.
getSyntaxIdentifiers() - Method in class
Return the list of configured SyntaxIdentifers.
getSystemDate() - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
Get the current system date.
getSystemDateTime() - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
Get the system date and time.
getSystemTime() - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
Get the current system time.
getTable() - Method in class
getTags() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
getTarget() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.Execution
getTarget() - Method in class
getTarget() - Method in class
getTempDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
The temporary directory for initially writing files to.
getTempDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
getTemplate() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicPollingTemplate
getTemplate() - Method in class
getTemplate() - Method in class
getTemplate() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StaticPollingTemplate
getTemporaryDestination() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler.JmsConnectionVerifier
getTestStatement() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Returns the SQL statement used to test this connection.
getTestStatement() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Get the statement that will test the connection.
getText() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.ConfiguredStatusProvider
getText() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.server.HttpStatusProvider.Status
The text associated with the status, if any.
getText() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.RawStatusProvider
getText() - Method in class
getTextKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.MetadataStatusProvider
getThen() - Method in class
Get the for-each-then service.
getThen() - Method in class
getThen() - Method in class
getThreadCount() - Method in class
Get the number of threads to use.
getThreadCredentials() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ThreadLocalCredentials
getThreadedStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
getThreadKeepAlive() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
Set the lifetime for threads in the pool.
getThreadPriority() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
The priority for threads created to handle messages.
getTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
getTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingQueueConsumer
getTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy
getTimeout() - Method in class
The max amount of time to wait for all the operations to complete.
getTimeout() - Method in class
getTimeout() - Method in class
getTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
getTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
getTimeoutAction() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
getTimesliceDuration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
getTimesliceDuration() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
getTimeSliceDurationSeconds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatistics
getTimeSliceDurationSeconds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistics
getTimeSliceDurationSeconds() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsMBean
Get the duration of each timeslice.
getTimesliceHistoryCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
getTimeSliceInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
getTimestampGenerator() - Method in class
getTimezone() - Method in class
getToken() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
getTokenExpiryKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
getTokenExpiryKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
getTokenKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
getTokenKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
getTopic() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
The JMS Topic
getTopic() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasPollingConsumer
The JMS Topic
getTopic() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
The JMS Topic
getTopicPrefetch() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
getTotalErrorCount() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigester
Get the total number of errors that were recorded by this Digester implementatino.
getTotalErrorCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.NullMessageErrorDigester
getTotalErrorCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
getTotalErrorCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
getTotalErrorCount() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmxMBean
getTotalMessageCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
getTotalMessageCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
getTotalMessageCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlice
getTotalMessageErrorCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
getTotalMessageErrorCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
getTotalMessageSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
getTotalMessageSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
getTotalStringStats() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatistics
getTotalStringStats() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatisticsMBean
Get a simple string representation of stats.
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getTransactionManager() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
getTransferType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
Get the transfer type.
getTransformerFactoryAttributes() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactoryImpl
getTransformerFactoryFeatures() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactoryImpl
getTransformerFactoryImpl() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XsltTransformerFactory
getTransformParameter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
getTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromMetadataWrapper
getTranslator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutput
getTreatMetadataAsPartOfMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MapMessageTranslator
getTreatNotFoundAsError() - Method in class
getTruncateLength() - Method in class
getTtl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Returns the time to live.
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmx
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandlerJmx
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageInFlight
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatistics
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistics
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AbstractParameter
getType() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameter
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitor
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentChecker
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ConsumerMonitorImpl
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
getType() - Method in interface
Returns the fully qualified java class that represents the type of the parameter value.
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingEntry
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in interface
Return the type of message this is, encrypted, plain, signed.
getType() - Method in class
getTypeForClass(Class<?>) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor.ClassType
getTypeMap() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getTypeMap() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getUnAckedMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
getUnfold() - Method in class
getUniqueDestination() - Method in class
Gets the output destination String which will be stored as the value of the MetadataElement if the id is unique.
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Returns this instances unique id.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisComponent
Get the unique-id that is associated with this component.
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Get the unique id of this channel.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestination
Returns the unique ID.
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestinationImp
Returns the unique ID of this destination.
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Event
Returns the Event's unique ID.
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
Returns the configured unique ID for this object.
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.LogHandlerImp
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Get the unique id.
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
getUniqueId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Get the name of this runtime component.
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigesterImp
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
getUniqueId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Returns any configured unique-id.
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
getUniqueIdGenerator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
getUnit() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
getUnreturnedConnectionTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DebugPoolFactory
getUpdateCountMetadataItem() - Method in class
getUpdateStatement() - Method in class
getUploadStrategy() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
getUploadUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
getUpper() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.RangeMatch
getUrl() - Method in class
The URL endpoint to access.
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ServletWrapper
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
Returns the URL of the XSLT to use.
getUrl() - Method in class
getURL() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Constructs a URL from the URLString.
getURLContext(Hashtable) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.adapterURLContextFactory
getUrlPattern() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
getUrlPattern() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
since 3.9.0 use a condition instead
getUseCollisionAvoidance() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
getUseCustomThreadPool() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
getUseDefaultKeys() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
Return whether the default keys will be populated
getUseDefaultKeys() - Method in class
Return whether the default keys will be populated
getUseExponentialBackOff() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
getUseJndiForQueues() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
getUseJndiForTopics() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
getUseNio() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
getUseProcessedMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
Returns whether the processed message should be used by the processed message producer.
getUser() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection.UserInfo
getUser() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
getUseRenameTo() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeFsProducer
getUsername() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ConfiguredUsernamePassword
getUsername() - Method in class
getUsername() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
getUserName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Returns the broker user name.
getUserName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
getUsername() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
getUsername() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
getUsername() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaProxy
getUsername() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Returns the user name of this URLString.
getUsernameMetadataKey() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.MetadataUsernamePassword
getUserRealm() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceFactoryImpl
getUseSecureRandom() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.PseudoRandomIdGenerator
getUUID() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.GuidGenerator
Get the next unique ID.
getUUID() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.GuidGeneratorWithTime
getValidating() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setValidating(boolean) if non-null
getValidationStages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlRuleValidator
getValidators() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlValidationService
getValue() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ConstantDataInputParameter
getValue() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
getValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
Get the value associated with the key.
getValue() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
getValue(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Returns the object instance used as a parameter for a JMX operation call.
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum com.adaptris.jdbc.ParameterValueType
getValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
getValue() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePair
getValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Convenience method for returning the value associated with a given key.
getValue() - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.NameValuePair
GetValueFromCache - Class in
Version of RetrieveFromCacheService that doesn't use CacheEntryEvaluator.
GetValueFromCache() - Constructor for class
getValueFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValueFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Retrieves a value from a message
getValueFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValueFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
gets the JMSReplyTo destination from the message
getValueFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Retrieves the piece of metadata associated with the configured metadataKey
getValueFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValueFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValueFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValueFromMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
getValueIgnoringKeyCase(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Return the first value associated with the passed key, ignoring the case of the key.
getValueMatcher() - Method in class
getValues() - Method in class
getValues() - Method in class
getValues(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
Not Supported and always returns null
getValuesToSet() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
getValuesToSet() - Method in class
getValueTranslator() - Method in class
Get the configured value translator.
getValueTranslator() - Method in class
Get the configured value translator.
getVendorImplementation() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Sets the VendorImplementation to use.
getVendorImplementation() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
getVerifier() - Method in class
getVersionControl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
getVersionControl() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Return the version control system that is currently in use based on RuntimeVersionControl.getImplementationName()
getViolations() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.SchemaViolations
getWaitBeforeRetry() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryOnceStandaloneProducer
getWaitBetweenRetries() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.WorkflowRetryAndContinue
getWaitInterval() - Method in class
getWaitPeriodAfterRollback() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsTransactedWorkflow
getWaitWhileBusy() - Method in class
Actively check if the underlying object pool is ready to accept more workers.
getWarmStart() - Method in class
Specify if the underlying object pool should be warmed up on PoolingMessageSplitterService.start().
getWarmStart() - Method in class
getWarnAfter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
getWarnings() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
getWarnings() - Method in class
getWarnings() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
getWasSuccessful() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterLifecycleEvent
Returns true if the adapter life cycle event occurred successfully, otherwise false.
getWasSuccessful() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Return true if the named 'event' was successful, otherwise false.
getWindowsWorkAround() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
getWipSuffix() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
getWipSuffix() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumer
Returns the work-in-progress suffix being used.
getWipSuffix() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
getWorkDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
Get the work directory.
getWorkersFirstOnShutdown() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
getWorkflow(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
getWorkflow(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
getWorkflow(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
Get a workflow by its uniqueid.
getWorkflowId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Get the id of the workflow that is processing this message.
getWorkflowId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
getWorkflowList() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Returns the WorkflowList to use.
getWorkflows() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
getWorkflows() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
Returns a List of Workflows.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class
getWrappedComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
getWrappedComponent() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRuntimeComponent
Get the component that this implementation manages.
getWrappedComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
getWrappedComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ConsumerMonitorImpl
getWrappedComponent() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
getWrappedComponentClassname() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Get the class name that is wrapped by this MBean.
getWrappedComponentClassname() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRuntimeComponent
Get the class name that is wrapped by this MBean.
getWrappedComponentClassname() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
getWriter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getWriter(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
getWriter(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Return a writer ready for writing the payload for the given payload ID.
getWriter(String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Return a writer ready for writing the payload for the given payload ID.
getWriter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
getWriter(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Return a writer ready for writing the payload for the given payload ID.
getWriter(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Return a writer ready for writing the payload for the given payload ID.
getXincludeAware() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setXIncludeAware(boolean) if non-null
getXmlColumnPrefix() - Method in class
getXmlColumnRegexp() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcXPathParameter
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlBasicValidator
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlRuleValidator
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactoryImpl
getXmlDocumentFactoryConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XpathMergeImpl
getXmlEncoding() - Method in class
getXmlEncoding(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Figure out what encoding to use when writing a document.
getXmlSource() - Method in class
getXmlTransformerFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
getXpath() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcXPathParameter
getXpath() - Method in class
getXpath() - Method in class
Get the XPath to use to extract the individual messages.
getXpath() - Method in class
Get the XPath to use to extract the individual messages.
getXpath() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
Returns the name of the destination.
getXpathMetadataKey() - Method in class
getXpathQueries() - Method in class
getXpathQueries() - Method in class
getXpathQuery() - Method in class
getXpathToNode() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.ReplaceNode
getXpathToParentNode() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.InsertNode
GuidGenerator - Class in com.adaptris.util
Creates a GUID using UUID.randomUUID().
GuidGenerator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.GuidGenerator
GuidGeneratorWithTime - Class in com.adaptris.util
Generates a unique id that is still globally unique similar to GuidGenerator but contains a date/time component.
GuidGeneratorWithTime() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.GuidGeneratorWithTime
GuidGeneratorWithTime.BytesProvider - Interface in com.adaptris.util
GunzipService - Class in
Unzip the given payload.
GunzipService() - Constructor for class
GzipService - Class in
Gzip the given payload.
GzipService() - Constructor for class


haltProcessing(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceListBase
handle(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelRestartProduceExceptionHandler
handle(HttpURLConnection, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
handle(HttpURLConnection, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
handle(HttpURLConnection, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
handle(T, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.client.ResponseHeaderHandler
Do something with the response headers
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer.HttpOperation
handle(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullProduceExceptionHandler
handle(Workflow) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ProduceExceptionHandler
Handle the ProduceException.
handle(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RestartProduceExceptionHandler
handle(AdaptrisMessage, Object, CacheValueTranslator) - Method in interface
handle(ServiceExceptionHandler, List<Future<AdaptrisMessage>>) - Method in class
handle(AdaptrisMessage, int) - Method in interface
handle(ServiceExceptionHandler, List<Future<AdaptrisMessage>>) - Method in class
handle(ServiceExceptionHandler, List<Future<AdaptrisMessage>>) - Method in interface
handle(Iterable<SAXParseException>, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.SchemaViolationHandler
Handle any schema violations.
handle(Iterable<SAXParseException>, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationHandlerImpl
handleBadMessage(String, Exception, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsTransactedWorkflow
handleBadMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
handleBadMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Handle a 'bad' message.
handleBadMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
handleBadMessage(String, Exception, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
handleChannelUnavailable(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Allows common functionality when the channel is unavailable.
handleConnectionException() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorker
Called if a connection exception is encountered.
handleConnectionException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
handleConnectionException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelCloseErrorHandler
handleConnectionException() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandler
Handle the error.
handleConnectionException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandlerImpl
handleConnectionException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullConnectionErrorHandler
handleConnectionException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
handleException(Service, AdaptrisMessage, Exception) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollection
Handles any exceptions thrown from an embedded Service.
handleException(Service, AdaptrisMessage, Exception) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
handleFailureCallback(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.ListenerCallbackHelper
handleHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataHeaderHandler
handleHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.NoOpHeaderHandler
handleHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ObjectMetadataHeaderHandler
handleHeaders(AdaptrisMessage, T) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.server.HeaderHandler
Handle the headers from the request..
handleInsert(String, Connection, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
handleMessage(AdaptrisMessage, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflowImpl
handleMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker
handleNotification(Notification, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
handleOutOfState(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullOutOfStateHandler
handleOutOfState(StateManagedComponent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.OutOfStateHandler
handleOutOfState(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RaiseExceptionOutOfStateHandler
handleOutOfState(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WaitingOutOfStateHandler
handleParameters(AdaptrisMessage, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataParameterHandler
handleParameters(AdaptrisMessage, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.NoOpParameterHandler
handleParameters(AdaptrisMessage, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ObjectMetadataParameterHandler
handleParameters(AdaptrisMessage, T) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.server.ParameterHandler
Handle the parameters from the HTTP request.
handlePassword(MetadataElement) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordDecodeMetadataFilter
handlePassword(MetadataElement) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordEncodeMetadataFilter
handlePassword(MetadataElement) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordMetadataFilter
handleProcessingException(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullProcessingExceptionHandler
handleProcessingException(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ProcessingExceptionHandler
Handles a message that has deemed to have failed.
handleProcessingException(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
handleProcessingException(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
Handles error messages from Workflows by sending them to the configured error producer.
handleProduceException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
handleProduceException() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Handle an Exception encountered producing a message.
handleProduceException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
handleRedirection() - Method in class
handleReturnValue(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
handlers() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer.BasicServlet
handleSplitMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class
handleSplitMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class
handleSplitMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class
handleSplitMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class
handleSuccessCallback(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.ListenerCallbackHelper
handleTimeout(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.TimeoutAction
handleUpsert(String, Connection, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
hasArgument(String[]) - Method in class
Determine if the listed parameters are contained in the commandline arguments.
hasArgument(String[], String[]) - Static method in class
Convenience method to query the argument list.
hasChanged(ProcessedItem) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
hasConfiguredBehaviour() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullProcessingExceptionHandler
hasConfiguredBehaviour() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ProcessingExceptionHandler
Simply report back to the owning component whether or not this ProcessingExceptionHandler is actually going to do anything.
hasConfiguredBehaviour() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination
The hash code of instances of ConsumeDestination is the hash code of the underlying String destination name and String filter expression.
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ServletWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Force implementations to over-ride hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandlerImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePair
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator.KeyedByContentId
hashCode() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Compute the hash code for this URLString.
HashLoginServiceFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Allows you to configure a HashLoginService for use with Jetty.
HashLoginServiceFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HashLoginServiceFactory
HashLoginServiceFactory(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HashLoginServiceFactory
hasNext() - Method in class
hasNext() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.UnmodifiableListIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.BodyPartIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayIterator
hasOverflowed(String) - Method in class
hasPayloadId(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Indicates whether the given payload ID exists in the message.
hasPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Indicates whether the given payload ID exists in the message.
hasPrevious() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.UnmodifiableListIterator
hasUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Check if this channel has a unique Id.
HEADER_CONTENT_DESC - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
Mime Header corresponding to Content-Description
HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
Mime Header corresponding to Content-Transfer-Encoding
HEADER_CONTENT_ID - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
Mime Header corresponding to Content-Id
HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
Mime Header corresponding to Content-Length
HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
Mime Header corresponding to Content-Type
HEADER_MESSAGE_ID - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
Mime Header corresponding to Message-ID
HEADER_MIME_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeConstants
Mime Header corresponding to Mime-Version
HeaderHandler<T> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.server
Interface for handling behaviour for HTTP headers.
HeaderHandlerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Abstract HeaderHandler implementation that provides a prefix.
HeaderHandlerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HeaderHandlerImpl
headerPrefix() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HeaderHandlerImpl
Return the header prefix with null protection.
headersContainsKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
HEARTBEAT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
Name space for HeartbeatEvent.
HeartbeatEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core
Standard Adapter heartbeat event.
HeartbeatEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.HeartbeatEvent
Creates a new instance.
helper - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
HexDump - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
A utility class to perform a hexdump of a given number of bytes.
HexSequenceConfiguredReplacementSource - Class in
ReplacementSource implementation which assumes that the value is a byte sequence represented as a sequence of hexadecimal numbers (2 characters per byte).
HexSequenceConfiguredReplacementSource() - Constructor for class
HexSequenceConfiguredReplacementSource(String) - Constructor for class
HexSequenceConfiguredReplacementSource(String, String) - Constructor for class
HexStringByteTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Simply converts to and from a Hex String
HexStringByteTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.HexStringByteTranslator
hexStringToByteArray(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Conversion
Parses the supplied String into a byte[] - assumes that the text is in hex format.
HexToStringService - Class in
This class will decode hex encoded metadata value(s) using the specified character encoding
HexToStringService() - Constructor for class
HexToStringService(String) - Constructor for class
HierarchicalMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
HikariDataSourceWrapper(HikariConfig) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.HikariPoolBuilder.HikariDataSourceWrapper
HikariPoolBuilder - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Constructs a HikariCP connection pool for use with PluggableJdbcPooledConnection.
HikariPoolBuilder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.HikariPoolBuilder
HikariPoolBuilder.HikariDataSourceWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
HOST - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
HostConfig - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
Contains host configuration for use with PerHostConfigBuilder.
HostConfig() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
HostConfig(String, String, int, KeyValuePairSet) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
HostConfig(String, String, int, KeyValuePair...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
HTTP_ACCEPTED - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
HTTP_BAD - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
HTTP_ERROR - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
HTTP_METHOD - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key that contains the http method (GET, POST, PUT etc) when receiving a message via JettyMessageConsumer or similar.
HTTP_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
HTTP_OK - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
HTTP_PRODUCER_RESPONSE_CODE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key that contains the last response code from an HTTP Server when using HttpProducer or similar.
HTTP_SESSION_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key for HttpSession object metadata.
HttpAuthenticator - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.auth
HttpAuthenticator is an interface designed to facilitate HttpAuthentication in various ways.
HttpConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Concrete implementation of JettyConnection that allows HTTP traffic.
HttpConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
HttpConnection.HttpConfigurationProperty - Enum in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Standard HttpConfiguration properties for use with HttpConnection.setHttpConfiguration(KeyValuePairSet).
HttpConnection.ServerConnectorProperty - Enum in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Standard ServerConnector properties for use with HttpConnection.setServerConnectorProperties(KeyValuePairSet).
HttpConstants - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http
HttpProducer<A,B> - Class in
HttpProducer() - Constructor for class
HttpRequestService - Class in
Direct HTTP support as a service rather wrapped via StandaloneProducer or StandaloneRequestor.
HttpRequestService() - Constructor for class
HttpRequestService(String) - Constructor for class
HttpRequestServiceImpl - Class in
Direct HTTP support as a service rather than wrapped via StandaloneProducer or StandaloneRequestor.
HttpRequestServiceImpl() - Constructor for class
HttpsConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Concrete implementation of JettyConnection that allows HTTPs traffic.
HttpsConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpsConnection
HttpsConnection.SslProperty - Enum in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Properties for SslContextFactory.
HttpStatusBuilder - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.server
Builder class for a HttpStatusProvider.Status.
HttpStatusBuilder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.server.HttpStatusBuilder
HttpStatusProvider - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.server
Interface for providing a HTTP Status.
HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus - Enum in com.adaptris.core.http.server
Default status code definitions.
HttpStatusProvider.Status - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.server
HttpURLConnectionAuthenticator - Interface in
HttpURLConnectionAuthenticator is an interface designed to facilitate HttpAuthentication in various ways.


ID_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard prefix indicating the id of this component, which is @{value}
IDENTITY - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Other Fields.
IdentityBuilder - Interface in
IdentityBuilderImpl - Class in
IdentityBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class
IdentityVerifier - Interface in
Used in conjunction with IdentityBuilder.
IdentityVerifierImpl - Class in
IdentityVerifierImpl() - Constructor for class
idField() - Method in class
idForLogging - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandlerImpl
IdGenerator - Interface in com.adaptris.util
Interface for ID Generation.
idGenerator - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
IF_MATCH - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
IF_NONE_MATCH - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
IF_RANGE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
IfElse - Class in
This Service allows you to test boolean (true or false) Condition's, which if evaluate to "true" will run a configured set of services, otherwise run a different set of services.
IfElse() - Constructor for class
IGNORE_REV - Static variable in class
System Property that tells us to bypass revocation checks.
IgnoreAllExceptions - Class in
Ignore all exceptions coming nested services, including Timeouts
IgnoreAllExceptions() - Constructor for class
ignoreFirstSubMessage() - Method in class
IgnoreMetadataParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
XmlTransformParameter implementation that returns a null map.
IgnoreMetadataParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.IgnoreMetadataParameter
ignoreMoreResultsException() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.CallableStatementExecutorImpl
IgnoreOriginalMimeAggregator - Class in
MessageAggregator implementation that creates a new mime part for each message that needs to be joined up.
IgnoreOriginalMimeAggregator() - Constructor for class
IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator - Class in
MessageAggregator implementation that creates single XML using each message that needs to be joined up.
IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator() - Constructor for class
IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator(String) - Constructor for class
IgnoreOriginalXmlDocumentAggregator(String, DocumentMerge) - Constructor for class
IgnoreOutput - Class in
Null implementation of CommandOutputCapture
IgnoreOutput() - Constructor for class
IgnoresCaseValueMatcher - Class in
Ignores case match implementation of MetadataValueMatcher for MetadataValueBranchingService.
IgnoresCaseValueMatcher() - Constructor for class
ignoreServerResponseCode() - Method in class
ignoreSplitMessageFailures() - Method in class
importCertificateChain(String, char[], String) - Method in interface
Import a certificate chain from a file, giving it the assigned alias.
importCertificateChain(String, char[], File) - Method in interface
Import a certificate chain from a file, giving it the assigned alias.
importCertificateChain(String, char[], InputStream) - Method in interface
Import a certificate chain from a file, giving it the assigned alias.
importPrivateKey(String, char[], InputStream, char[]) - Method in interface
Import a private key from an inputstream, and assign it to the given alias.
importPrivateKey(String, char[], File, char[]) - Method in interface
Import a private key from a File, and assign it to the given alias.
importPrivateKey(String, char[], String, char[]) - Method in interface
Import a private key from a File, and assign it to the given alias.
inactivityPeriodMs() - Method in class
increment(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
Convenience method to increment the key by 1.
increment(String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
Convenience method to increment a given key.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
indexOf(Object) - Method in class
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
InFlightWorkflowInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes acts as the source for MessageInFlightMBean.
InFlightWorkflowInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InFlightWorkflowInterceptor
InFlightWorkflowInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InFlightWorkflowInterceptor
INFO - Static variable in class
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Initialise the adapter including the EventHandler.
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelCloseErrorHandler
init(List<Channel>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ChannelLifecycleStrategy
Initialise a list of channels.
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Uses the the configured ChannelLifecycleStrategy to invoke StateManagedComponent.requestInit() on the underlying Channels in the List.
init() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ComponentLifecycle
Initialises the component.
init(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultChannelLifecycleStrategy
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
init(List<Workflow>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultWorkflowLifecycleStrategy
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicPollingTemplate
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase.EventEmissary
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumer
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsImmediateEventPoller
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.MarshallingItemCache
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.GaussianIntervalPoller
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer.BasicServlet
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyHashUserRealmVerifier
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyNoBacklogInterceptor
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWorkflowInterceptorImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InFlightWorkflowInterceptor
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorByMetadata
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataCountInterceptor
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
init() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceCacheProvider
Once the adapter component initializes, any interceptors including any cache providers will also be initialized.
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceDefaultCacheProvider
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobMessageTranslator
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducer
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandler
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandlerImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MapMessageTranslator
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageCountProducerSessionFactory
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageSizeProducerSessionFactory
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasPollingConsumer
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ProducerSessionFactoryImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
init(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy
init(Collection<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
init(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.NonBlockingChannelStartStrategy
init(List<Workflow>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.WorkflowRetryAndContinue
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeFsConsumer
init(Properties) - Method in class
init(Properties) - Method in interface
Initialise the management component.
init() - Method in class
Initialises the PropertyResolver
init(AdapterManagerMBean) - Method in class
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullConnectionErrorHandler
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullProcessingExceptionHandler
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigesterImp
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ScheduledTaskPoller
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init(Collection<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentLifecycleStrategy
Initialise a list of channels.
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
init(ComponentLifecycle...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
Initialise the component.
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Because the order in which concrete workflows may need to init their components, this method simply ensures that the MessageErrorHandler is inited, and then delegates all other init requirements to the concrete implementation.
init(List<Workflow>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.WorkflowLifecycleStrategy
Initialise a list of channels.
init() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
initAndStart(T) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
Prepare initialise and start
initAndStart(T, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
Initialise the underlying connection.
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnectionUsingPassword
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConnection
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Initialisation ensures that the configured driver implementation is available for use.
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
initConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoOpConnection
initConnection() - Method in class
initConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
initCreated(BootstrapProperties) - Static method in class
initialContext - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.JndiContextFactory
initialiseDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Initialise the underlying database connection.
initialiseDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
initialiseDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
initialiseDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
InitialisedState - Class in com.adaptris.core
Represents initialised StateManagedComponents and implements permitted transitions.
initialiseFrom(File) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessage
Initialise this AdaptrisMessage from an existing object.
initialiseWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsTransactedWorkflow
initialiseWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
initialiseWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
Initialise the workflow.
initialiseWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
initialiseWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflowImpl
initialiseWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
initialiseWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Initialise the workflow.
initialize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
initIterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.BodyPartIterator
initIterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayIterator
initIterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
initJdbcService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
initJdbcService() - Method in class
initJdbcService() - Method in class
initJdbcService() - Method in class
initJdbcService() - Method in class
initJdbcService() - Method in class
initMarshaller() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.MarshallingItemCache
initMarshaller() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.XStreamItemCache
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumeService
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumeService
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreServiceImpl
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ShortCutJettyResponse
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullService
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SwitchPayloadService
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
initService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlValidationService
initSession() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
initWaitTimeMs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
injectMessage(SerializableAdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
injectMessage(SerializableAdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManagerMBean
injectMessageWithReply(SerializableAdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
injectMessageWithReply(SerializableAdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManagerMBean
InlineConfigBuilder - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
A statically configured SSH ConfigRepository with global defaults for all hosts.
InlineConfigBuilder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.InlineConfigBuilder
InlineItemCache - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
In memory cache of items that have been processed.
InlineItemCache() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
InlineKeystore - Class in
Specifically presents an embedded encoded Certificate string as a KeystoreLocation object.
InlineKeystore() - Constructor for class
InlineMimePartBuilder - Class in
Builds a MIME Body part by rendering a byte array as the content of the part.
InlineMimePartBuilder() - Constructor for class
InOutParameter - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Represents a single INOUT parameter for a Stored Procedure.
InOutParameters - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
This class contains the INOUT parameters that a stored procedure will require to be executed.
InOutParameters() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.InOutParameters
InParameter - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Represents a single IN parameter for a Stored Procedure.
InParameters - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
This class contains the IN parameters that a stored procedure will require to be executed.
InParameters() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.InParameters
inProgress - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
InputOutputService - Class in
Forces IO to happen from the message inputstream to outputstream.
InputOutputService() - Constructor for class
inputStream - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.common.InputStreamWithEncoding
InputStreamDataSource - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
InputStreamDataSource(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.InputStreamDataSource
InputStreamWithEncoding - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
InputStreamWithEncoding(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.InputStreamWithEncoding
insert(byte[], InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayPayloadDataOutputParameter
insert(String, InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileDataOutputParameter
insert(String, InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataDataOutputParameter
insert(InputStreamWithEncoding, InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutputParameter
insert(byte[], InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadByteArrayOutputParameter
insert(byte[], String, MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadByteArrayOutputParameter
Insert the data into the multi-payload message for the given payload ID.
insert(InputStreamWithEncoding, InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStreamOutputParameter
insert(InputStreamWithEncoding, String, MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStreamOutputParameter
Insert the data into the multi-payload message for the given payload ID.
insert(String, InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStringOutputParameter
insert(String, String, MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStringOutputParameter
Insert the data into the multi-payload message for the given payload ID.
insert(InputStreamWithEncoding, InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.PayloadStreamOutputParameter
insert(String, InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.StringPayloadDataOutputParameter
InsertNode - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
Merge implementation that appends the result to a parent node derived from an Xpath.
InsertNode() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.InsertNode
InsertNode(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.InsertNode
insertNodeBefore(Node, Node, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Convenience method which enables a new Node to be added to a parent at a specified position, by specifying the Node to insert before.
InsertWrapper(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class
instance - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
instance - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.XStreamMarshallerImpl
IntegerColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling integer types
IntegerColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
IntegerMetadataConverter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setIntProperty(String key, int value).
IntegerMetadataConverter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.IntegerMetadataConverter
IntegerMetadataConverter(MetadataFilter) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.IntegerMetadataConverter
IntegerStatementParameter - Class in
Integer Statement Parameter.
IntegerStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
IntegerStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
IntegerValueMatcher - Class in
Integer based value match implementation of MetadataValueMatcher for MetadataValueBranchingService.
IntegerValueMatcher() - Constructor for class
InterceptorNotification - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
InterceptorNotification(WorkflowManager, NotifyingInterceptor) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotification
InterceptorNotificationMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Management MBean definition for publishing JMX notifications.
InterceptorStatistic - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
InterceptorStatistic() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorStatistic
interruptManagedThreads() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory
intervalToCheckMs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WaitingOutOfStateHandler
invoke(MBeanServerConnection, String, String, Object[], String[]) - Method in class
invoke(MBeanServerConnection, ObjectName, String, Object[], String[]) - Method in class
invokeDeserialize(AbstractMarshaller.Deserializer) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
Wrap the unmarshalling sequence by catching exceptions and re-throwing as CoreExceptions.
invokeSerialize(AbstractMarshaller.Serializer) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
Wrap the marshalling sequence by catching exceptions and re-throwing as CoreExceptions.
IORunnable - Interface in com.adaptris.core
IS_RETRY_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
isAdditionaDebug() - Method in class com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClientImp
isAdvanced() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
isAutoPopulated() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
isAvailable() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Returns true if this Channel is available.
isBranching() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceImp
isBranching() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
isBranching() - Method in class
isBranching() - Method in class
isBranching() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Service
Returns true if the implementation supports branching.
isBranching() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
isBranching() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
isBranching() - Method in class
isBranching() - Method in class
This is a branching service, even though its parent(s) aren't.
isBranching() - Method in class
isBranching() - Method in class
isBranching() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
isCdataColumn(String, XmlPayloadTranslatorImpl.DocumentWrapper) - Method in class
isCheckPassed() - Method in class
isClosed() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
isClosed() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
isConnected() - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Check if this client is still connected to its target Any errors return a false This is used to check cached connections are still working
isConnected() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
isConnected() - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
isDebug() - Method in class
isDebugMode() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConnection
Is this connection in debug mode.
isDirectory(File) - Static method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Throw an exception if the file is not a directory
isDisplayColumnErrors() - Method in class
isDocumentValid() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which indicates whether the file was valid
IsEmpty - Class in
This Operator simply tests that the given value evaluates to null or an empty string.
IsEmpty() - Constructor for class
isEnabled(String) - Method in class
isEnabled(Properties, String) - Static method in class
isEncrypted() - Method in interface
isEncrypted() - Method in class
isExpired() - Method in interface
Check expiry on the certificate.
isFile(File) - Static method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Throw an exception if the file is not a plain file.
isFileAccessible(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Could we read and process this file.
IsFileFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
FileFilter that accepts files that are files that just uses under the covers.
IsFileFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.IsFileFilter
isHasResultSet() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
IsIn - Class in
This Operator tests whether a specified value matches any value in a list
IsIn() - Constructor for class
isInCorrectState(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullOutOfStateHandler
isInCorrectState(StateManagedComponent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.OutOfStateHandler
isInCorrectState(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.OutOfStateHandlerImp
isListImpl(String) - Method in class
isManagedTransaction() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
isManagedTransaction() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
isManagedTransaction() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsActorConfig
isManagedTransaction() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
isManagedTransaction() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
isMessageComplete() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConsumerMonitor
isMustAuthenticate() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
IsNull - Class in
This Operator simply tests a single value is null.
IsNull() - Constructor for class
isNullAllowed() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
IsNullContentValidation - Class in com.adaptris.transform.validate
Check the content and ensure it is not null.
IsNullContentValidation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.IsNullContentValidation
isPlain() - Method in interface
isPlain() - Method in class
isPrimaryUrlAvailable() - Method in class
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
isReserved(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataHandler
Is this key a reserved jms header.
isRestartOnFailure() - Method in class
isRevoked() - Method in interface
Check revocation status on the certificate.
isRevoked(X509Certificate) - Method in class
Check if the specified certification has been revoked.
isSigned() - Method in interface
isSigned() - Method in class
isSupported(AdaptrisComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.RuntimeInfoComponentFactory
isThisSyntax(String) - Method in class
isThisSyntax(String) - Method in class
isThisSyntax(String) - Method in interface
Determine if this SyntaxIdentifer considers the message to match all the configured patterns.
isThisSyntax(String) - Method in class
isThisSyntax(String) - Method in class
isTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
isTrackingEndpoint() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MessageEventGenerator
Returns true if this should be considered an 'end-point' for tracking purposes, otherwise false.
isTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
isTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
isTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class
isTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
isTrackingEndpoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
isValid(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker
isValid(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
isValid() - Method in interface
Check the overall validity of this certificate.
isValid(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.transform.validate.ContentValidation
Parse the content and check it's validity.
isValid(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.IsNullContentValidation
isValid(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.NotInListContentValidation
isValid(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.NotNullContentValidation
isValid(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.RegexpContentValidation
isValid(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.SimpleListContentValidation
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
isWriteable() - Method in interface
Can this keystore be used for updates.
isWriteableDir(File) - Method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Returns true if the passed File is a writeable directory, otherwise false.
isXmlColumn(String) - Method in class
itemEvicted(String, Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventListener
Notification that the provided key / value was evicted from the cache
itemEvicted(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventLogger
itemExpired(String, Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventListener
Notification that the provided key / value has expired from the cache
itemExpired(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventLogger
itemPut(String, Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventListener
Notification that the provided key / value was put into the cache
itemPut(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventLogger
itemRemoved(String, Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventListener
Notification that the provided key / value was removed from the cache
itemRemoved(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventLogger
itemUpdated(String, Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventListener
Notification that the provided key / value was updated in the cache
itemUpdated(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheEventLogger
iterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
iterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
iterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterList
iterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
iterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
iterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
iterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag


jarName(String) - Static method in class
JavaxValidationChecker - Class in
JavaxValidationChecker() - Constructor for class
JDBC_ALWAYS_VERIFY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
resource key for connection verify setting
JDBC_AUTO_COMMIT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
resource key for driver autocommit setting
JDBC_DEBUG - Static variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
resource key specifying extra debug.
JDBC_DRIVER - Static variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
resource key for driver classname
JDBC_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
resource key for specifying the password
JDBC_TEST_STATEMENT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Resource key for testing a connection.
JDBC_URL_ROOT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
resource key for driver url
JDBC_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
resource key for specifying the username
JdbcBatchingDataCaptureService - Class in
Capture Data from a AdaptrisMessage and store it in a JDBC-compliant database.
JdbcBatchingDataCaptureService() - Constructor for class
JdbcBatchingDataCaptureService(String) - Constructor for class
JdbcBytePayloadParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Stored Procedure parameter implementation
JdbcBytePayloadParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcBytePayloadParameter
JdbcConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Implementation of AdaptrisConnectionImp for JDBC.
JdbcConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
JdbcConnection(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
Convenience constructor.
JdbcConstantParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Stored Procedure parameter implementation, can be used only for IN Stored Procedure parameters.
JdbcConstantParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConstantParameter
JdbcConstants - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
JdbcConstants() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConstants
JdbcDataCaptureService - Class in
Capture Data from a AdaptrisMessage and store it in a JDBC-compliant database.
JdbcDataCaptureService() - Constructor for class
JdbcDataCaptureService(String) - Constructor for class
JdbcDataCaptureServiceImpl - Class in
Base implementation for capturing data from an AdaptrisMessage and storing it in a jdbc database.
JdbcDataCaptureServiceImpl() - Constructor for class
JdbcDataCaptureServiceImpl.DatabaseActor - Class in
JdbcDataQueryService - Class in
Perform a triggered JDBC query and the results of this query that can be stored in the AdaptrisMessage.
JdbcDataQueryService() - Constructor for class
JdbcDataQueryService(JdbcStatementCreator) - Constructor for class
JdbcEscapedDateStatementParameter - Class in
A Date extension to StatementParameter.
JdbcEscapedDateStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
JdbcEscapedDateStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType) - Constructor for class
JdbcEscapedDateStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
JdbcEscapedTimeParameter - Class in
A Time extension to StatementParameter.
JdbcEscapedTimeParameter() - Constructor for class
JdbcEscapedTimeParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType) - Constructor for class
JdbcEscapedTimeParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
JdbcEscapedTimestampParameter - Class in
A Timestamp extension to StatementParameter.
JdbcEscapedTimestampParameter() - Constructor for class
JdbcEscapedTimestampParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType) - Constructor for class
JdbcEscapedTimestampParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
JdbcIteratingDataCaptureServiceImpl - Class in
JdbcIteratingDataCaptureServiceImpl() - Constructor for class
JdbcLoginServiceFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Allows you to configure a as the login service to use with Jetty.
JdbcLoginServiceFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JdbcLoginServiceFactory
JdbcMapInsert - Class in
Base behaviour of inserting Objects directly into a db.
JdbcMapInsert() - Constructor for class
JdbcMapInsert.BasicType - Enum in
Handles simple type conversions for the fields in the map that needs to be inserted into the DB.
JdbcMapInsert.InsertWrapper - Class in
JdbcMapInsert.StatementParam - Interface in
JdbcMapInsert.StatementWrapper - Interface in
JdbcMapUpsert - Class in
Base behaviour for upserting objects directly into a db.
JdbcMapUpsert() - Constructor for class
JdbcMapUpsert.SelectWrapper - Class in
JdbcMapUpsert.UpdateWrapper - Class in
JdbcMetadataParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Stored Procedure parameter implementation, can be used for all IN, INOUT and OUT Stored Procedure parameters.
JdbcMetadataParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcMetadataParameter
JdbcObjectMetadataParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Stored Procedure parameter implementation, can be used for all IN, INOUT and OUT Stored Procedure parameters.
JdbcObjectMetadataParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcObjectMetadataParameter
JdbcParameter - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
JdbcParameterException - Exception in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
JdbcParameterException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterException
Creates a new instance.
JdbcParameterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception.
JdbcParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterException
Creates a new instance with a description of the Exception.
JdbcParameterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception and a description of the Exception.
JdbcParameterList<T> - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
JdbcParameterList() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterList
JdbcParameterUtils - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
JdbcParameterUtils() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterUtils
JdbcPooledConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
A DatabaseConnection instance that provides connection pooling via c3p0.
JdbcPooledConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
JdbcPooledConnectionImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
JdbcPooledConnectionImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
JdbcPoolFactory - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
JdbcRawDataCaptureService - Class in
Capture Data from a AdaptrisMessage and store it in a JDBC-compliant database.
JdbcRawDataCaptureService() - Constructor for class
JdbcRawDataCaptureService(String) - Constructor for class
JdbcResult - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
JdbcResult() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
JdbcResultBuilder - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
JdbcResultBuilder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultBuilder
JdbcResultRow - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
JdbcResultRow() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
JdbcResultSet - Interface in com.adaptris.jdbc
JdbcResultSetImpl - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
JdbcResultSetImpl(ResultSet) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultSetImpl
JdbcService - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Provides database connection for JDBC-based Service implementations.
JdbcService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
JdbcServiceList - Class in
Implementation of ServiceCollection that creates a Connection instance at the start of the execution of the service list and stores it in object metadata.
JdbcServiceList() - Constructor for class
JdbcServiceList(Collection<Service>) - Constructor for class
JdbcServiceList(Service...) - Constructor for class
JdbcServiceWithParameters - Class in
Base implementation for interacting with a database with configurable parameters.
JdbcServiceWithParameters() - Constructor for class
JdbcStatementCreator - Interface in
JdbcStatementParameter - Interface in
JdbcStoredProcedureProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
StoredProcedure Producer implementation; executes a stored procedure within your chosen database vendor.
JdbcStoredProcedureProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
JdbcStringPayloadParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Stored Procedure parameter implementation.
JdbcStringPayloadParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStringPayloadParameter
JdbcUtil - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Helper methods used internally to support JDBC operations within the framework.
JdbcUtil() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
JdbcXPathParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Stored Procedure parameter implementation, can be used only for IN Stored Procedure parameters.
JdbcXPathParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcXPathParameter
JETTY_QUERY_STRING - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConstants
Metadata key that contains the query string that was used to post data to a Jetty instance : "jettyQueryString"
JETTY_URI - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConstants
Metadata key that contains the URI that was used to post data to a Jetty instance : "jettyURI"
JETTY_URL - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConstants
Metadata key that contains the URL that was used to post data to a Jetty instance : "jettyURL"
JETTY_USER_ROLE_ATTR - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConstants
Key used to store the the user roles via ServletRequest.setAttribute(String, Object) if possible.
JETTY_USER_ROLES - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConstants
Metadata key that contains the roles associated with a user, if available: "jettyUserRoles".
JETTY_WRAPPER - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConstants
Metadata key for the JettyWrapper object metadata made available from Jetty.
JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Allows you to handle a single HTTP request across 2 workflows within the same Interlok instance.
JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor.Mode - Enum in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
JettyAuthenticatorFactory - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Interface for factory to create Jetty Authenticators
JettyConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
This class is the base class that all Jetty based Connections extend.
JettyConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConnection
JettyConstants - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
JettyConstants() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConstants
JettyConsumerMonitor - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
JettyConsumerMonitor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConsumerMonitor
JettyHashUserRealmVerifier - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
IdentityVerifier implementation that uses the same file as HashLoginServiceFactory to perform identity verification.
JettyHashUserRealmVerifier() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyHashUserRealmVerifier
JettyHashUserRealmVerifier(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyHashUserRealmVerifier
JettyLoginServiceFactory - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Interface to create Jetty LoginService instance
JettyMessageConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
This is the standard class that receives documents via HTTP.
JettyMessageConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyMessageConsumer
JettyNoBacklogInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
WorkflowInterceptor that automatically returns a 503 if it knows there is nothing available to handle the inbound message in the parent workflow.
JettyNoBacklogInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyNoBacklogInterceptor
JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that allows a Jetty Consumer to be part of a PoolingWorkflow.
JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor
JettyResponseService - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Send a response via HTTP as a service rather than having to wrap in a StandaloneProducer.
JettyResponseService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
JettyResponseService(int, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
JettyRoute(boolean, Set<MetadataElement>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition.JettyRoute
JettyRouteCondition - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Condition implementation that evaulates based on the JettyURI and HTTP method.
JettyRouteCondition() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
JettyRouteCondition.JettyRoute - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
JettyRouteSpec - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Used with JettyRoutingService to help decide which branch to execute.
JettyRouteSpec() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
JettyRouteSpec(String, String, List<String>, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
JettyRoutingService - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Use as part of a BranchingServiceCollection to branch based on the jetty URI and method.
JettyRoutingService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
JettyRoutingService(String, List<JettyRouteSpec>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
JettyServerComponent - Class in
This class can be used for configuring and starting a Jetty webserver for the adapter.
JettyServerComponent() - Constructor for class
JettyServletRegistrar - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Interface for registering servlets by the various jetty connection implementations.
JettyWorkflowInterceptorImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
JettyWorkflowInterceptorImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWorkflowInterceptorImpl
JettyWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Class that contains information that about the jetty request/response.
JettyWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
JMS_ASYNC_STATIC_REPLY_TO - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store a specific reply to when using a producer.
JMS_CORRELATION_ID - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store the JMSCorrelationID header property.
JMS_DELIVERY_MODE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store the JMSDeliveryMode header property.
JMS_DESTINATION - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store the JMSDestination header property.
JMS_EXPIRATION - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store the JMSExpiration header property.
JMS_HDR_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.ExcludeJmsHeaders
The Header pattern "^JMS.*$".
JMS_MESSAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store the JMSMessageID header property.
JMS_PRIORITY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store the JMSPriority header property.
JMS_REDELIVERED - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store the JMSRedelivered header property.
JMS_REPLY_TO - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store the JMSReplyTo header property.
JMS_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store the JMSTimestamp header property.
JMS_TYPE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store the JMSType header property.
JmsActorConfig - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
Interface specifying common configuration for JMS Workers
JmsAsyncProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JMS 2.0 Producer implementation that extends all features of JmsProducer, but allows us to send messages asynchronously.
JmsAsyncProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducer
JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler(JmsProducer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
JmsConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JMS 1.1 standard JMS connection.
JmsConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Create a new instance.
JmsConnection(VendorImplementation) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
JmsConnectionConfig - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
Simple interface that provides configuration information for sub components.
JmsConnectionErrorHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Standard implementation of ConnectionErrorHandler which implements ExceptionListener.
JmsConnectionErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandler
JmsConnectionErrorHandler(Boolean) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandler
JmsConnectionErrorHandlerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JmsConnectionErrorHandlerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandlerImpl
JmsConnectionVerifier(String, CountDownLatch) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler.JmsConnectionVerifier
JmsConstants - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Constants used in this package.
JmsConstants() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
JmsConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JMS Consumer implementation that can target queues or topics via an RFC6167 style destination.
JmsConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumer
JmsConsumerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Contains behaviour common to PTP and PAS JMS message consumers.
JmsConsumerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
Creates a new instance.
JmsDestination - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
A JMS Destination as specified by a limited parse of an RFC6167 style string.
JmsDestination.DestinationType - Enum in com.adaptris.core.jms
JmsMessageConsumerFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JmsMessageConsumerFactory(VendorImplementation, Session, String, boolean, String, JmsActorConfig) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsMessageConsumerFactory
JmsPollingConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Concrete JmsPollingConsumerImpl implementation that can target queues or topics via an RFC6167 style destination.
JmsPollingConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumer
JmsPollingConsumerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Abstract implementation of AdaptrisPollingConsumer for queues and topics.
JmsPollingConsumerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
JmsProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JMS Producer implementation that can target queues or topics via an RFC6167 style destination.
JmsProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JmsProducerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JmsProducerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
JmsReplyToCacheValueTranslator - Class in
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that retrieves and sets the JMSReplyTo destination of a message.
JmsReplyToCacheValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
JmsReplyToDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Implementation of ProduceDestination which resolves the JMS Destination from the JMSReplyTo object metadata.
JmsReplyToDestination() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToDestination
Creates a new instance.
JmsReplyToWorkflow - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JmsReplyToWorkflow() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToWorkflow
JmsReplyToWorkflow.ProducerType - Enum in com.adaptris.core.jms
JmsSyncConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JMS synchronous consumer implementation that can target queues or topics via an RFC6167 style endpoint.
JmsSyncConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
JmsTemporaryDestination() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler.JmsTemporaryDestination
JmsTemporaryDestination(Session) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler.JmsTemporaryDestination
JmsTransactedWorkflow - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Subclass of StandardWorkflow for use with JMS consumers.
JmsTransactedWorkflow() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsTransactedWorkflow
JmsUtils - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JmsUtils() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
JMX_ADAPTER_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix specifying domain and type which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=Adapter"
JMX_CHANNEL_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix for channels which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=Channel"
JMX_CONSUMER_MONITOR_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix for a given consumer monitor exposed via JMX which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=ConsumerMonitor"
JMX_DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard Domain name for components.
JMX_FAILED_MESSAGE_RETRIER_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix for a FailedMessageRetrier that is exposed via JMX which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=FailedMessageRetrier"
JMX_FS_MONITOR_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix for a given Filesystem monitor exposed via JMX which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=FsMonitor"
JMX_INFLIGHT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix for a given MessageInFlight Interceptor exposed via JMX which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=InFlight"
JMX_JMXMP_SASL_PASSWORD - Static variable in class
Bootstrap property that controls the password required for connecting to this JMXConnectorServer if the JMXServiceURL indicates the jmxmp protocol.
JMX_JMXMP_SASL_USERNAME - Static variable in class
Bootstrap property that controls the username required for connecting to this JMXConnectorServer if the JMXServiceURL indicates the jmxmp protocol.
JMX_LOG_HANDLER_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix for a LogHandler that is exposed via JMX which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=LogHandler"
JMX_METRICS_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix for a given MessageMetricsStatistics exposed via JMX which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=Metrics"
JMX_MSG_ERR_DIGESTER_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix for a given Message Error Digest exposed via JMX which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=MessageErrorDigest"
JMX_NOTIF_SOURCE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
JMX_NOTIFIER_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix for an Interceptor which emits Notification which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=Notifications"
JMX_REGISTRY_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
The type for the adapter registry.
JMX_RETRY_MONITOR_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix for a given RetryMessageErrorHandler monitor exposed via JMX which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=RetryMessageHandlerMonitor"
JMX_SERVICE_URL_ENV_PREFIX - Static variable in class
Bootstrap property key prefix that controls what environment is passed through to the JMXConnectorServer.
JMX_WORKFLOW_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard JMX Prefix specifying domain and type which resolves to "com.adaptris:type=Workflow"
JmxConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jmx
JmxConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
JmxHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Helper for JMX
JmxHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.JmxHelper
JmxNotificationConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jmx
JmxNotificationConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
JmxOperationCallService - Class in
Allows you to make a remote call on a JMX operation.
JmxOperationCallService() - Constructor for class
JmxOperationImpl - Class in
Base abstract implementation for all JMX services.
JmxOperationImpl() - Constructor for class
JmxOperationInvoker<T> - Class in
JmxOperationInvoker() - Constructor for class
JmxOperationServiceImpl - Class in
Base abstract implementation for all JMX services.
JmxOperationServiceImpl() - Constructor for class
JmxRemoteComponent - Class in
Implementation of the ManagementComponent interface for JSR160.
JmxRemoteComponent() - Constructor for class
JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
A WorkflowInterceptor that simply caches all messages that have completed running through the workflow.
JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
JmxWaitService - Class in
Allows you to make a remote call on a JMX operation and wait until the result from the JMX operation is "true"
JmxWaitService() - Constructor for class
JndiContextFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core
JndiContextFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.JndiContextFactory
JndiContextFactory(Hashtable) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.JndiContextFactory
JndiHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
JndiHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
jndiName - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
JndiNameCreator - Interface in com.adaptris.naming.adapter
joinMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
joinMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in interface
Joins multiple AdaptrisMessages into a single AdaptrisMessage objects.
joinMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
joinMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
Joins multiple AdaptrisMessages into a single MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage object.
joinMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
joinMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
joinMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
joinMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class
Justify - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Text justification.


KEEP_ALIVE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Fields Values.
KEY_ADAPTER - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
ObjectName Key representing the adapter unique-id
KEY_CHANNEL - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
ObjectName Key representing parent channel unique-id
KEY_CURRENT_SPLIT_MESSAGE_COUNT - Static variable in class
KEY_ID - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
ObjectName Key representing the unique-id of a component
KEY_MESSAGE_COUNT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
Key within the properties containing the total message count
KEY_MESSAGE_DURATION - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
Key within the properties containing the time taken in milliseconds
KEY_MESSAGE_END - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
Key within the properties containing the end time in milliseconds
KEY_MESSAGE_ERROR - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
Key within the properties containing the total number of errors.
KEY_MESSAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
Key within the properties containing the messageID
KEY_MESSAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
Key within the properties containing the total size of errors.
KEY_MESSAGE_START - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
Key within the properties containing the start time in milliseconds
KEY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
Key within the properties containing whether the message was successful or not
KEY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyHashUserRealmVerifier
The key in the identity map that contains the username "password".
KEY_ROLE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyHashUserRealmVerifier
The key in the identity map that contains the role "role".
KEY_SPLIT_MESSAGE_COUNT - Static variable in class
KEY_TIMESLICE_END - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
Key within the properties containing the end time for the timeslice.
KEY_TIMESLICE_START - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
Key within the properties containing the end time for the timeslice.
KEY_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyHashUserRealmVerifier
The key in the identity map that contains the username "user".
KEY_WORKFLOW - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
ObjectName Key representing the parent workflow unique-id
KEY_WORKFLOW_SKIP_PRODUCER - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key which if set to 'true' will cause a workflow implementation to skip the produce portion of its processing chain.
KEYSTORE_ALIAS - Static variable in class
URL Query key determining the keystore alias
KEYSTORE_FACTORY_CLASS - Static variable in class
The System Property key that controls the default keystore factory implementation
KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class
URL Query key determining the keystore password.
KEYSTORE_PKCS12 - Static variable in class
Custom keystore types
KEYSTORE_TYPE - Static variable in class
URL Query key determining the keystore type.
KEYSTORE_X509 - Static variable in class
Custom keystore types
KEYSTORE_XMLKEYINFO - Static variable in class
Custom keystore types
KeystoreException - Exception in
Wraps any exceptions encountered during keystore operations.
KeystoreException() - Constructor for exception
KeystoreException(String) - Constructor for exception
KeystoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
KeystoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
KeystoreFactory - Class in
Factory for creating Keystore Proxy objects.
KeystoreFactory() - Constructor for class
KeystoreLocation - Interface in
Wrapper that is used handle the IO to a keystore.
KeystoreProxy - Interface in
Used to read and write from a keystore.
keyTranslator() - Method in class
Get the key translator.
KeyValuePair - Class in com.adaptris.util
A key value pair.
KeyValuePair() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePair
KeyValuePair(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePair
KeyValuePairBag - Class in com.adaptris.util
A Collection of of KeyValuePair instances.
KeyValuePairBag() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Creates a new instance.
KeyValuePairCollection - Class in com.adaptris.util
An collection of KeyValuePair instances.
KeyValuePairCollection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairCollection
KeyValuePairCollection(Collection<KeyValuePair>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairCollection
KeyValuePairCollection(Properties) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairCollection
KeyValuePairCollection(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairCollection
KeyValuePairList - Class in com.adaptris.util
An List of KeyValuePair instances.
KeyValuePairList() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
KeyValuePairList(Collection<KeyValuePair>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
KeyValuePairList(Properties) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
KeyValuePairList(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
KeyValuePairSet - Class in com.adaptris.util
A Set of KeyValuePair instances.
KeyValuePairSet() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairSet
Creates a new instance.
KeyValuePairSet(Collection<KeyValuePair>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairSet
KeyValuePairSet(Properties) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairSet
KeyValuePairSet(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairSet


LargeFsConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.lms
File system implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer with large message support.
LargeFsConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeFsConsumer
LargeFsProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.lms
File system implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer with large message support.
LargeFsProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeFsProducer
LargeMessageWorkflow - Class in com.adaptris.core.lms
Workflow that does not store the original message for error-handling purposes.
LargeMessageWorkflow() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeMessageWorkflow
Creates a new instance with defaults to prevent NullPointerExceptions.
LAST_RESORT_LOGGER - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLoggerImpl
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
LastKnownException - Class in
ExceptionGenerator implementation that generates the exception from the last known exception.
LastKnownException() - Constructor for class
LastMessageTimestampGenerator - Class in
Timestamp Generator implementation that returns the last Date a message passed through the service.
LastMessageTimestampGenerator() - Constructor for class
LASTMODIFIED - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Entity Fields.
lastModified(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Return the last modified time for the given path.
lastModified(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
Get last modified date time of file
lastModified(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
LastModifiedAscending - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced
Sort the list of files by their last modified attribute
LastModifiedAscending() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.LastModifiedAscending
lastModifiedDate(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Return the last modified date for the given path.
lastModifiedDate(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
Get last modified date time of file
lastModifiedDate(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
LastModifiedDescending - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced
Sort the list of files by their last modified attribute in reverse order.
LastModifiedDescending() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.LastModifiedDescending
LastModifiedFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
Abstract FileFilter that accepts files based on the last modified time of the file.
LastModifiedFilter(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.LastModifiedFilter
Create the filefilter using an ISO8601 formatted interval.
lastStartTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
The last time the adapter was started
lastStartTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Get the last time this channel was started
lastStartTime() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Get the last time this workflow was started
lastStartTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Get the last time this workflow was started
lastStopTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
The last time the adapter was stopped
lastStopTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Get the last time this channel was stopped.
lastStopTime() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Get the last time this workflow was stopped.
lastStopTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Get the last time this channel was stopped.
leading(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Justify
Pad a string with a leading pad character until len.
left(String, int) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Justify
Left Justify a string with spaces until len.
leftJust(String, int) - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
leftJust(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
LegacyPrivateKeyPasswordProvider - Class in
Legacy private key password provider based on the property file ''.
LegacyPrivateKeyPasswordProvider() - Constructor for class
LEVEL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
LICENSE_EXPIRY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
LicenseExpiryWarningEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core.event
AdapterLifecycleEvent indicating that this Adapter's license is about to expire.
LicenseExpiryWarningEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.event.LicenseExpiryWarningEvent
Creates a new instance.
LifecycleHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Helper class that assists in managing component lifecycles.
LifecycleHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
LineCountSplitter - Class in
Split an AdaptrisMessage object by line.
LineCountSplitter() - Constructor for class
LineCountSplitter(Integer) - Constructor for class
list(Name) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
list(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
listBindings(Name) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
listBindings(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
ListContentValidation - Class in com.adaptris.transform.validate
Compare the content against some specified list.
ListContentValidation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ListContentValidation
ListenerCallbackHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core
ListenerCallbackHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ListenerCallbackHelper
listFiles(File) - Method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Returns an array of Files in directory dir.
listFiles(File, FileFilter) - Method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Returns an array of Files in directory dir that match the passed filter.
listIterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
listIterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
listIterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
listIterator() - Method in class
listIterator(int) - Method in class
listIterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
listIterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
listIterator() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
load(URLString, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileDataInputParameter
load(BootstrapProperties) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorLoader
load(String, KeyValuePairSet) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorLoader
load(BootstrapProperties) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.DefaultPreProcessorLoader
load(String, KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.DefaultPreProcessorLoader
load() - Method in class
load(String) - Method in class
Will load a specific RuntimeVersionControl given the exact implementation name.
load(PropertyHelper.PropertyInputStream) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Convenience method to load a set of properties from an InputStream
load() - Method in class
load() - Method in interface
Load the keystore.
loadInterlokConfig(BootstrapProperties) - Static method in interface com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorLoader
Helper method to use the default pre-processor chain to read configuration.
loadInterlokConfig(BootstrapProperties) - Static method in class
Helper method to avoid multiple executions of DefaultPreProcessorLoader.load(BootstrapProperties).
loadPreviouslyReceivedValues() - Method in class
loadQuietly(File) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Convenience method to load a set of properties from a file.
loadQuietly(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Convenience method to load a set of properties from a resource on the classpath.
loadQuietly(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Convenience method to load a set of properties from a resource on the classpath.
loadQuietly(URL) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Convenience method to load a set of properties from a URL
loadQuietly(InputStream) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Convenience method to load a set of properties from an InputStream
loadQuietly(PropertyHelper.PropertyInputStream) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
Convenience method to load a set of properties from an InputStream
LOCATION - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Response Fields.
lock() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
LOCK_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
The locfile property
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageEncoderImp
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileParameter
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.ComponentStateImp
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandlerImp
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultChannelLifecycleStrategy
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultWorkflowLifecycleStrategy
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.Event
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
log - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ThreadLocalCredentials
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.StatusEvaluatorImpl
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfigurableSecurityHandler
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfiguredResponseHeaderProvider
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HeaderHandlerImpl
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceProxy
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataResponseHeaderProvider
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ParameterHandlerImpl
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticMarshaller
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxyNonClosingSqlConnection
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataConverter
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ProducerSessionFactoryImpl
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
log - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.ListenerCallbackHelper
log - Static variable in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordMetadataFilter
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.PollerImp
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.ProduceExceptionHandlerImp
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
log - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.RuntimeInfoComponentFactory
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log(int, Object) - Method in class
log(int, Object) - Method in interface
log - Variable in class
log(int, Object) - Method in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log - Variable in class
log(Logger, String, String) - Method in interface
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.transform.MessageValidatorImpl
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
log(String, Object...) - Method in class com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClientImp
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultBuilder
log - Static variable in class
log - Static variable in class
log(LoggingOutputStreamImpl.LogLevel, String) - Method in class
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
log - Variable in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformer
logAllExceptions() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
logColumnErrors(int, Exception) - Method in class
logConsumeDestinationWarning(boolean, LoggingHelper.WarningLoggedCallback, ConsumeDestination, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DestinationHelper
use logWarningIfNotNull(boolean, WarningLoggedCallback, Object, String, Object...) instead.
logDeprecation(boolean, LoggingHelper.WarningLoggedCallback, String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper
logErrorMessage(Service, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
logEvent(Logger) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.HeartbeatEvent
logEvent(Logger) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.LoggableEvent
LoggableEvent - Interface in com.adaptris.core
logger - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DefaultPoolFactory
logger() - Method in class
LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that adds a mapped diagnostic context via org.slf4j.MDC#put(String, String).
LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
loggingFormat() - Method in class
LoggingHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Utility for generating logging messages.
LoggingHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper
LoggingHelper.WarningLoggedCallback - Interface in com.adaptris.core.util
LoggingService - Class in
Log some arbitrary information.
LoggingService() - Constructor for class
LoggingService(LoggingServiceImpl.LoggingLevel, String) - Constructor for class
LoggingServiceImpl - Class in
LoggingServiceImpl() - Constructor for class
LoggingServiceImpl.LoggingLevel - Enum in
logHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
LogHandler - Interface in com.adaptris.core
LogHandlerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
LogHandlerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.LogHandlerImp
logHeaders(String, String, Set) - Method in class
logHeaders(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
login(String, Object, ServletRequest) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceProxy
LoginServiceFactoryImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Abstract configuration for bundled implementations.
LoginServiceFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceFactoryImpl
LoginServiceProxy - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Proxy class that allows us to add "roles" as a custom attribute to the ServletRequest.
LoginServiceProxy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceProxy
logLinkedException(String, Exception) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
LogMessageService - Class in
Service which logs the AdaptrisMessage to the configured logger for debugging purposes.
LogMessageService() - Constructor for class
LogMessageService(LoggingServiceImpl.LoggingLevel) - Constructor for class
LogMessageService(LoggingServiceImpl.LoggingLevel, String) - Constructor for class
LogMessageService(String) - Constructor for class
logMetadata(String, MetadataElement...) - Method in class
logMetadata(String, Collection<MetadataElement>) - Method in class
logMetadata(MetadataServiceImpl.LogWrapper, String, MetadataElement...) - Method in class
logMetadata(MetadataServiceImpl.LogWrapper, String, Collection<MetadataElement>) - Method in class
logout(UserIdentity) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceProxy
logR - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
logR - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.fs.LastModifiedFilter
logR - Variable in class
logR - Variable in class
logR - Variable in class com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClientImp
logR - Variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
logR - Variable in class
logR - Variable in class
logR - Variable in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStore
logSuccess(AdaptrisMessage, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
logWarning(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AllowsRetriesConnection
logWarning(boolean, LoggingHelper.WarningLoggedCallback, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper
logWarningIfNotNull(boolean, LoggingHelper.WarningLoggedCallback, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DestinationHelper
Log a warning if the supplied object is not null.
logWarningIfRequired(FileFilter) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsHelper
LongMetadataConverter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setLongProperty(String key, long value).
LongMetadataConverter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.LongMetadataConverter
LongMetadataConverter(MetadataFilter) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.LongMetadataConverter
LongStatementParameter - Class in
Long Statement Parameter.
LongStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
LongStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
lookup(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
lookup(Name) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
lookup(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
lookupLink(Name) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
lookupLink(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
LowerCaseHyphenatedMapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream
XStream Mapper that aids in name format conversion and handling of implicit collections.
LowerCaseHyphenatedMapper(Mapper, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.LowerCaseHyphenatedMapper
LruBoundedMessageCache - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
A MessageCache implementation that uses an ArrayBlockingQueue to hold the messages.
LruBoundedMessageCache() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache


main(String[]) - Static method in class
Entry point to program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class
Entry point to program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class
makeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Make the connection.
makeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
makeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
makeConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in interface
Make a copy of the statement parameter.
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy() - Method in class
makeCopy(InputStream) - Static method in class
Make a copy of an InputStream.
makeObject() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.WorkerFactory
makeObject() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.PoolAttendant
ManagedThreadFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Simple ThreadFactory implementation for use within the adapter.
ManagedThreadFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory
ManagedThreadFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory
ManagementComponent - Interface in
Interface for management components that exist outside of the standard adapter lifecycle.
ManagementComponentFactory - Class in
Simple factory that creates management components.
ManagementComponentInfo - Class in
ManagementComponentInfo() - Constructor for class
MapMessageTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Translates between AdaptrisMessage and javax.jms.MapMessage.
MapMessageTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MapMessageTranslator
MapMessageTranslator(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MapMessageTranslator
MapMetadataService - Class in
Changes the value of a specific metadata key based on a regular expression match of the value associated with the key.
MapMetadataService() - Constructor for class
MappedKeyMetadataFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
MetadataFilter implementation that modifies keys matching a specific regular expression to another key name.
MappedKeyMetadataFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MappedKeyMetadataFilter
MappedKeyMetadataFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MappedKeyMetadataFilter
MappedMetadataIdentityBuilder - Class in
Build the identity from metadata which is mapped to specific values.
MappedMetadataIdentityBuilder() - Constructor for class
MappedMetadataIdentityBuilder(KeyValuePairList) - Constructor for class
MappedMetadataIdentityBuilder(MetadataIdentityBuilderImpl.MetadataSource, KeyValuePairList) - Constructor for class
MappedResolver - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
Resolver that maps URLs to another URL and caches the results.
MappedResolver() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.MappedResolver
MappingUtils - Class in com.adaptris.transform
MappingUtils() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
markSuccessful(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
markSuccessful(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
marshal(Object, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
marshal(Object, File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
marshal(Object, OutputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
marshal(Object, URL) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
marshal(Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Marshalls an object to XML.
marshal(Object, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Marshalls an object to XML.
marshal(Object, File) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Marshalls an object to XML.
marshal(Object, Writer) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Marshalls an object to XML.
marshal(Object, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Marshalls an object to XML.
marshal(Object, URL) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Marshalls an XML representation of the passed Object to the file sytem location denoted by the passed URL.
marshal(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticMarshaller
marshal(Object, Writer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticMarshaller
marshal(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XStreamMarshallerImpl
marshal(Object, Writer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XStreamMarshallerImpl
marshalAndSendNotification() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
Store the XML representation of the object and send a config-update notification.
marshalConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
Store the XML representation of the object.
MarshalledClassDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of ProduceDestination.
MarshalledClassDestination() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MarshalledClassDestination
marshallerFactory - Variable in class
MarshallingItemCache - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
Extension to InlineItemCache that stores the procssed items to disk.
MarshallingItemCache() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.MarshallingItemCache
Default Constructor PersistentStore = System.getProperty("user.dir")+ "/uniqueid"
MarshallingItemCache(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.MarshallingItemCache
matches(ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ResourceTargetMatcher
matches(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.ExactMatch
matches(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.RangeMatch
matches(int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.client.StatusEvaluator
Do we match the http status
matches() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition.JettyRoute
matches(MetadataElement, List<Pattern>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
Matches - Class in
This Operator simply tests two values for using String.matches(String).
Matches() - Constructor for class
MAX_FORWARDS - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
MaxCapacityList(int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager.MaxCapacityList
maxClientCacheSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
maxDestinationCacheSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.CachedDestinationJndiImplementation
maxDestinationCacheSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
maxEntries() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
maxEntries() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
maxIdle() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
Return the maximum idle objects in the pool.
MAXLOCK_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
the max lock attempts property
MaxLoopBehaviour - Interface in
Functional interface that defines behaviour when max-loops is encountered in While or DoWhile.
maxMemorySizeBytes() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
maxPoolSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
maxPoolSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
maxWaitTimeMs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WaitingOutOfStateHandler
mbeanServerConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
merge(Hashtable<?, ?>, Hashtable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.JndiContextFactory
merge(Document, Document) - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.text.xml.DocumentMerge
Merge the contents of two XML documents
merge(Document, Document) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.InsertNode
merge(Document, Document) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.ReplaceNode
merge(Document, Document) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.ReplaceOriginal
mergeConnectionProperties(Properties, String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
mergeReply(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerBase
MergeResultSetIntoXmlPayload - Class in
Merge the ResultSet contents into an existing XML Payload.
MergeResultSetIntoXmlPayload() - Constructor for class
MergeResultSetIntoXmlPayload(DocumentMerge) - Constructor for class
mergeWithSystemProperties() - Method in class
MESSAGE_CONSUME_LOCATION - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key that stores the location where the message was consumed from if available.
MESSAGE_LIFECYCLE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.EventNameSpaceConstants
Name space for MessageLifecycleEvent.
MESSAGE_UNIQUE_ID_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
A message's unique ID is stored against this key in various places
MessageAggregator - Interface in
Interface for creating a single AdaptrisMessage instance from multiple Messages.
MessageAggregatorImpl - Class in
Abstract implementation of MessageAggregator.
MessageAggregatorImpl() - Constructor for class
MessageCache - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
messageComplete(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWorkflowInterceptorImpl
messageConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
MessageCopier - Class in
MessageCopier() - Constructor for class
MessageCopier.MessageCallback - Interface in
MessageCopier.MessageCopierIterator - Class in
MessageCopierIterator(AdaptrisMessage, int, MessageCopier.MessageCallback) - Constructor for class
MessageCountNotification - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Interceptor that emits a Notification under based on message count being higher or lower than the given message count.
MessageCountNotification() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
MessageCountNotification(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
MessageCountNotification(String, TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
MessageCountProducerSessionFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Implementation of ProducerSessionFactory that creates a new session/producer based the number of messages.
MessageCountProducerSessionFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageCountProducerSessionFactory
MessageCountProducerSessionFactory(Integer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageCountProducerSessionFactory
MessageCountRestartStrategy - Class in
This RestartStrategy monitors the number of messages processed and if this number passes our maximum threshold, then this strategy will return true upon requiresRestart().
MessageCountRestartStrategy() - Constructor for class
MessageDigestEntry - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
MessageDigestEntry() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
MessageDigestEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
MessageDigestEntry(String, String, Date) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
MessageDigestErrorEntry - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
MessageDigestErrorEntry() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
MessageDigestErrorEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
MessageDigestErrorEntry(String, String, Date) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
MessageDrivenDestination - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Implementations of this interface return a String destination (e.g.
MessageErrorDigest - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
MessageErrorDigest that contains a fixed size list of the last n errors.
MessageErrorDigest() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
MessageErrorDigest(Collection<MessageDigestErrorEntry>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
Return a new MessageErrorDigest which contains this collection of MessageDigestErrorEntry objects.
MessageErrorDigest(int, Collection<MessageDigestErrorEntry>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
Return a new MessageErrorDigest which contains this collection of MessageDigestErrorEntry objects.
MessageErrorDigest(MessageErrorDigest, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
Returns a new MessageErrorDigest which contains a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, the end of the list exclusive.
MessageErrorDigest(int, MessageErrorDigest, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
Returns a new MessageErrorDigest which contains a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, the end of the list exclusive.
MessageErrorDigest(MessageErrorDigest, int, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
Returns a new MessageErrorDigest which contains a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
MessageErrorDigest(int, MessageErrorDigest, int, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
Returns a new MessageErrorDigest which contains a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
MessageErrorDigester - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
A Digester for handling and recording any errors during the standard workflow processing.
MessageErrorDigesterImp - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
MessageErrorDigesterImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigesterImp
MessageEventGenerator - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Implemented by classes which generate message lifecycle events.
messageHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
MessageHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
MessageIdCorrelationIdSource - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Attempts to use the InterlokMessage.getUniqueId() as the JMSCorrelationID and vice versa.
MessageIdCorrelationIdSource() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageIdCorrelationIdSource
MessageInFlight - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
MessageInFlight(WorkflowManager, InFlightWorkflowInterceptor) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageInFlight
MessageInFlightMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Management bean interface for messages in flight.
MessageLifecycleEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core
Container for message lifecycle events (MleMarkers) for implementations of AdaptrisMessage.
MessageLifecycleEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Creates a new instance.
MessageLogger - Interface in com.adaptris.core
messageLogger() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
MessageLoggerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core
MessageLoggerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MessageLoggerImpl
MessageMetricsInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes metrics via JMX.
MessageMetricsInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptor
MessageMetricsInterceptor(String, TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptor
MessageMetricsInterceptor(String, TimeInterval, Integer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptor
MessageMetricsInterceptorByMetadata - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that captures metrics about messages that match a given metadata criteria.
MessageMetricsInterceptorByMetadata() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorByMetadata
MessageMetricsInterceptorByMetadata(MetadataElement) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorByMetadata
MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Abstract WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes metrics via JMX.
MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
MessageMetricsStatistics - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
MessageMetricsStatistics(WorkflowManager, MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatistics
MessageMetricsStatisticsMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Management bean interface for message statistics.
messagePriority() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
messageProcessed(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
messageProcessed(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
messageProcessed(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Mark the current message as processed.
messageProcessed(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
messageSelector() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
messageSelector() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
messageSelector() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
messagesInFlight() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageInFlight
messagesInFlight() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageInFlightMBean
Whether or not there are any messages in flight for the workflow.
messagesInFlightCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageInFlight
messagesInFlightCount() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageInFlightMBean
Return the count of messages that are currently in flight.
MessageSizeProducerSessionFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Implementation of ProducerSessionFactory that creates a new session/producer based on message size.
MessageSizeProducerSessionFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageSizeProducerSessionFactory
MessageSizeProducerSessionFactory(Long) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageSizeProducerSessionFactory
messagesPendingCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageInFlight
messagesPendingCount() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageInFlightMBean
Return the count of messages that are currently queued.
MessageSplitter - Interface in
Interface for creating multiple messages from a single AdaptrisMessage instance.
MessageSplitterImp - Class in
Partial implementation of MessageSplitter that handles MessageSplitter.splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage).
MessageSplitterImp() - Constructor for class
MessageSplitterImp.SplitMessageIterator - Class in
MessageSplitterServiceImp - Class in
Abstract base class for splitting messages based on some criteria.
MessageSplitterServiceImp() - Constructor for class
messagesRemaining() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerMonitor
messagesRemaining() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ConsumerMonitorMBean
Return the count of entries the consumer has left to be processed.
MessageStatistic - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
A message statistic stored by a MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl instances.
MessageStatistic() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
MessageStatistic(long) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
MessageThresholdNotification - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Interceptor that emits a Notification if the number of messages has exceeded the specified threshold in the current timeslice.
MessageThresholdNotification() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
MessageThresholdNotification(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
MessageTypeTranslator - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
Interface that translate AdaptrisMessages to the various type of javax.jms.Messages, and vice versa.
MessageTypeTranslatorImp - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Super class of classes that translate AdaptrisMessages to the various type of javax.jms.Messages, and vice versa.
MessageTypeTranslatorImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
Creates a new instance.
MessageValidator - Interface in com.adaptris.core.transform
MessageValidatorImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
MessageValidatorImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.MessageValidatorImpl
metadata() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition.JettyRoute
METADATA_CONTENT_ID - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
MetadataAccessTokenWriter - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.oauth
Write the token to metadata.
MetadataAccessTokenWriter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
MetadataAppenderService - Class in
Service to append multiple metadata keys together to form a new key.
MetadataAppenderService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
MetadataAuthorizationHeader - Class in
Build an HttpConstants.AUTHORIZATION header from metadata.
MetadataAuthorizationHeader() - Constructor for class
MetadataBranchingServiceImp - Class in
Behaviour common to Services which branch based on AdaptrisMessage metadata.
MetadataBranchingServiceImp() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
MetadataCacheValueTranslator - Class in
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that maps values to / from metadata on the message.
MetadataCacheValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
MetadataCacheValueTranslator(String) - Constructor for class
MetadataCollection - Class in com.adaptris.core
A container class for handling a Collection of MetadataElement instance.
MetadataCollection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
MetadataCollection(Set<MetadataElement>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
MetadataCollection(MetadataCollection) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
MetadataCollection(KeyValuePairBag) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
MetadataCollection(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
MetadataCollection(MetadataElement...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
MetadataCommandArgument - Class in
Provides the metadata value associated with the specified key as a command line argument
MetadataCommandArgument() - Constructor for class
MetadataCommandArgument(String) - Constructor for class
MetadataComparator - Interface in
Compare two items of metadata returning the result of the comparison.
MetadataComparisonService - Class in
Implementation of Service that compares two items of metadata.
MetadataComparisonService() - Constructor for class
MetadataComparisonService(String, String, MetadataComparator) - Constructor for class
MetadataContentTypeProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http
Provides a content type derived from metadata.
MetadataContentTypeProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.MetadataContentTypeProvider
MetadataContentTypeProvider(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.MetadataContentTypeProvider
MetadataConverter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Contains behaviour common to the MetadataConverters.
MetadataConverter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataConverter
Creates a new instance.
MetadataConverter(MetadataFilter) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataConverter
metadataConverters() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
metadataConverters() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataHandlerContext
Get the list of metadata converters to uses when converting from AdaptrisMessage to JMS Message.
MetadataCorrelationIdSource - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Implementation of CorrelationIdSource which uses the value stored against a configureable metadata key as the JMSCorrelationId .
MetadataCorrelationIdSource() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataCorrelationIdSource
MetadataCorrelationIdSource(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataCorrelationIdSource
MetadataCountInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes metrics about metadata values via JMX.
MetadataCountInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataCountInterceptor
MetadataCountInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataCountInterceptor
MetadataDataInputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the AdaptrisMessage metadata.
MetadataDataInputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataDataInputParameter
MetadataDataInputParameter(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataDataInputParameter
MetadataDataOutputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This DataOutputParameter is used when you want to write some data to the AdaptrisMessage metadata.
MetadataDataOutputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataDataOutputParameter
MetadataDataOutputParameter(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataDataOutputParameter
MetadataDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of ProduceDestination which concatenates message metadata to create a dynamic destination name.
MetadataDestination() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataDestination
Creates a new instance.
MetadataDocumentCopier - Class in
Implementation of MessageSplitter which creates multiple instances of the same document based on a metadata key.
MetadataDocumentCopier() - Constructor for class
MetadataDocumentCopier(String) - Constructor for class
MetadataDocumentCopier(String, String) - Constructor for class
MetadataElement - Class in com.adaptris.core
A key-value pair of String metadata.
MetadataElement() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
Default Constructor.
MetadataElement(KeyValuePair) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
MetadataElement(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
MetadataExistsBranchingService - Class in
Service which sets the ID of the Service to apply next based on whether any value is present against any configured metadata key.
MetadataExistsBranchingService() - Constructor for class
MetadataFileNameCreator - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of FileNameCreator which obtains the file name to use from message metadata.
MetadataFileNameCreator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataFileNameCreator
Creates a new instance.
MetadataFileNameCreator(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataFileNameCreator
MetadataFileNameCreator(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MetadataFileNameCreator
metadataFilter() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
metadataFilter() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataHandlerContext
Get the metadata filter implementation to be used when converting between AdaptrisMessage and JMS Message objects.
MetadataFilter - Interface in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Interface for finding matching metadata on a AdaptrisMessage.
MetadataFilterImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
MetadataFilterImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MetadataFilterImpl
MetadataFilterService - Class in
Implementation of Service that filters metadata keys based on a MetadataFilter.
MetadataFilterService() - Constructor for class
MetadataFlagPoolingFutureExceptionStrategy - Class in
since 3.11.1 replaced by ServiceErrorHandler and PooledSplitJoinService.
MetadataFlagPoolingFutureExceptionStrategy() - Constructor for class
metadataFromMatchGroups(MatchResult, List<String>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MetadataHelper
MetadataHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Class that abstracts the handling of AdaptrisMessage metadata and JMS Headers away from the MessageTypeTranslator.
MetadataHandler(MetadataHandlerContext) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataHandler
MetadataHandlerContext - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
Interface that abstracts the handling of AdaptrisMessage metadata and JMS Headers away from the MessageTypeTranslator.
MetadataHashingService - Class in
Hashes the metadata value stored against a metadata key.
MetadataHashingService() - Constructor for class
MetadataHashingService(String) - Constructor for class
MetadataHashingService(String, String, ByteTranslator) - Constructor for class
MetadataHeaderHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
HeaderHandler implementation that stores HTTP headers as standard metadata.
MetadataHeaderHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataHeaderHandler
MetadataHeaderHandler(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataHeaderHandler
MetadataHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
MetadataHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.MetadataHelper
MetadataIdentityBuilder - Class in
Build the identity from metadata
MetadataIdentityBuilder() - Constructor for class
MetadataIdentityBuilder(List<String>) - Constructor for class
MetadataIdentityBuilder(MetadataIdentityBuilderImpl.MetadataSource, List<String>) - Constructor for class
MetadataIdentityBuilderImpl - Class in
MetadataIdentityBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class
MetadataIdentityBuilderImpl.MetadataSource - Enum in
Types of metadata.
MetadataIdentitySequenceNumberService - Class in
Implementation of AbstractJdbcSequenceNumberService where the identity is derived from metadata.
MetadataIdentitySequenceNumberService() - Constructor for class
MetadataIdentityVerifier - Class in
Identity verification based on matching metadata keys against other metadata keys.
MetadataIdentityVerifier() - Constructor for class
MetadataIdentityVerifier(KeyValuePairSet) - Constructor for class
MetadataInputStreamWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
MessageWrapper implementation wraps a metadata value as an InputStream.
MetadataInputStreamWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataInputStreamWrapper
MetadataInputStreamWrapper(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataInputStreamWrapper
MetadataKeysOnly - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
MetadataLogger implementation that that logs metadata keys only
MetadataKeysOnly() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.MetadataKeysOnly
MetadataKeyToCapitalCase - Class in
Implementation of ReformatMetadataKey that uses WordUtils.capitalizeFully(String) to capitalize each word in the key.
MetadataKeyToCapitalCase() - Constructor for class
MetadataKeyToLowerCase - Class in
Implementation of ReformatMetadataKey that converts keys to lower case.
MetadataKeyToLowerCase() - Constructor for class
MetadataKeyToUpperCase - Class in
Implementation of ReformatMetadataKey that converts keys to upper case.
MetadataKeyToUpperCase() - Constructor for class
MetadataLogger - Interface in com.adaptris.core
MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
MetadataOutputStreamWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
since 3.10.1
MetadataOutputStreamWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataOutputStreamWrapper
MetadataParameterHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
ParameterHandler implementation that stores headers as standard metadata.
MetadataParameterHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataParameterHandler
MetadataParameterHandler(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataParameterHandler
MetadataProducerSessionFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Implementation of ProducerSessionFactory that creates a new session/producer based on message size.
MetadataProducerSessionFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataProducerSessionFactory
MetadataProducerSessionFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataProducerSessionFactory
MetadataReformatter - Interface in
Interface that handles metadata reformatting.
MetadataReplacementSource - Class in
ReplacementSource implementation which returns the metadata value when the replacement value is treated as a metadata key.
MetadataReplacementSource() - Constructor for class
MetadataReplacementSource(String) - Constructor for class
MetadataRequestHeaders - Class in
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that applies AdaptrisMessage metadata as headers to a HttpURLConnection.
MetadataRequestHeaders() - Constructor for class
MetadataRequestHeaders(MetadataFilter) - Constructor for class
MetadataRequestMethodProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.client
Implementation of RequestMethodProvider that can derive the method from AdaptrisMessage metadata.
MetadataRequestMethodProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.client.MetadataRequestMethodProvider
MetadataRequestMethodProvider(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.client.MetadataRequestMethodProvider
MetadataRequestMethodProvider(String, RequestMethodProvider.RequestMethod) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.client.MetadataRequestMethodProvider
MetadataResolver - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
This resolver allows you to specify a prefixed ($$) metadata key in configuration whose metadata value will be used as the actual metadata item key lookup.
MetadataResolver() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MetadataResolver
MetadataResponseHeaderImpl - Class in
MetadataResponseHeaderImpl() - Constructor for class
MetadataResponseHeaderProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
ResponseHeaderProvider implementation that providers HTTP response headers from metadata.
MetadataResponseHeaderProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataResponseHeaderProvider
MetadataResponseHeaderProvider(MetadataFilter) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataResponseHeaderProvider
MetadataResultSetTranslatorImpl - Class in
Abstract class for translating result sets into metadata.
MetadataResultSetTranslatorImpl() - Constructor for class
MetadataServiceImpl - Class in
MetadataServiceImpl() - Constructor for class
MetadataServiceImpl.LogWrapper - Interface in
metadataSource() - Method in class
MetadataSQLStatement - Class in
Build an SQL Statement for JdbcDataQueryService from metadata.
MetadataSQLStatement() - Constructor for class
MetadataStatistic - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
A metadata statistic stored by concrete implementations MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
MetadataStatistic() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
MetadataStatistic(long) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
MetadataStatistics - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
MetadataStatistics(WorkflowManager, MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistics
MetadataStatisticsMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Management bean interface for metadata totals statistics.
MetadataStatusProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.server
Implementation of HttpStatusProvider that can derive the status and text from AdaptrisMessage metadata.
MetadataStatusProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.server.MetadataStatusProvider
MetadataStatusProvider(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.server.MetadataStatusProvider
MetadataStatusProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.server.MetadataStatusProvider
MetadataStreamInputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to read some data from metadata.
MetadataStreamInputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamInputParameter
MetadataStreamInputParameter(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamInputParameter
MetadataStreamOutput - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
MessageWrapper implementation wraps a metadata value as an OutputStream along with a ByteTranslator
MetadataStreamOutput() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutput
MetadataStreamOutputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This DataOutputParameter is used when you want to write some data to AdaptrisMessage metadata.
MetadataStreamOutputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutputParameter
MetadataStreamOutputParameter(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutputParameter
MetadataStreamParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
MetadataStreamParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamParameter
MetadataToPayloadService - Class in
Takes a metadata value and sets that as the payload.
MetadataToPayloadService() - Constructor for class
MetadataToPayloadService(String, MetadataToPayloadService.MetadataSource) - Constructor for class
MetadataToPayloadService.MetadataSource - Enum in
Enumeration of where the two types of metadata.
MetadataTotalsInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
WorkflowInterceptor implementation that exposes metrics about integer metadata values via JMX.
MetadataTotalsInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataTotalsInterceptor
MetadataTotalsInterceptor(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataTotalsInterceptor
MetadataUsernamePassword - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.auth
Authenticate using the standard PasswordAuthentication method with a username and password derived from metadata.
MetadataUsernamePassword() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.MetadataUsernamePassword
MetadataUsernamePassword(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.MetadataUsernamePassword
MetadataValueBranchingService - Class in
Implementation of Service which sets the unique ID of the next Service to apply based on values of AdaptrisMessage metadata.
MetadataValueBranchingService() - Constructor for class
MetadataValueEscapeDoubleQuote - Class in
Takes a metadata value and escapes double quote.
MetadataValueEscapeDoubleQuote() - Constructor for class
MetadataValueEscapeSingleQuote - Class in
Takes a metadata value and escapes single quote.
MetadataValueEscapeSingleQuote() - Constructor for class
MetadataValueMatcher - Interface in
Interface for use in MetadataValueBranchingService.
MetadataValueToLowerCase - Class in
Takes a metadata value and converts it to lower case.
MetadataValueToLowerCase() - Constructor for class
MetadataValueToUpperCase - Class in
Takes a metadata value and converts it to upper case.
MetadataValueToUpperCase() - Constructor for class
MetadataValueTranslator - Class in
This implementation of ValueTranslator will pull a metadata value from the AdaptrisMessage to be used as a Jmx operation parameter.
MetadataValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
MetadataValueTranslator(String, String) - Constructor for class
MetadataXpathNodeListQuery - Class in
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a NodeList from an xpath derived from metadata.
MetadataXpathNodeListQuery() - Constructor for class
MetadataXpathNodeListQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class
MetadataXpathNodeQuery - Class in
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a Node from an xpath derived from metadata.
MetadataXpathNodeQuery() - Constructor for class
MetadataXpathNodeQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class
MetadataXpathQuery - Class in
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a single text item from an xpath derived from metadata.
MetadataXpathQuery() - Constructor for class
MetadataXpathQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class
MetadataXpathQueryImpl - Class in
Abstract base class for XpathQuery implementations that derive their xpath query from metadata.
MetadataXpathQueryImpl() - Constructor for class
MetricsInterceptorImpl<T> - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Abstract WorkflowInterceptor implementation that captures historical data.
MetricsInterceptorImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
MetricsInterceptorImpl.StatisticsDelta<E extends InterceptorStatistic> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
MetricsMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Common behaviour for all metrics MBeans.
MgmtComponentImpl - Class in
MgmtComponentImpl() - Constructor for class
MicrosoftCrypto - Class in
MicrosoftCrypto() - Constructor for class
MIME_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Other Fields.
MimeAggregator - Class in
MessageAggregator implementation that creates a new mime part for each message that needs to be joined up.
MimeAggregator() - Constructor for class
MimeConstants - Interface in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
Just some constants that are used by Mime.
mimeContentSubType(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
MimeEncoder - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageEncoder that stores AdaptrisMessage payload and metadata as a mime-encoded multipart message.
MimeEncoder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoder
MimeEncoder(Boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoder
MimeEncoderImpl<T,S> - Class in com.adaptris.core
MimeEncoderImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
mimeHeaderFilter() - Method in class
MimeHeaders - Interface in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
MimeHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Utility for handling MIME messages.
MimeHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.MimeHelper
MimePartBuilder - Interface in
MimePartSelector - Class in
Choose a specific mime part from an existing multipart message to become the payload of the AdaptrisMessage.
MimePartSelector() - Constructor for class
MimePartSplitter - Class in
Implementation of MessageSplitter which allows a single AdaptrisMessage that contains multiple mime parts to be split into AdaptrisMessage[].
MimePartSplitter() - Constructor for class
MimeServiceExtractor - Class in
ServiceExtractor implementation that uses a PartSelector to extract where the service is.
MimeServiceExtractor() - Constructor for class
MimeServiceExtractor(PartSelector) - Constructor for class
MimeUtils - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
MimeUtils() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MimeUtils
minIdle() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
Return the maximum idle objects in the pool.
MinimalMessageLogger - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
MessageLogger implementation that that logs unique-id only
MinimalMessageLogger() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.MinimalMessageLogger
minPoolSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
mkdir(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Create the specified remote working directory
mkdir(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
create a directory on the server
mkdir(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
MLE_SEQUENCE_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key which specifies the next sequence number for a MleMarker.
MleMarker - Class in com.adaptris.core
Records information about activities (generally Service implementations) performed on a AdaptrisMessage during a workflow.
MleMarker() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Creates a new instance.
MleMarker(MessageEventGenerator, boolean, long, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
MleMarker(String, boolean, long, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Creates a new instance.
moveJmsHeaders() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
moveJmsHeaders() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataHandlerContext
Returns true if JMS Headers should be copied as metadata and vice-versa
moveMetadata(MetadataCollection, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataConverter
MetadataCollection filtered using MetadataConverter.getMetadataFilter() and iterated passing MetadataElement and javax.jms.Message on to setProperty.
moveMetadata(Message, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataHandler
Moves metadata from a javax.jms.Message to a AdaptrisMessage if moveMetadata is true.
moveMetadata(AdaptrisMessage, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataHandler
Moves metadata from an AdaptrisMessage to a javax.jms.Message if moveMetadata is true.
MovingNonDeletingFsConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
Extends the non-deleting FS consumer, and after processing stores files in a separate directory.
MovingNonDeletingFsConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.MovingNonDeletingFsConsumer
MSCAPI_STYLE - Static variable in class
Password obfuscation using Microsoft Crypto API which is only available on windows.
msg - Variable in class
MSG_MIME_ENCODED - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key that indicates that the AdaptrisMessage payload is a Mime Multipart message
MultiItemConfiguredXpathQuery - Class in
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a multiple text items from the configured xpath.
MultiItemConfiguredXpathQuery() - Constructor for class
MultiItemConfiguredXpathQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class
MultiItemConfiguredXpathQuery(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
MultiItemMetadataXpathQuery - Class in
XpathQuery implementation that retuns a multiple text items from an xpath derived from metadata.
MultiItemMetadataXpathQuery() - Constructor for class
MultiItemMetadataXpathQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class
MultiItemMetadataXpathQuery(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
multiLineExpression() - Method in class
MultiPartFileInput - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
MultiPartFileInput(File) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartFileInput
MultipartIterator - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
MultipartIterator(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
MultipartIterator(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
MultipartIterator(DataSource) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
MultipartIterator.KeyedByContentId - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
MultipartMessageBuilder - Class in
Constructs a multipart MIME payload from various sources.
MultipartMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class
MultiPartOutput - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
Handle creation of multipart mime output.
MultiPartOutput(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
MultiPartOutput(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Interface for Adaptris messages that support multiple payloads, referenced by an ID/key.
MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
The standard implementation of multi-payload messages; MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage implementation created by MultiPayloadMessageFactory.
MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp(String, IdGenerator, AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp(String, IdGenerator, AdaptrisMessageFactory, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp(String, IdGenerator, AdaptrisMessageFactory, String, Charset) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
MultiPayloadByteArrayInputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This MultiPayloadDataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
MultiPayloadByteArrayInputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadByteArrayInputParameter
MultiPayloadByteArrayOutputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This MultiPayloadDataOutputParameter is used when you want to insert data into the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
MultiPayloadByteArrayOutputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadByteArrayOutputParameter
MultiPayloadMessageAggregator - Class in
Combine multiple standard Adaptris messages into a single multi-payload Adaptris message.
MultiPayloadMessageAggregator() - Constructor for class
MultiPayloadMessageFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core
The multi-payload message factory which returns an implementations of MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage.
MultiPayloadMessageFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
MultiPayloadMessageMimeEncoder - Class in com.adaptris.core
Multi-payload message MIME encoder.
MultiPayloadMessageMimeEncoder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageMimeEncoder
MultiPayloadMessageSplitter - Class in
Split a multi-payload Adaptris message into its various payloads and return a list of standard Adaptris messages.
MultiPayloadMessageSplitter() - Constructor for class
MultiPayloadStreamInputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This MultiPayloadDataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
MultiPayloadStreamInputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStreamInputParameter
MultiPayloadStreamOutputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This MultiPayloadDataOutputParameter is used when you want to insert data into the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
MultiPayloadStreamOutputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStreamOutputParameter
MultiPayloadStringInputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This MultiPayloadDataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
MultiPayloadStringInputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStringInputParameter
MultiPayloadStringOutputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This MultiPayloadDataOutputParameter is used when you want to insert data into the MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage payload.
MultiPayloadStringOutputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStringOutputParameter
MultiPayloadXmlTransformService - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
Implementation of Service which provides transformation of XML payloads contained within the new multi-payload message.
MultiPayloadXmlTransformService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.MultiPayloadXmlTransformService
Creates a new instance.
MultiProducerWorkflow - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of Workflow that contains multiple producers.
MultiProducerWorkflow() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
Creates a new instance.
mustHaveEither(String, ConsumeDestination) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DestinationHelper
mustHaveEither(String, ProduceDestination) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DestinationHelper
MyProcessJob() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller.MyProcessJob
MysqlStatementCreator - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
MySQL CallableStatement generator.
MysqlStatementCreator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.MysqlStatementCreator


name() - Method in interface com.adaptris.ftp.ClientSettings.Setter
NamedParameterApplicator - Class in
ParameterApplicator implementation that allows referencing by name.
NamedParameterApplicator() - Constructor for class
NamedStatementParameter - Class in
NamedStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
NameValuePair - Interface in com.adaptris.util
NAMING_PACKAGE - Static variable in class
NamingContext - Class in com.adaptris.naming.adapter
NamingContext() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
NamingContext(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
NamingContext(Hashtable<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
NamingContext(Hashtable<String, Object>, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
NamingEntry - Class in com.adaptris.naming.adapter
NamingEntry() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingEntry
NamingEntry(String, Object, NamingEntryType) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingEntry
NamingEntryType - Enum in com.adaptris.naming.adapter
nativeSQL(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
nativeSQL(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
newContextOnException() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
newDocumentBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Convenience to create a new DocumentBuilder instance.
NewerThan - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
FileFilter accepts files based on the last modified time of the file.
NewerThan(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.NewerThan
Create the filefilter using an ISO8601 formatted interval.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Create a new instance that is namespace aware.
newInstanceIfNull(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
newInstanceIfNull(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder, NamespaceContext) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
newMessage(byte[], Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(String, Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(String, String, Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with an empty payload but with selected metadata from the source.
newMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage.
newMessage(byte[], Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
newMessage(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
newMessage(String, Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
newMessage(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
newMessage(String, String, Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
newMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
newMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
newMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
newMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
newMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.ZipFileBackedMessageFactory
newMessage(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
newMessage(byte[], Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(String, byte[], Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Create a new multi-payload message, with the given ID, payload, and metadata.
newMessage(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(String, Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(String, String, Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with the specified payload and metadata.
newMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Create a new multi-payload message, with the given ID, and payload.
newMessage(String, String, String, Set) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Create a new multi-payload message, with the given ID, payload, and metadata.
newMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage with an empty payload but with selected metadata from the source.
newMessage(String, AdaptrisMessage, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
newMessage() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Returns a new AdaptrisMessage.
newRestrictedInstance() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Create a New instance that disables Entityrefs and also mitigates against XXE via = true.
newRestrictedInstanceIfNull(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
newStreamWrapper() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory
newThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
newThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
newThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
newThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
newThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
newThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
newThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
newThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
newThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageConsumer
newThreadName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
newXPathFactory() - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
Convenience method to create a new XPathFactory.
newXPathInstance(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder, NamespaceContext) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
Create a new XPath instance.
newXPathInstance(DocumentBuilderFactory, NamespaceContext) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
next() - Method in class
next() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.UnmodifiableListIterator
next() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.BodyPartIterator
next() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayIterator
nextIndex() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.UnmodifiableListIterator
NioWorker - Class in com.adaptris.fs
Implementation of FsWorker that uses java.nio to perform put and get operations.
NioWorker() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.fs.NioWorker
NO_KERBEROS_AUTH - Static variable in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
NoAdapterBootstrap - Class in
Entry point into an adapter from the command line.
NoAdapterBootstrap(String[]) - Constructor for class
NoAuthentication - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.auth
No Authentication required.
NoAuthentication() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.NoAuthentication
NoCache - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
ProcessedItemCache implementation that doesn't cache.
NoCache() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
NoExceptionIfWorkDone - Class in
Ignores exception so long as some messages were considered successful based on a metadata key.
NoExceptionIfWorkDone() - Constructor for class
noLocal() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination
Custom parameter that matches the nolocal setting for Session.createConsumer(Destination, String, boolean).
noLocal() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination
NON_PORTABLE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class
since 3.11.1 since the implementation PbeCrypto this uses PBEWithSHA1AndDESede which is a weak algorithm. This will be removed w/o warning.
NonBlockingChannelStartStrategy - Class in com.adaptris.core.lifecycle
Non Blocking start strategy for channels.
NonBlockingChannelStartStrategy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.NonBlockingChannelStartStrategy
NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
A simple non-blocking ThreadPool implementation for use with Quartz.
NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
NonDeletingFsConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
File system implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer based on the com.adaptris.fs package.
NonDeletingFsConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
Creates a new instance.
NoOpAcknowledgementHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
AcknowledgementHandler implementation that does nothing.
NoOpAcknowledgementHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.NoOpAcknowledgementHandler
NoOpConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core
Base Implementation of a no-op connection.
NoOpConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NoOpConnection
NoOpConnection(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NoOpConnection
NoOpFactoryConfiguration - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi
ExtraFactoryConfiguration implementation that does nothing.
NoOpFactoryConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.NoOpFactoryConfiguration
NoOpHeaderHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
HeaderHandler implementation that ignores HTTP headers.
NoOpHeaderHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.NoOpHeaderHandler
NoOpMetadataFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Metadata Filter implementation that does no filtering.
NoOpMetadataFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.NoOpMetadataFilter
NoOpParameterHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
ParameterHandler implementation that ignores HTTP parameters.
NoOpParameterHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.NoOpParameterHandler
NoOpResponseHeaderProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
ResponseHeaderProvider implementation that does not add any HTTP response headers.
NoOpResponseHeaderProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.NoOpResponseHeaderProvider
NoOpResultSetTranslator - Class in
Ignores the result set completely.
NoOpResultSetTranslator() - Constructor for class
NoOpSplitter - Class in
A MessageSplitter implementation that doesn't actually split.
NoOpSplitter() - Constructor for class
NoParameterLogging - Class in
NoParameterLogging() - Constructor for class
NoProxy - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
No Proxy connection.
NoProxy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.NoProxy
NoRequestHeaders - Class in
Implementation of RequestHeaderProvider that adds no additional headers
NoRequestHeaders() - Constructor for class
NoResultSetCallableStatementExecutor - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
Implementation of CallableStatementExecutor will use the PreparedStatement.execute() method.
NoResultSetCallableStatementExecutor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.NoResultSetCallableStatementExecutor
NoRetries - Class in com.adaptris.core
This is a dummy for marshalling purposes.
NoRetries() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
normalize(T) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.NullableParameter
NoSorting - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced
Do no sorting at all.
NoSorting() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.NoSorting
NotEmpty - Class in
This Operator simply tests that the given value does not evaluate to null or an empty string.
NotEmpty() - Constructor for class
NotEquals - Class in
This Operator simply tests two values for non-equality.
NotEquals() - Constructor for class
NOTIF_MESSAGE_ABOVE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
The Notification.getMessage() when the message count is above the configured threshold.
NOTIF_MESSAGE_BELOW_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
The Notification.getMessage() when the message count is below the configured threshold.
NOTIF_MSG_CLOSED - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard message for a component being closed '"Component Closed" '.
NOTIF_MSG_CONFIG_UPDATED - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Standard Message for a configuration update.
NOTIF_MSG_FORCE_CLOSE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Standard Message for a force close notification '"Adapter Force Close" '
NOTIF_MSG_INITIALISED - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard message for a component being initialised '"Component Initialised" '.
NOTIF_MSG_RESTARTED - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard message for a component being restarted '"Component Restarted" '.
NOTIF_MSG_STARTED - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard message for a component being started '"Component Started" '.
NOTIF_MSG_STOPPED - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard message for a component being stopped '"Component Stopped" '.
NOTIF_TYPE_ADAPTER_CONFIG - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Notification type for adapter config update notifications '"adaptris.jmx.adapter.config" '
NOTIF_TYPE_ADAPTER_LIFECYCLE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The notification type for adapter lifecycle notifications '"adaptris.jmx.adapter.lifecycle" '.
NOTIF_TYPE_CHANNEL_CONFIG - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Notification type for channel config update notifications '"" '
NOTIF_TYPE_CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The notification type for channel lifecycle notifications '"" '.
NOTIF_TYPE_INTERCEPTOR - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotificationMBean
The notification type for interceptor notifications '"adaptris.jmx.interceptor.notification" '.
NOTIF_TYPE_WORKFLOW_CONFIG - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Notification type for workflow config update notifications '"adaptris.jmx.workflow.config" '
NOTIF_TYPE_WORKFLOW_LIFECYCLE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The notification type for workflow lifecycle notifications '"adaptris.jmx.workflow.lifecycle" '.
NotificationSerializer - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jmx
NotifyingInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
NotifyingInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptor
NotifyingInterceptorByCount - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
NotifyingInterceptorByCount() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
notifyParent(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ErrorHandlerRegistrar
notifyParent(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
NotIn - Class in
This Operator Test whether a specified value doesn't match with any value from the list
NotIn() - Constructor for class
NotInListContentValidation - Class in com.adaptris.transform.validate
Makes sure that the content is not in the specified list.
NotInListContentValidation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.NotInListContentValidation
NotInListContentValidation(String...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.NotInListContentValidation
NotInListContentValidation(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.NotInListContentValidation
notNull(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestinationImp
NotNull - Class in
This Operator simply tests a single value is not null.
NotNull() - Constructor for class
NotNullContentValidation - Class in com.adaptris.transform.validate
Check the content and ensure it is null.
NotNullContentValidation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.NotNullContentValidation
NullableParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
NullableParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.NullableParameter
NullCacheImplementation - Class in com.adaptris.core.cache
Implementation of Cache that does nothing.
NullCacheImplementation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.cache.NullCacheImplementation
NullCacheValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
NullConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core
No Op connection
NullConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullConnection
NullConnection(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullConnection
NullConnectionErrorHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of ConnectionErrorHandler for use with polling consumers where you do not want an Exception thrown back to run to re-init the Channel.
NullConnectionErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullConnectionErrorHandler
NullContentTypeProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http
Returns a null as the content-type.
NullContentTypeProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.NullContentTypeProvider
NullConverter - Interface in com.adaptris.util.text
Interface for handling null parameters.
NullCorrelationIdSource - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Default implementation od CorrelationIdSource which does nothing.
NullCorrelationIdSource() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.NullCorrelationIdSource
NullLogHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
NullLogHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullLogHandler
NullMessageAggregator - Class in
Special implementation of MessageAggregator that does not aggregate messages.
NullMessageAggregator() - Constructor for class
NullMessageConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core
Null implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer.
NullMessageConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageConsumer
NullMessageErrorDigester - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Default null implementation of MessageErrorDigester.
NullMessageErrorDigester() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.NullMessageErrorDigester
NullMessageProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core
Null implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer.
NullMessageProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
NullOutOfStateHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of the OutOfStateHandler which does no checks.
NullOutOfStateHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullOutOfStateHandler
NullPartSelector - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
PartSelector implementation that just selects an arbitrary part.
NullPartSelector() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.NullPartSelector
NullPassThroughConverter - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Implementation of NullConverter that simply returns the value passed in.
NullPassThroughConverter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.NullPassThroughConverter
NullProcessingExceptionHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
Null implementation of Processing Exceptions.
NullProcessingExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullProcessingExceptionHandler
NullProduceExceptionHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
Null implementation of ProduceExceptionHandler which logs a message only.
NullProduceExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullProduceExceptionHandler
NullService - Class in com.adaptris.core
Null implementation of Service.
NullService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullService
NullService(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.NullService
NullsNotSupportedConverter - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Implementation of NullConverter that throws an UnsupportedOperationException if null is the param.
NullsNotSupportedConverter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.NullsNotSupportedConverter
NullToEmptyStringConverter - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Implementation of NullConverter that converts null to the empty string ''.
NullToEmptyStringConverter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.NullToEmptyStringConverter
NumberUtils - Class in com.adaptris.util
NumberUtils() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.NumberUtils


OauthTokenGetter - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.oauth
OauthTokenGetter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
OBJ_JMS_REPLY_TO_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConstants
Key used to store JMS reply to javax.jms.Destination against as AdaptrisMessage Object metadata.
OBJ_METADATA_DATABASE_CONNECTION_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConstants
Object metadata key that contains the the database connection (if available).
OBJ_METADATA_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
The object metadata key that contains the last captured exception.
OBJ_METADATA_EXCEPTION_CAUSE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
The object metadata key that contains the last component that caused the exception (generally a Service).
OBJ_METADATA_MESSAGE_FAILED - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Object metadata that stores the on success callback.
OBJ_METADATA_ON_FAILURE_CALLBACK - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Object metadata that stores the on failure callback.
OBJ_METADATA_ON_SUCCESS_CALLBACK - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Object metadata that stores the on success callback.
OBJ_METADATA_USERDATA - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.jmx.NotificationSerializer
The object metadata key that contains Notification.getUserData().
ObjectMessageTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Translates between javax.jms.ObjectMessages and AdaptrisMessages and vice versa.
ObjectMessageTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.ObjectMessageTranslator
ObjectMetadataCacheValueTranslator - Class in
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that retrieves and sets the arbitrary object metadata of a message.
ObjectMetadataCacheValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
ObjectMetadataCacheValueTranslator(String) - Constructor for class
ObjectMetadataHeaderHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
HeaderHandler implementation stores HTTP headers as object metadata.
ObjectMetadataHeaderHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ObjectMetadataHeaderHandler
ObjectMetadataHeaderHandler(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ObjectMetadataHeaderHandler
ObjectMetadataParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
XmlTransformParameter implementation that makes object metadata available as transform parameters
ObjectMetadataParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.ObjectMetadataParameter
ObjectMetadataParameter(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.ObjectMetadataParameter
ObjectMetadataParameterHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
ParameterHandler implementation stores HTTP headers as object metadata.
ObjectMetadataParameterHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ObjectMetadataParameterHandler
ObjectMetadataParameterHandler(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ObjectMetadataParameterHandler
ObjectMetadataValueTranslator - Class in
This implementation of ValueTranslator will pull an object metadata value from the AdaptrisMessage to be used as a Jmx operation parameter.
ObjectMetadataValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
ObjectMetadataValueTranslator(String, String) - Constructor for class
objectName() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
objectToString(Object) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterUtils
obtainChannel() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Returns a reference to this Workflow's Channel.
obtainChannel() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
obtainConnectionFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
obtainConnectionFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
obtainValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
obtainValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
obtainValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
obtainValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Obtains a replacement value for FindAndReplaceService based on the passed configured value.
obtainWorkflowId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Returns what the workflow considers to be it's unique ID of the workflow.
obtainWorkflowId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
OffsetTimestampGenerator - Class in
Timestamp Generator implementation that mimics the default behaviour available in AddTimestampMetadataService.
OffsetTimestampGenerator() - Constructor for class
OffsetTimestampGenerator(String) - Constructor for class
oldEnough(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
OlderThan - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
FileFilter accepts files based on the last modified time of the file..
OlderThan(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.OlderThan
Create the filefilter using an ISO8601 formatted interval.
olderThanMs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
olderThanMs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpConsumer
onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageListener
It is the responsibility of implementations of this interface to ensure that all Exceptions, including RuntimeExceptions, are handled.
onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageListener
Handle a message with a call back action if a message is successful.
onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageListener
Handle a message with call back actions if a message is successful or failed.
onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeMessageWorkflow
onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflow
onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflowImpl
onAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
Process a message from the MessageConsumer
onChildError(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ErrorHandlerRegistrar
onChildError(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
onCompletion(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AsyncAcknowledgementHandler
onCompletion(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
onException(Message, Exception) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AsyncAcknowledgementHandler
onException(Message, Exception) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
onException(JMSException) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandler
onMax(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
onMax(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
onMax(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
onMax(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
onMaxLoops() - Method in class
OnMaxNoOp - Class in
MaxLoopBehaviour implementation that does nothing.
OnMaxNoOp() - Constructor for class
OnMaxStopProcessing - Class in
MaxLoopBehaviour implementation that marks a message with metadata that stop processing.
OnMaxStopProcessing() - Constructor for class
OnMaxThrowException - Class in
MaxLoopBehaviour implementation that throws a ServiceException.
OnMaxThrowException() - Constructor for class
onMessage(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
Called by the JMS Session to deliver messages.
onMessage(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.OnMessageHandler
Uses translator to create an AdaptrisMessage from the javax.jms.Message.
onMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
onMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
onMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
OnMessageHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Behaviour for javax.jms.MessageListener.onMessage is identical for polling and listening implementations.
OnMessageHandler(JmsActorConfig) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.OnMessageHandler
Creates a new instance.
openInput() - Method in interface
Open the input stream that this is represented by this object.
openOutput() - Method in interface
Open an outputstream ready for writing..
OpenSSHConfigBuilder - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
Builds a ConfigRepository based on an OpenSSH configuration file.
OpenSSHConfigBuilder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.OpenSSHConfigBuilder
OpenSSHConfigBuilder(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.OpenSSHConfigBuilder
openStream() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller.MarshalInputStream
openStream() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller.MarshalOutputStream
openStream() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper.PropertyInputStream
operator() - Method in class
Operator - Interface in
Operators are used with Condition's in configuration such as ConditionMetadata and ConditionPayload.
OracleStatementCreator - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
Oracle CallableStatement generator.
OracleStatementCreator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.OracleStatementCreator
OrderedItemMetadataFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Metadata Filter implementation that returns keys in order defined.
OrderedItemMetadataFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.OrderedItemMetadataFilter
ORIGINAL_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key for storing the original name (generally file name) of a message.
OutOfStateException - Exception in com.adaptris.core
OutOfStateException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.OutOfStateException
Creates a new instance.
OutOfStateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.OutOfStateException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception.
OutOfStateException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.OutOfStateException
Creates a new instance with a description of the Exception.
OutOfStateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.OutOfStateException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception and a description of the Exception.
OutOfStateHandler - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Implementations will be able to test if a StateManagedComponent is in the expected state.
OutOfStateHandlerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Abstract implementation of the OutOfStateHandler.
OutOfStateHandlerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.OutOfStateHandlerImp
OutParameter - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
This class represents a single OUT parameter for a Stored Procedure.
OutParameters - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
This class contains the OUT parameters that a stored procedure will require to be executed.
OutParameters() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.OutParameters
Output - Interface in
Core interface for handling encrypted/signed payloads.
overrideObjectPool(GenericObjectPool) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
overwrite(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Method in class
overwriteExistingMetadata() - Method in class
overwriteIfExists() - Method in class
OverwriteIfExistsWorker - Class in com.adaptris.fs
Implementation of FsWorker that uses overwrites the file if it already exists.
OverwriteIfExistsWorker() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.fs.OverwriteIfExistsWorker
overwriteMetadata() - Method in class
overwriteMetadata(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
OverwritePayload - Class in
Implementation of CommandOutputCapture that overwrites the existing message with the output.
OverwritePayload() - Constructor for class
OverwritePayload - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
Replaces the current payload with a report of the schema violations.
OverwritePayload() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.OverwritePayload


padValue(String, int, char, char) - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
ParameterApplicator - Interface in
Interface defining how parameters are applied to SQL statements.
ParameterHandler<T> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.server
Interface for handling HTTP Parameters.
ParameterHandlerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Abstract ParameterHandler implementation that provides a prefix.
ParameterHandlerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ParameterHandlerImpl
ParameterList<T> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
ParameterLogger - Interface in
parameterPrefix() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ParameterHandlerImpl
Return the parameter prefix with null protection.
parametersToArray(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
parametersToTypeArray(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
ParameterType - Enum in com.adaptris.jdbc
ParameterValueType - Enum in com.adaptris.jdbc
This class represents a list of data types that may be used as Stored Procedure parameter IN, OUT and INOUT parameter values.
PARENT_UNIQUE_ID_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key which MessageSplitterService uses to store the unique ID of the original parent message on the split, child message.
parentChannel() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
ParentComponent<S> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Basic interface of MBeans that contain child member components.
ParentComponentMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Basic interface of MBeans that contain child member components.
ParentRuntimeInfoComponent - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
ParentRuntimeInfoComponentMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
parentWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
parse(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection.UserInfo
parse(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.DateFormatUtil
Return a date object from a given string.
parse(String, Date) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.DateFormatUtil
Return a date object from a given string returning a default if it could not.
parse(byte[]) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.HexDump
Get a string suitable for printing out.
parse(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.HexDump
Get a string suitable for printing out.
parse(InputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Validator
method which parses an xml document from an input stream, validates it and returns the subsequent Document object.
parse(Reader) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Validator
method which parses an xml document from a Reader, validates it and returns the subsequent Document object.
parse(InputSource) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Validator
method which parses an xml document from an input source, validates it and returns the subsequent Document object.
partHeaderFilter() - Method in class
PartSelector - Interface in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
Select a specific MimeBodyPart from a Mime Multipart.
PasConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JMS Publish-and-subscribe implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer.
PasConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
PasPollingConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
PAS implementation of JmsPollingConsumer.
PasPollingConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasPollingConsumer
PasProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
AdaptrisMessageProducer implementation for Topic based JMS.
PasProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
passivateObject(PooledObject<WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.WorkerFactory
passivateObject(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.PoolAttendant
In this implementation it does nothing.
Password - Class in
Handles simple encryption and decryption of passwords that may be stored in XML configuration.
Password() - Constructor for class
PasswordCodec - Interface in
Primary interface for handling password encoding and decoding.
PasswordDecodeMetadataFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Metadata Filter implementation that decodes all values that match the specified key.
PasswordDecodeMetadataFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordDecodeMetadataFilter
PasswordDecoder - Class in
Decodes a password using Password.decode(String)
PasswordDecoder() - Constructor for class
PasswordEncodeMetadataFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Metadata Filter implementation that encodes all values that match the specified key.
PasswordEncodeMetadataFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordEncodeMetadataFilter
PasswordException - Exception in
Wraps any exceptions encountered during Password operations.
PasswordException() - Constructor for exception
PasswordException(String) - Constructor for exception
PasswordException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
PasswordException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
PasswordMetadataFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
PasswordMetadataFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordMetadataFilter
PAYLOAD_CONTENT_ID - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
payloadAsMimePart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
payloadAsMimePart(MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageMimeEncoder
PayloadFromMetadataService - Class in
since 3.10.0 use PayloadFromTemplateService or MetadataToPayloadService instead; most of the time you're abusing it...
PayloadFromMetadataService() - Constructor for class
PayloadFromMetadataService(String) - Constructor for class
PayloadFromTemplateService - Class in
Replaces the payload with something built from a template and optional metadata keys.
PayloadFromTemplateService() - Constructor for class
PayloadHashingService - Class in
Create a hash of the payload based on the configurable algorithm and stores it as metadata.
PayloadHashingService() - Constructor for class
PayloadHashingService(String, String) - Constructor for class
PayloadInputStreamWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
MessageWrapper implementation wraps the payload as an InputStream.
PayloadInputStreamWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.PayloadInputStreamWrapper
PayloadMessageLogger - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
MessageLogger implementation that that logs unique-id, metadata and payload.
PayloadMessageLogger() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.PayloadMessageLogger
PayloadOutputStreamWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
MessageWrapper implementation wraps the payload as an OutputStream.
PayloadOutputStreamWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.PayloadOutputStreamWrapper
PayloadStreamInputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the AdaptrisMessage payload.
PayloadStreamInputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.PayloadStreamInputParameter
PayloadStreamOutputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This DataOutputParameter is used when you want to write data to the AdaptrisMessage payload.
PayloadStreamOutputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.PayloadStreamOutputParameter
PayloadToMetadataService - Class in
Takes the entire payload and writes it out to metadata (either object or normal metadata).
PayloadToMetadataService() - Constructor for class
PayloadToMetadataService(String, PayloadToMetadataService.MetadataTarget) - Constructor for class
PayloadToMetadataService.MetadataTarget - Enum in
Enumeration of where the two types of metadata.
PayloadValueTranslator - Class in
This implementation of ValueTranslator will pull the string payload value from the AdaptrisMessage to be used as a Jmx operation parameter.
PayloadValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
PbeCrypto - Class in
PbeCrypto() - Constructor for class
performConfigCheck(ConfigurationCheckReport, BootstrapProperties) - Method in class
performConfigCheck(ConfigurationCheckReport, BootstrapProperties) - Method in class
performConfigCheck(ConfigurationCheckReport, BootstrapProperties) - Method in interface
performConfigCheck(BootstrapProperties) - Method in interface
performConfigCheck(ConfigurationCheckReport, BootstrapProperties) - Method in class
PerHostConfigBuilder - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
A statically configured SSH ConfigRepository that supports different configuration on a per host basis.
PerHostConfigBuilder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.PerHostConfigBuilder
PerMessageProducerSessionFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Implementation of ProducerSessionFactory that creates a new session every time is produced.
PerMessageProducerSessionFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.PerMessageProducerSessionFactory
perMessageProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
perMessageProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
permitAvailable() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.FifoMutexLock
Returns true if the permit is currently avaialable.
persist(String, URLString) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
persist(String, URLString) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Persist some data the given URL.
persist(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStore
Persist the data to the store.
persist(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
persistAdapter(AdapterManagerMBean, URLString) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
persistAdapter(AdapterManagerMBean, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
persistAdapter(ObjectName, URLString) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
persistAdapter(ObjectName, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
persistAdapter(AdapterManagerMBean, URLString) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Persist the adapter to the given URL.
persistAdapter(AdapterManagerMBean, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Persist the adapter to the given URL.
persistAdapter(ObjectName, URLString) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Persist the adapter to the given URL.
persistAdapter(ObjectName, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Persist the adapter to the given URL.
PLAIN - Static variable in interface
decrypted output
PlainIdGenerator - Class in com.adaptris.util
Basic IdGenerator implementation
PlainIdGenerator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.PlainIdGenerator
PlainIdGenerator(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.PlainIdGenerator
PluggableJdbcPooledConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Concrete JdbcPooledConnectionImpl that allows you to plug in connection pool implementations.
PluggableJdbcPooledConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
Poller - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Schedules polling for AdaptrisPollingConsumers.
PollerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Partial implementation of Poller.
PollerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.PollerImp
PollerImp.Callback - Interface in com.adaptris.core
pollerTask - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.ScheduledTaskPoller
PollingTrigger - Class in com.adaptris.core
Periodically sends a template message to trigger a Workflow
PollingTrigger() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
PollingTrigger(Poller, PollingTrigger.MessageProvider) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
PollingTrigger(Poller) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
PollingTrigger.MessageProvider - Interface in com.adaptris.core
How to generate the template that will be sent to the workflow.
pollTriggered(int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.PollerImp.Callback
POOL_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
Resource Key for the maximum size of the pool.
POOL_TIME_TO_WAIT - Static variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
Resource Key for the time to wait for an available connection.
PooledConnectionProperties - Enum in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
Used with AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection to configure the underlying c3po datasource.
PooledDataSource - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
PooledDataSourceImpl<T extends javax.sql.DataSource> - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
PooledDataSourceImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
PooledSplitJoinService - Class in
Implementation of the Splitter and Aggregator enterprise integration pattern.
PooledSplitJoinService() - Constructor for class
PoolingFutureExceptionStrategy - Interface in
since 3.11.1 replaced by ServiceErrorHandler and PooledSplitJoinService.
PoolingMessageSplitterService - Class in
Extension to AdvancedMessageSplitterService that uses a underlying thread and object pool to execute the service on each split message.
PoolingMessageSplitterService() - Constructor for class
PoolingSplitJoinService - Class in
since 3.11.1 Use PooledSplitJoinService instead; since performance characteristics are unpredictable in constrained environments
PoolingSplitJoinService() - Constructor for class
PoolingWorkflow - Class in com.adaptris.core
A Workflow that pools ServiceCollections.
PoolingWorkflow() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
PoolingWorkflow(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
poolProperties() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
poolSize() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
populatePool(ObjectPool<WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
PORTABLE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class
Standard password style which is portable across environments.
PossibleExceptionFromMetadata - Class in
ExceptionGenerator implementation that generates the exception from metadata.
PossibleExceptionFromMetadata() - Constructor for class
PossibleExceptionFromMetadata(String) - Constructor for class
postConnectSettings(T) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
postConnectSettings(FTPClient) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpClient
postConnectSettings(FTPSClient) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpSslClient
PostgresStatementCreator - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
Create a string similar to SELECT my_stored_procedure(?,?,?)
PostgresStatementCreator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.PostgresStatementCreator
PRAGMA - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
General Fields associated HTTP Headers
preConnectSettings(T) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
preConnectSettings(T, ClientSettings.Setter<T>[], Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ClientSettings
preConnectSettings(FTPClient) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpClient
preConnectSettings(FTPSClient) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.CommonsNetFtpSslClient
PrefetchPolicyFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq
Proxy class for creating ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy objects
PrefetchPolicyFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
Default constructor.
preFlightServiceCheck() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Ensures that the adapter is ready for initialisation.
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
Prepare for initialisation.
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Make sure we are ready for initialisation.
prepare() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ComponentLifecycleExtension
Prepare for initialisation.
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandler
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumeService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumeService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpProducer
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
prepare() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStore
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreDeleteService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreServiceImpl
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ShortCutJettyResponse
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
prepare(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.ListenerCallbackHelper
prepare(AdaptrisMessage, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>, Consumer<AdaptrisMessage>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.ListenerCallbackHelper
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullLogHandler
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageConsumer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullProcessingExceptionHandler
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigesterImp
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
Prepare for initialisation.
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
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prepare() - Method in class
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prepare() - Method in class
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prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
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prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
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prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SwitchPayloadService
Prepare for initialisation.
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.MessageValidatorImpl
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlValidationService
prepare(ComponentLifecycle...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
Prepare the component if it can be.
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
prepare() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
prepareCall(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
prepareCall(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
prepareCall(String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
prepareConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
prepareConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
prepareConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
prepareConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
prepareConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
prepareConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
prepareConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
prepareConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoOpConnection
prepareConnection() - Method in class
prepareConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
prepareConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
prepareConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
prepareConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.TraversingFsConsumer
prepareConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
prepareConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
prepareConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
prepareConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
prepareParametersToStatement(String) - Method in class
prepareParametersToStatement(String) - Method in interface
prepareParametersToStatement(String) - Method in class
prepareService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
prepareService() - Method in class
prepareService() - Method in class
prepareService() - Method in class
prepareService() - Method in class
prepareStatement(Connection, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
prepareStatement(Connection, String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
prepareStatement(String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
prepareStatement(String, int[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
prepareStatement(String, String[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
prepareStatement(String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
prepareStatement(String, int[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
prepareStatement(String, String[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
prepareWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToWorkflow
prepareWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
prepareWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
prepareWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflowImpl
prepareWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
prepareWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller - Class in com.adaptris.core.config
XStream version of AdaptrisMarshaller that supports additional config pre-processors when unmarshalling.
PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
PreProcessorsList - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
PreProcessorsList() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.PreProcessorsList
preserveHeaders() - Method in class
PrettyStaxDriver - Class in com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream
XML output formatter used by XStream to marshal objects.
PrettyStaxDriver() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.PrettyStaxDriver
PrettyStaxDriver(Collection<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.PrettyStaxDriver
previous() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.UnmodifiableListIterator
PREVIOUS_GUID_KEY - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Metadata key for the unique ID of the message as it is being processed.
previousIndex() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.UnmodifiableListIterator
previousValuesStore - Variable in class
priority() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination
Return the priority.
priority() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination
PrivateKeyPasswordProvider - Interface in
Interface for providing the private key password within adapter configuration.
probeContentType(File) - Method in interface
process(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessor
process(URL) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessor
process(URL) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
process(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
process(SerializableMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
processAsync(SerializableMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
processCorrelationId(AdaptrisMessage, Message) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.CorrelationIdSource
Provides a JMSCorrelationId for the javax.jms.Message.
processCorrelationId(Message, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.CorrelationIdSource
Provides a JMSCorrelationId for the javax.jms.Message.
processCorrelationId(AdaptrisMessage, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageIdCorrelationIdSource
processCorrelationId(Message, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageIdCorrelationIdSource
processCorrelationId(AdaptrisMessage, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataCorrelationIdSource
If no metadata key is configured or if no value is stored against the configured key a message is logged to this effect and no Exception is thrown.
processCorrelationId(Message, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataCorrelationIdSource
processCorrelationId(AdaptrisMessage, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.NullCorrelationIdSource
processCorrelationId(Message, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.NullCorrelationIdSource
ProcessedItem - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
An entry in the ProcessedItemCache that marks a file that was already processed when using a NonDeletingFsConsumer.
ProcessedItem() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
ProcessedItem(String, long, long) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
ProcessedItemCache - Interface in com.adaptris.core.fs
Simple interface to track items that have been processed for NonDeletingFsConsumer
ProcessedItemList - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
Used by MarshallingItemCache to persist ProcessedItem entries to disk.
ProcessedItemList() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemList
ProcessedItemList(List<ProcessedItem>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemList
processFile(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumer
processFile(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Attempt to process this file which might be a directory.
processFile(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.MovingNonDeletingFsConsumer
Attempt to process this file which might be a directory.
processFile(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
processFile(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.TraversingFsConsumer
processFile(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeFsConsumer
ProcessingExceptionHandler - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Standard interface for handling errors during processing of a message.
processingStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
processingStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Mark the workflow having started processing a message.
processingStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.WorkflowInterceptor
Mark the start of processing a message.
processMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
Implemented by protocol-specific sub-classes.
processMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
If reacquire-lock-between-messages is set to true, this.reaquireLock is called after each message has been processed.
processMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
processMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.TraversingFsConsumer
processMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
processMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
processMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
processMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollerImp
Message processing behaviour, which is common to concrete implementations.
processMessages() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
Sends a new AdaptrisMessage with the configured template as its payload using the configured producer.
produce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageSender
Produces the AdaptrisMessage to the default destination.
produce(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageSender
since 3.11.0 ProduceDestination is deprecated
produce(AdaptrisMessageSender, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase.EventEmissary
produce(InterceptorStatistic) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
produce(InterceptorStatistic) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StandardStatisticManager
produce(InterceptorStatistic) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticManager
produce(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.DefinedJmsProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage, JmsDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage, JmsDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ProduceOnlyProducerImp
produce(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ProduceOnlyProducerImp
since 3.11.0 ProduceDestination is deprecated
produce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerImp
produce(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerImp
produce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryOnceStandaloneProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryOnceStandaloneProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
produce(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
PRODUCED_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key for storing the name (generally file name) of a message that has been sent by a Producer.
ProduceDestination - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Implementations of this interface return a String destination (e.g.
ProduceException - Exception in com.adaptris.core
Exception thrown by AdaptrisMessageProducers.
ProduceException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.ProduceException
Creates a new instance.
ProduceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.ProduceException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception.
ProduceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.ProduceException
Creates a new instance with a description of the Exception.
ProduceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.ProduceException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception and a description of the Exception.
ProduceExceptionHandler - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Implementations are pluggable responses to ProduceExceptions in a Workflow.
ProduceExceptionHandlerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of behaviour common to ProduceExceptionHandler instances
ProduceExceptionHandlerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ProduceExceptionHandlerImp
ProduceOnlyProducerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Convenience class that only supports produce rather than request.
ProduceOnlyProducerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ProduceOnlyProducerImp
producerSession() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
ProducerSession - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
Wrapper around a MessageProducer and Session.
ProducerSessionFactory - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
Handles the creation of a JMS Session and MessageProducer for JmsProducerImpl instances.
ProducerSessionFactoryImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Partial implementation of ProducerSessionFactory
ProducerSessionFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.ProducerSessionFactoryImpl
ProducingStatisticManager - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
This statistic manager allows you to configure a marshaller and a stand alone producer.
ProducingStatisticManager() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
ProducingStatisticManager(int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
PROPERTY_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
PropertyHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
PropertyHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.PropertyHelper
PropertyHelper.PropertyInputStream - Interface in com.adaptris.core.util
PropertyResolver - Class in
Resolves any properties that are stored using a scheme and decodes using the specified Decoder implementation.
PropertyResolver() - Constructor for class
propertyType() - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledConnectionProperties
PROTOCOL_FILE - Static variable in class
the file protocol.
proxiedTransactionManager() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
PROXY_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Response Fields.
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
ProxyBuilder - Interface in com.adaptris.sftp
Adds proxy support for connecting to an SFTP server
ProxyNonClosingSqlConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
ProxyNonClosingSqlConnection is a simple wrapper around a SqlConnection
ProxyNonClosingSqlConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxyNonClosingSqlConnection
ProxySqlConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.jdbc
ProxySqlConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
PseudoRandomIdGenerator - Class in com.adaptris.util
Pseudo Random IdGenerator implementation
PseudoRandomIdGenerator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.PseudoRandomIdGenerator
PseudoRandomIdGenerator(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.PseudoRandomIdGenerator
PseudoRandomIdGenerator(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.PseudoRandomIdGenerator
PtpConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
JMS Queue implementation of AdaptrisMessageConsumer
PtpConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpConsumer
PtpPollingConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Queue implementation of JmsPollingConsumerImpl.
PtpPollingConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpPollingConsumer
PtpProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
AdaptrisMessageProducer implementation for Queue based JMS.
PtpProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
put(String, Serializable) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
Puts a serializable object into the cache.
put(String, Object) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
Puts any object into the cache (optional operation).
put(String, Serializable, TimeInterval) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
Puts a serializable object into the cache, specifying a expiration (optional operation).
put(String, Serializable, long) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
Puts a serializable object into the cache, specifying a expiration (optional operation).
put(String, Object, TimeInterval) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
Puts an object into the cache, specifying a expiration (optional operation).
put(String, Object, long) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
Puts an object into the cache, specifying a expiration (optional operation).
put(String, Serializable) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
put(String, Object, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
Put an object into the cache with a specific expiration.
put(String, Serializable, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
Put an object into the cache with a specific expiration.
put(String, Serializable) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.NullCacheImplementation
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.NullCacheImplementation
put(String, Serializable, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.NullCacheImplementation
put(String, Object, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.NullCacheImplementation
put(String, Serializable) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
put(CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
put(CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageCache
put(String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Put a local file onto the FTP server.
put(InputStream, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Put a stream of data onto the FTP server.
put(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Put a local file onto the FTP server.
put(InputStream, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Put a stream of data onto the FTP server.
put(byte[], String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Put data onto the FTP server.
put(byte[], String, boolean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Put data onto the FTP server.
put(byte[], File) - Method in class com.adaptris.fs.AppendingFsWorker
put(byte[], File) - Method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Writes data to the specified file.
put(byte[], File) - Method in class com.adaptris.fs.NioWorker
put(byte[], File) - Method in class com.adaptris.fs.OverwriteIfExistsWorker
put(byte[], File) - Method in class com.adaptris.fs.StandardWorker
put(InputStream, String, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
put(InputStream, String, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
putConfigurationURL(ObjectName, URLString) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
putConfigurationURL(ObjectName, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
putConfigurationURL(ObjectName, URLString) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Register a URL against a given ObjectName.
putConfigurationURL(ObjectName, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Register a URL against a given ObjectName.
putValue(String, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
pwd() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
Get the current working directory on the server


QuartzCronPoller - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of Poller which provides cron style scheduled polling based on the Quartz project.
QuartzCronPoller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
Creates a new instance.
QuartzCronPoller(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
QuartzCronPoller(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
QuartzCronPoller(String, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
QuartzCronPoller.MyProcessJob - Class in com.adaptris.core
queryStringToMap(String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.URLHelper
Convert a query string into a map.
queues - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.CachedDestinationJndiImplementation
quoteReplacement() - Method in class
quoteReplacement() - Method in class


RaiseExceptionOutOfStateHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
This implementation of the OutOfStateHandler will simply throw an OutOfStateException every time when a StateManagedComponent is not in the correct/expected state.
RaiseExceptionOutOfStateHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RaiseExceptionOutOfStateHandler
RANDOM_BYTE_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.GuidGeneratorWithTime
RandomIntervalPoller - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of Poller which polls at a random interval with a delay between each execution of up-to the configured poll interval (in ms).
RandomIntervalPoller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RandomIntervalPoller
RandomIntervalPoller(TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RandomIntervalPoller
randomizeWait() - Method in class
RANGE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
RangeMatch - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.client
Implementation of StatusEvaluator for use with BranchingHttpRequestService.
RangeMatch() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.client.RangeMatch
RangeMatch(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.client.RangeMatch
RawContentTypeProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http
Provides a static content type.
RawContentTypeProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.RawContentTypeProvider
RawContentTypeProvider(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.RawContentTypeProvider
RawStatusProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.server
Static implementation of HttpStatusProvider that allows a numeric status code.
RawStatusProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.server.RawStatusProvider
RawStatusProvider(int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.server.RawStatusProvider
read() - Method in class
read(byte[]) - Method in class
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
ReadFileService - Class in
Read a file from a specific path into the message payload.
ReadFileService() - Constructor for class
ReadFileService.ContentTypeProbe - Interface in
readLine() - Method in class
Read a line of data from the underlying inputstream.
readMessage(S) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageEncoder
Decode the supplied Object into an AdaptrisMessage object.
readMessage(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMimeEncoder
readMessage(InputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoder
readMessage(InputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageMimeEncoder
ReadMetadataFromFilesystem - Class in
Implementation of Service that reads metadata from the filesystem.
ReadMetadataFromFilesystem() - Constructor for class
ReadMetadataFromFilesystem(MessageDrivenDestination) - Constructor for class
ReadMetadataFromFilesystem.InputStyle - Enum in
readResource(InputStream) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.XStreamUtils
Reads in the entire file contents skipping any blank lines.
readXStreamConfigProperties() - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
Reads in and stores all of the xstream configuration items from various resources
realMember(Class, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.LowerCaseHyphenatedMapper
rebind(Name, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
rebind(String, Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
reconfigureLogging() - Method in class
recursiveAdd(File) - Method in interface
Will recursively check directories and sub directories adding all files for commit to the remote repository.
RedeliveryPolicyFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq
Proxy class for creating RedeliveryPolicy objects
RedeliveryPolicyFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
Default constructor.
REFERER - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
reflectiveUniqueID(Object) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in interface
Reformat a metadata value
reformat(String, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Reformat a metadata value
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
reformat(String, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
reformat(String, String) - Method in class
ReformatDateService - Class in
Reformats the date and time stored against a metadata key.
ReformatDateService() - Constructor for class
ReformatDateService(String) - Constructor for class
ReformatDateService(String, DateFormatBuilder, DateFormatBuilder) - Constructor for class
reformatKey(String) - Method in class
reformatKey(String) - Method in class
reformatKey(String) - Method in class
reformatKey(String) - Method in class
ReformatMetadata - Class in
Implementation of Service that reformats matching metadata.
ReformatMetadata() - Constructor for class
ReformatMetadata(String) - Constructor for class
ReformatMetadataKey - Class in
Implementation of Service that reformats matching metadata keys.
ReformatMetadataKey() - Constructor for class
RegexMetadataFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Regular Expression based implementation of MetadataFilter
RegexMetadataFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
RegexpContentValidation - Class in com.adaptris.transform.validate
Match the content against a regular expression.
RegexpContentValidation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.RegexpContentValidation
RegexpContentValidation(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.RegexpContentValidation
RegexpMetadataQuery - Class in
Performs a Regular Expression based Query on a supplied String.
RegexpMetadataQuery() - Constructor for class
RegexpMetadataQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class
RegexpMetadataService - Class in
Service which information from the message payload and sets it as metadata.
RegexpMetadataService() - Constructor for class
RegexpMetadataService(List<RegexpMetadataQuery>) - Constructor for class
RegexpService - Class in
This service allows you to configure an regular expression which will be executed on source data, the result of which can be saved to multiple locations.
RegexpService() - Constructor for class
RegexpSyntaxIdentifier - Class in
Match against a number of configured regular expressions.
RegexpSyntaxIdentifier() - Constructor for class
RegexpSyntaxIdentifier(List<String>, String) - Constructor for class
RegexpValueMatcher - Class in
Match the metadata value against a regular expression for MetadataValueBranchingService.
RegexpValueMatcher() - Constructor for class
register(ObjectName, Object) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JmxHelper
Register an object against the default MBeanServer.
register(MBeanServer, ObjectName, Object) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JmxHelper
Register an object against a MBeanServer.
registerActiveMsgErrorHandler(ProcessingExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Register the active MessageErrorHandler for this Channel.
registerActiveMsgErrorHandler(ProcessingExceptionHandler) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Sets the ProcessingExceptionHandler to use.
registerActiveMsgErrorHandler(ProcessingExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Sets the MessageErrorHandler to use for handling error messages.
registerAdaptrisMessageListener(AdaptrisMessageListener) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumer
Sets the AdaptrisMessageListener to use.
registerAdaptrisMessageListener(AdaptrisMessageListener) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
Sets the AdaptrisMessageListener to use.
registerAdaptrisMessageListener(AdaptrisMessageListener) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
registerBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformer
registerChannel(Channel) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
registerChannel(Channel) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Sets a reference to this Workflow's Channel.
registerChannel(Channel) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
registerComponentFactory(RuntimeInfoComponentFactory) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.RuntimeInfoComponentFactory
registerConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorker
Sets the AdaptrisConnection this component will use.
registerConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
registerConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandler
Sets the AdaptrisConnection to handle errors for.
registerConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandlerImp
registerConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
Sets the AdaptrisConnection to use.
registerConsumer(AdaptrisPollingConsumer) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Poller
Register the AdaptrisPollingConsumer to use.
registerConsumer(AdaptrisPollingConsumer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollerImp
registerDigester(MessageErrorDigester) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ErrorHandlerRegistrar
registerDigester(MessageErrorDigester) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
registeredProducer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
registeredWorkflowIds() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrier
Return the list of workflow-ids registered.
registeredWorkflowIds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
registeredWorkflowIds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
registeredWorkflows() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
Get the map of registered workflows.
registerEncoderMessageFactory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerAware
Register the current event handler against this component.
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
registerEventHandler(AdaptrisComponent, EventHandler) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
Register the event handler against a component that requires it.
registerEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
registerKeystore(ConfiguredKeystore) - Method in interface
Register a keystore object for use during encryption sign and verify.
registerMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotification
registerMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
registerMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
registerMBean() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.BaseComponentMBean
Register this component (and all children) against the default Platform MBeanServer.
registerMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
registerMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl
registerMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
registerMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageEncoderImp
registerMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageTranslator
Register the message factory that should be used to create messages.
registerMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultSerializableMessageTranslator
registerMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
registerParent(ProcessingExceptionHandler) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ErrorHandlerRegistrar
registerParent(ProcessingExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
registerParentChannel(Channel) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
Register the parent channel for this WorkflowInterceptor.
registerParentChannel(Channel) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
registerParentChannel(Channel) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.WorkflowInterceptor
Register the parent channel for this WorkflowInterceptor.
registerParentWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
Register the parent workflow for this WorkflowInterceptor.
registerParentWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
registerParentWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.WorkflowInterceptor
Register the parent workflow for this WorkflowInterceptor.
registerProducer(JmsProducer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
registerSelf() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
Convenience method to handle BaseComponentMBean.registerMBean()
registerSession(Session) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslator
Register the JMS session with this message translator.
registerSession(Session) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
registerSourceId(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.EventHandler
Sets the source id for this EventHandler.
registerSourceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
registerWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullProcessingExceptionHandler
registerWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ProcessingExceptionHandler
Register a workflow against this error handler.
registerWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
Register a workflow against this error handler.
registerXAResource(String, XAConnectionFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
registerXAResource(String, XAConnectionFactory) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transaction.TransactionManager
REGISTRY_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
RelaxedFtpConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
FTP implementation which does not have any guarantees as to the atomicity of operations.
RelaxedFtpConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpConsumer
Default Constructor with the following defaults.
RelaxedFtpProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
Ftp producer implementation.
RelaxedFtpProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpProducer
release() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.FifoMutexLock
Calls release on the underlying lock if a oermit is available to release, otherwise logs a message indicating that releases and acquires are not balanced.
releaseLock() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
releaseLock() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollerImp
releaseSavepoint(Savepoint) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
releaseSavepoint(Savepoint) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
reloadFromConfig() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
reloadFromConfig(ObjectName) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
reloadFromConfig() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Recreate all adapters associated with this AdapterRegistry from their associated bootstrap file.
reloadFromConfig(ObjectName) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Recreate the adapters associated with the specified objectname from their associated bootstrap file.
reloadFromVersionControl() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
reloadFromVersionControl(ObjectName) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
reloadFromVersionControl() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Recreate all adapters associated with this AdapterRegistry from version control.
reloadFromVersionControl(ObjectName) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Recreate the adapter associated with the specified objectname from their associated bootstrap file.
remove(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
Removes an object from the cache.
remove(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
remove(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.NullCacheImplementation
remove(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
remove(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
remove(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
remove(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
remove(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageCache
remove(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
remove(MessageDigestErrorEntry) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
remove(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
remove(MessageDigestErrorEntry, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
remove(String, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
remove(MessageDigestErrorEntry) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
remove(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
remove(MessageDigestErrorEntry, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
remove(String, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
remove(MessageDigestErrorEntry) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmxMBean
remove(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmxMBean
remove(MessageDigestErrorEntry, boolean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmxMBean
Remove an entry from this digester.
remove(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmxMBean
Remove an entry from this digester.
remove(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
remove(int) - Method in class
remove() - Method in class
remove(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
remove() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.UnmodifiableListIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
remove(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
remove(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStore
Remove the data from the datastore.
remove(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
remove(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
remove() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultipartIterator
Throws a UnsupportedOperationException to add default behaviour in java 7 cases.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairSet
RemoveAllMetadataFilter - Class in com.adaptris.core.metadata
Metadata Filter implementation that removes all metadata.
RemoveAllMetadataFilter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RemoveAllMetadataFilter
removeAuthenticator(ResourceAuthenticator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.AdapterResourceAuthenticator
removeChannel(Channel) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Remove a channel from this channel list.
removeChannel(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
removeChannel(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Remove a Channel from this adapter.
removeChild(ChannelRuntimeManager) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
removeChild(WorkflowRuntimeManager) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
removeChild(S) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentComponent
Remove a Child from this parent.
removeChildJmxComponent(ChildRuntimeInfoComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
removeChildJmxComponent(ChildRuntimeInfoComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
removeChildJmxComponent(ChildRuntimeInfoComponent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentRuntimeInfoComponent
removeChildJmxComponent(ChildRuntimeInfoComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
removeChildren(Collection<ChannelRuntimeManager>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
removeChildren(Collection<WorkflowRuntimeManager>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
removeChildren(Collection<S>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ParentComponent
Remove some children from this parent.
removeConfigurationURL(ObjectName) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
removeConfigurationURL(ObjectName) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Remove the URL that was used to create the adapter associated with the ObjectName.
removeConnection(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Remove a connection by it's ID.
removeEntry(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
removeEventListener(CacheEventListener) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCacheListener
RemoveFromCacheService - Class in
Service that retrieves an item from the cache and then removes it
RemoveFromCacheService() - Constructor for class
removeFromEnvironment(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
RemoveKeyFromCache - Class in
Simplified version of RemoveFromCacheService that doesn't retrieve the value for insertion into the message.
RemoveKeyFromCache() - Constructor for class
removeKeystore(ConfiguredKeystore) - Method in interface
Remove a keystore from the underlying map.
removeKeyValuePair(KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Remove the first KeyValuePair from the underlying collection.
removeKeyValuePair(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Convenience method to remove a KeyValuePair from the underlying collection.
removeLock() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
Remove the lock.
RemoveLoggingContext - Class in
Remove a mapped diagnostic context via MDC.remove(String).
RemoveLoggingContext() - Constructor for class
RemoveLoggingContext(String) - Constructor for class
removeMessageHeader(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
removeMessageHeader(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
removeMetadata(MetadataElement) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Removes the passed MetadataElement from the metadata if it is present.
removeMetadata(MetadataElement) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
removeMetadata(MetadataElement) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
removeNode(Node, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Convenience method which removes a Node from the children of a parent
removePart(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Remove a part from this multipart output.
removeProcessedItem(ProcessedItem) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemList
removeService(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Remove a service collection by it's ID.
removeServlet(ServletWrapper) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
removeServlet(ServletWrapper) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConnection
removeServlet(ServletWrapper) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyServletRegistrar
Remove a servlet from the jetty engine.
removeSharedComponent(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
removeSharedComponent(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Convenience method to do both AdapterManagerMBean.removeSharedService(String) and #removeSharedConnection(String) at once.
removeSharedConnection(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
removeSharedConnection(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Remove a connection from the adapter's shared connections.
removeSharedService(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
removeSharedService(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Remove a service from the adapter's shared components.
removeThreadCredentials() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ThreadLocalCredentials
Remove the credentials for the current thread
removeWorkflow(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
removeWorkflow(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManagerMBean
Remove a Workflow from this channel.
removeWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
Remove a Workflow from this channel list.
rename(String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Rename a file or directory
rename(File, File) - Method in interface com.adaptris.fs.FsWorker
Renames oldfile to newName.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
rename a file on the server
rename(Name, Name) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
renameFile(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumer
renameFile(File, String, FsWorker) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsHelper
renameThread() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
Rename the thread to something suitable.
render(SchemaViolations, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.OverwritePayload
render(SchemaViolations, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationHandlerImpl
render(SchemaViolations, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationsAsMetadata
render(SchemaViolations, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationsAsObjectMetadata
ReplacementSource - Interface in
Interface for handling how find and replace operations occur for FindAndReplaceService.
replacementValue() - Method in class
ReplaceMetadataValue - Class in
Implementation of Service that adds a performs a simple find and replace on the specified metadata value.
ReplaceMetadataValue() - Constructor for class
ReplaceMetadataValue(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class
ReplaceNode - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
Merge implementation that replaces a node derived from an Xpath.
ReplaceNode() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.ReplaceNode
ReplaceNode(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.ReplaceNode
ReplaceOriginal - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
Merge implementation that simply replaces the original.
ReplaceOriginal() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.ReplaceOriginal
ReplaceWithFirstMessage - Class in
Special implementation of MessageAggregator that replaces the original payload with the first aggregated message.
ReplaceWithFirstMessage() - Constructor for class
Reply - Class in com.adaptris.ftp
Encapsulates the FTP server reply
replyUsesEncoder() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
report() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
report() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStore
Report on a list of blobs that is present in the store (optional operation).
report(Collection<ConfigurationCheckReport>) - Method in interface
Report on the checks that were performed; indicating overall success or failure.
report(Collection<ConfigurationCheckReport>) - Method in class
report(Collection<ConfigurationCheckReport>) - Method in class
report(Collection<ConfigurationCheckReport>) - Method in class
reportAllErrors() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
reportAllErrors() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataHandlerContext
ReportBuilder - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry
Supports reporting of what's in the retry store.
ReportBuilder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.ReportBuilder
request(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageProducer
Produce the AdaptrisMessage to the configured destination and blocks indefinitely for a reply.
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageProducer
since 3.11.0 ProduceDestination is deprecated
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination, long) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageProducer
since 3.11.0 ProduceDestination is deprecated
request(AdaptrisMessage, long) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageProducer
Produces the AdaptrisMessage to the configured ProduceDestination and blocks for the specified timeout for a reply.
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.DefinedJmsProducer
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
request(AdaptrisMessage, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
request(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
request(AdaptrisMessage, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
request(AdaptrisMessage, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
request(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
request(AdaptrisMessage, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
request(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ProduceOnlyProducerImp
UnsupportedOperationException is thrown
request(AdaptrisMessage, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ProduceOnlyProducerImp
UnsupportedOperationException is thrown
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ProduceOnlyProducerImp
since 3.11.0 ProduceDestination is deprecated
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ProduceOnlyProducerImp
since 3.11.0 ProduceDestination is deprecated
request(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerImp
request(AdaptrisMessage, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerImp
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerImp
request(AdaptrisMessage, ProduceDestination, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerImp
requestChildClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
requestChildClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
requestChildClose() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.StateManagedComponentContainer
Close any independent sub components.
requestChildInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
requestChildInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
requestChildInit() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.StateManagedComponentContainer
Initialise any independent sub-components.
requestChildStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
requestChildStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
requestChildStart() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.StateManagedComponentContainer
Start any independent sub components.
requestChildStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
requestChildStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
requestChildStop() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.StateManagedComponentContainer
Stop any independent sub components.
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
requestClose(StateManagedComponent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ComponentState
Perform operations required to move comp from this state to ClosedState, if possible.
requestClose(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ComponentStateImp
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
requestClose(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.InitialisedState
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
requestClose() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
requestClose(long) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Close this component.
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
requestClose(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Request this component is closed.
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
Request this component is closed.
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
requestClose(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StartedState
requestClose() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.StateManagedComponent
Request this component is closed.
requestClose(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StoppedState
requestClose() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
RequestHeaderProvider<T> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.client
Interface to generate http request headers.
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
requestInit(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ClosedState
requestInit(StateManagedComponent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ComponentState
Perform operations required to move comp from this state to InitialisedState, if possible.
requestInit(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ComponentStateImp
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
requestInit() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
since 3.0.0, use AdapterComponentMBean.requestInit(long) instead.
requestInit(long) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Initialise this component.
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
requestInit(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Request this component is init'd.
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
Request this component is init'd.
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
requestInit(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StartedState
requestInit() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.StateManagedComponent
Request this component is init'd.
requestInit(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StoppedState
requestInit() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
RequestMethodProvider - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.client
Interface for providing a HTTP method.
RequestMethodProvider.RequestMethod - Enum in com.adaptris.core.http.client
Valid methods as defined by RFC2616 & RFC5789 (PATCH method).
RequestReplyProducerBase - Class in com.adaptris.core
Abstract Request Reply enabled producer that may be extended by concrete sub-classes.
RequestReplyProducerBase() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerBase
RequestReplyProducerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Abstract Request Reply enabled producer that may be extended by concrete sub-classes.
RequestReplyProducerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerImp
RequestReplyWorkflow - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of Workflow to handle synchronous replies.
RequestReplyWorkflow() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
Creates a new instance.
requestRestart(StateManagedComponent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ComponentState
Perform operations required to restart the comp.
requestRestart(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ComponentStateImp
requestRestart() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
requestRestart(long) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Restart this component.
requestRestart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
requestRestart(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
requestStart(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ClosedState
requestStart(StateManagedComponent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ComponentState
Perform operations required to move comp from this state to StartedState, if possible.
requestStart(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ComponentStateImp
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
requestStart(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.InitialisedState
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
requestStart() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
requestStart(long) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Start this component.
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
requestStart(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Request this component is started.
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
Request this component is started.
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
requestStart() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.StateManagedComponent
Request this component is started.
requestStart(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StoppedState
requestStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
requestStartTime() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Returns timestamp of the last start time for this component
requestStartTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
requestStartTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
requestStartTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
requestStop(StateManagedComponent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ComponentState
Perform operations required to move comp from this state to StoppedState, if possible.
requestStop(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ComponentStateImp
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
requestStop() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
since 3.0.0, use AdapterComponentMBean.requestStop(long) instead.
requestStop(long) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Stop this component.
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
requestStop(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Request this component is stopped.
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
Request this component is stopped.
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
requestStop(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StartedState
requestStop() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.StateManagedComponent
Request this component is stopped.
requestStop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
requestStopTime() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
Returns timestamp of the last stop time for this component
requestStopTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
requestStopTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
requestStopTime() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
requiresRestart() - Method in class
requiresRestart() - Method in class
requiresRestart() - Method in interface
Whether or not a restart of the underlying service is required.
requiresRestart() - Method in class
reset() - Method in interface
Reset the internal state, ready to create a new certificate.
reset() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Re-initialises the XmlUtils object.
resetWipFiles() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumer
ResolvableExpressionParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
XmlTransformParameter implementation that filters resolvable expressions making matches available as String parameters.
ResolvableExpressionParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.ResolvableExpressionParameter
resolve(String, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
resolve(String) - Method in class
If the property needs decoding, then this method returns the decoded property.
resolve(String, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Resolve against this message's payloads or metadata.
resolve(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ResolveFromPayloadUsingXPath
resolve(String, InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ResolveFromPayloadUsingXPath
Attempt to resolve a value externally.
resolve(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
resolveAsNodeset() - Method in class
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
resolveFromCache(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
ResolveFromPayloadUsingXPath - Class in com.adaptris.core
ResolveFromPayloadUsingXPath() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ResolveFromPayloadUsingXPath
resolveKey(AdaptrisMessage, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MetadataResolver
resolveProduceDestination(String, ProduceDestination, AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DestinationHelper
Get the correct produce destination.
Resolver - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
Simple resolver that caches URLs that it has previously encountered.
Resolver() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
resolveSchema(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
resolveXpath(Document, XPath, String) - Method in class
resolveXpath(Document, XPath, String) - Method in class
resolveXpath(Document, XPath, String) - Method in class
resolveXpath(Document, XPath, String) - Method in class
resolveXpath(Document, XPath, String) - Method in class
resolveXpath(Document, XPath, String) - Method in class
resolveXpath(Document, XPath, String) - Method in class
resolveXpath(Document, XPath, String) - Method in class
resolveXpath(Document, XPath, String) - Method in interface
Executes an Xpath query.
resolveXpath(Document, XPath, String) - Method in interface
Executes an Xpath query.
ResourceAuthenticator - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http
Interface used to delegate authentication for network resources.
ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget - Class in com.adaptris.core.http
Simply allows access to the protected Authenticator methods.
ResourceTarget() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
ResourceTargetMatcher - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.auth
Allows different HTTP implementations to offer different matching mechanisms for authentication purposes.
ResponseHeaderHandler<T> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.client
Interface to handle the headers from the HTTP response.
ResponseHeaderProvider<T> - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.server
Interface to generate http response headers.
ResponseHeadersAsMetadata - Class in
Concrete implementation of ResponseHeaderHandler which adds all the HTTP headers from the response as metadata to the AdaptrisMessage.
ResponseHeadersAsMetadata() - Constructor for class
ResponseHeadersAsMetadata(String) - Constructor for class
ResponseHeadersAsMetadata(String, String) - Constructor for class
ResponseHeadersAsObjectMetadata - Class in
Concrete implementation of ResponseHeaderHandler which adds all the HTTP headers from the response as object metadata to the AdaptrisMessage.
ResponseHeadersAsObjectMetadata() - Constructor for class
ResponseHeadersAsObjectMetadata(String) - Constructor for class
ResponseProducerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
ResponseProducerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
restart(StateManagedComponent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ProduceExceptionHandlerImp
restartAffectedComponents() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandlerImp
Standard functionality to restart the owner of the connection.
RestartProduceExceptionHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
since 3.10.2
RestartProduceExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RestartProduceExceptionHandler
RestartStrategy - Interface in
Restart strategy for StatelessServiceWrapper.
resubmitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeMessageWorkflow
resubmitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
resubmitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflowImpl
resubmitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Resubmit a message upon the channel becoming available again.
resubmitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
ResultSetTranslator - Interface in
Interface used to format output from a JdbcDataQueryService
ResultSetTranslatorBase - Class in
ResultSetTranslatorBase() - Constructor for class
ResultSetTranslatorImp - Class in
Base implementation for converting a ResultSet into an AdaptrisMessage.
ResultSetTranslatorImp() - Constructor for class
retainUniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
rethrowCoreException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
rethrowCoreException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
rethrowJMSException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
rethrowJMSException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
rethrowProduceException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
rethrowProduceException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
rethrowServiceException(Exception) - Static method in class
rethrowServiceException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
rethrowServiceException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
retrieve(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStore
Retrieve the data from the datastore.
retrieve(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
retrieveActiveMsgErrorHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Return the active MessageErrorHandler for this Channel.
retrieveActiveMsgErrorHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Accessor to allow sub-classes access to the MessageErrorHandler that is in use.
retrieveAdaptrisMessageListener() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
Returns the AdaptrisMessageListener to use.
retrieveAndCache(URLString) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.MappedResolver
retrieveAndCache(URLString) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
retrieveAuthenticator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicAuthenticatorFactory
retrieveAuthenticator() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAuthenticatorFactory
retrieveBrokerDetailsForLogging() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
retrieveBrokerDetailsForLogging() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.UrlVendorImplementation
retrieveBrokerDetailsForLogging() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationBase
Returns the broker details used to create the underlying ConnectionFactory.
retrieveBrokerDetailsForLogging() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
retrieveCache() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.CacheProvider
retrieveCache() - Method in class
retrieveCache() - Method in class
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageConsumerImp
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
This method is not synchronized and returns the 'last recorded' state of this object.
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Returns the last record ComponentState.
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
Returns the last record ComponentState.
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
retrieveComponentState() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.StateManagedComponent
Returns the last recorde ComponentState.
retrieveComponentState() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
retrieveConnection(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Return the connection as represented by this connection
retrieveConnection(Class<T>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
Return the connection as represented by this connection
retrieveConnection(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorker
Return this components underlying connection.
retrieveConnection(Class<T>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
retrieveConnection(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandler
Return this components underlying connection.
retrieveConnection(Class<T>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandlerImp
retrieveConnection(Class<T>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
retrieveConnection(Class<T>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
retrieveConsumer() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Poller
Retrieve the AdaptrisPollingConsumer to use.
retrieveConsumer(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Poller
Return the register consumer with casting.
retrieveConsumer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollerImp
retrieveConsumer(Class<T>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollerImp
retrieveDigester() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
retrieveExceptionListeners() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Return a collection of components that need to be restarted on exception.
retrieveExceptionListeners() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
retrieveExceptionListeners() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
RetrieveFromCacheService - Class in
Service that looks up an object from the cache using the configured CacheEntryEvaluator instances.
RetrieveFromCacheService() - Constructor for class
retrieveJmsDestination(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToDestination
Gets the JMS Destination as stored in object metadata.
retrieveLoginService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HashLoginServiceFactory
retrieveLoginService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JdbcLoginServiceFactory
retrieveLoginService() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyLoginServiceFactory
retrieveMessageConsumers() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Returns a List of this connection's AdaptrisMessageConsumers.
retrieveMessageConsumers() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
retrieveMessageConsumers() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
retrieveMessageProducers() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Returns a List of this connection's AdaptrisMessageProducers.
retrieveMessageProducers() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
retrieveMessageProducers() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
retrievePrivateKeyPassword() - Method in class
Return the private key password as a char[] array.
retrievePrivateKeyPassword() - Method in class
Return the private key password as a char[] array.
retrievePrivateKeyPassword() - Method in interface
Return the private key password as a char[] array.
retrieveProducer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
retrieveProducer() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
retrieveSourceId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.EventHandler
Retrieve the source id for this EventHandler.
retrieveSourceId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
retrieveValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
retrieveValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
retrieveValue(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
RETRY_AFTER - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Response Fields.
RETRY_COUNT_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadta key for number of previous retries.
RETRY_COUNT_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
RetryFromJetty - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry
FailedMessageRetrier implementation that retries upon demand.
RetryFromJetty() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
RetryingCacheProxy - Class in com.adaptris.core.cache
Implementation of Cache that proxies another Cache instance.
RetryingCacheProxy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
RetryingCacheProxy(Cache) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
RetryingServiceWrapper - Class in
This service wrapper, will attempt to run the wrapped service and should the service fail with a ServiceException we will attempt to retry the service according to your configuration.
RetryingServiceWrapper() - Constructor for class
retryInterval() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
retryList - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
retryMessage(SerializableMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmx
retryMessage(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmx
retryMessage(SerializableMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmxMBean
Retry a message.
retryMessage(File) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmxMBean
Retry a message that has been written to the filesystem.
RetryMessageErrorHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
MessageErrorHandler implementation that allows automatic retries for a problem message.
RetryMessageErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandler
RetryMessageErrorHandler(Service...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandler
RetryMessageErrorHandler(Integer, TimeInterval, Service...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandler
RetryMessageErrorHandler(String, Service...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandler
RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Abstract MessageErrorHandler implementation that allows automatic retries for a problem message.
RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp.RetryThread - Class in com.adaptris.core
Private thread used to resubmit messages.
RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitor - Class in com.adaptris.core
RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitorMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core
RetryOnceStandaloneProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core
An implementation of StandaloneProducer that on encountering an error producing a message, waits for a configurable period, re-initialises the underlying components, then tries to produce once one more.
RetryOnceStandaloneProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RetryOnceStandaloneProducer
RetryStore - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry
RetryStoreDeleteService - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry
Delete a message from the configured retry store.
RetryStoreDeleteService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreDeleteService
RetryStoreListService - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry
List messages in the configured retry store.
RetryStoreListService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreListService
RetryStoreServiceImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry
RetryStoreServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreServiceImpl
RetryStoreWriteService - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry
Write a message for retry with RetryFromJetty.
RetryStoreWriteService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreWriteService
retryWaitTimeMs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConnectionErrorHandlerImp
Milliseconds to wait for before retrying a restart.
returnObject(ObjectPool<WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker>, WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
REV_CHECK_MUST_COMPLETE - Static variable in class
System Property that tells us that to ignore any revocation errors.
RevisionHistoryItem - Class in
RevisionHistoryItem() - Constructor for class
RevisionHistoryItem(String, String) - Constructor for class
RevocationService - Class in
Abstract class representing a service that checks X509Certificates against an external source for revocations.
RevocationService() - Constructor for class
rewriteConnectionsForTesting(Service) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ServiceUtil
right(String, int) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Justify
Right justify a string to a given length, padded with spaces.
rightJust(String, int) - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
rightJust(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.adaptris.transform.MappingUtils
rmdir(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Delete the specified remote working directory
rmdir(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
remove a directory from the server
rmdir(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
rollback() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
rollback() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
rollback() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
rollback() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transaction.TransactionManager
rollback(Savepoint, Connection) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
Rollback to the stored savepoint.
rollback(Connection) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
Rollback the connection.
rollback(Connection, AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
Rollback to the stored savepoint.
rollback() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
rollbackMessage(JmsActorConfig, Message) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.AcknowledgementHandler
rollbackMessage(JmsActorConfig, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AsyncAcknowledgementHandler
rollbackMessage(JmsActorConfig, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ClientAcknowledgementHandler
rollbackMessage(JmsActorConfig, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.NoOpAcknowledgementHandler
rollbackTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
rollbackTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
rollbackTimeout() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsActorConfig
How long we should wait after a rollback before continuing on with processing
rollbackTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
rollbackTimeout() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
RootProcessingExceptionHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
RootProcessingExceptionHandler which allows you to register a Digester for aggregating information about all the errors that have occurred.
RootProcessingExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
roundTrip(T) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMarshaller
Convenience method to roundtrip an object to text and back.
rowsUpdated(int[]) - Static method in class
run() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.IORunnable
run() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler.JmsConnectionVerifier
run() - Method in class
Attempts to stop then close adapter.
run() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp.RetryThread
runChecks(BootstrapProperties) - Method in class
runChecks(BootstrapProperties, UnifiedBootstrap) - Method in class
since 3.11.0 use {ConfigurationCheckRunner.runChecks(BootstrapProperties) instead as UnifiedBootstrap is ignored.
runInThread(Runnable) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
RuntimeInfoComponent - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Base interface for components that have statistics and similar information that need exposing during normal runtime.
RuntimeInfoComponentFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
RuntimeInfoComponentFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.RuntimeInfoComponentFactory
RuntimeVersionControl - Interface in
RuntimeVersionControlLoader - Class in


safeElementName(String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Make a safe element name by stripping out illegal XML characters and illegal element characters.
SafeFileSorter - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced
SafeFileSorter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.SafeFileSorter
SafeGuidGenerator - Class in com.adaptris.util
Overrides standard GuidGenerator behaviour using GuidGenerator.safeUUID() for IdGenerator.create(Object) instead.
SafeGuidGenerator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.SafeGuidGenerator
safeUUID() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.GuidGenerator
Get a safe UUID
save() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
save() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.MarshallingItemCache
save() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
save() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemCache
Explicitly save the state of the cache.
saveKeys(AdaptrisMessage, Statement) - Method in class
saveReturnedKeys() - Method in class
ScheduledTaskPoller - Class in com.adaptris.core
ScheduledTaskPoller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ScheduledTaskPoller
scheduleNextRun(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
scheduleTask() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FixedIntervalPoller
scheduleTask() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.GaussianIntervalPoller
scheduleTask() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RandomIntervalPoller
scheduleTask() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ScheduledTaskPoller
SchemaViolation - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
Object model representation of all an individual schema violation for rendering purposes.
SchemaViolation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.SchemaViolation
SchemaViolation(SAXParseException) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.SchemaViolation
SchemaViolationHandler - Interface in com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
SchemaViolations - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
Object model representation of all the schema violations for rendering purposes.
SchemaViolations() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.SchemaViolations
ScriptingService - Class in
Supports arbitary scripting languges that are supported by JSR223.
ScriptingService() - Constructor for class
ScriptingService(String) - Constructor for class
ScriptingServiceImp - Class in
Base class for enabling JSR223 enabled scripting languages.
ScriptingServiceImp() - Constructor for class
SECURITY_PROVIDER - Static variable in class
Name of the security provider.
SECURITY_REMOTE_PARTNER - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key that allows override of the remote partner in security services.
SECURITY_V1_COMPATIBILITY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key specifying that security has been encrypted using v1 encryption compability mode.
SecurityConstraint - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
A security constraint which allows you to place restrictions on a number of paths.
SecurityConstraint() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
SecurityService - Interface in
Interface for handling encryption, signing and verification requests.
SecurityServiceFactory - Class in
Factory for creating output specific security services.
SecurityServiceFactory() - Constructor for class
SecurityUtil - Class in
Security Utilities.
SecurityUtil() - Constructor for class
select(MimeMultipart) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.NullPartSelector
Returns all the parts in the MimeMultipart.
select(BodyPartIterator) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.NullPartSelector
Returns the first part of the BodyPartIterator
select(BodyPartIterator) - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.PartSelector
Select the body part that should form the AdaptrisMessage payload.
select(MimeMultipart) - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.text.mime.PartSelector
Select the body part that should form the AdaptrisMessage payload.
select(BodyPartIterator) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByContentId
select(MimeMultipart) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByContentId
select(BodyPartIterator) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByHeader
select(MimeMultipart) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByHeader
select(BodyPartIterator) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByPosition
select(MimeMultipart) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByPosition
SelectByContentId - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
PartSelector implementation that selects by the Content-Id header of the MimeBodyPart.
SelectByContentId() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByContentId
SelectByContentId(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByContentId
SelectByHeader - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
PartSelector implementation that parses a specific header examining the value to see if it matches the configured regular expression.
SelectByHeader() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByHeader
SelectByHeader(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByHeader
SelectByPosition - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.mime
Selects a MimeBodyPart based on its position within the Multipart.
SelectByPosition() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByPosition
SelectByPosition(int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByPosition
selectFactory(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Select the AdaptrisMessageFactory instance to use to create new messages.
selectMultipleTextItems(Node, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
returns an array of string values taken from a list of elements returned by an xpath
selectNodeList(Node, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
selects a list of Nodes from the context node using the supplied xpath
selectSingleNode(Node, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
Selects a single Node based on the supplied Xpath
selectSingleTextItem(Node, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
returns the string value contained in an element returned by an XPath
SelectWrapper(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class
send(Event) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.EventHandler
Send an Event to the configured default destination.
send(Event, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.EventHandler
Send an Event to the configured default destination.
send(Event) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
send(Event, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
sendConfigUpdateNotification() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
sendEvents(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
sendEvents() - Method in class
sendEvents(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
sendEvents() - Method in class
sendEvents(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
sendEvents() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
sendLifecycleEvent(AdapterLifecycleEvent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
sendLifecycleEvent(AdapterLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Send an AdapterLifecycleEvent to any configured event handlers.
sendMessageLifecycleEvent(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
sendMessageLifecycleEvent(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
sendNotification(String, Properties) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotification
sendNotification(String, Properties) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotificationMBean
Send a a JMX notification containing the message and associated userdata.
sendPayload() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
sendShutdownEvent(Set<ObjectName>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
Convenience method for sending a shutdown event for every adapter.
separator() - Method in class
SequentialParameterApplicator - Class in
ParameterApplicator implementation that applies parameters sequentially.
SequentialParameterApplicator() - Constructor for class
SerializableAdaptrisMessage - Class in com.adaptris.core
The SerializableAdaptrisMessage simply represents an AdaptrisMessage that can be serialized.
SerializableAdaptrisMessage() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
SerializableAdaptrisMessage(SerializableMessage) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
SerializableAdaptrisMessage(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
SerializableAdaptrisMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
SerializableMessageTranslator - Interface in com.adaptris.core
SerializableStatistic - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
SerializableStatistic() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
serialize() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller.Serializer
serialize(Notification, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jmx.NotificationSerializer
serialize(Notification, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.SimpleNotificationSerializer
serialize(Notification, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.XmlNotificationSerializer
serialize(Exception, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
serialize(Exception, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
serialize(Exception, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Serialize the exception into the adaptris message.
serializedMember(Class, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.LowerCaseHyphenatedMapper
SERVER - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Response Fields.
server - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConnection
ServerBuilder - Class in
ServerBuilder(Properties) - Constructor for class
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer.BasicServlet
Service - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Implementations of Service apply aribtrary functionality to AdaptrisMessages.
ServiceCollection - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Defines behaviour common to collections of Services.
ServiceCollectionImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Behaviour common to ServiceCollections.
ServiceCollectionImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
ServiceCollectionImp(Collection<Service>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
ServiceErrorHandler - Interface in
ServiceException - Exception in com.adaptris.core
Exception thrown by Services.
ServiceException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.ServiceException
Creates a new instance.
ServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.ServiceException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception.
ServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.ServiceException
Creates a new instance with a description of the Exception.
ServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.ServiceException
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception and a description of the Exception.
ServiceExceptionHandler - Class in
Default ServiceErrorHandler that captures exceptions thrown and rethrows the first exception when requested.
ServiceExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class
ServiceExtractor - Interface in
Interface for use with DynamicServiceExecutor.
ServiceExtractorImpl - Class in
ServiceExtractorImpl() - Constructor for class
ServiceFromCache - Class in
Extract the service to execute from a cache
ServiceFromCache() - Constructor for class
ServiceFromDatabase - Class in
Extract the service to execute from a database
ServiceFromDatabase() - Constructor for class
ServiceFromDataInputParameter - Class in
Extract the service to execute based on the configured DataInputParameter
ServiceFromDataInputParameter() - Constructor for class
ServiceFromDataInputParameter(DataInputParameter<String>) - Constructor for class
ServiceFromUrl - Class in
Extract the service to execute based on the configured URL.
ServiceFromUrl() - Constructor for class
ServiceFromUrl(String) - Constructor for class
serviceId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.client.StatusEvaluator
The service ID to use if a match.
serviceId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.StatusEvaluatorImpl
ServiceImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of default / common behaviour for Services.
ServiceImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
Creates a new instance.
ServiceList - Class in com.adaptris.core
Implementation of ServiceCollection with an ordered list of Services.
ServiceList() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ServiceList
ServiceList(Collection<Service>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ServiceList
ServiceList(Service...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ServiceList
ServiceListBase - Class in com.adaptris.core
ServiceListBase() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ServiceListBase
ServiceUtil - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
ServiceUtil() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.ServiceUtil
ServiceWorkerPool - Class in
ServiceWorkerPool(Service, EventHandler, int) - Constructor for class
ServiceWorkerPool.Worker - Class in
ServiceWrapper - Interface in com.adaptris.core
A marker interface for Services that wrap other services.
SERVLET_ENGINE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Response Fields.
servletPath() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
ServletWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Wrapper class around a servlet for jetty.
ServletWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ServletWrapper
ServletWrapper(Servlet, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ServletWrapper
session - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
session - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ProducerSessionFactoryImpl
set(int, Channel) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
set(int, MessageDigestErrorEntry) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
set(int, Service) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
set(int, JdbcStatementParameter) - Method in class
set(int, E) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
set(E) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.UnmodifiableListIterator
set(int, Workflow) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
set(T, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.ftp.ClientSettings.Setter
set(int, KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
SET_COOKIE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Other Fields.
SET_COOKIE2 - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Other Fields.
setAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
setAcceptSuccessCallbacks(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
setAccessTokenBuilder(AccessTokenBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
Set the access token builder.
setAccessTokenWriter(AccessTokenWriter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
Specify how to write the access token once it is retrieved.
setAcknowledgeMode(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
Sets the JMS acknowledge mode to use.
setAcknowledgeMode(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
Sets the JMS acknowledge mode to use.
setAcknowledgeMode(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Sets the JMS acknowledge mode.
setAcquireIncrement(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
setActualMarshaller(AdaptrisMarshaller) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticMarshaller
setAdapter(Adapter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStartUpEvent
Sets the Adapter that generated this start up event.
setAdapter(Adapter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.event.StandardAdapterStartUpEvent
setAdapterState(String, ComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
Sets the state of the Adapter.
setAdapterState(KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
Sets the state of the Adapter.
setAdapterStateSummary(AdapterStateSummary) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.HeartbeatEvent
Sets the AdapterStateSummary.
setAdapterUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterLifecycleEvent
Sets the unique ID of the adapter emitting this event.
setAdaptrisMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
setAddCurrentThreadName(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
Append the current thread name to any generated friendly name.
setAddDefaultKeysAsObjectMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
setAdditionalDebug(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Get additional logging output where available.
setAdditionalDebug(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
setAdditionalDebug(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Whether or not to generate additional TRACE level debug when attempting connections.
setAdditionalDebug(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
Set additional trace debug logs
setAdditionalDebug(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
Whether or not to generate additional TRACE level debug when attempting connections.
setAdditionalDebug(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
Log the internal object pool state.
setAdditionalDebug(boolean) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Switch additional debug on or off
setAdditionalDebug(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClientImp
setAdditionalDebug(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
setAdditionalLogging(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
Whether or not to log each attempt at verifying the connection.
setAdditionalParams(Properties) - Method in interface
setAdditionalSettings(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
Set any additional settings that might need to be applied.
setAddNullValues(Boolean) - Method in class
If set to true then null values will be added as metadata in the event that a regular expression doesn't match but RegexpMetadataQuery.getAllowNulls() is true.
setAdvanced(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
setAgeBeforeEviction(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
Specify the age of an entry in the cache before it is evicted.
setAggregator(MessageAggregator) - Method in class
The MessageAggregator implementation to use to join messages together.
setAggregator(MessageAggregator) - Method in class
The MessageAggregator implementation to use to join messages together.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
Set the name of the secret-key algorithm.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
Set the algorithm.
setAlias(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
setAlias(String) - Method in class
setAllowEmptyResults(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether or not an xpath that does not resolve should throw an exception.
setAllowForwardSearch(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceList
Allow services to specify the next service in a forward search mode only.
setAllowNulls(Boolean) - Method in class
Tells the class whether to allow processing to continue after performing an regexp which returns no elements.
setAllowOverride(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
Sets whether the configured XSLT URL may be over-ridden by one stored against a metaddata key.
setAllowRedirect(Boolean) - Method in class
Automatically handle redirection.
setAlwaysHandleException(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
Always handle any exceptions in this error handler.
setAlwaysReplace(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether to always replace the metadata.
setAlwaysReplaceMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to always replace the metadata key.
setAlwaysReplaceMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to always replace the metadata key.
setAlwaysSendPayload(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to always attempt to send the payload as the entity body.
setAlwaysValidateConnection(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Set whether to always validate the database connection.
setAlwaysValidateConnection(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
setAppendKeys(List<String>) - Method in class
Sets the List of metadata keys whose values are to be appended.
setArgumentMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class
setArguments(List<CommandArgument>) - Method in class
Specifies a list of command line arguments to be passed into the executable
setAttemptAutoConvert(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to attempt conversion with a ColumnTranslator rather than using a simple toString().
setAttribute(String, String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which sets an attribute on the specified Node, which must be of type org.w3c.dom.Element.
setAttribute(String, String, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which sets an attribute on the specified Node, which must be of type org.w3c.dom.Element.
setAuthentication(SftpAuthenticationProvider) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
setAuthenticator(HttpAuthenticator) - Method in class
setAuthenticator(HttpAuthenticator) - Method in class
setAuthenticator(JettyAuthenticatorFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfigurableSecurityHandler
Sets the factory which will create the underlying Authenticator
setAutoCommit(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Sets whether to auto-commit.
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Set the autocommit flag for this configuration
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setAutoPopulated(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
setAutoStart(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Specify whether or not to auto-start the channel.
setBackOffMultiplier(Double) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
setBaseDirectoryUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
The base directory specified as a URL.
setBaseDirectoryUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
The base directory specified as a URL.
setBaseUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
The base URL file:///... where we can discover files.
setBatchWindow(Integer) - Method in class
Set the batch window for operations.
setBlobTransferPolicy(BlobTransferPolicyFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation
Set the Blob Transfer Policy.
setBody(MessageWrapper<byte[]>) - Method in class
Set where the body of the MimeBodyPart is going to come from.
setBootstrapProperties(BootstrapProperties) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorImpl
setBootstrapProperties(BootstrapProperties) - Method in interface
Allow the Version Control System to configure itself through the Bootstrap Properties.
setBoundedCache(ArrayBlockingQueue<CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
setBranchingEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether or not this service is branching.
setBrokerUploadUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
setBrokerUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.UrlVendorImplementation
Sets the broker URL.
setBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
setBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class
Set the internal buffer size.
setBuildDirectory(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
Set the build directory.
setBuilder(ConnectionPoolBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
Set the builder to use when creating the connection pool.
setBuilder(IdentityBuilder) - Method in class
setBuilders(List<IdentityBuilder>) - Method in class
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
setByteTranslator(ByteTranslator) - Method in class
Specify how to translate the resulting byte array from the hash into a String.
setByteTranslator(ByteTranslator) - Method in class
setCacheConnection(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Set whether or not connections created are held open for future use.
setCacheEntryEvaluators(List<CacheEntryEvaluator>) - Method in class
Set the list of evaluators that will be used to for generate keys for accessing the cache.
setCacheExpiration(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
setCacheInstance(Cache) - Method in class
setCacheKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
Set the key for the cache.
setCacheKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
Set the key to the cache.
setCacheName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
Set the cache name for shared throttles.
setCacheProvider(TimeSliceCacheProvider) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
Set the caching provider for timeslices.
setCacheTransforms(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
Sets whether XSLTs should be cached or not.
setCaptureOutgoingMessageDetails(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Specify whether or not to capture the outgoing message details as object metadata.
setCases(List<Case>) - Method in class
setCatalog(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setCatalog(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setCdataColumnRegexp(String) - Method in class
Set the regular expression that will be used to check if a column should be wrapped in a CDATA element.
setCertificate(String) - Method in class
setCertificate(String, Certificate) - Method in interface
Assign the given certificate to the given alias.
setCertificate(String, InputStream) - Method in interface
Assign the given InputStream (contaning a certificate) to the given alias.
setCertificate(String, File) - Method in interface
Assign the given File (contaning a certificate) to the given alias.
setCertificate(String, String) - Method in interface
Assign the given file (contaning a certificate) to the given alias.
setCertificateParameters(CertificateParameter) - Method in interface
Set the certificate parameters for this maker object.
setChannelFriendlyName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.event.ChannelRestartEvent
Sets the friendly name of the Channel if one has been configured.
setChannelId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Set the id of the channel that is processing this message.
setChannelList(ChannelList) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Sets the ChannelList.
setChannels(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Set the underlying List of Channels.
setChannelStates(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
setChannelUnavailableWaitInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Sets the time the Workflow implementation will wait if its parent Channel is unavailable before resubmitting the message.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class
Set the character encoding used to convert the column into a String.
setCharEncoding(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
setCharEncoding(String) - Method in class
setCharEncoding(String) - Method in class
Set the character encoding
setCharset(String) - Method in class
Set the character set to be used when converting the hexadecimal byte sequence into a string.
setCharset(String) - Method in class
The character encoding to be applied when decoding the hex string.
setCharsetEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.CharsetByteTranslator
setCheckCharset(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyMessageConsumer
Whether or not to check the character encoding on the request
setCheckClassName(String) - Method in class
setCheckInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
Set interval between each attempt to veri
setCheckName(String) - Method in class
setCheckRevocation(boolean) - Method in interface
Set the flag for checking revocation.
setCipherTransformation(String) - Method in class
Set the cipher transformation to be applied
setClassDescriptorProperties(List<ClassDescriptorProperty>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface
setClassMappings(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MarshalledClassDestination
Set the mappings.
setClassName(String) - Method in class
setClassName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
setClassName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
setClassType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Returns the broker connection client ID.
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
Sets the optional JMS client ID.
setClientInfo(Properties) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setClientInfo(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setClientInfo(Properties) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setClientInfo(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setCloneService(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
setCoalescing(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setCoalescing(boolean) if non-null
setCode(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.RawStatusProvider
Set the HTTP Status to use.
setCodeKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.MetadataStatusProvider
Set the metadata where the status code will be taken.
setCollisionAvoidancePercent(Short) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
setColumnBookendCharacter(Character) - Method in class
Set the character used to bookend the column names.
setColumnName(String) - Method in class
Set the column to be used as the payload.
setColumnNameStyle(StyledResultTranslatorImp.ColumnStyle) - Method in class
Format the column name in a specific style.
setColumnTranslators(List<ColumnTranslator>) - Method in class
Set the list of column translators that will be used and applied against each column in the result set.
setColumnWriter(ColumnWriter) - Method in class
setCommandBuilder(CommandBuilder) - Method in class
Set the command builder.
setComment(String) - Method in class
setComments(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
setComments(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConfigComment
setComments(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
setComments(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
setComparator(MetadataComparator) - Method in class
setCompareToPreviousMatch(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether to group split records or not
setCompressionMode(ZipFileBackedMessageFactory.CompressionMode) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.ZipFileBackedMessageFactory
The compression mode of the ZipFileBackedMessage.
setCondition(JettyRouteCondition) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
Specify the conditions for the route.
setCondition(Condition) - Method in class
setCondition(Condition) - Method in class
setCondition(Condition) - Method in class
Set the conditions to apply.
setCondition(Condition) - Method in class
setConditions(List<Condition>) - Method in class
setConfig(FailoverConfig) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConnection
Set the configuration.
setConfig(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
setConfig(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.InlineConfigBuilder
Set your configuration options.
setConfigLocation(String) - Method in class
Sets the location for the file that will contain the persisted list of received ids.
setConfiguration(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorImpl
setConfiguration(ConfigBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
Set the config repository.
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.DataStore
Set the configuration for this datastore.
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
setConfiguredThreadName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestinationImp
Set a delivery thread name to use.
setConfirmationId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
since 3.6.2 since MessageEventGenerator#isConfirmation() is deprecated
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConnectedService
Sets the AdaptrisConnection to use.
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
Sets the AdaptrisConnection to use.
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumeService
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The underlying Jetty connection.
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
The connection to the cache where tokens will be stored.
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
Set the connection associated with this cache service.
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
Set the connection to the Cache instance.
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
Set the connection that will be used by all JdbcService instances in this service list.
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
Sets the AdaptrisConnection to use for producing split messages.
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
Sets the AdaptrisConnection to use for producing split messages.
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
Set the connection to be used.
setConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
Sets the connection to use, may not be null.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
setConnectionAcquireWait(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
setConnectionAttempts(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AllowsRetriesConnection
Sets the number of connection attempts to make.
setConnectionErrorHandler(ConnectionErrorHandler) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnection
Sets the ConnectionErrorHandler to use.
setConnectionErrorHandler(ConnectionErrorHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
setConnectionErrorHandler(ConnectionErrorHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
setConnectionFactoryProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation
Set any additional ActiveMQConnectionFactory properties that are required.
setConnectionPoolProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection
setConnectionProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Set any additional connection properties.
setConnectionProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
setConnectionRetryInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AllowsRetriesConnection
Set the interval between each retry attempt.
setConnections(List<JmsConnection>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
setConnections(List<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
Set the connections.
setConnectionUrls(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Set a Connection URL to the configured list.
setConnectTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class
The connect timeout.
setConnectUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
Sets the connection string to use for this JDBC source.
setConnectUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
setConnectUrls(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
Set the configured list of URLs.
setConstant(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConstantParameter
setConstraintName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
Set the name of the constraint
setConsumeConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Sets the AdaptrisConnection to use for consuming.
setConsumer(AggregatingFtpConsumer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumeService
setConsumer(AdaptrisMessageConsumer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
Sets the underlying AdaptrisMessageConsumer.
setConsumer(AdaptrisMessageConsumer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Sets the AdaptrisMessageConsumer to use.
setContainsAnyOf(Set<String>, Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.XStreamUtils
Determine if the given Set toCheck contains any of the elements within possibles
setContent(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp
setContent(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Add a new payload to the message, with the given ID and content and encoding.
setContent(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
setContent(String, String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Add a new payload to the message, with the given ID and content and encoding.
setContent(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamParameter
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.PayloadStreamOutputParameter
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.StringPayloadDataOutputParameter
setContentEncoding(String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Set the payload content encoding for the given payload ID.
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
setContentEncoding(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Set the payload content encoding for the given payload ID.
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class
Set the Content-Transfer-Encoding for the part.
setContentId(String) - Method in class
Set the Content-ID for the part,
setContentId(String) - Method in class
Set the Content-ID for the Multipart,
setContentId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByContentId
The Content-Id of the MimeBodyPart to select.
setContentType(String) - Method in class
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.ReportBuilder
Set the content type to be associated with the report.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.RawContentTypeProvider
Set the base content type.
setContentType(String) - Method in class
Set the Content-Type for the part.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
setContentTypeKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key for finding out the content-type.
setContentTypeMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the metadata key set the content type as, if not provided will not be set.
setContentTypeProbe(ReadFileService.ContentTypeProbe) - Method in class
If ReadFileService.setContentTypeMetadataKey(String) is set, then this interface is used to probe the content type of the file.
setContentTypeProvider(ContentTypeProvider) - Method in class
Content-Type header associated with the HTTP operation
setContentTypeProvider(ContentTypeProvider) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
The Content-Type to send with the response.
setContinueOnFail(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
setContinueOnFail(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
whether or not this service is configured to continue on failure.
setContinueOnFail(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
setConvertBackToConsumedType(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator
setConvertNull(Boolean) - Method in class
Set whether to convert null objects into something meaningful.
setCopyMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether to copy metadata from the original message to the split messages.
setCopyMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to copy metadata from the original message to the split messages.
setCopyObjectMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to preserve object metadata to the split messages.
setCorrectState(ConfiguredComponentState) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.OutOfStateHandlerImp
setCorrelationIdSource(CorrelationIdSource) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
Sets correlationIdSource.
setCorrelationIdSource(CorrelationIdSource) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
Sets correlationIdSource.
setCorrelationIdSource(CorrelationIdSource) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Sets correlationIdSource.
setCountThreshold(Long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
Set the message count threshold on which notifications will be emitted.
setCreateDatabase(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether or not to attempt to create a standard database table if one cannot be found.
setCreateDirs(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Create missing directories when trying to poll
setCreateDirs(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
Specify whether to create directories that do not exist.
setCreateTempDir(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
Specify whether or not to create any configured tempDir.
setCreationCompleteCheck(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsImmediateEventPoller
Specify the wait time between checking for file creation.
setCreationTime(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Event
Sets the creation time of this Event.
setCreationTime(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Set the creation time for this marker.
setCronExpression(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
Sets the cron expression to use.
setCurrentPayloadId(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Update the ID of the current payload.
setCurrentPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Update the ID of the current payload.
setDatabaseDriver(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Set the database driver.
setDataFile(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
The Data file stored url format.
setDataMode(FtpDataMode) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
setDate(Date) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class
Set the format of the date.
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class
Set the date format used to convert the column into a String.
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class
Set the date format to parse the metadata values.
setDateFormatBuilder(DateFormatBuilder) - Method in class
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class
setDebug(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
setDebugMode(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Set this connection's debug mode.
setDebugMode(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Specify verbose logging.
setDebugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DebugPoolFactory
setDefaultAccount(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
Some FTP Servers force you to have an account which is separate from the username.
setDefaultBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
Set the default buffersize to use when writing to files.
setDefaultCharEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Set the default character encoding to be applied to the message upon creation.
setDefaultCharEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageFactory
Set the default character encoding to be applied to the message upon creation.
setDefaultCharEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Set the default character encoding to be applied to the message upon creation.
setDefaultConfiguration(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.PerHostConfigBuilder
Set your default configuration options.
setDefaultControlPort(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Override the default port.
setDefaultDestination(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ExceptionDestination
Set the default destination when no exceptions match.
setDefaultDestination(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MarshalledClassDestination
Set the default destination to be used if no mapping could be found.
setDefaultDestination(String) - Method in class
Set the default destination.
setDefaultDestination(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
The default destination to use if the configured xpath does not resolve to any elements.
setDefaultExceptionMessage(String) - Method in class
Sets the configured exception message to use.
setDefaultFilterExpression(String) - Method in class
Set the default filter expression.
setDefaultMarshaller(AdaptrisMarshaller) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMarshaller
setDefaultMethod(RequestMethodProvider.RequestMethod) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.MetadataRequestMethodProvider
Set the default method.
setDefaultMimeType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.MetadataContentTypeProvider
Set the default mime type to use if the metadata key does not exist.
setDefaultName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataFileNameCreator
Returns the 'default name' which will be used if the metadata value is null or empty.
setDefaultPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnectionUsingPassword
Set the password (supports encrypted passwords).
setDefaultPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpPasswordAuthentication
Set the default password (supports encoded passwords).
setDefaultPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageFactory
Set the default payload ID.
setDefaultServiceId(String) - Method in class
Set the default service-id in the event that no matches are found (optional).
setDefaultServiceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
Set the default service id if there are no matches.
setDefaultServiceId(String) - Method in class
Sets the ID of an optional default Service.
setDefaultStatus(HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.MetadataStatusProvider
Set the default status in the event that it cannot be derived from metadata.
setDefaultUploadUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
setDefaultUserName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Set the user name.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
setDeferConsumerCreationToVendor(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumer
Set to true if you wish to let the JMS message consumer be delegated by the configured vendor implementation.
setDeferConsumerCreationToVendor(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
Set to true if you wish to let the JMS message consumer be delegated by the configured vendor implementation.
setDefinition(String) - Method in class
setDelayBetweenRetries(TimeInterval) - Method in class
setDeleteAggregatedFiles(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
Set whether to delete aggregated files.
setDeleteAggregatedFiles(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumer
Set whether to delete aggregated files.
setDeleteEndpointPrefix(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The delete endpoint.
setDeleteHttpMethod(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The HTTP method which is required for deleting messages from the retry store; the default is DELETE.
setDeliveryMode(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Sets the JMS delivery mode.
setDestDirectory(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
Set the dest directory.
setDestination(MessageDrivenDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileParameter
Set the destination for the file data input.
setDestination(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination
setDestination(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredDestination
setDestination(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestination
Sets the name of the destination.
setDestination(ConsumeDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
setDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
setDestination(ConsumeDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
setDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
setDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpProducer
setDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class
setDestination(ConsumeDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
setDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
setDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
setDestination(ConsumeDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
since 3.11.0 use the endpoint/queue/topic configuration available on the concrete consumer
setDestination(ConsumeDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
since 3.11.0 use the endpoint/queue/topic configuration available on the concrete consumer
setDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
setDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
setDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
setDestination(ConsumeDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
setDestination(ConsumeDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageConsumer
setDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullMessageProducer
setDestination(ConsumeDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
setDestination(ConsumeDestinationGenerator) - Method in class
Set the destination generator.
setDestination(MessageDrivenDestination) - Method in class
Set the destination where things have been written.
setDestination(MessageDrivenDestination) - Method in class
Set the destination where things are written.
setDestination(String) - Method in interface
Set the configured destination.
setDestination(String) - Method in class
setDestinationFormatBuilder(DateFormatBuilder) - Method in class
setDestinationId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Event
Sets the unique ID of the destination Adapter (or other entity such as a GUI).
setDestinationKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the Key for the output MetadataElement which will contain the output destination.
setDestinationMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key that will contain the destination.
setDestinationTemplate(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
setDigestMaxSize(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
The maximum number of messages you want to hold in this digest.
setDisableDefaultMessageCount(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Disable the default MessageMetricsInterceptor that keeps a message count.
setDisplayColumnErrors(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to log any errors encountered when retrieving fields from the database.
setDocumentEncoding(String) - Method in class
Set the XML encoding for the resulting document which defaults to 'UTF-8' if not explicitly configured.
setDocumentMerge(DocumentMerge) - Method in class
Specify how to merge the exception into the AdaptrisMessage.
setDriverImp(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Sets the driver implementation to use.
setDuplicateDestination(String) - Method in class
Sets the output destination String which will be stored as the value of the MetadataElement if the id is not unique.
setDurable(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
setDurableTopicPrefetch(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
setElementFormatter(ElementFormatter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
Set the element formatter.
setElementFormatter(ElementFormatter) - Method in class
Set the element formatter.
setElementName(String) - Method in class
Set the element name for the stack trace.
setElementXpath(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
Set the element xpath.
setEnableEncodedPasswords(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
Specify whether or not to enable encoded passwords.
setEncodedPassword(String) - Method in class
setEncodedPasswordKeys(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
A comma separated list of keys that will be decoded.
setEncoder(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorker
Sets the AdaptrisMessageEncoder to use.
setEncoder(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
setEncoder(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
Set the encoder to use when reading files.
setEncoder(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumer
Set the encoder to use when reading files.
setEncoder(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Method in class
setEncoder(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
setEncoding(String) - Method in class
Set the encoding to be used for the content.
setEncoding(EncodingHelper.Encoding) - Method in class
Specify the encoding of the metadata.
setEncoding(EncodingHelper.Encoding) - Method in class
Specify any encoding that should be applied to the payload before setting as metadata.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class
Sets the encoding to use on the output XML docs.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class
Set the character encoding to interpret the output of the command.
setEncryptionAlgorithm(EncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class
Set the encryption algorithm to be used.
setEncryptionAlgorithm(EncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in interface
Set the encryption algorithm.
setEndMillis(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorStatistic
setEndMillis(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
setEndMillis(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlice
setEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumer
The RFC6167 format topic/queue.
setEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumer
The JMS destination in RFC6167 format.
setEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
The JMS Endpoint defined in an RFC6167 manner.
setEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
The RFC6167 format topic/queue.
setEndTime(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConsumerMonitor
setEnforceSerializable(Boolean) - Method in class
If this is set to true then the service will only attempt to cache values that are Serializable.
setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilder.setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) if non-null.
setEnvironmentMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class
Specifies any metadata keys that should be specified as Environment Variables.
setEnvironmentProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Specifies any fixed value environment variables that are necessary.
setErrorOnEmptyKey(Boolean) - Method in class
Throw an error if we cannot look up the Key value
setErrorOnEmptyValue(Boolean) - Method in class
Throw an error if we cannot look up the Value to be stored in the cache
setErrorThreshold(Long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
Set the message error count threshold on which notifications will be emitted.
setEscapeBackslash(Boolean) - Method in class
setEventHandler(EventHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Sets the EventHandler.
setEventHandler(JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducer
setEventListener(ExpiringMapCacheListener) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
setExceptionGenerator(ExceptionReportGenerator) - Method in class
Specify how to create the XML document from the exception.
setExceptionGenerator(ExceptionGenerator) - Method in class
How to generate the exception for throwing.
setExceptionHandlingService(Service) - Method in class
Sets the Service to call if an exception is encountered calling the wrapped Service.
setExceptionIfNotFound(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to throw an exception if the key is not in the cache.
setExceptionIfNotFound(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to throw an exception if the key is not in the cache.
setExceptionMapping(KeyValuePairCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ExceptionDestination
Set the mapping for exception and destinations.
setExceptionMessageMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the metadata key against which an exception message is expected at runtime.
setExceptionMessageMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the metadata key to store the exception message against.
setExceptionOnInterrupt(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to throw an exception if an InterruptedException happens.
setExceptionSerializer(ExceptionSerializer) - Method in class
setExceptionStrategy(PoolingFutureExceptionStrategy) - Method in class
The PoolingFutureExceptionStrategy implementation to use to handle task exceptions.
setExcludePatterns(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
setExcludes(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
Set the list of connection ids to exclude.
setExecutablePath(String) - Method in class
Specifies the executable to be invoke.
setExecutions(List<Execution>) - Method in class
setExecutions(List<Execution>) - Method in class
setExpandEntityReferences(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setExpandEntityReferences(boolean) if non-null
setExpiration(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
setExpiration(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
Time (LRU) before expiration.
setExpirationPolicy(ExpirationPolicy) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
setExpiry(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
setExpiry(String) - Method in class
Set the cache expiry for any value added to the cache (if any).
setExpiryDate(Date) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.event.LicenseExpiryWarningEvent
Set the expiry date using an actual Date object.
setExpressions(KeyValuePairList) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.ResolvableExpressionParameter
setExtendedLogging(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
setExtraFactoryConfiguration(ExtraFactoryConfiguration) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
Configure any additional settings that need to be applied to the ConnectionFactory after it has been read from the JNDI store.
setFailedMessageRetrier(FailedMessageRetrier) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Sets the FailedMessageRetrier to use.
setFailedMessageRetrier(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
setFailedMessageRetrier(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Set the FailedMessageRetrier for this adapter.
setFailId(String) - Method in class
setFailIfNotFound(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
Whether or not to fail if the ObjectName is not found.
setFailOnDeleteFailure(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpConsumer
Whether or not an attempt to delete the file after processing should result in an exception if it fails.
setFailOnIterateFailure(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
If the ValidationStage.getIterationXpath() returns a zero length nodelist should we fail.
setFailOnRecoverableError(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactoryImpl
since 3.6.5, XSLT 3.0 has eliminated all "recoverable errors" from the specification. If you are using a previous version of saxon or xalan then this will still have an effect.
setFailureExceptions(List<Exception>) - Method in class
setFailureId(String) - Method in class
setFeatures(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setFeature(String, boolean) for each value defined.
setFieldMappings(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Set the converters for various fields in the map.
setFieldValue(String, Object, ParameterValueType) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
Set the field value.
setFieldValue(String, Object, Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultRow
Set the field value.
setFileFilterImp(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
Set the file filter implementation that will be used.
setFileFilterImp(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Set the filename filter implementation that will be used for filtering files.
setFileFilterImp(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.AggregatingFtpConsumer
Set the file filter implementation that will be used.
setFileFilterImp(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
Set the filename filter implementation that will be used for filtering files.
setFilename(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyHashUserRealmVerifier
setFilename(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceFactoryImpl
Set the filename containing the configuration for the concrete class.
setFilenameCreator(FileNameCreator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
Sets the FileNameCreator.
setFilenameCreator(FileNameCreator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
setFilenameCreator(FileNameCreator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpProducer
setFilenameCreator(FileNameCreator) - Method in class
Set the filename creator implementation used to determine the filename to read..
setFilenameCreator(FileNameCreator) - Method in class
Set the filename creator implementation used to create the filename.
setFilenameFormat(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedFilenameCreator
setFilenameMetadata(String) - Method in class
The metadata key that contains the filename to use in the zip file when aggregating.
setFilePath(String) - Method in class
Set the file path parameter.
setFilesize(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
setFileSorter(FileSorter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Set the filesorter implementation to use.
setFileSystemFile(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
setFileSystemPath(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
setFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
Set the filter to be applied to metadata before adding as request properties.
setFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.MetadataResponseHeaderProvider
setFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
setFilterCondition(Condition) - Method in class
Allows you to filter the messages based on a condition - optional, positive filter match
setFilterExpression(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination
setFilterExpression(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestination
Sets the filter expression to use.
setFilterExpression(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
The filter expression to use when listing files.
setFilterExpression(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
The filter expression to use when listing files.
setFilterMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key that will contain the filter expression.
setFilters(List<MetadataFilter>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.CompositeMetadataFilter
setFind(ReplacementSource) - Method in class
setFindAndReplaceUnits(List<FindAndReplaceUnit>) - Method in class
setFirstKey(String) - Method in class
setFirstServiceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
Sets the unique ID of the first Service to apply.
setFlushBuffer(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
setForceRelativePath(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Force the path to be relative when using FileTransferConnection.getDirectoryRoot(String).
setFormat(String) - Method in class
/** Set the format to be used to "format" the object.
setFormat(String) - Method in class
Set the format.
setFormatString(String) - Method in class
Set the format string that complies with String.format(String, Object...).
setForwardConnectionException(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
Throw an exception if producing the response fails.
setFriendlyName(String) - Method in class
Set the name of this cache entry generator for logging purposes.
setFsConsumer(AggregatingFsConsumer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumeService
setFsWorker(FsWorker) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
The FsWorker implementation to use when performing write operations.
setFtpDataMode(FtpDataMode) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
Set the FTP Data Mode.
setFtpEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
The FTP endpoint where we will retrieve files files.
setFtpEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
The FTP endpoint in which to deposit files.
setFtpEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.RelaxedFtpProducer
The FTP endpoint in which to deposit files.
setGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class
Set the generator to be used.
setGreaterThanServiceId(String) - Method in class
setHandleMultipleResultsetsQuietly(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.CallableStatementExecutorImpl
Ignore SQL Exceptions when calling Statement.getMoreResults(int).
setHandlers(List<ResponseHeaderHandler<HttpURLConnection>>) - Method in class
setHashAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
setHashAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
Set the hashing algorithm to use.
setHasResultSet(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
setHasResultSet(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultBuilder
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Set an arbitary header to the headers prefixed to the start of the multipart.
setHeaderHandler(HeaderHandler<HttpServletRequest>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyMessageConsumer
What to do with any HTTP headers
setHeaderName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByHeader
Specify the header name whose value will be examined .
setHeaderPrefix(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HeaderHandlerImpl
setHeaderPrefix(String) - Method in class
Specify the header prefix to be used when preserving parsed mime headers.
setHeaderPrefix(String) - Method in class
Set the header prefix.
setHeaders(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
setHeaders(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfiguredResponseHeaderProvider
setHeaderValue(String) - Method in class
The value for the authorization header
setHeaderValueRegExp(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByHeader
Set the value of the regular expression that will be used to match against the header value.
setHeartbeatEventImp(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Sets the class name of the heartbeat event imp to use.
setHeartbeatEventInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Set the event between which heartbeat events are emitted.
setHeartbeatTime(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.HeartbeatEvent
Sets the time this event was sent.
setHistorySize(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of elements to keep in the previously received IDs list.
setHoldability(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setHoldability(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setHostname(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
setHosts(List<HostConfig>) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.PerHostConfigBuilder
setHttpConfiguration(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
setHttpStatus(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
setIdentity(String) - Method in class
Set the identity that will be used as part of the standard SQL statements.
setIdentityMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key that contains the identity.
setIdentityService(IdentityService) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceProxy
setIdField(String) - Method in class
setIdleConnectionTestPeriod(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
setIgnoreBlankLines(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether to ignore blank lines or not.
setIgnoreCase(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.OrderedItemMetadataFilter
setIgnoreCase(Boolean) - Method in class
setIgnoreCase(Boolean) - Method in class
setIgnoreCase(Boolean) - Method in class
setIgnoreCase(Boolean) - Method in class
setIgnoreComments(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setIgnoringComments(boolean) if non-null
setIgnoreExecuteQueryErrors(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to ignore the SQL Exception when executing PreparedStatement.executeQuery().
setIgnoreFirstSubMessage(Boolean) - Method in class
Specifies whether to omit the first record parsed, to avoid creating empty records if the split pattern matches on the beginning of a new message rather than the end of the old one.
setIgnoreReplyMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyProducerBase
setIgnoreServerResponseCode(Boolean) - Method in class
Set whether to ignore the server response code.
setIgnoreSplitMessageFailures(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to ignore errors on messages that are split.
setIgnoreUnsupported(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to silently eat a possible UnsupportedOperationException that could be thrown by Cache.clear().
setIgnoreWhitespace(Boolean) - Method in class
setIgnoreWhitespace(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(boolean) if non-null
setIgnoreXmlParseExceptions(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to ignore exceptions parsing the AdaptrisMessage.
setImplicitSsl(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpSslConnection
Set the connection to use Implicit SSL
setInactivityInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.TimedInactivityProducerSessionFactory
Set the inactivity interval before a new session is created.
setInactivityPeriod(TimeInterval) - Method in class
setIncludeMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PayloadMessageLogger
setIncludePatterns(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
setIncludeQueryPrefix(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to include the standard query prefix
setIncludes(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
Set the list of connection ids to start.
setIncludeStackTrace(Boolean) - Method in class
setIndexMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
The metadata key storing the current index of the message from MetadataDocumentCopier.setMetadataKey(String) will be stored (zero based index).
setInitialRedeliveryDelay(Long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
setInitialVector(DataInputParameter<String>) - Method in class
Set the initial vector for the algorithm
setInitWaitTime(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
Set the amount of time to wait for object pool population.
setInOutParameters(InOutParameters) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
setInOutParameters(List<StoredProcedureParameter>) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultBuilder
setInParameters(InParameters) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
setInput(DataInputParameter<String>) - Method in class
setInputStyle(ReadMetadataFromFilesystem.InputStyle) - Method in class
Set the output style for the metadata.
setInsertStatement(String) - Method in class
Set the insert statement to use when creating a new row in the sequence number table.
setInstance(ManagementComponent) - Method in class
setInstanceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
setInterceptors(List<WorkflowInterceptor>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
setInterval(Long) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
Define the actual interval for this interval.
setIntervalToCheck(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WaitingOutOfStateHandler
setInValue(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
setIsConfirmation(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
since 3.6.2 since MessageEventGenerator#isConfirmation() is deprecated
setIsTrackingEndpoint(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
setIsTrackingEndpoint(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
setIsTrackingEndpoint(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
setIsTrackingEndpoint(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
whether or not this service is is a tracking endpoint.
setIsTrackingEndpoint(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsTrackingEndpoint(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
setIsTrackingEndpoint(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
setIterates(Boolean) - Method in class
Set the service to iterate on the given xpath.
setIterationXpath(String) - Method in class
An Xpath that can be iterated on.
setIterationXpath(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
Set the iteration xpath.
setJmsConsumer(AggregatingJmsConsumer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
setJmsOutputType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator
Set the javax.jms.Message implementation that this MessageTranslator creates when converting from AdaptrisMessage.
setJmxProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
setJmxServiceUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
Set the JMX ServiceURL.
setJmxServiceUrl(String) - Method in class
The JMX Service URL to target.
setJndiName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
Sets the name to look up in the JNDI store.
setJndiParams(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
Sets a KeyValuePairSet of the parameters requires to connect to the JNDI store.
setKeepAliveTimeout(long) - Method in interface com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient
Set the time to wait between sending control connection keepalive messages when processing file upload or download.
setKeepAliveTimeout(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
setKeepAliveTimeout(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
setKeepHeaderLines(Integer) - Method in class
setKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromMetadataWrapper
Specify the key to retrieve from.
setKey(String) - Method in class
setKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
setKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
setKey(DataInputParameter<String>) - Method in class
Set the initial key the service
setKey(String) - Method in class
Set the key for the mapped diagnostic context.
setKey(String) - Method in class
Set the cache key.
setKey(String) - Method in class
Specify the key to check for in the cache.
setKey(String) - Method in class
setKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key to which will form the payload.
setKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key to store the current payload against.
setKey(String) - Method in class
The metadata key to be dereferenced
setKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePair
Sets the 'key'.
setKey(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.NameValuePair
setKeyAlgorithm(String, int) - Method in class
Set the key algorithm for a certificate.
setKeyForPayload(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MapMessageTranslator
Specify the key of the map message that will be associated with the AdaptrisMessage Payload.
setKeyLength(Integer) - Method in class
Set the keylength.
setKeys(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataDestination
Sets the List of keys that are used to construct the destination name.
setKeys(List<String>) - Method in class
Set the keys for the mapped diagnostic context.
setKeysFoundServiceId(String) - Method in class
Set the service id that will be fired if the keys are found.
setKeysNotFoundServiceId(String) - Method in class
Set the service id that will be fired if the keys are not found.
setKeysToModify(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
setKeyStoreAlias(String, String) - Method in class
Set the keystore alias entry.
setKeyStoreAlias(String, char[]) - Method in class
Set the keystore alias entry.
setKeystoreFactory(KeystoreFactory) - Method in class
setKeystoreLocation(KeystoreLocation) - Method in class
setKeystoreLocation(KeystoreLocation) - Method in interface
Set the internal KeystoreLocation object to be used.
setKeystorePassword(String) - Method in class
Set the password to be associated with this keystore.
setKeystorePassword(char[]) - Method in interface
Set the password of the keystore.
setKeystores(List<KeystoreLocation>) - Method in class
setKeystoreType(String) - Method in interface
Set the type of keystore.
setKeystoreUrls(List<ConfiguredKeystore>) - Method in class
Set the keystore urls.
setKeyToCheck(String) - Method in class
Sets the key for the MetadataElement to check for uniqueness.
setKeyTranslator(CacheKeyTranslator) - Method in class
Sets the translator to use to extract the Key value from the message
setKeyValuePairs(Collection<KeyValuePair>) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
Set the underlying Collection of KeyValuePair instances
setKnownHosts(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
setKnownHostsFile(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
setLanguage(String) - Method in class
Set the language the the script is written in.
setLanguageTag(String) - Method in class
Set the language tag for the Locale which is resolved via Locale.forLanguageTag(String).
setLastModified(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
setLastProcessed(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItem
setLastStartTime(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
setLastStopTime(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterStateSummary
setLicenseExpiry(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.event.LicenseExpiryWarningEvent
Set the date when this license expires.
setLifecycleEvent(MessageLifecycleEvent) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
setLifecycleStrategy(ChannelLifecycleStrategy) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Specify the strategy to use when handling channel lifecycle.
setLifecycleStrategy(SharedComponentLifecycleStrategy) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
setLifecycleStrategy(WorkflowLifecycleStrategy) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
Specify the strategy to use when handling individual workflow lifecycle.
setListeners(Set<CacheEventListener>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCacheListener
setListEntries(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ListContentValidation
Set the list of entries that will be used for validation.
setLocalPartner(String) - Method in class
Set the local partner keystore alias.
setLockFile(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
The lock file in url format.
setLogAllExceptions(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
setLogAllExceptions(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Log all the stack traces or not.
setLogCategory(String) - Method in class
setLogDirectory(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandler
Set the directory that is used for logging.
setLogExceptions(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpAuthenticationWrapper
Whether or not to log exceptions from each provider.
setLogFile(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandler
The filename that will be sent as part of any LogRequestEvent.
setLoggingFormat(MessageLogger) - Method in class
setLogHandler(LogHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
setLoginService(JettyLoginServiceFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfigurableSecurityHandler
Sets the factory which will create the underlying LoginService
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
setLogLevel(LoggingServiceImpl.LoggingLevel) - Method in class
Set the log level for logging.
setLogPrefix(String) - Method in class
Set the logging prefix to the output
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
setLookupName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
Set the name of the service that will be looked up from SharedComponentList.getServices(),
setLookupName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
Set the unique-id of the connection that we will lookup.
setLookupName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
Set the name of the service that will be looked up from SharedComponentList.getServices(),
setLookupName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
setLower(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.RangeMatch
setMakeThreadsDaemons(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
NoOp Method mirroring org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool#setMakeThreadsDaemons(boolean)
setManagedTransaction(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
setManagedTransaction(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
setManagementComponentInfo(List<ManagementComponentInfo>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
setManagementComponentInfo(List<ManagementComponentInfo>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Set the list of configured management components.
setMappings(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.MappedResolver
Set the mappings.
setMarkAsNonMime(Boolean) - Method in class
After processing, mark the AdaptrisMessage as non longer being MimeEncoded.
setMarshaller(AdaptrisMarshaller) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
Set the AdaptrisMarshaller implementation to use when sending events.
setMarshaller(AdaptrisMarshaller) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
setMarshaller(AdaptrisMarshaller) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MarshalledClassDestination
Set the marshaller to be used to unmarshaller the AdaptrisMessage object.
setMarshaller(AdaptrisMarshaller) - Method in class
Set the marshaller to use to unmarshal the service.
setMatchPattern(String) - Method in class
Sets the regular expression to group records on.
setMaxAttempts(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
Set the maximum number of attempts to get a cache.
setMaxAttempts(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
Set the number of attempts to gain a lock.
setMaxCapacity(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager.MaxCapacityList
setMaxClientCache(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Set the max number of entries in the cache.
setMaxDestinationCacheSize(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.CachedDestinationJndiImplementation
Set the max number of entries in the cache.
setMaxDestinationCacheSize(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Resolver
Set the max number of entries in the cache.
setMaxEntries(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
setMaxEntries(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
Max entries to store in the internal cache.
setMaxHistoryCount(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
setMaxHistoryCount(int) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticManager
setMaxIdle(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
The maximum number of idle objects in the pool.
setMaxIdleTime(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
setMaximumMessages(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
Set the maximum number of messages that can be processed in each timeslice.
setMaximumPendingMessageLimit(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
setMaximumPoolSize(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
setMaximumRedeliveries(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
setMaximumSequenceNumber(Long) - Method in class
Set the maximum sequence number which will reset the count when reached.
setMaximumSequenceNumber(Long) - Method in class
Set the maximum sequence number which will reset the count when reached.
setMaximumWaitTime(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WaitingOutOfStateHandler
setMaxJmxConnectionCache(Integer) - Method in class
Set the max number of entries in the cache.
setMaxLength(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.TruncateMetadata
Set the max length for a metadata value before it gets discarded.
setMaxLengthChars(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.DiscardValuesTooLongFilter
Set the max length for a metadata value before it gets discarded.
setMaxLoops(Integer) - Method in class
Set the maximum number of loops.
setMaxMemorySizeBytes(Long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
Set the maximum size before throwing a runtime exception when AdaptrisMessage.getStringPayload() or AdaptrisMessage.getPayload() is invoked.
setMaxMessages(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageCountProducerSessionFactory
Set the maximum number of messages before a session refresh is required.
setMaxMessages(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
setMaxMessages(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
Set the maximum number of messages this digester will cache.
setMaxMessagesCount(int) - Method in class
setMaxMessagesPerPoll(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
Set the maximum number of messages that should be processed in any one poll trigger.
setMaxNotifications(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
Set the maximum number of consecutive notifications to emit.
setMaxRetries(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.WorkflowRetryAndContinue
Set the maximum number of retries.
setMaxRowsPerMessage(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxSizeBytes(Long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageSizeProducerSessionFactory
Set the maximum accumulated size of messages before a session refresh is required.
setMaxStartupWait(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
Specify the maximum wait time for the underlying Jetty Server instance to startup.
setMaxThreads(Integer) - Method in class
Set the max number of threads to operate on split messages
setMaxThreads(Integer) - Method in class
Set the max number of threads to handle the execution of the split messages.
setMaxWaitTime(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.TimeoutAction
Set the max wait time for an individual worker in a workflow to finish.
setMeanInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.GaussianIntervalPoller
Set the mean to be used in poll interval calculation.
setMergeImplementation(DocumentMerge) - Method in class
How to merge the split documents into the main XML document.
setMergeImplementation(DocumentMerge) - Method in class
Set the merge implementation for the resulting document.
setMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper
setMessage(String) - Method in class
Sets the configured exception message to use.
setMessageAggregator(MessageAggregator) - Method in class
Set the message handler that controls how the correlated message is merged into the original.
setMessageCache(MessageCache) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
setMessageComplete(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConsumerMonitor
setMessageCount(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
Set the upper boundary over which notifications will be emitted.
setMessageErrorDigester(MessageErrorDigester) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
setMessageErrorHandler(ProcessingExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Sets the configured ProcessingExceptionHandler for the Adapter level.
setMessageErrorHandler(ProcessingExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Sets the MessageErrorHandler to use.
setMessageErrorHandler(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
setMessageErrorHandler(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManagerMBean
Set the ProcessingExceptionHandler for this adapter.
setMessageErrorHandler(ProcessingExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Sets a configured MessageErrorHandler.
setMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorker
Set the message factory used when creating AdaptrisMessage instances.
setMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
setMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
Set the message factory used when creating AdaptrisMessage instances.
setMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class
setMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class
Set the message factory used when creating AdaptrisMessage instances.
setMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class
setMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
setMessageHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
setMessageHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
setMessageId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreDeleteService
The messageID to delete.
setMessageId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper
setMessageLogger(MessageLogger) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
setMessageProvider(PollingTrigger.MessageProvider) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
setMessageSelector(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
The filter expression to use when matching messages to consume
setMessageSelector(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
The message selector to use when matching messages to consume
setMessageTranslator(MessageTypeTranslator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingQueueConsumer
Set the jms message translator.
setMessageTranslator(MessageTypeTranslator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
Sets the MessageTypeTranslator to use.
setMessageTranslator(MessageTypeTranslator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
Sets the MessageTypeTranslator to use.
setMessageTranslator(MessageTypeTranslator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Sets the MessageTypeTranslator to use.
setMessageUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Sets the unique ID of the message to which these MleMarkers are related.
setMetadata(Set<MetadataElement>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Adds all the passed metadata to this message's metadata.
setMetadata(Set<MetadataElement>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
setMetadata(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.FixedValuesMetadataFilter
setMetadata(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
Set the metadata for this message.
setMetadata(Set<MetadataElement>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
Adds all the associated MetadataElement as metadata.
setMetadataConverters(List<MetadataConverter>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
Set the list of metadata converters to uses when converting from AdaptrisMessage to JMS Message.
setMetadataElement(KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorByMetadata
Set the metadata element that this interceptor will filter on.
setMetadataElements(Set<MetadataElement>) - Method in class
Sets the MetadataElements that will be added to the AdaptrisMessage.
setMetadataEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
Sets the metadata MIME encoding.
setMetadataExistsServiceId(String) - Method in class
Sets the ServiceId to use next if metadata (other than "") exists against any of the configured keys.
setMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
Set the MetadataFilter to be used when converting between JMS messages and AdaptrisMessage objects
setMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataConverter
setMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
setMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
Set a metadata filter that will filter out metadata before it is written to filesystem
setMetadataFilter(RegexMetadataFilter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.StringMetadataParameter
setMetadataFlagKey(String) - Method in class
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataDataInputParameter
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataDataOutputParameter
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutput
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamParameter
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.MetadataRequestMethodProvider
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
The metadata key to retrieve the value for the Authorization header from
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.MetadataContentTypeProvider
Set the metadata item containing content type.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataCountInterceptor
Set the metadata key whose values you wish to track.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcMetadataParameter
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataCorrelationIdSource
Sets the metadata key that should be used to obtain the JMSCorrelationId.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataProducerSessionFactory
Set the metadata key which will cause a session to be refreshed.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataFileNameCreator
Sets the metadata key to look up.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
The metadata key to access
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
The key in object metadata.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the metadata key whose value should be checked.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key where the resulting sequence number will be stored.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the metadata key whose which will store the new value.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key against which the one way hash is stored.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the key to store the result of the regexp query against.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key where the resulting sequence number will be stored.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key that will be associated with the resolved xpath expression.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key to use to for generating msgs.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key that captures if any service did work.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
The metadata key under which the output of the command is to be stored.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationsAsMetadata
The metadata key.
setMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
Sets the metadata key against which an over-ride XSLT URL may be stored.
setMetadataKeyMap(KeyValuePairList) - Method in class
Sets a KeyValuePairList in which the key is the regular expression to match the metadata value against, and the value is the replacement value (the replacement value may be an expression a-la %message{metadataKey}.
setMetadataKeyPrefix(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key prefix for each metadata key generated.
setMetadataKeyRegexp(String) - Method in class
Set the regular expression to match against.
setMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
setMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
Specify the metadata that should be populated based on any captured groups in your url pattern.
setMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
since 3.9.0 use a condition instead
setMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataTotalsInterceptor
Set the list of metadata keys to track.
setMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.OrderedItemMetadataFilter
setMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class
setMetadataKeys(KeyValuePairCollection) - Method in class
Sets a KeyValuePairCollection in which the key is the key to look up, and the value is the key to store whatever was found against the key.
setMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class
setMetadataKeys(List) - Method in class
Sets a List of String metadata keys.
setMetadataKeyToCheck(String) - Method in class
Sets the metadata key whose value should be checked.
setMetadataLogger(MetadataLogger) - Method in class
setMetadataMap(KeyValuePairList) - Method in class
Sets a KeyValuePairList in which the key is the metadata key, and the value is the key for the identity map.
setMetadataMap(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Set the map to verify against.
setMetadataPrefix(String) - Method in class
setMetadataPrefix(String) - Method in class
setMetadataSeparator(String) - Method in class
Set the separator to be used when multiple headers should be associated with the same key.
setMetadataSource(MetadataIdentityBuilderImpl.MetadataSource) - Method in class
setMetadataSource(MetadataToPayloadService.MetadataSource) - Method in class
setMetadataStatistics(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
setMetadataTarget(PayloadToMetadataService.MetadataTarget) - Method in class
setMetadataTokens(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Set the metadata tokens that will be used to perform metadata substitution.
setMetadataToServiceIdMappings(KeyValuePairList) - Method in class
Set the list of mappings between metadata / service-id
setMetadataUrlKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobMessageTranslator
Set the metadata key that will be used to generate the URL.
setMethod(RequestMethodProvider.RequestMethod) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.ConfiguredRequestMethodProvider
setMethod(String) - Method in class
setMethod(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
Specify a method to match against (optional).
setMethod(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
since 3.9.0 use a condition instead
setMethodProvider(RequestMethodProvider) - Method in class
The request method.
setMethods(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
Comma separated string of valid methods.
setMimeContentSubType(String) - Method in class
setMimeContentSubType(String) - Method in class
Set the sub type for the Multipart
setMimeHeaderFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
Set a metadata filter which be applied to generate the root level mime headers.
setMimeHeaderFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
Set any additional headers that need to be set for this Mime Message
setMimeParts(List<MimePartBuilder>) - Method in class
Specify what is going to build the mime message.
setMimeType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ConfiguredContentTypeProvider
Set the base content type.
setMinIdle(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
The minimum number of idle objects in the pool.
setMinimumPoolSize(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
setMleMarkers(List<MleMarker>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Sets the List of MleMarkers.
setMode(JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor.Mode) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
Set the mode.
setMonitor(JettyConsumerMonitor) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
setMoveJmsHeaders(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
Sets whether JMS Headers (as well as JMS Properties) should be copied.
setMultiLineExpression(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to handle expressions using Pattern#DOTALL mode for matching.
setMustAuthenticate(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
Whether or not we must authenticate.
setName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AbstractParameter
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Set the name of this marker.
setName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
setName(String) - Method in class
Set the name to be associated with this parameter.
setName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
setName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
setName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingEntry
setName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayDataSource
setNamespaceAware(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(boolean) if non null
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcXPathParameter
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Specify a NamespaceContext to use when performing XPath queries
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlRuleValidator
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNamespaceContext(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XpathMergeImpl
Set the namespace context for resolving namespaces.
setNegate(Boolean) - Method in class
Switches the success criteria to !operation if set to true.
setNetworkTimeout(Executor, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setNetworkTimeout(Executor, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setNewContextOnException(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
Whether or not to create a new JNDI context on exception.
setNewPayload(DataInputParameter<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
Set the source of the new payload.
setNewPayloadEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
Set the encoding for the new payload, if it's a String.
setNewPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AddPayloadService
Set the ID of the payload to add.
setNewPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SwitchPayloadService
Set the ID of the payload to switch to.
setNextServiceId(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Sets the unique ID of the next Service to apply to the message.
setNextServiceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
setNextServiceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
setNextServiceIdIfDuplicate(String) - Method in class
Sets the ID of the next Service to apply if the metadata exists if the store of previous values.
setNextServiceIdIfDuplicate(String) - Method in class
Sets the ID of the next Service to apply if the metadata exists if the store of previous values.
setNextServiceIdIfUnique(String) - Method in class
Sets the ID of the next Service to apply if the metadata does not exist if the store of previous values.
setNextServiceIdIfUnique(String) - Method in class
Sets the ID of the next Service to apply if the metadata does not exist if the store of previous values.
setNodeValue(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which modifies the value of the Node returned by the XPath query specified.
setNodeValue(String, String, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which modifies the value of the Node returned by the XPath query specified, relative to the provided parent node.
setNodeValue(String, Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which updates the Text value of a specified Node
setNotifyThreshold(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
Specify the duration which if exceeded a Notification will be sent.
setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
setNullConverter(NullConverter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.NullableParameter
Set the NullConverter implementation to use.
setNumberFormat(String) - Method in class
Metadata will be formatted using the pattern specified.
setNumberFormat(String) - Method in class
Metadata will be formatted using the pattern specified.
setNumberOfPreviousValuesToStore(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of previous values to keep.
setNumberOfPreviousValuesToStore(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of previous values to keep.
setNumRetries(Integer) - Method in class
setNumRowsUpdated(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
setObject(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingEntry
setObjectMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToDestination
Set the object metadata key that will be used to derive the destination.
setObjectMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationsAsObjectMetadata
The object metadata key.
setObjectMetadataKeyRegexp(String) - Method in class
Set the regular expression used to parse object metadata keys.
setObjectMetadataKeyRegexp(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.ObjectMetadataParameter
setObjectMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FormattedMetadataDestination
setObjectName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
The object name which we will register as a listener for.
setObjectName(String) - Method in class
Set the object name to issue the operation against.
setOffset(String) - Method in class
Set the offset for the timestamp.
setOnMaxLoops(MaxLoopBehaviour) - Method in class
Set the behaviour desired when the max-loop condition is hit.
setOpensshConfigFile(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.OpenSSHConfigBuilder
Set the OpenSSH configuration file to parse.
setOperationMode(SymmetricKeyCryptographyService.OpMode) - Method in class
setOperationName(String) - Method in class
Set the operation to call.
setOperationParameters(List<ValueTranslator>) - Method in class
Set the list of ValueTranslator that will create the various parameters.
setOperator(Operator) - Method in class
Set the operators to apply.
setOptimizeDurableTopicPrefetch(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
setOrder(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AbstractParameter
setOrder(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
setOrder(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
setOtherwise(ElseService) - Method in class
setOutOfStateHandler(OutOfStateHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Set the behaviour when internal services are not in the correct state.
setOutParameters(OutParameters) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
setOutputCapture(CommandOutputCapture) - Method in class
setOutputMessageEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.XmlNotificationSerializer
Set the encoding for the resulting XML document.
setOutputMessageEncoding(String) - Method in class
Set the encoding for the resulting XML document.
setOutputMessageEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
Force the output message encoding to be a particular encoding.
setOutputPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.MultiPayloadXmlTransformService
setOutputStyle(WriteMetadataToFilesystem.OutputStyle) - Method in class
Set the output style for the metadata.
setOutValue(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
setOverflowBehaviour(AbstractJdbcSequenceNumberService.OverflowBehaviour) - Method in class
Set the behaviour when the sequence number exceeds that specified by the number format.
setOverflowBehaviour(SimpleSequenceNumberService.OverflowBehaviour) - Method in class
Set the behaviour when the sequence number exceeds that specified by the number format.
setOverrideMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
Set boolean value to control the overriding of metadata.
setOverrideMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.CloneMessageServiceList
Specify the AdaptrisMessage metadata keys that will be overridden in the original message.
setOverwrite(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to always overwrite metadata with the values configured.
setOverwriteExistingMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
Overwrite any existing metadata with the contents of the file.
setOverwriteIfExists(Boolean) - Method in class
If the file already exists then overwrite it with the current message in transit.
setOverwriteMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to overwrite original metadata with metadata from the split messages.
setParameterApplicator(ParameterApplicator) - Method in class
Specify how parameters will be applied to the SQL statement.
setParameterBuilders(List<XmlTransformParameter>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformParameterBuilder
setParameterHandler(ParameterHandler<HttpServletRequest>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyMessageConsumer
What to do with any parameters that are part of the request.
setParameterLogger(ParameterLogger) - Method in class
Set the logger for non binary parameters.
setParameterNamePrefix(String) - Method in class
Set the parameter name prefix.
setParameterNameRegex(String) - Method in class
Set the parameter name regular expression.
setParameterPrefix(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ParameterHandlerImpl
setParameters(List<JdbcStatementParameter>) - Method in class
setParameters(List<StoredProcedureParameter>) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
setParameters(List<StoredProcedureParameter>) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
setParameterType(ParameterType) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
setParameterValueType(ParameterValueType) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
setPartContentId(String) - Method in class
Set the content type for each part.
setPartContentType(String) - Method in class
Set the content-type for each part.
setPartHeaderFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
Set a metadata filter which will be applied to generate headers for each part.
setPartHeaderFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
Set any additional headers that need to be set for this nested part.
setPartHeaderPrefix(String) - Method in class
Specify the header prefix to be used when preserving the parts headers.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ConfiguredUsernamePassword
setPassword(String) - Method in class
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Set the password used to access the database.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Sets the broker password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
Sets the password for the specified user.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
Set the password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaProxy
setPasswordMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.MetadataUsernamePassword
Metadata key for the password, this metadata value may be an encoded password.
setPasswordPatterns(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordMetadataFilter
setPath(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
The path we register against jetty for this consumer
setPaths(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
setPattern(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.RegexpContentValidation
Set the pattern we are matching against..
setPatterns(List<String>) - Method in class
setPayload(byte[]) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
Sets the passed byte[] as this message's payload.
setPayload(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultAdaptrisMessageImp
setPayload(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Set the current payload data.
setPayload(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
setPayloadEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
Sets the payload MIME encoding.
setPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadByteArrayInputParameter
Set the ID of the payload to extract.
setPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadByteArrayOutputParameter
Set the ID of the payload to extract.
setPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStreamInputParameter
Set the ID of the payload to extract.
setPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStreamOutputParameter
Set the ID of the payload to extract.
setPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStringInputParameter
Set the ID of the payload to extract.
setPayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MultiPayloadStringOutputParameter
Set the ID of the payload to extract.
setPeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandler
Set the cleaning period.
setPerMessageProperties(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Specify message properties per message rather than per producer.
setPersistentStore(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.MarshallingItemCache
setPoller(Poller) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
Set the Poller to use.
setPollInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FixedIntervalPoller
Set the poll interval.
setPoolFactory(JdbcPoolFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnection
setPoolProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
Set any additional connection pool properties over and above the defaults.
setPoolsize(Integer) - Method in class
The size of the underlying object/thread pool used to execute services.
setPoolSize(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
The max size of the pool
setPort(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
Set the port to listen on.
setPort(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
setPosition(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.SelectByPosition
The position of the MimeBodyPart to select within the multi part.
setPrefetchPolicy(PrefetchPolicyFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation
Set the Prefetch Policy.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MappedKeyMetadataFilter
Set the prefix
setPrefix(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.PseudoRandomIdGenerator
setPreProcessorConfig(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
setPreProcessorLoader(ConfigPreProcessorLoader) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
setPreProcessors(List<ConfigPreProcessor>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
setPreProcessors(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
setPreserveHeaders(Boolean) - Method in class
Set the preserve headers flag.
setPreserveHeadersAsMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether to preserve parsed mime headers as metadata.
setPreserveOriginalMessage(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to incorporate the original message in the output message body
setPreservePartHeadersAsMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether to preserve the parts headers as metadata.
setPriority(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Sets the JMS priority.
setPrivateKey(String, PrivateKey, char[], Certificate[]) - Method in interface
Assigns the given key to the given alias, protecting it with the given password.
setPrivateKeyFilename(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpKeyAuthentication
The name of the file where the private key is held
setPrivateKeyPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpKeyAuthentication
The password for the private key (if it has one)
setPrivateKeyPasswordProvider(PrivateKeyPasswordProvider) - Method in class
Set the private key password provider.
setProcDirectory(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
Set the directory where files are placed after processing.
setProcedureName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
The name of the stored procedure.
setProcessedItemCache(ProcessedItemCache) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
setProcessedItems(List<ProcessedItem>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemList
setProcessedPath(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.MovingNonDeletingFsConsumer
Set where processed file are placed once done with.
setProcessingExceptionService(Service) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
Set the service(s) that will be applied.
setProduceConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Sets the AdaptrisConnection to use for producing.
setProduceExceptionHandler(ProduceExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Sets produceExceptionHandler.
setProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultEventHandler
Sets the AdaptrisMessageProducer to use.
setProducer(StandaloneProducer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
setProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Method in class
Sets the AdaptrisMessageProducer to use for producing split messages.
setProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Method in class
Sets the AdaptrisMessageProducer to use for producing split messages.
setProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
Sets the producer to use, may not be null.
setProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Sets the AdaptrisMessageProducer to use.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessorImpl
setProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.SimpleFactoryConfiguration
Set any extra properties that need to be configured on the connection factory.
setProperty(MetadataElement, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BooleanMetadataConverter
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setBooleanProperty(String key, boolean value).
setProperty(MetadataElement, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.IntegerMetadataConverter
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setIntProperty(String key, int value).
setProperty(MetadataElement, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.LongMetadataConverter
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setLongProperty(String key, long value).
setProperty(MetadataElement, Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataConverter
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setStringProperty(String key, String value).
setProviders(List<SftpAuthenticationProvider>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpAuthenticationWrapper
setProviders(List<RequestHeaderProvider<HttpURLConnection>>) - Method in class
setProviders(List<ResponseHeaderProvider<HttpServletResponse>>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.CompositeResponseHeaderProvider
setProxiedCache(Cache) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
setProxy(ProxyBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ConfigBuilderImpl
setProxy(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaProxy
The proxy details in host:port format.
setQualifier(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
setQuartzId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
Set the quartz id that will be registered.
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQueryClass(String) - Method in class
The type of underlying jdbc object.
setQueryExpression(String) - Method in class
Sets the regexp query expression to use.
setQueryString(String) - Method in class
Defines a method how to get data out of the payload.
setQueryType(StatementParameterImpl.QueryType) - Method in class
The type of query this is.
setQueue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpConsumer
The JMS Queue
setQueue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpPollingConsumer
The JMS Topic
setQueue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
The JMS Queue
setQueueBrowserPrefetch(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
setQueuePrefetch(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
setQuiet(Boolean) - Method in class
Normally this service logs everything that is being replaced with can lead to excessive logging.
setQuietInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
Specify how old a file must be before a file is deemed safe to be processed.
setQuietInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumerImpl
Specify the time in which a file has been untouched before it is deemed safe to be processed.
setQuoteHandling(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether to handle quotes or not.
setQuoteReplacement(Boolean) - Method in class
If any metadata value contains special characters then ensure that they are escaped.
setRandomize(Boolean) - Method in class
Set to true to randomize the wait time between 0 and the value specified by WaitService.setWaitInterval(TimeInterval)
setReacquireLockBetweenMessages(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
Specify whether concrete sub-classes should attempt to reacquire the lock in between processing messages.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setReadTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class
Set the read timeout.
setReceiveTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BaseJmsPollingConsumerImpl
Sets the period that this class should wait for the broker to deliver a message.
setRedeliveryPolicy(RedeliveryPolicyFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation
Set the Redelivery Policy.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
setRefreshTokenKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
setRefreshTokenKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
Set the metadata key for storing the refresh token.
setRegexpMetadataQueries(List<RegexpMetadataQuery>) - Method in class
Sets the List of RegexpMetadataQuery instances that will be applied by this service.
setRegexpSource(DataInputParameter<String>) - Method in class
setRegisterOwner(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
Specify whether to register this instance or its owner with the underlying connection
setRegularExpression(String) - Method in class
setRemotePartner(String) - Method in class
Set the remote partner keystore alias.
setRemotePartnerMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
setRemoveOriginalMessageTypeKey(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator
setReplace(ReplacementSource) - Method in class
setReplaceAll(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether or not to replace all occurences of ReplaceMetadataValue.setSearchValue(String)
setReplaceFirstOnly(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets replaceFirstOnly.
setReplacement(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.MappedKeyMetadataFilter
Set the replacement
setReplacementValue(String) - Method in class
The replacement value.
setReplaceOriginalMessage(Boolean) - Method in class
et whether to replace the original multi-payload message payload.
setReplyDirectory(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
setReplyProcDirectory(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
setReplyProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
Sets the AdaptrisMessageProducer to use for the reply.
setReplyServiceCollection(ServiceCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
Sets the ServiceCollection to use on the reply.
setReplyTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
Set the time to wait for a reply.
setReplyTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneRequestor
Set the timeout override for this request.
setReplyUsesEncoder(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpProducer
setReportAllErrors(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
Report all non-critical errors with a stacktrace.
setReportBuilder(ReportBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
How to build reports.
setReportingEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The endpoint that allows reporting on what has failed.
setReportRenderer(BlobListRenderer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.ReportBuilder
setReportRenderer(BlobListRenderer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreListService
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
setRequestBody(DataInputParameter<InputStream>) - Method in class
Set where the HTTP Request body is going to come from.
setRequestHeaderProvider(RequestHeaderProvider<A>) - Method in class
Specify how we want to generate the initial set of HTTP Headers.
setRequestHeaderProvider(RequestHeaderProvider<HttpURLConnection>) - Method in class
Specify how we want to generate the initial set of HTTP Headers.
setRequestingHost(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
setRequestingPort(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
setRequestingPrompt(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
setRequestingProtocol(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
setRequestingScheme(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
setRequestingSite(InetAddress) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
setRequestingURL(URL) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
setRequestorType(Authenticator.RequestorType) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
setRequiredKeys(List<String>) - Method in class
Sets the List of keys which must be present and have non empty values.
setResetStatement(String) - Method in class
Set the statement that will be executed to reset the sequence number when the overflow behaviour of ResetToOne is triggered.
setResetWipFiles(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumer
Specify whether to rename files that are deemed to be in progress back to their original extension upon initialisation.
setResolveAsNodeset(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether to attempt to resolve the XPath as a Nodeset or as a single node.
setResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
setResponseBody(DataOutputParameter<InputStreamWithEncoding>) - Method in class
Set where the HTTP Response Body will be written to.
setResponseHeaderHandler(ResponseHeaderHandler<B>) - Method in class
Specify how we handle headers from the HTTP response.
setResponseHeaderHandler(ResponseHeaderHandler<HttpURLConnection>) - Method in class
Specify how we handle headers from the HTTP response.
setResponseHeaderProvider(ResponseHeaderProvider<HttpServletResponse>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
setResponseHeaderProvider(ResponseHeaderProvider<HttpServletResponse>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
Additional HTTP headers that will be sent as part of the response.
setRestartAffectedServiceOnException(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Whether to restart the service that threw the ServiceException during processing.
setRestartOnFailure(Boolean) - Method in class
setRestartStrategy(RestartStrategy) - Method in class
setResultCountMetadataItem(String) - Method in class
Add the number of resultsets to metadata.
setResultKey(String) - Method in class
setResultKey(String) - Method in class
setResultKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the metadata key that the concatenated metadata values will be stored against.
setResultSet(ResultSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultBuilder
setResultSet(Statement) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultBuilder
setResultSet(Statement, boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultBuilder
setResultSetCounterPrefix(String) - Method in class
setResultSets(List<JdbcResultSet>) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
setResultSetTranslator(ResultSetTranslator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
setResultSetTranslator(ResultSetTranslator) - Method in class
Set the implementation that will be used to parse the result set.
setResultSetTranslator(ResultSetTranslator) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
setResultValueTranslator(ValueTranslator) - Method in class
setResultValueTranslator(ValueTranslator) - Method in class
setRetainFilterExceptionsMessages(Boolean) - Method in class
Should an error occur with the filter, should we exclude these messages from the result?
setRetainUniqueId(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoderImpl
Sets whether the original ID of a decoded message should be retained for the new message.
setRetainUniqueId(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
Set whether the reply message should retain the request message id.
setRetryEndpointPrefix(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The retry endpoint.
setRetryHttpMethod(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
The HTTP method which is required for retries; the default is POST.
setRetryInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
Set the interval between each retry attempt.
setRetryInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
Set the interval between attempts to retry a failed message.
setRetryInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class
setRetryLimit(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
Set the limit on the number of retries that a message may have.
setRetryStore(RetryStore) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
Where messages are stored for retries.
setRetryStore(RetryStore) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreServiceImpl
Where messages are stored for retries.
setRevision(String) - Method in class
setRoles(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.SecurityConstraint
A comma separated list of roles that the user must have to satisfy the constraint.
setRollbackOnly() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
setRollbackOnly() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transaction.TransactionManager
setRoutes(List<JettyRouteSpec>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
setRoutingKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key that the value will be stored against.
setRowsAffectedMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata that will contain the number of rows inserted/updated by this service.
setRowsUpdatedCount(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultBuilder
setRowsUpdatedMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the metadata key which will contain the number of rows updated by this service.
setRules(List<ContentValidation>) - Method in class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
Set the list of configured rules.
setSavepoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setSavepoint() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setSaveReturnedKeys(Boolean) - Method in class
Store any return value from the SQL statement as metadata.
setSchedulerGroup(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
Set the scheduler group.
setSchema(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setSchema(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
Sets the schema to validate against.
setSchema(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
Sets the schema to validate against.
setSchema(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setSchema(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method added to specify the Schema to Validate against.
setSchemaCache(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
Configure the internal cache for schemas.
setSchemaCache(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
Configure the internal cache for schemas.
setSchemaViolationHandler(SchemaViolationHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ExtendedXmlSchemaValidator
Specific behaviour when schema violations are encountered.
setScript(String) - Method in class
Set the contents of the script.
setScriptFilename(String) - Method in class
Set the contents of the script.
setSearchValue(String) - Method in class
The value to search for within the metadata value.
setSecondKey(String) - Method in class
setSecurityConstraints(List<SecurityConstraint>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ConfigurableSecurityHandler
setSecurityFactory(SecurityServiceFactory) - Method in class
Set the type of encryption to be used.
setSecurityHandler(SecurityHandlerWrapper) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
Specify the SecurityHandler implementation.
setSecurityHandler(SecurityHandlerWrapper) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
Specify the SecurityHandler implementation.
setSelector(PartSelector) - Method in class
Set the PartSelector implementation to use.
setSelector(PartSelector) - Method in class
Set the mime part selector.
setSelectStatement(String) - Method in class
Set the select statement to use when getting a sequence number.
setSendEvents(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to send events for the message that has been split.
setSendEvents(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to send events for the split message once service execution has completed.
setSendEvents(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not to send events for the child messages.
setSendEvents(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Sets whether events should be sent.
setSendPayload(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
Send the current payload as part of the response.
setSendProcessingInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
If required send a 102 upon this interval.
setSeparator(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.ElementKeyAndValueFormatter
Set the key/value separator.
setSeparator(String) - Method in class
Set the separator between the prefix and the generated column name.
setSeparator(String) - Method in class
Set the separator to be used in between each parameter in the String..
setSeparator(String) - Method in class
Set the separator used to separate items.
setSeparator(String) - Method in class
Set the separator used to separate items.
setSeparator(String) - Method in class
setSeparator(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.PlainIdGenerator
setSequenceNumber(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Set the sequence number for this event.
setSequenceNumberFile(String) - Method in class
Set the file that will contain the sequence number.
setSerializer(NotificationSerializer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
setServerConnectorProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection
setServerTimezone(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
Specify the timezone which the server is in.
setServerTimezone(TimeZone) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
Set the FTP Server timezone handler for modification times.
setService(Service) - Method in class
setService(Service) - Method in class
setService(Service) - Method in class
setService(Service) - Method in class
setService(Service) - Method in class
Sets the Service to wrap.
setService(Service) - Method in class
setService(Service) - Method in class
setService(Service) - Method in class
The Service to execute over all the split messages.
setService(Service) - Method in class
The Service to execute over all the split messages.
setService(Service) - Method in class
setServiceCollection(ServiceCollection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Sets the ServiceCollection to use.
setServiceErrorHandler(ServiceErrorHandler) - Method in class
The strategy to use when encountering any errors during execution.
setServiceExtractor(ServiceExtractor) - Method in class
Set the ServiceExtractor implementation used to extract the service from the message.
setServiceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.StatusEvaluatorImpl
setServiceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
Set the service-id that will be used if the route matches.
setServices(List<Service>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
Override the underlying service list.
setServices(List<Service>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
setSessionFactory(ProducerSessionFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Set the behavioural characteristics of the session used by this producer.
setSharedComponents(SharedComponentList) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Get the shared components that are available for injection into other managed components.
setShutdownWaitSeconds(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
Set the number of seconds to wait when shutting down any internal threads.
setShutdownWaitTime(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
Set the shutdown wait timeout for the pool.
setShutdownWaitTime(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
Set the shutdown wait timeout for the pool.
setShutdownWaitTime(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ScheduledTaskPoller
Set the shutdown wait timeout for the pool.
setSignatureAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
Set the signature algorithm for a certificate.
setSingleExecution(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandler
Ignore multiple invocations of the ExceptionListener.onException(JMSException) method.
setSizeCriteriaBytes(long) - Method in class
setSizeThreshold(Long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
Set the total message size threshold (in bytes) on which notifications will be emitted.
setSmallerThanServiceId(String) - Method in class
setSocketTimeout(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
The socket timeout in milliseconds for connect / read and write operations.
setSocketTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
The socket timeout in milliseconds for connect / read /write operations.
setSource(DataInputParameter<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.Execution
setSource(MessageWrapper<InputStream>) - Method in class
Set the source for the input of the crypto service.
setSource(InputSource) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which sets the source XML document for this class.
setSource(Reader) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which sets the source XML document for this class.
setSource(InputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which sets the source XML document for this class.
setSource(Node) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which sets the source XML document for this class.
setSourceFormatBuilder(DateFormatBuilder) - Method in class
setSourceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Event
Sets the unique ID of the source Adapter (or other entity such as a GUI).
setSourceKey(String) - Method in class
setSourcePayloadId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.MultiPayloadXmlTransformService
setSplitMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
The metadata key where the split value from SplitByMetadata.setMetadataKey(String) will be stored.
setSplitOnLine(Integer) - Method in class
Set the boundary marker so that the file is split every i lines.
setSplitPattern(String) - Method in class
Sets the regular expression to split on.
setSplitSizeBytes(Integer) - Method in class
setSplitter(MessageSplitter) - Method in class
Sets the MessageSplitter to use.
setSplitter(MessageSplitter) - Method in class
The MessageSplitter implementation to use to split the incoming message.
setSplitter(MessageSplitter) - Method in class
The MessageSplitter implementation to use to split the incoming message.
setSslProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpsConnection
Set the SSL properties.
setStackTrace(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
setStackTrace(Exception) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
setStandaloneConsumer(StandaloneConsumer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
setStandaloneProducers(List<StandaloneProducer>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
Set the List of underlying StandaloneProducers used to send processed messages.
setStandardDeviationInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.GaussianIntervalPoller
Set the standard deviation to be used in poll interval calculation.
setStartMillis(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorStatistic
setStartMillis(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
setStartTime(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConsumerMonitor
setStartUpEventImp(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Sets the name of the start up event class to use.
setState(ComponentState) - Method in class
setStatement(String) - Method in class
setStatement(String) - Method in class
SQL statement to perform.
setStatement(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.ConfiguredStatementCreator
setStatement(Statement) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResult
setStatementCreator(CallableStatementCreator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
setStatementCreator(JdbcStatementCreator) - Method in class
Set the SQL Query statement creator.
setStatementCreator(CallableStatementCreator) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
setStatementExecutor(CallableStatementExecutor) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
setStatementExecutor(CallableStatementExecutor) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
setStatementParameters(StatementParameterList) - Method in class
setStatementTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
Set the statement timeout.
setStatisticManager(StatisticManager) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
setStatisticManager(StatisticManager) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
setStats(List<InterceptorStatistic>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
setStatus(HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.TimeoutAction
Set the HTTP status code to be returned to the client.
setStatus(HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.ConfiguredStatusProvider
Set the HTTP Status to use.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.ExactMatch
setStatusMatches(List<StatusEvaluator>) - Method in class
Set the nextServiceId based on these evaluators.
setStatusProvider(HttpStatusProvider) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
The HTTP Status.
setStoreFileUrl(String) - Method in class
Sets the persistent store for previously received values in the form of a file URL.
setStoreFileUrl(String) - Method in class
Sets the persistent store for previously received values in the form of a file URL.
setStrict(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsTransactedWorkflow
Set the behaviour of this workflow with regards to failures.
setStrict(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.ZipFileBackedMessageFactory
Whether or not we fail if the input is not a zip file.
setStrictConversion(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataConverter
Specify whether or not conversions should be strict.
setStringPayload(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
you should use AdaptrisMessage.setStringPayload(String, String) and formally declare the encoding you wish to use for this string; since 2.9.3
setStringPayload(String, String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage
setStrip(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether to strip whitespace like newlines, spaces and tabs from the command output.
setStripIllegalXmlChars(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether or not to strip illegal XML characters from all the data before converting to XML.
setStyle(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordEncodeMetadataFilter
setStyle(EncodingHelper.Base64Encoding) - Method in class
setStyle(EncodingHelper.Base64Encoding) - Method in class
setSubjectInfo(X500Name) - Method in class
Set the subject of the certificate.
setSubscriptionId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
Our subscription ID.
setSubscriptionId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasPollingConsumer
Sets the subscription ID to use.
setSubTypes(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
setSuccessExitCode(Integer) - Method in class
Set the exit code value that is considered successful.
setSuccessId(String) - Method in class
setSuccessId(String) - Method in class
setSummary(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
setSyntaxIdentifiers(List<SyntaxIdentifier>) - Method in class
Sets the list of configured SyntaxIdentifers.
setSyntaxIdentifiers(List<SyntaxIdentifier>) - Method in class
Sets the list of configured SyntaxIdentifers.
setTable(String) - Method in class
setTags(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor
setTarget(DataOutputParameter<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.Execution
setTarget(MessageWrapper<OutputStream>) - Method in class
Set the target for the output of the crypto service.
setTarget(DataOutputParameter<String>) - Method in class
setTempDirectory(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
The temporary directory for initially writing files to.
setTempDirectory(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
Set the temporary directory where files that will be used as the basis of AdaptrisMessage instances wlil be created.
setTemplate(DynamicPollingTemplate.TemplateProvider) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicPollingTemplate
setTemplate(String) - Method in class
Set the template for the resulting XML document
setTemplate(String) - Method in class
Set the template document that will be used as the template for generating a new document.
setTemplate(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StaticPollingTemplate
setTestStatement(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Set the SQL statement used to test this connection.
setTestStatement(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
Set the statement that will test the connection.
setText(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.ConfiguredStatusProvider
Set the optional response text that will be sent with the response code.
setText(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.RawStatusProvider
Set the optional response text that will be sent with the response code.
setText(String) - Method in class
setTextKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.MetadataStatusProvider
Set the metadata where the status text will be taken.
setThen(ThenService) - Method in class
Set the for-each-then service.
setThen(ThenService) - Method in class
setThen(ThenService) - Method in class
setThreadCount(Integer) - Method in class
Set the number of threads to use.
setThreadCount(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
setThreadCredentials(PasswordAuthentication) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ThreadLocalCredentials
Set the credentials for the current thread
setThreadedStart(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
Enable use of ExecutorService to start connections.
setThreadKeepAlive(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
Set the lifetime for threads in the pool.
setThreadNamePrefix(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
NoOp Method mirroring org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool#setThreadNamePrefix(String)
setThreadPriority(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
The priority for threads created to handle messages.
setThreadPriority(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
Setting that matches org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool#setThreadPriority(int)
setThreadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
NoOp Method mirroring org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool#setThreadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread(boolean)
setThreadsInheritGroupOfInitializingThread(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
NoOp Method mirroring org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool#setThreadsInheritGroupOfInitializingThread(boolean)
setTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcStoredProcedureProducer
setTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingQueueConsumer
Set the timeout to wait for the correlated message.
setTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy
Set the timeout for a channel operation.
setTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class
The max amount of time to wait for all the operations to complete.
setTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class
Set the maximum amount of time to wait for all the instances of services to complete.
setTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class
Specifies a maximum time for the executable to run, after which it will be terminated.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
setTimeout(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
Set the timeout in ms.
setTimeoutAction(TimeoutAction) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
Set the behaviour that should occur when the workflow takes too long to finish.
setTimesliceDuration(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
Set the duration of each timeslice for metrics gathering.
setTimesliceDuration(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.NotifyingInterceptorByCount
Set the duration of each timeslice for gathering.
setTimeSliceDurationMilliseconds(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceAbstractCacheProvider
setTimesliceHistoryCount(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
Set the number of timeslices to keep.
setTimeSliceInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
Set the interval for each timeslice.
setTimestampGenerator(TimestampGenerator) - Method in class
setTimezone(String) - Method in class
Set the timezone
setToken(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
setTokenExpiryKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
setTokenExpiryKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
Set the metadata key for storing the expiry.
setTokenKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
setTokenKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
Set the metadata to store the token against.
setTopic(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
The JMS Topic
setTopic(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasPollingConsumer
The JMS Topic
setTopic(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
The JMS Topic
setTopicPrefetch(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.PrefetchPolicyFactory
setTotalMessageCount(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
setTotalMessageCount(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
setTotalMessageCount(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlice
setTotalMessageErrorCount(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
setTotalMessageErrorCount(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
setTotalMessageSize(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
setTotalMessageSize(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SerializableStatistic
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
setTransferType(TransferType) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConnectionImp
Set the transfer type.
setTransformerFactoryAttributes(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactoryImpl
setTransformerFactoryFeatures(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactoryImpl
setTransformerFactoryImpl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XsltTransformerFactory
Specify the transformer factory that will be used.
setTransformParameter(XmlTransformParameter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
setTranslator(ByteTranslator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromMetadataWrapper
Set the translator that will give us bytes.
setTranslator(ByteTranslator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutput
Set the translator that will give us bytes.
setTreatMetadataAsPartOfMessage(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MapMessageTranslator
When translating from AdaptrisMessage to MapMessage treat AdaptrisMessage metadata as part of the MapMessage.
setTreatNotFoundAsError(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether a failure to find a dynamic service is treated as an exception.
setTruncateLength(Integer) - Method in class
setTtl(Long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
Sets the time to live.
setType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
setType(ParameterValueType) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.AbstractParameter
setType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptorProperty
setType(String) - Method in interface
setType(String) - Method in class
setType(TransferType) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
Set transfer type eg.
setType(NamingEntryType) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingEntry
setType(String) - Method in class
Set the type of keystore this is.
setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
setUnAckedMessages(Map<String, JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler.CallbackConsumers>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsAsyncProducerEventHandler
setUnfold(Boolean) - Method in class
Unfold headers onto a single line.
setUniqueDestination(String) - Method in class
Sets the output destination String which will be stored as the value of the MetadataElement if the id is unique.
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
Sets this instance's unique id.
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Set the unique id of this channel.
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Event
Sets the Event's unique ID.
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.LogHandlerImp
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Set the unique id for this marker.
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RootProcessingExceptionHandler
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigesterImp
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SerializableAdaptrisMessage
setUniqueId(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.Service
Sets the unique identifier for this Service.
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
setUniqueIdGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
Set the unique id generator used for messages.
setUnit(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
Define the unit for this interval.
setUnreturnedConnectionTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DebugPoolFactory
setup(String, AdaptrisMessage, ResourceTargetMatcher) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.auth.HttpAuthenticator
Initialize the HttpAuthenticator for a message and return.
setup(String, AdaptrisMessage, ResourceTargetMatcher) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.NoAuthentication
setup(String, AdaptrisMessage, ResourceTargetMatcher) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.UserPassAuthentication
setup(String, AdaptrisMessage, ResourceTargetMatcher) - Method in class
setup(String, AdaptrisMessage, ResourceTargetMatcher) - Method in class
setup(String, AdaptrisMessage, ResourceTargetMatcher) - Method in class
setUpdateCountMetadataItem(String) - Method in class
Add the number of result sets updated to metadata.
setUpdateStatement(String) - Method in class
Set the update statement to be used after extracting the sequence number.
setUploadStrategy(BlobUploadStrategy) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
setUploadUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobTransferPolicyFactory
setUpper(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.client.RangeMatch
setupSession(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
setUrl(String) - Method in class
The URL endpoint to access.
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
Sets the URL of the XSLT to use.
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrlPattern(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
Set the URL pattern that you want to match against.
setUrlPattern(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
since 3.9.0 use a condition instead
setUseCollisionAvoidance(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
setUseCustomThreadPool(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
If set to true, then we use NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool as the threadpool implementation for quartz.
setUseDefaultKeys(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
Sets whether to write channel, workflow and message id into the Mapped Diagnostic Context.
setUseDefaultKeys(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to write channel, workflow and message id into the Mapped Diagnostic Context based on object metadata.
setUseExponentialBackOff(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.RedeliveryPolicyFactory
setUseJndiForQueues(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
Specify whether to use JNDI when attempting to create a Queue.
setUseJndiForTopics(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
Specify whether to use JNDI when attempting to create a Topic.
setUseNio(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
Whether or not to use the java NIO Files.newInputStream(Path, OpenOption[]) method.
setUseProcessedMessage(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
Sets whether the processed message should be used by the processed message producer (as opposed to the original incoming message).
setUser(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.HostConfig
setUseRenameTo(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeFsProducer
Set to true to simply use File.renameTo(File) when producing an AdaptrisMessage that is an instance of FileBackedMessage
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.ConfiguredUsernamePassword
setUsername(String) - Method in class
Set the username
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Set the username used to access the database.
setUserName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Sets the broker user name.
setUserName(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
Set the username for accessing JMX.
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaProxy
setUsernameMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.MetadataUsernamePassword
Metadata key for the username to use
setUserRealm(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceFactoryImpl
Set the realm for the login service.
setUseSecureRandom(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.PseudoRandomIdGenerator
Whether or not to use SecureRandom when generating a random sequence of bytes.
setValidating(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setValidating(boolean) if non-null
setValidationStages(List<ValidationStage>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlRuleValidator
setValidators(List<MessageValidator>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlValidationService
setValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ConstantDataInputParameter
setValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
setValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
setValue(String) - Method in class
Set the value for the mapped diagnostic context.
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the static value.
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
Set the value to match against.
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(AdaptrisMessage, Object) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(AdaptrisMessage, Object) - Method in class
setValue(AdaptrisMessage, Object) - Method in class
setValue(AdaptrisMessage, Object) - Method in class
setValue(AdaptrisMessage, Object) - Method in interface
Will set the given object value back into the AdaptrisMessage.
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
The value to be returned
setValue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePair
Sets the 'value'.
setValue(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.util.NameValuePair
setValueMatcher(MetadataValueMatcher) - Method in class
Set the matching implementation for matching metadata values.
setValues(List<String>) - Method in class
setValues(List<String>) - Method in class
setValuesToSet(KeyValuePairList) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
Set the list of values to set
setValuesToSet(KeyValuePairList) - Method in class
Set the list of values to set
setValueTranslator(CacheValueTranslator) - Method in class
Sets the translator to extract the Value to be stored in the cache
setValueTranslator(CacheValueTranslator) - Method in class
What to do with the cache-value.
setVendorImplementation(VendorImplementation) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
Returns the VendorImplementation to use.
setVendorImplementation(VendorImplementation) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumerImpl
setVerifier(IdentityVerifier) - Method in class
setViolations(List<SchemaViolation>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.SchemaViolations
setWaitBeforeRetry(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryOnceStandaloneProducer
Sets the period to wait before trying to produce again.
setWaitBetweenRetries(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.WorkflowRetryAndContinue
Set the wait between each retry attempt.
setWaitInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class
Set how long to wait for.
setWaitPeriodAfterRollback(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsTransactedWorkflow
set the amount of time to wait after issue a Session.rollback() before continuing processing.
setWaitWhileBusy(Boolean) - Method in class
Actively check if the underlying object pool is ready to accept more workers.
setWarmStart(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify if the underlying object pool should be warmed up on PoolingMessageSplitterService.start().
setWarmStart(Boolean) - Method in class
Specify if the underlying object pool should be warmed up on PoolingSplitJoinService.start().
setWarnAfter(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
Log a warning after this interval.
setWarnings(List<String>) - Method in class
setWasSuccessful(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterLifecycleEvent
Sets the success or otherwise of the adapter life cycle event.
setWasSuccessful(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
Set whether the 'event' was successful or not.
setWindowsWorkAround(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
Set whether the target server is a windows machine that returns backslash separated filenames when doing NLIST on a directory rather than the normal forward slashes.
setWipSuffix(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.AggregatingFsConsumer
Sets the work-in-progress suffix to use.
setWipSuffix(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumer
Sets the work-in-progress suffix to use.
setWipSuffix(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
Set the suffix of the file to indicate it is being processed.
setWorkDirectory(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FtpConsumer
Set the work directory.
setWorkersFirstOnShutdown(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
Perform consumer and producer lifecycle shutdown prior to connection shutdown.
setWorkflowId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
Set the id of workflow that is processing this message.
setWorkflowId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestEntry
setWorkflowList(WorkflowList) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Sets the WorkflowList to use.
setWorkflows(List<Workflow>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
Sets a List of Workflows.
setWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in class
Specify the working directory for the process.
setXincludeAware(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
Calls DocumentBuilderFactory.setXIncludeAware(boolean) if non-null
setXmlColumnPrefix(String) - Method in class
Sets the prefix that is used to identify columns that should be treated as XML rather than text.
setXmlColumnRegexp(String) - Method in class
Set a regular expression that will be used to check if a column should be treated as XML rather than text.
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcXPathParameter
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlBasicValidator
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlRuleValidator
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactoryImpl
setXmlDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XpathMergeImpl
setXmlEncoding(String) - Method in class
Set the encoding for the resulting XML document.
setXmlSource(DataInputParameter<String>) - Method in class
setXmlTransformerFactory(XmlTransformerFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
setXpath(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcXPathParameter
setXpath(String) - Method in class
Sets the XPath to use to query the message
setXpath(String) - Method in class
Set the XPath to use to extract the individual messages
setXpath(String) - Method in class
Set the XPath to use to extract the individual messages
setXpath(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
Set the XPath that will be used to resolve the correct destination.
setXpathMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
Set the xpath.
setXpathQueries(List<XpathQuery>) - Method in class
Set the list of XpathQuery instances that will be executed.
setXpathQueries(List<XpathObjectQuery>) - Method in class
Set the list of XpathQuery instances that will be executed.
setXpathQuery(String) - Method in class
Set the xpath.
setXpathToNode(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.ReplaceNode
Set the xpath to discover the node to be replaced.
setXpathToParentNode(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.InsertNode
Set the xpath to discover the parent node where the result will be inserted.
SftpAuthenticationProvider - Interface in com.adaptris.core.ftp
SftpAuthenticationWrapper - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
SftpAuthenticationWrapper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpAuthenticationWrapper
SftpAuthenticationWrapper(SftpAuthenticationProvider...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpAuthenticationWrapper
SftpClient - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
Provides SSH File Transfer Protocol implementation of FileTransferClient
SftpClient(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
Constructor assuming the default SSH port.
SftpClient(InetAddress) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
Constructor assuming the default SSH port.
SftpClient(InetAddress, int, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
SftpClient(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
SftpClient(String, int, int, File, ConfigBuilder) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
SftpException - Exception in com.adaptris.sftp
Exception wrapping any specific SFTP Exception.
SftpException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.sftp.SftpException
SftpException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.sftp.SftpException
SftpException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.sftp.SftpException
SftpException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.sftp.SftpException
SftpKeyAuthentication - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
SftpKeyAuthentication() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpKeyAuthentication
SftpKeyAuthentication(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpKeyAuthentication
SftpPasswordAuthentication - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
SftpAuthenticationProvider using a password.
SftpPasswordAuthentication() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpPasswordAuthentication
SftpPasswordAuthentication(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.SftpPasswordAuthentication
SharedComponent - Class in com.adaptris.core
SharedComponent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponent
SharedComponentConfigurationChecker - Class in
SharedComponentConfigurationChecker(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
SharedComponentConfigurationChecker(String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class
SharedComponentLifecycleStrategy - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Strategy for handling connection lifecycle within a SharedComponentList.
SharedComponentList - Class in com.adaptris.core
A common store for components.
SharedComponentList() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
SharedConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core
A connection instance that references a connection made available via SharedComponentList.
SharedConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
SharedConnection(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
SharedConnectionConfigurationChecker - Class in
SharedConnectionConfigurationChecker() - Constructor for class
sharedConsumerId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination
Return the shared consumer (JMS 2.0) ID associated with this destination.
sharedConsumerId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination
SharedService - Class in com.adaptris.core
A Service instance that references a Service made available via SharedComponentList.
SharedService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
SharedService(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
SharedServiceConfigurationChecker - Class in
SharedServiceConfigurationChecker() - Constructor for class
SharedServiceImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core
SharedServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SharedServiceImpl
SharedTransactionManager - Class in com.adaptris.core.transaction
SharedTransactionManager() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
SharedTransactionManager(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
ShortCutJettyResponse - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Allows you to short cut JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor behaviour in a PoolingWorkflow.
ShortCutJettyResponse() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ShortCutJettyResponse
ShortStatementParameter - Class in
Short Statement Parameter.
ShortStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
ShortStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
shouldCreateDirs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
shouldCreateDirs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
shouldStart() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
shouldStopProcessing - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
A simply function check to test if the processing of the given message should stop.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.NonBlockingQuartzThreadPool
ShutdownHandler - Class in
Runnable implementation to be used as a Shutdown Hook.
ShutdownHandler(BootstrapProperties) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
shutdownQuietly(ExecutorService, TimeInterval) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory
shutdownQuietly(ExecutorService, long) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ManagedThreadFactory
shutdownWaitSeconds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
shutdownWaitTimeMs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
sign(byte[], Alias, Output) - Method in interface
Sign the payload with the private key specified by Alias .
sign(String, Alias, Output) - Method in interface
Sign the payload with the private key specified by Alias .
sign(byte[], Alias) - Method in interface
Sign the payload with the private key specified by Alias .
sign(String, Alias) - Method in interface
Sign the payload with the private key specified by Alias .
SIGNED - Static variable in interface
signed output
SignException - Exception in
Wraps any exception during signing.
SignException() - Constructor for exception
SignException(String) - Constructor for exception
SignException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
SignException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
SigningService - Class in
Perform Signing.
SigningService() - Constructor for class
SimpleBeanUtil - Class in com.adaptris.util
A simple bean util class that allows us to call setters that have a primitive param.
SimpleBeanUtil() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.SimpleBeanUtil
SimpleBootstrap - Class in
Entry point into an adapter from the commandline.
SimpleBootstrap(String[]) - Constructor for class
SimpleByteTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.util.text
Simply convert using the default platform encoding.
SimpleByteTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.SimpleByteTranslator
SimpleDataStore - Class in com.adaptris.util.datastore
SimpleDataStore() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
SimpleDataStore(Properties) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.datastore.SimpleDataStore
Constructor using a set of properties.
SimpleExceptionReport - Class in
ExceptionReportGenerator implementation that inserts the entire stack trace of the exception as the configured element.
SimpleExceptionReport() - Constructor for class
SimpleExceptionReport(String) - Constructor for class
SimpleFactoryConfiguration - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi
ExtraFactoryConfiguration implementation using reflection to configure fields on the ConnectionFactory.
SimpleFactoryConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.SimpleFactoryConfiguration
SimpleIdGenerator - Class in com.adaptris.util
Variation of PlainIdGenerator which uses the hostname instead of a random sequence of bytes.
SimpleIdGenerator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.SimpleIdGenerator
SimpleIdGenerator(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.SimpleIdGenerator
SimpleListContentValidation - Class in com.adaptris.transform.validate
Compare the content against some specified list.
SimpleListContentValidation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.SimpleListContentValidation
SimpleListContentValidation(String...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.SimpleListContentValidation
SimpleListContentValidation(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.SimpleListContentValidation
SimpleNamespaceContext - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
Implementation of NamespaceContext that is based on a number of key value pairs.
SimpleNamespaceContext() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.SimpleNamespaceContext
SimpleNotificationSerializer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jmx
Serializes a Notification into an simple text message.
SimpleNotificationSerializer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jmx.SimpleNotificationSerializer
SimpleOutput - Class in
Implement of Output that simply wraps a byte array
SimpleOutput(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class
SimplePayloadResultSetTranslator - Class in
Takes the first result set, and the specified column (optional) and makes that the payload.
SimplePayloadResultSetTranslator() - Constructor for class
SimpleRegexpMessageSplitter - Class in
Class which splits batched files in a singel AdaptrisMessage into individual ones based on a regular expression match.
SimpleRegexpMessageSplitter() - Constructor for class
SimpleRegexpMessageSplitter(String) - Constructor for class
SimpleSequenceNumberService - Class in
Simple sequence number generator that uses a file to store the next sequence number.
SimpleSequenceNumberService() - Constructor for class
SimpleSequenceNumberService.OverflowBehaviour - Enum in
The behaviour of the sequence number generator when the number exceeds that specified by the number format.
SingleKeyCacheService - Class in
SingleKeyCacheService() - Constructor for class
SingleKeyValueCacheImpl - Class in
SingleKeyValueCacheImpl() - Constructor for class
size() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.cache.Cache
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.NullCacheImplementation
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Returns the number of Channel s in this ChannelList.
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
size() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemCache
Return the number of items in the cache.
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcParameterList
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
size() - Method in class
Gets the total number of keys/certificates in all the keystores pointed by this composite keystore.
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.BodyPartIterator
Return the number of body parts in this mime multipart.
size() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.ByteArrayIterator
Return the number of body parts in this mime multipart.
SizeAscending - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced
Sort the list of files by their size.
SizeAscending() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.SizeAscending
SizeBasedBranchingService - Class in
Branching Service which sets the unique ID of the next Service to apply based on the size of the AdaptrisMessage.
SizeBasedBranchingService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
SizeBasedSplitter - Class in
MessageSplitter implementation that splits by size.
SizeBasedSplitter() - Constructor for class
SizeDescending - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced
Sort the list of files by their size in reverse order
SizeDescending() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.SizeDescending
SizeGreaterThan - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
FileFilter accepts files based on whether the size of the file is greater than the specified value.
SizeGreaterThan(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeGreaterThan
Create the filefilter using the specified size.
SizeGreaterThan(long) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeGreaterThan
Create the filefilter using the specified size.
SizeGreaterThanOrEqual - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
FileFilter accepts files based on whether the size of the file is greater or equal to the specified value.
SizeGreaterThanOrEqual(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeGreaterThanOrEqual
Create the filefilter using the specified size.
SizeGreaterThanOrEqual(long) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeGreaterThanOrEqual
Create the filefilter using the specified size.
SizeLessThan - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
FileFilter accepts files based on whether the size of the file is less than the specified value.
SizeLessThan(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeLessThan
Create the filefilter using the specified size.
SizeLessThan(long) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeLessThan
Create the filefilter using the specified size.
SizeLessThanOrEqual - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
FileFilter accepts files based on whether the size of the file is less than or equal to the specified value..
SizeLessThanOrEqual(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeLessThanOrEqual
Create the filefilter using the specified size.
SizeLessThanOrEqual(long) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.SizeLessThanOrEqual
Create the filefilter using the specified size.
slf4jLogger() - Method in class
Slf4jLoggingOutputStream - Class in
An OutputStream that flushes out to a slf4j logger.
Slf4jLoggingOutputStream(LoggingOutputStreamImpl.LogLevel) - Constructor for class
Slf4jLoggingOutputStream(String) - Constructor for class
Slf4jLoggingOutputStream(Logger, LoggingOutputStreamImpl.LogLevel) - Constructor for class
Creates the LoggingOutputStream to flush to the given LogLevel.
Slf4jLoggingOutputStream(Logger, String) - Constructor for class
Creates the LoggingOutputStream to flush to the given LogLevel.
SlowMessageNotification - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Interceptor that emits a Notification if a message has exceeded the specified threshold for processing within a workflow.
SlowMessageNotification() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
SlowMessageNotification(String, TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
someBytes(GuidGeneratorWithTime.BytesProvider) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.GuidGeneratorWithTime
sort(List<File>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.AlphabeticAscending
sort(List<File>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.AlphabeticDescending
sort(List<File>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.FileSorter
Sort the list of files that need to be processed.
sort(List<File>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.NoSorting
sort(List<File>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.SafeFileSorter
SPACE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
A space.
split(String) - Method in class
split(String) - Method in class
default split operation.
SplitByMetadata - Class in
Implementation of MessageSplitter which allows a single AdaptrisMessage that contains a metadata key that is considered to contain multiple elements to be split.
SplitByMetadata() - Constructor for class
SplitByMetadata(String, String) - Constructor for class
SplitJoinService - Class in
since 3.11.1 Use PooledSplitJoinService instead; since performance characteristics are unpredictable in constrained environments
SplitJoinService() - Constructor for class
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Splits an AdaptrisMessage into some number of AdaptrisMessage objects.
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
splitMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
SplitMessageIterator(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Constructor for class
SplittingXmlPayloadTranslator - Class in
Translate the ResultSet contents into some number of XML messages.
SplittingXmlPayloadTranslator() - Constructor for class
SqlServerStatementCreator - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
SqlServerStatementCreator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.SqlServerStatementCreator
SSH_PREFERRED_AUTHENTICATIONS - Static variable in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
STACKTRACE - Static variable in class
StandaloneConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core
Wrapper class for a AdaptrisMessageConsumer and a AdaptrisConnection.
StandaloneConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
Creates a new instance.
StandaloneConsumer(AdaptrisMessageConsumer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
StandaloneConsumer(AdaptrisConnection) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
StandaloneConsumer(AdaptrisConnection, AdaptrisMessageConsumer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
StandaloneProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core
Wrapper for a AdaptrisConnection and a AdaptrisMessageProducer for convenience.
StandaloneProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
Creates a new instance.
StandaloneProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
StandaloneProducer(AdaptrisConnection, AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
StandaloneRequestor - Class in com.adaptris.core
StandaloneProducer extension that allows request reply functionality within a service
StandaloneRequestor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneRequestor
StandaloneRequestor(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneRequestor
StandaloneRequestor(AdaptrisConnection, AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneRequestor
StandaloneRequestor(AdaptrisConnection, AdaptrisMessageProducer, TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneRequestor
STANDARD_REGISTRY_JMX_NAME - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
The Standard Name for the Adapter Registry "com.adaptris:type=Registry,id=AdapterRegistry"
StandardAdapterStartUpEvent - Class in com.adaptris.core.event
Event containing Adapter start-up information..
StandardAdapterStartUpEvent() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.event.StandardAdapterStartUpEvent
StandardHttpProducer - Class in
Default HttpProducer implementation that uses HttpURLConnection available in a standard java runtime.
StandardHttpProducer() - Constructor for class
StandardJndiImplementation - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi
VendorImplementation that gets a ConnectionFactory from the configured JNDI Store.
StandardJndiImplementation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.StandardJndiImplementation
StandardJndiImplementation(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.StandardJndiImplementation
StandardMessageErrorDigester - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Record any error'd adaptris messages and make these available through JMX.
StandardMessageErrorDigester() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
StandardMessageErrorDigester(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
StandardMessageErrorDigester(String, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigester
StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Exposes all the records handled by StandardMessageErrorDigester and exposes them via JMX.
StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmxMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
StandardProcessingExceptionHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
ProcessingExceptionHandler implementation that contains a single service to apply when a message fails.
StandardProcessingExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
Creates a new instance.
StandardProcessingExceptionHandler(ServiceList) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
StandardProcessingExceptionHandler(Service...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
StandardResponseProducer - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Implementation of AdaptrisMessageProducer writes to the HttpServletResponse object metadata provided by the Jetty engine.
StandardResponseProducer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.StandardResponseProducer
StandardResponseProducer(HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.StandardResponseProducer
StandardSftpConnection - Class in com.adaptris.core.ftp
SFTP Connection class that connects via a configurable SftpAuthenticationProvider.
StandardSftpConnection() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
StandardSftpConnection(ConfigBuilder, SftpAuthenticationProvider) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.StandardSftpConnection
StandardStatisticManager - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
StandardStatisticManager() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StandardStatisticManager
StandardStatisticManager(int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StandardStatisticManager
StandardWorker - Class in com.adaptris.fs
Implementation of FsWorker that uses standard to perform put and get operations.
StandardWorker() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.fs.StandardWorker
StandardWorkflow - Class in com.adaptris.core
Standard implementation of Workflow.
StandardWorkflow() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflow
StandardWorkflow(AdaptrisMessageConsumer, AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflow
StandardWorkflow(AdaptrisMessageConsumer, ServiceCollection, AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflow
StandardWorkflowImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core
StandardWorkflowImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflowImpl
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelCloseErrorHandler
start(List<Channel>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ChannelLifecycleStrategy
Start a list of channels.
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Uses the the configured ChannelLifecycleStrategy to invoke StateManagedComponent.requestStart() on the underlying Channels in the List.
start() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ComponentLifecycle
Starts the component.
start(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultChannelLifecycleStrategy
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
start(List<Workflow>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultWorkflowLifecycleStrategy
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicPollingTemplate
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase.EventEmissary
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsImmediateEventPoller
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyNoBacklogInterceptor
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWorkflowInterceptorImpl
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreServiceImpl
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InFlightWorkflowInterceptor
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
start() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceCacheProvider
Once the adapter component starts, any interceptors including any cache providers will also be started.
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceDefaultCacheProvider
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobMessageTranslator
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandler
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
start(MessageTypeTranslator) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
start(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy
start(Collection<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
start(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.NonBlockingChannelStartStrategy
start(List<Workflow>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.WorkflowRetryAndContinue
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeFsConsumer
start() - Method in class
Had to do some tricks for proper classloading.
start() - Method in interface
Start the management component.
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullConnectionErrorHandler
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullProcessingExceptionHandler
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
start(Set<ObjectName>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
Convenience method to start a set of adapter managers that uses AdapterComponentMBean.requestStart()
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigesterImp
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ScheduledTaskPoller
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
start() - Method in class
start(ComponentLifecycle) - Method in class
start(ComponentLifecycle) - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
Starts the component.
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start(Collection<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentLifecycleStrategy
Start a list of connections.
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlValidationService
start(ComponentLifecycle...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
Start the component.
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Start this component.
start(List<Workflow>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.WorkflowLifecycleStrategy
Start a list of workflows.
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
start() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker
startCapture(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
startCapture(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Capture the output from the process.
startCapture(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
startCapture(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
startConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
Start the underlying connection.
startConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
startConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConnection
startConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Starting this connection means that an initial attempt is made to connect to the database.
startConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
startConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
startConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
startConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoOpConnection
startConnection() - Method in class
startCreated(BootstrapProperties) - Static method in class
startDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Initialise the underlying database connection.
startDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
startDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
startDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
StartedState - Class in com.adaptris.core
Represents started StateManagedComponents and implements permitted transitions.
startMessageTranslator(JmsActorConfig, AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingQueueConsumer
startService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
Start the service.
startService() - Method in class
startService() - Method in class
startService() - Method in class
startService() - Method in class
StartsWith - Class in
StartsWith() - Constructor for class
StartsWith(String) - Constructor for class
StartsWithIgnoreCase - Class in
StartsWithIgnoreCase() - Constructor for class
StartsWithIgnoreCase(String) - Constructor for class
startTime - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
startTime - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
startWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
startWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
startWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
startWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflowImpl
startWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
startWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Start the workflow.
StatelessServiceWrapper - Class in
Stateless service wrapper, wraps any configured service and allows you to set a strategy on when to restart the service before allowing it to execute.
StatelessServiceWrapper() - Constructor for class
StatelessServiceWrapper(Service) - Constructor for class
StateManagedComponent - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Specifies methods for components which manage state transitions.
StateManagedComponentContainer - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Extension to StateManagedComponent used for fine grained state transitions.
statement() - Method in class
statement() - Method in interface
statement() - Method in class
statement() - Method in class
statement - Variable in class com.adaptris.jdbc.ConfiguredStatementCreator
StatementParameter - Class in
Encapsulates a parameter that is used by the JdbcDataCaptureService.
StatementParameter() - Constructor for class
StatementParameter(String, Class<?>, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType) - Constructor for class
StatementParameter(String, String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType) - Constructor for class
StatementParameter(String, String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean) - Constructor for class
StatementParameter(String, String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
StatementParameter(String, Class<?>, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean) - Constructor for class
StatementParameterCollection - Interface in
StatementParameterImpl - Class in
StatementParameterImpl() - Constructor for class
StatementParameterImpl(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
StatementParameterImpl.QueryType - Enum in
Defines all the static query types supported by a Statement Parameter.
StatementParameterList - Class in
StatementParameterList() - Constructor for class
StatementParameterList(List<JdbcStatementParameter>) - Constructor for class
StaticCacheValueTranslator - Class in
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that could be useful for resolving the key when checking or retrieving from a cache.
StaticCacheValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
StaticCacheValueTranslator(String) - Constructor for class
StaticCommandArgument - Class in
Returns a fixed value for this command line argument.
StaticCommandArgument() - Constructor for class
StaticCommandArgument(String) - Constructor for class
StaticIdentitySequenceNumberService - Class in
Implementation of AbstractJdbcSequenceNumberService where the identity is statically configured.
StaticIdentitySequenceNumberService() - Constructor for class
StaticPollingTemplate - Class in com.adaptris.core
Provides a static template for PollingTrigger.
StaticPollingTemplate() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StaticPollingTemplate
StaticPollingTemplate(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.StaticPollingTemplate
statisticManager() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
statisticManager() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
StatisticManager - Interface in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
StatisticMarshaller - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
This marshaller is designed for InterceptorStatistic and is used exclusively with the ProducingStatisticManager.
StatisticMarshaller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticMarshaller
stats() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
StatusEvaluator - Interface in com.adaptris.core.http.client
StatusEvaluatorImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.client
Abstract implementation of StatusEvaluator.
StatusEvaluatorImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.client.StatusEvaluatorImpl
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Adapter
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisPollingConsumer
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelCloseErrorHandler
stop(List<Channel>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ChannelLifecycleStrategy
Stop a list of channels.
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
Uses the the configured ChannelLifecycleStrategy to invoke StateManagedComponent.requestStop() on the underlying Channels in the List.
stop() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ComponentLifecycle
Stop the component
stop(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultChannelLifecycleStrategy
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrier
stop(List<Workflow>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultWorkflowLifecycleStrategy
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicPollingTemplate
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase.EventEmissary
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.EventHandlerBase
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsImmediateEventPoller
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NonDeletingFsConsumer
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyNoBacklogInterceptor
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRoutingService
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWorkflowInterceptorImpl
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreServiceImpl
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InFlightWorkflowInterceptor
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ProducingStatisticManager
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
stop() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceCacheProvider
Once the adapter component stops, any interceptors including any cache providers will also be stopped.
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceDefaultCacheProvider
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ActiveJmsConnectionErrorHandler
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobMessageTranslator
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AggregatingJmsConsumeService
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnectionErrorHandler
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumerImpl
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
stop(MessageTypeTranslator) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxNotificationConsumer
stop(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.BlockingChannelLifecycleStrategy
stop(Collection<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.FilteredSharedComponentStart
stop(List<Channel>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.NonBlockingChannelStartStrategy
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeFsConsumer
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in interface
Stop the management component.
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoRetries
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullConnectionErrorHandler
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NullProcessingExceptionHandler
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollingTrigger
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
stop(Set<ObjectName>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
Convenience method to close a set of adapter managers that uses AdapterComponentMBean.requestStop()
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.LruBoundedMessageCache
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigesterImp
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ScheduledTaskPoller
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceImp
stop() - Method in class
stop(ComponentLifecycle) - Method in class
stop(ComponentLifecycle) - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
Stop the component
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop(Collection<AdaptrisConnection>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentLifecycleStrategy
Stop a list of connections.
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponentList
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedConnection
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedService
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandaloneProducer
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardProcessingExceptionHandler
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlValidationService
stop(ComponentLifecycle...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
Stop the component.
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Stop this component.
stop(List<Workflow>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.WorkflowLifecycleStrategy
Stop a list of workflows.
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
stop() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker
STOP_PROCESSING_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key which Service implementations should set to indicate that any subsequent configured Services should not be applied to a message and that it should not be produced.
STOP_PROCESSING_VALUE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata value which determines whether or not to stop processing additional services and/or producers
stopAndClose(T) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
Stop and Close.
stopAndClose(T, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
stopConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
Stop the underlying connection.
stopConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.EmbeddedConnection
stopConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyConnection
stopConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
stopConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.FailoverJmsConnection
stopConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConnection
stopConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
stopConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.NoOpConnection
stopConnection() - Method in class
stopConsumers(List<Workflow>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultWorkflowLifecycleStrategy
stopCreated(BootstrapProperties, boolean) - Static method in class
stopDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DatabaseConnection
Initialise the underlying database connection.
stopDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.FailoverJdbcConnection
stopDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcConnection
stopDatabaseConnection() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcPooledConnectionImpl
StoppedState - Class in com.adaptris.core
Represents stopped StateManagedComponents and implements permitted transitions.
StopProcessingService - Class in
This service will cause the message to not be processed any further and will also request that the Workflows producer not be called.
StopProcessingService() - Constructor for class
stopQuietly(Connection) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
stopService() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.JdbcService
Stop the service.
stopService() - Method in class
stopService() - Method in class
stopService() - Method in class
stopService() - Method in class
stopTime - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
stopTime - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
stopWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiProducerWorkflow
stopWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
stopWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RequestReplyWorkflow
stopWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflowImpl
stopWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
stopWorkflow() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Stop the workflow.
store - Variable in class
StoredProcedure - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
StoredProcedure() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
StoredProcedure(String, List<StoredProcedureParameter>, Connection, CallableStatementCreator) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedure
StoredProcedureParameter - Class in com.adaptris.jdbc
StoredProcedureParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
StoredProcedureParameter(String, int, ParameterValueType, ParameterType, Object) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.jdbc.StoredProcedureParameter
StoreMetadataValueService - Class in
Service implementation which stores the value held against a configured metadata key in a persistent list, generally for use by CheckMetadataValueService.
StoreMetadataValueService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
StreamUtil - Class in
Some utility methods associated with input streams.
StreamUtil() - Constructor for class
strict() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MetadataConverter
StringColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling string types
StringColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
StringMetadataConverter - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
MetadataElement key and value set as property of javax.jms.Message using setStringProperty(String key, String value).
StringMetadataConverter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.StringMetadataConverter
StringMetadataConverter(MetadataFilter) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.StringMetadataConverter
StringMetadataParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
XmlTransformParameter implementation that filters metadata making matches available as String parameters.
StringMetadataParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.StringMetadataParameter
StringMetadataParameter(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.StringMetadataParameter
StringPayloadCacheTranslator - Class in
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that retrieves / sets the payload of the message.
StringPayloadCacheTranslator() - Constructor for class
StringPayloadCacheTranslator(String) - Constructor for class
StringPayloadDataInputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This DataInputParameter is used when you want to source data from the AdaptrisMessage payload.
StringPayloadDataInputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.StringPayloadDataInputParameter
StringPayloadDataOutputParameter - Class in com.adaptris.core.common
This DataOutputParameter is used when you want to write data to the AdaptrisMessage payload.
StringPayloadDataOutputParameter() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.common.StringPayloadDataOutputParameter
StringPayloadSplitter - Class in
Partial implementation of MessageSplitter that splits Strings based payloads.
StringPayloadSplitter() - Constructor for class
StringStatementParameter - Class in
String Statement Parameter.
StringStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
StringStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class
StringToHexService - Class in
This class will encode a metadata value into its equivalent hex encoded metadata value(s) using the specified character encoding
StringToHexService() - Constructor for class
StringToHexService(String) - Constructor for class
stripIllegalXmlCharacters(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Strip illegal XML characters from data.
stripIllegalXmlChars() - Method in class
StxTransformerFactory - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
The StxTransformerFactory is responsible for creating the Transformer.
StxTransformerFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.StxTransformerFactory
style() - Method in class
style() - Method in class
StyledResultTranslatorImp - Class in
Base implementation for converting a ResultSet into an AdaptrisMessage.
StyledResultTranslatorImp() - Constructor for class
StyledResultTranslatorImp.ColumnStyle - Enum in
Represents how column names are formatted.
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ChannelList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageErrorDigest
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
subList(int, int) - Method in class
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.CastorizedList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairList
subscriptionId() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination
Return the subscription ID associated with this destination.
subscriptionId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination
subscriptionId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
Switch - Class in
A switch statement in configuration.
Switch() - Constructor for class
switchPayload(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessage
Switch from one payload to another, given by the ID.
switchPayload(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadAdaptrisMessageImp
Switch from one payload to another, given by the ID.
SwitchPayloadService - Class in com.adaptris.core
Switch the message payload from one payload to another.
SwitchPayloadService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.SwitchPayloadService
SymmetricKeyCryptographyService - Class in
SymmetricKeyCryptographyService() - Constructor for class
SymmetricKeyCryptographyService.OpMode - Enum in
syncAdapterConfiguration(AdapterManagerMBean) - Method in interface
SyntaxBranchingService - Class in
Branching Service which determines the next Service to apply according to SyntaxIdentifiers, as used by SyntaxRoutingService.
SyntaxBranchingService() - Constructor for class
SyntaxIdentifier - Interface in
Interface used by SyntaxRoutingService.
SyntaxIdentifierBase - Class in
SyntaxIdentifierBase() - Constructor for class
SyntaxIdentifierImpl - Class in
SyntaxIdentifierImpl() - Constructor for class
SyntaxRoutingService - Class in
Extracts data from an AdaptrisMessage and stores it against metadata.
SyntaxRoutingService() - Constructor for class
SYSPROP_CATEGORY - Static variable in class
SYSPROP_FILENAME - Static variable in class
SYSPROP_LEVEL - Static variable in class
SYSPROP_USE_SAXON_XPATH - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
"interlok.useSaxonXPath" controls whether Saxon is explicitly enabled as an XPathFactory (defaults to true).
system() - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
Get the type of the OS at the server
SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PREFIX - Static variable in class
The prefix that will be used to define system properties within the standard bootstrap resource.
SystemCommandExecutorService - Class in
Service that runs the specified system executable with the provided arguments, optionally capturing the output.
SystemCommandExecutorService() - Constructor for class
SystemCommandExecutorService(CommandBuilder, CommandOutputCapture) - Constructor for class
SystemPropertiesUtil - Class in
Set additional system properties from properties stored in the file.
SystemPropertiesUtil() - Constructor for class


table(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
TE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
tempDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
testConnection(String, File) - Method in interface
Will perform an action on the remote repository to confirm that the url and credentials for the connection are valid.
testConnection(Connection, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JdbcUtil
TextMessageTranslator - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Translates between AdaptrisMessage and javax.jms.TextMessages.
TextMessageTranslator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.TextMessageTranslator
ThenService - Class in
This service holder is used to hold the service or list of services that will be executed by logical expressions, such as IfElse and While, should configured Condition's pass.
ThenService() - Constructor for class
ThreadContextWorkflow - Class in com.adaptris.core
Workflow that executes services in the current thread.
ThreadContextWorkflow() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ThreadContextWorkflow
threadLifetimeMs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
ThreadLocalCredentials - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.auth
threadName(AdaptrisMessageListener, ConsumeDestination) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DestinationHelper
Get the thread name.
threadName(AdaptrisMessageListener, ConsumeDestination, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DestinationHelper
Get the thread name.
threadPriority() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PoolingWorkflow
ThrottlingInterceptor - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
The throttling interceptor will attempt to limit the number of messages that are processed by an adapter over a given time slot.
ThrottlingInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
throwExceptionAsRequired() - Method in class
throwExceptionAsRequired() - Method in class
throwExceptionAsRequired() - Method in interface
throwExceptionAsRequired() - Method in class
ThrowExceptionService - Class in
Throws an exception based on a configurable set of criteria.
ThrowExceptionService() - Constructor for class
ThrowExceptionService(ExceptionGenerator) - Constructor for class
ThrowExceptionService(String, ExceptionGenerator) - Constructor for class
throwFirstException() - Method in class
TIME_BYTE_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.GuidGeneratorWithTime
TIME_SIGNIFICANT_BYTES_OFFSET - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.GuidGeneratorWithTime
TimeColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling time types
TimeColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
The default dateformat is "HH:mm:ssZ"
TimedInactivityProducerSessionFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Implementation of ProducerSessionFactory that creates a new session/producer based an inactivity timer.
TimedInactivityProducerSessionFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.TimedInactivityProducerSessionFactory
TimedInactivityProducerSessionFactory(TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.TimedInactivityProducerSessionFactory
TimedInactivityRestartStrategy - Class in
This RestartStrategy monitors the last usage of the service and if the last usage passes an inactivity period, then this strategy will return true upon requiresRestart().
TimedInactivityRestartStrategy() - Constructor for class
TimeInterval - Class in com.adaptris.util
Class that describes a time unit for use within the adapter.
TimeInterval() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
TimeInterval(Long, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
TimeInterval(Long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
TimeoutAction - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.jetty
Configure the behaviour that should occur when the max mait time is exceeded
TimeoutAction() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.TimeoutAction
TimeoutAction(TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.TimeoutAction
TimeoutAction(TimeInterval, HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.TimeoutAction
TimeSlice - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
A Timeslice used by ThrottlingInterceptor.
TimeSlice() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlice
TimeSlice(long, int) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlice
TimeSliceAbstractCacheProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Abstract base for implementation of TimeSliceCacheProvider
TimeSliceAbstractCacheProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceAbstractCacheProvider
TimeSliceCacheProvider - Interface in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
interface for caching timeslices.
TimeSliceDefaultCacheProvider - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
The default implementation that handles the current time slice persistence.
TimeSliceDefaultCacheProvider() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceDefaultCacheProvider
timeSliceDurationMilliseconds() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceAbstractCacheProvider
timesliceHistoryCount() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetricsInterceptorImpl
TimeSlicePersistence - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
A singleton that will manage all caches and for each cache will maintain the current time slice.
TimestampColumnTranslator - Class in
Column Translator implementation for handling timestamp types
TimestampColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class
The default dateformat is "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"
TimestampGenerator - Interface in
TimestampStatementParameter - Class in
A Timestamp extension to StatementParameter.
TimestampStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
TimestampStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, SimpleDateFormat) - Constructor for class
TimestampStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String, SimpleDateFormat) - Constructor for class
TimeStatementParameter - Class in
Time extension to StatementParameter.
TimeStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
TimeStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, SimpleDateFormat) - Constructor for class
TimeStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String, SimpleDateFormat) - Constructor for class
timeToLive() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination
Get the time-to-live
timeToLive() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination
timeToLive() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
timeToWait() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
toByteArray(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromMetadataWrapper
toDate(String) - Method in interface
toDate(String) - Method in class
toDate(String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.DateFormatUtil
Convert a string into a date.
toFieldName(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.XStreamUtils
Converts a lowercase hyphen separated format into a camelcase based format.
toFile(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsHelper
Go straight to a File from a url style string.
toggleAvailability(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.Channel
Set whether this Channel is available.
toInputStream(InterlokMessage, String, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamParameter
toIntDefaultIfNull(Integer, int) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.NumberUtils
toInteger(String) - Static method in class
tokenWriterIfNull() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
tokenWriterIfNull() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
tokenWriterToUse() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
toLongDefaultIfNull(Long, long) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.NumberUtils
toMilliseconds() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
toMillisecondsDefaultIfNull(TimeInterval, long) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
toMillisecondsDefaultIfNull(TimeInterval, TimeInterval) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
topics - Variable in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.CachedDestinationJndiImplementation
toReader(InputStream) - Method in class
toSecondsDefaultIfNull(TimeInterval, TimeInterval) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
toSecondsDefaultIfNull(TimeInterval, long) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
toSet() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataCollection
Will create an return a new Set from this MetadataCollection
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageImp
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ComponentStateImp
toString(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultMessageLogger
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlice
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer.MyJmsDestination
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLifecycleEvent
toString(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MessageLogger
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MetadataElement
toString(MetadataElement...) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MetadataLogger
toString(Collection<MetadataElement>) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.MetadataLogger
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MleMarker
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp.RetryThread
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.CacheableAdaptrisMessageWrapper
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.MessageDigestErrorEntry
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
toString(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in class
toString(JdbcResultRow, int) - Static method in class
Translate a column into a string using toString().
toString(Date) - Method in class
toString(Object) - Method in class
Format the object using String.format(String, Object...) if there is a format to apply otherwise String.valueOf(Object).
toString(Date) - Method in interface
toString(Date) - Method in class
toString(SchemaViolations) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationHandlerImpl
toString(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.FullMessageLogger
toString(Collection<MetadataElement>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MetadataKeysOnly
toString(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.MinimalMessageLogger
toString(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.PayloadMessageLogger
toString(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.TruncateMetadata
toString(Collection<MetadataElement>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.TruncateMetadata
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverConfig
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePair
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.KeyValuePairBag
toString(Date, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.DateFormatUtil
Convert a date to a String.
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval
toString() - Method in class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Constructs a string representation of this URLString.
toXmlElementName(String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.XStreamUtils
Converts a camelcase name into a lowercase hyphen separated format for output to XML.
TRACE - Static variable in class
trackStatement(Statement) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.JdbcResultBuilder
Set the statement on the JdbcResultSet for tracking purposes.
TRAILER - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
General Fields associated HTTP Headers
trailing(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Justify
Pad a string with a trailing pad character until len.
transactedSession() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
transactionIsActive() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transaction.SharedTransactionManager
transactionIsActive() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transaction.TransactionManager
TransactionManager - Interface in com.adaptris.core.transaction
transcodeMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
transcodeMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
transcodeMessage(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
TranscodingService - Class in
TranscodingService() - Constructor for class
TranscodingService(AdaptrisMessageEncoder) - Constructor for class
TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
General Fields associated HTTP Headers
TransferType - Enum in com.adaptris.ftp
Represents the FTP Transfer type.
transform(Transformer, Source, Result, String, Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformer
Transform method which converts an input XML document into another format using the specified XSLT
transform(Transformer, InputStream, OutputStream, String, Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformer
Transform method which converts an input XML document into another format using the specified XSLT
transform(Transformer, Reader, Writer, String, Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformer
Transform method which converts an input XML document into another format using the specified XSLT
transform(Transformer, InputStream, OutputStream, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformer
Transform method which converts an input XML document into another format using the specified XSLT
transform(Transformer, Reader, Writer, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformer
Transform method which converts an input XML document into another format using the specified XSLT
transform(Transformer, Source, Result, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformer
Transform method which converts an input XML document into another format using the specified XSLT
TRANSFORM_OVERRIDE - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Metadata key that allows override of the transform services.
translate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultSerializableMessageTranslator
translate(SerializableMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultSerializableMessageTranslator
translate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobMessageTranslator
Translates an AdaptrisMessage into a BlobMessage.
translate(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.BlobMessageTranslator
Translates a BlobMessage into an AdaptrisMessage .
translate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator
translate(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator
translate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BasicJavaxJmsMessageTranslator
Translates an AdaptrisMessage into a Message
translate(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BasicJavaxJmsMessageTranslator
Translates a basic Message into an AdaptrisMessage
translate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BytesMessageTranslator
Translates an AdaptrisMessage into a BytesMessage.
translate(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.BytesMessageTranslator
Translates a BytesMessage into an AdaptrisMessage.
translate(AdaptrisMessage, Destination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducerImpl
translate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MapMessageTranslator
Translates an AdaptrisMessage into a MapMessage.
translate(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MapMessageTranslator
Translates a MapMessage into an AdaptrisMessage.
translate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslator
Translates the passed AdaptrisMessage into an instance of a subclass of javax.jms.Message.
translate(Message) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslator
Translates the passed javax.jms.Message into an instance of AdaptrisMessage.
translate(MessageTypeTranslator, Message) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
Convenience method to translate a Message into a AdaptrisMessage.
translate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ObjectMessageTranslator
Translates by setting the AdaptrisMessage.getPayload as the Object in the ObjectMessage.
translate(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.ObjectMessageTranslator
Translates a ObjectMessage into an AdaptrisMessage.
translate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.TextMessageTranslator
Translates an AdaptrisMessage into a TextMessage using the default platform character encoding.
translate(Message) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.TextMessageTranslator
Translates a TextMessage into an AdaptrisMessage using the default platform character encoding.
translate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.SerializableMessageTranslator
translate(SerializableMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.SerializableMessageTranslator
translate(JdbcResult, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResult, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
Translate the contents of the result set into the AdaptrisMessage object.
translate(JdbcResult, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResult, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, String) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, String) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, String) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, String) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Static method in class
Attempt to translate a column into a string using a best guess against the type.
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in interface
Translate the column into a String.
translate(JdbcResultRow, String) - Method in interface
Translate the column into a String.
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, String) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, String) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, String) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, String) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, int) - Method in class
translate(JdbcResultRow, String) - Method in class
translate(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Base58ByteTranslator
translate(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Base58ByteTranslator
translate(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Base64ByteTranslator
translate(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.Base64ByteTranslator
translate(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.ByteTranslator
Translate a string into a byte array.
translate(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.ByteTranslator
Translate a byte array into a String.
translate(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.CharsetByteTranslator
translate(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.CharsetByteTranslator
translate(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.HexStringByteTranslator
translate(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.HexStringByteTranslator
translate(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.SimpleByteTranslator
translate(byte[]) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.SimpleByteTranslator
translateResult(JdbcResult, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
translateResult(JdbcResult, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
translateResult(JdbcResult, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
translateResult(JdbcResult, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Translate the result returning the number of rows translated.
translateResult(JdbcResult, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
Split the JdbcResult into possibly multiple output messages.
translateResult(JdbcResult, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
TraversingFsConsumer - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
Extension of the standard FsConsumer that traverses all subdirectories for files that match the filter expression.
TraversingFsConsumer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.TraversingFsConsumer
triggerJndiLookup(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.SharedComponent
TrimMetadataService - Class in
Trim a metadata values of leading and trailing whitespace.
TrimMetadataService() - Constructor for class
TrimMetadataService(String) - Constructor for class
TruncatedParameterLogger - Class in
TruncatedParameterLogger() - Constructor for class
TruncatedParameterLogger(Integer) - Constructor for class
TruncateMetadata - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
MessageLogger & MetadataLogger implementation that that logs unique-id and metadata but truncates metadata at the configured length.
TruncateMetadata() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.TruncateMetadata
TruncateMetadata(Integer) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.TruncateMetadata
tryAndLog(String, DuplicateMessageRoutingService.Operator) - Static method in class
tryAndWrap(DuplicateMessageRoutingService.Operator) - Static method in class
TypedStatementParameter<T> - Class in
Abstract class preserving backwards config compatibility from StatementParameter.
TypedStatementParameter() - Constructor for class
TypedStatementParameter(String, StatementParameterImpl.QueryType, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class


UID_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InFlightWorkflowInterceptor
UID_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptor
unbind(Collection<? extends AdaptrisComponent>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
unbind(Collection<? extends AdaptrisComponent>, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
unbind(AdaptrisComponent, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
unbind(Context, Collection<? extends AdaptrisComponent>, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
unbind(Context, AdaptrisComponent, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
unbind(Name) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
unbind(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingContext
unbindQuietly(Context, Collection<? extends AdaptrisComponent>, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
unbindQuietly(Context, AdaptrisComponent, boolean) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JndiHelper
UnbufferedLineInputStream - Class in
Class UnbufferedLineInputStream.
UnbufferedLineInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class
uncheckedMarshal(AdaptrisMarshaller, Object, AdaptrisMarshaller.MarshalOutputStream) - Static method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Convenience method to wrap marshalling activities with a RuntimeException .
uncheckedUnmarshal(AdaptrisMarshaller, Object, AdaptrisMarshaller.MarshalInputStream) - Static method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Convenience method to wrap unmarshalling activities with a RuntimeException .
UnicodeDetectingInputStream - Class in
Workaround for a Sun JVM bug whereby it does not handle streams that have a UTF-8 BOM.
UnicodeDetectingInputStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
UnifiedBootstrap - Class in
This is the class that handles almost everything required for startup.
UnifiedBootstrap(BootstrapProperties) - Constructor for class
UNIQUE_ID_JMX_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
Regex pattern for the unique id of AdaptrisComponent which are managed by JMX.
uniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DefaultFailedMessageRetrierJmx
uniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FileLogHandlerJmx
uniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageInFlight
uniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsStatistics
uniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistics
uniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitor
uniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentChecker
uniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl
uniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ConsumerMonitorImpl
uniqueId() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.StandardMessageErrorDigesterJmx
uniqueIdGenerator() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageFactory
unlock() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
unmarshal(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
unmarshal(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
unmarshal(URL) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
unmarshal(URLString) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
unmarshal(InputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AbstractMarshaller
unmarshal(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Unmarshalls an Object from the passed XML.
unmarshal(File) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Unmarshalls an Object based on the passed file.
unmarshal(URL) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Unmarshalls an Object based on the passed file system URL.
unmarshal(Reader) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Unmarshalls an Object based on the passed Reader.
unmarshal(InputStream) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Unmarshals an Object based on the passed InputStream.
unmarshal(URLString) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMarshaller
Unmarshals an Object from the passed URLString location.
unmarshal(Reader) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
unmarshal(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
unmarshal(File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
unmarshal(URL) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
unmarshal(URLString) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
unmarshal(InputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.config.PreProcessingXStreamMarshaller
unmarshal(Reader) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticMarshaller
unmarshal(Reader) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.XStreamMarshallerImpl
UnmodifiableListIterator<E> - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Iterator implementation.
UnmodifiableListIterator(ListIterator<E>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.UnmodifiableListIterator
unregister(Set<ObjectName>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
Convenience method to close a set of adapter managers that uses BaseComponentMBean.unregisterMBean()
unregister(ObjectName) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JmxHelper
Unregister an object from the default MBeanServer.
unregister(MBeanServer, ObjectName) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.JmxHelper
Unregister an object from a MBeanServer.
unregisterMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InterceptorNotification
unregisterMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager
unregisterMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
unregisterMBean() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.BaseComponentMBean
Unregister this component (and all children) from the default Platform MBeanServer.
unregisterMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChannelManager
unregisterMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ChildRuntimeInfoComponentImpl
unregisterMBean() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
unregisterSelf() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl
Convenience method to handle BaseComponentMBean.unregisterMBean()
UnresolvedMetadataException - Exception in com.adaptris.core
UnresolvedMetadataException() - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.UnresolvedMetadataException
UnresolvedMetadataException(String) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.UnresolvedMetadataException
unwrap(AdaptrisMessage) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
Get a wrapper with null protection.
unwrap(Class<S>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.ProxySqlConnection
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.ConnectionProxy
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
update(ProcessedItem) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
update(ProcessedItemList) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.InlineItemCache
update(ProcessedItem) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
update(ProcessedItemList) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.NoCache
update(ProcessedItem) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemCache
Update the cache with the tracked item.
update(ProcessedItemList) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.fs.ProcessedItemCache
Update the cache with the associated list of entries.
update(MetricsInterceptorImpl.StatisticsDelta<MessageStatistic>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorImpl
update(MetricsInterceptorImpl.StatisticsDelta<MetadataStatistic>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
update(String, TimeSlice) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceCacheProvider
Will persist the time slice for later retrieval.
update(String, TimeSlice) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSliceDefaultCacheProvider
update() - Method in interface
Updates the local repository with the remote repository changes.
update(File, String) - Method in interface
Will fetch and update yuour local working copy to the specified revision.
update(File) - Method in interface
Will fetch and update your local working copy with the latest changes from the remote repository.
updateCurrent(InterceptorStatistic) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.BaseStatisticManager
updateCurrent(MetadataStatistic) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataMetricsInterceptorImpl
updateCurrent(InterceptorStatistic) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.interceptor.StatisticManager
updateCurrentTimeSlice(String, TimeSlice) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.TimeSlicePersistence
updateMetadata(AdaptrisMessage, long) - Method in class
updateMetadata(AdaptrisMessage, long, String) - Method in class
updateMetadataQueryCount(AdaptrisMessage, long) - Method in class
updateMetadataUpdateCount(AdaptrisMessage, JdbcResult) - Method in class
updateRetryCountMetadata(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.FailedMessageRetrierImp
updateVCS() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterBuilderMBean
UpdateWrapper(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class
UPGRADE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
General Fields associated HTTP Headers
url(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileParameter
URLConnectionHeaderField - Class in
Wrapper class around the URLConnection.getHeaderFields() for insertion into object metadata.
URLConnectionHeaderField() - Constructor for class
URLConnectionHeaderField(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class
UrlDecodeMetadataService - Class in
URLDecoder.decode(String, String) on metadata values.
UrlDecodeMetadataService() - Constructor for class
UrlDecodeMetadataService(String) - Constructor for class
UrlEncodedMetadataValues - Class in
UrlEncodedMetadataValues() - Constructor for class
UrlEncodeMetadataService - Class in
URLEncoder.encode(String, String) on metadata values.
UrlEncodeMetadataService() - Constructor for class
UrlEncodeMetadataService(String) - Constructor for class
URLHelper - Class in com.adaptris.util
URLHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.URLHelper
URLString - Class in com.adaptris.util
A Simple URL parser, that can parse any given URL into it's constituent parts.
URLString() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.URLString
URLString(String, String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Creates a URLString object from the specified protocol, host, port number, file, username, and password.
URLString(URL) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Construct a URLString from a object.
URLString(File) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Construct a URLString from a object.
URLString(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.URLString
Construct a URLString from the string.
UrlVendorImplementation - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Partial implementation with common or default behaviour.
UrlVendorImplementation() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.UrlVendorImplementation
useCustomThreadPool() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller
useJndiForQueues() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
useJndiForTopics() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.jndi.BaseJndiImplementation
UseKeyAsServiceIdValueMatcher - Class in
Implementation of MetadataValueMatcher for MetadataValueBranchingService which returns the serviceKey as identifier of the next Service to apply.
UseKeyAsServiceIdValueMatcher() - Constructor for class
useNio() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMessageFactory
USERAGENT - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Request Fields.
UserInfo() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection.UserInfo
UserInfo(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection.UserInfo
UserInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection.UserInfo
UserPassAuthentication - Class in com.adaptris.core.http.auth
UserPassAuthentication() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.http.auth.UserPassAuthentication
UseXmlCharsetAsEncodingService - Class in
Changes the character encoding associated with a message.
UseXmlCharsetAsEncodingService() - Constructor for class
UTF16BE_BOM - Static variable in class
UTF16LE_BOM - Static variable in class
UTF32BE_BOM - Static variable in class
UTF32LE_BOM - Static variable in class
UTF8_BOM - Static variable in class
Utf8BomRemover - Class in
Service that removes UTF8 byte order marks that may be present.
Utf8BomRemover() - Constructor for class
UTF_16_BE - Static variable in class
UTF_16_LE - Static variable in class
UTF_32_BE - Static variable in class
UTF_32_LE - Static variable in class
UTF_8 - Static variable in class
UTF_8 - Static variable in class
UUID_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.adaptris.util.GuidGeneratorWithTime


validate(IdentityBuilder, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyHashUserRealmVerifier
validate(UserIdentity) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceProxy
validate(Destination) - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToWorkflow.ProducerType
validate(Adapter, ConfigurationCheckReport) - Method in class
validate(Adapter, ConfigurationCheckReport) - Method in class
validate(Adapter, ConfigurationCheckReport) - Method in class
validate(Adapter, ConfigurationCheckReport) - Method in class
validate(IdentityBuilder, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
validate(IdentityBuilder, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface
validate(IdentityBuilder, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class
validate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.transform.MessageValidator
validate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.BasicXmlSchemaValidator
validate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlBasicValidator
validate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlRuleValidator
validate(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
validateConfig(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistry
validateConfig(String) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterRegistryMBean
Attempts to unmarshal the component within this target runtime unit.
validateDir(URL) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
validateFilename() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceFactoryImpl
ValidateMetadataService - Class in
Verify that a message has all the required metadata keys set.
ValidateMetadataService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
ValidateMetadataService(List<String>) - Constructor for class
validateObject(PooledObject<WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.WorkerFactory
validateObject(Object) - Method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource.PoolAttendant
Validate the object.
validatePatterns(List<String>, List<Pattern>) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
ValidationCheckerImpl - Class in
Provides some utilities for javax validation style checking.
ValidationCheckerImpl() - Constructor for class
ValidationStage - Class in com.adaptris.transform.validate
A Stage within the validation.
ValidationStage() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
ValidationStage(String, String, ContentValidation...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
ValidationStage(String, String, List<ContentValidation>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.transform.validate.ValidationStage
Validator - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
Validator(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Validator
Constructor that creates a new Validator object
Validator(String, EntityResolver) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.Validator
Constructor that creates a new Validator object
validMethods() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.AdapterMarshallerFactory.MarshallingOutput
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredComponentState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.client.RequestMethodProvider.RequestMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection.HttpConfigurationProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection.ServerConnectorProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpsConnection.SslProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.server.HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledConnectionProperties
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.AcknowledgeMode.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation.ConnectionFactoryProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator.SupportedMessageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.DeliveryMode.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination.DestinationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToWorkflow.ProducerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.lms.ZipFileBackedMessageFactory.CompressionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor.ClassType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl.ComponentNotificationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.util.EncodingHelper.Base64Encoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.util.EncodingHelper.Encoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.ftp.ClientSettings.FTP
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.ftp.ClientSettings.FTPS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.ftp.FtpDataMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.ftp.TransferType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.jdbc.ParameterType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.jdbc.ParameterValueType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingEntryType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.adaptris.util.text.DateFormatUtil.CustomDateFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.AdapterMarshallerFactory.MarshallingOutput
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredComponentState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.client.RequestMethodProvider.RequestMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection.HttpConfigurationProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpConnection.ServerConnectorProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.HttpsConnection.SslProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.http.server.HttpStatusProvider.HttpStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledConnectionProperties
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.AcknowledgeMode.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.activemq.AdvancedActiveMqImplementation.ConnectionFactoryProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.AutoConvertMessageTranslator.SupportedMessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.DeliveryMode.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsDestination.DestinationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsReplyToWorkflow.ProducerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.lms.ZipFileBackedMessageFactory.CompressionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.runtime.ClassDescriptor.ClassType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.runtime.ComponentManagerImpl.ComponentNotificationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.util.EncodingHelper.Base64Encoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.core.util.EncodingHelper.Encoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.ftp.ClientSettings.FTP
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.ftp.ClientSettings.FTPS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.ftp.FtpDataMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.ftp.TransferType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.jdbc.ParameterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.jdbc.ParameterValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.naming.adapter.NamingEntryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.adaptris.util.text.DateFormatUtil.CustomDateFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueTranslator() - Method in class
Get the value translator.
ValueTranslator - Interface in
Implementations of this interface can be used to supply parameters to Jmx operation calls.
ValueTranslatorImp - Class in
ValueTranslatorImp() - Constructor for class
VARY - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Response Fields.
VCS_AUTHENTICATION_IMPL_KEY - Static variable in class
The type of VCS authentication which may be different according to each VCS provider.
VCS_CLEAN_UPDATE - Static variable in class
Whether or not to always do a git checkout -f (or equivalent)
VCS_LOCAL_URL_KEY - Static variable in class
The local working copy for any files checked out.
VCS_PASSWORD_KEY - Static variable in class
The password to access VCS (if required)
VCS_REMOTE_REPO_URL_KEY - Static variable in class
The remote VCS url.
VCS_REVISION_KEY - Static variable in class
The revision or branch to checkout.
VCS_SSH_KEYFILE_URL_KEY - Static variable in class
The SSH keyfile
VCS_SSH_PASSPHRASE_KEY - Static variable in class
The SSH password
VCS_SSH_PROXY - Static variable in class
Whether or not we attempt to use a HTTP proxy when performing connections.
VCS_SSH_PROXY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class
The proxy password (if any).
VCS_SSH_PROXY_USERNAME - Static variable in class
The proxy username (if any).
VCS_SSH_TUNNEL_PORT_KEY - Static variable in class
VCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_URL_KEY - Static variable in class
VCS_SSL_PASSWORD_KEY - Static variable in class
VCS_USERNAME_KEY - Static variable in class
The username to access VCS (if required)
VcsConflictException - Exception in
VcsConflictException() - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance.
VcsConflictException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception.
VcsConflictException(String) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance with a description of the Exception.
VcsConflictException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception and a description of the Exception.
VcsConstants - Class in
Constants controlling behaviour when integrating against a version control system.
VcsConstants() - Constructor for class
VcsException - Exception in
VcsException() - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance.
VcsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception.
VcsException(String) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance with a description of the Exception.
VcsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance with a reference to a previous Exception and a description of the Exception.
vendorImplementation() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
VendorImplementation - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
Abstract factory that insulates vendor-specific code from the rest of the com.adaptris.core.jms package.
VendorImplementationBase - Interface in com.adaptris.core.jms
VendorImplementationImp - Class in com.adaptris.core.jms
Partial implementation with common or default behaviour.
VendorImplementationImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jms.VendorImplementationImp
verify() - Method in class
verify() - Method in class
verify() - Method in interface
Verify that everything associated with the query is as it should be.
verify(Certificate[], KeyStore) - Static method in class
Verifies the specified certificate chain against the trusted anchors.
verify(String, Alias, Alias) - Method in interface
Decrypt the given string into the Output object.
verify(byte[], Alias, Alias) - Method in interface
Decrypt the given bytes into the Output object.
verifyDirectory() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
VerifyException - Exception in
Wraps any exception during verify of signatures.
VerifyException() - Constructor for exception
VerifyException(String) - Constructor for exception
VerifyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
VerifyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
VerifyIdentityService - Class in
A simple service that allows you to verify that the message contents and/or metadata passes muster.
VerifyIdentityService() - Constructor for class
VerifyIdentityService(IdentityBuilder, IdentityVerifier) - Constructor for class
VERSION_1 - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
HTTP Version
VERSION_1_1 - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
HTTP Version
VersionControlSystem - Interface in
Basic Version control System interface.
VersionReport - Class in
Class to report module version numbers.
VersionReport() - Constructor for class
VersionReport.ComponentVersion - Class in
VIA - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
General Fields associated HTTP Headers
ViaHttpProxy - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
Connect via a HTTP proxy
ViaHttpProxy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaHttpProxy
ViaHttpProxy(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaHttpProxy
ViaProxy - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
Adds proxy support for connecting to an SFTP server
ViaProxy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaProxy
ViaSocks4Proxy - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
Connect via a SOCKS4 proxy
ViaSocks4Proxy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaSocks4Proxy
ViaSocks5Proxy - Class in com.adaptris.sftp
Connect via a SOCKS5 proxy
ViaSocks5Proxy() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.sftp.ViaSocks5Proxy
violationHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.BasicXmlSchemaValidator
violationHandler() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ExtendedXmlSchemaValidator
ViolationHandlerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
Uses SchemaViolations to render schema violations into something meaningful.
ViolationHandlerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationHandlerImpl
ViolationsAsMetadata - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
Uses SchemaViolations and adds it as standard metadata.
ViolationsAsMetadata() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationsAsMetadata
ViolationsAsObjectMetadata - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
Uses SchemaViolations and adds it as object metadata.
ViolationsAsObjectMetadata() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationsAsObjectMetadata
VSC_IMPLEMENTATION - Static variable in class
Implementation to load, if property not provided will attempt to load one from lib.


waitForCompletion(MessageSplitterServiceImp.SplitterCallback, long) - Method in class
waitForReply(MessageConsumer, long) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
Wait for a reply.
waitingForRetry() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerImp
waitingForRetry() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitor
waitingForRetry() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.RetryMessageErrorHandlerMonitorMBean
Get a list of all messages waiting for retry.
WaitingOutOfStateHandler - Class in com.adaptris.core
This implementation of the OutOfStateHandler will simply wait on the current Thread for the StateManagedComponent to be in the correct/expected state.
WaitingOutOfStateHandler() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.WaitingOutOfStateHandler
waitMs() - Method in class
waitPeriodAfterRollbackMs() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsTransactedWorkflow
waitQuietly(Object, long) - Method in class
waitQuietly(Object) - Method in class
waitQuietly(long) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper
WaitService - Class in
Implementation of Service for testing which sleeps for a configurable period.
WaitService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
WaitService(TimeInterval) - Constructor for class
WaitService(TimeInterval, Boolean) - Constructor for class
WaitService(String) - Constructor for class
warmup(GenericObjectPool<ServiceWorkerPool.Worker>) - Method in class
WARN - Static variable in class
WARNING - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
General Fields associated HTTP Headers
warningLogged() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper.WarningLoggedCallback
WarningsToFile - Class in
Reports on warnings from various ConfigurationChecks based on a system property.
WarningsToFile() - Constructor for class
wasSuccessful(AdaptrisMessage...) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
WEB_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_CGF_KEY - Static variable in class
WEB_SERVER_PORT_CFG_KEY - Static variable in class
WEB_SERVER_WEBAPP_URL_CFG_KEY - Static variable in class
when() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.event.LicenseExpiryWarningEvent
Get the expiry date as an actual Date object.
While - Class in
This Service allows you to test boolean (true or false) Condition's, which if evaluate to "true" will run a configured set of services continuously until the configured conditions do not evaluate to true.
While() - Constructor for class
windowsWorkaround() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
withAccessTokenBuilder(AccessTokenBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
withAccessTokenWriter(AccessTokenWriter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.OauthTokenGetter
withAdditionalDebug(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
withAdditionalDebug(boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
withAdditionalSettings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.ftp.ApacheFtpClientImpl
withAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
withAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
withArgumentMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class
withArgumentMetadataKeys(String...) - Method in class
withAttemptAutoConvert(Boolean) - Method in class
withAuthenticator(HttpAuthenticator) - Method in class
withBaseDirectoryUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
withBaseDirectoryUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
withBaseUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
withBody(MessageWrapper<byte[]>) - Method in class
withBuilder(ConnectionPoolBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
withCacheExpiration(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ftp.FileTransferConnection
withCacheInstance(Cache) - Method in class
withCacheKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
withCacheKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
withCases(List<Case>) - Method in class
withCases(Case...) - Method in class
withCipherTransformation(String) - Method in class
withCoalescing(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withCode(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.HttpStatusBuilder
withColumnBookend(Character) - Method in class
withColumnNameStyle(StyledResultTranslatorImp.ColumnStyle) - Method in class
withColumnTranslators(ColumnTranslator...) - Method in class
withColumnTranslators(List<ColumnTranslator>) - Method in class
withCondition(JettyRouteCondition) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
withCondition(Condition) - Method in class
withCondition(Condition) - Method in class
withConditions(Condition...) - Method in class
withConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetAndCacheOauthToken
withConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
withConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
withConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
withConnection(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class
withContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamParameter
withContentEncoding(String) - Method in class
withContentId(String) - Method in class
withContentId(String) - Method in class
withContentType(String) - Method in class
withContentType(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
withContentType(String) - Method in class
withContentTypeKey(String) - Method in class
withContentTypeProvider(ContentTypeProvider) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
withCopyMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
withDebugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DebugPoolFactory
withDefaultServiceId(String) - Method in class
withDestination(MessageDrivenDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileParameter
withDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
withDestination(ProduceDestination) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
withDocumentFactoryConfig(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Method in class
withDocumentMerge(DocumentMerge) - Method in class
withEncoding(String) - Method in class
withEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsConsumer
withEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsPollingConsumer
withEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsProducer
withEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsSyncConsumer
withEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withEscapeBackslash(Boolean) - Method in class
withEventListener(ExpiringMapCacheListener) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
withExceptionGenerator(ExceptionReportGenerator) - Method in class
withExceptionIfNotFound(Boolean) - Method in class
withExceptionLocation(String) - Method in class
withExcludePatterns(String...) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
withExpandEntityReferences(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withExpiration(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
withExpiration(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
withExpirationPolicy(ExpirationPolicy) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
withExpiry(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
withExpiry(Date) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
withExpiry(String) - Method in class
withFeatures(Map<String, Boolean>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withFeatures(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withFilename(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceFactoryImpl
withFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
withFilterExpression(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsConsumerImpl
withFirstServiceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.BranchingServiceCollection
withFlushBuffer(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
withFormat(String) - Method in class
withFormatString(String) - Method in class
withForwardConnectionException(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
withHeaders(KeyValuePair...) - Method in class
withHttpStatus(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
withId(String) - Method in class
withIgnoreComments(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withIgnoreUnsupported(Boolean) - Method in class
withIgnoreWhitespace(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withIgnoreXmlParseExceptions(Boolean) - Method in class
withIncludePatterns(String...) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.RegexMetadataFilter
withIncludeStackTrace(Boolean) - Method in class
withInitialVector(DataInputParameter<String>) - Method in class
withJmxProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
withJmxServiceUrl(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
withJmxServiceUrl(String) - Method in class
withKeepAliveTimeout(long) - Method in class com.adaptris.sftp.SftpClient
withKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromMetadataWrapper
withKey(DataInputParameter<String>) - Method in class
withKey(String) - Method in class
withKey(String) - Method in class
withKey(String) - Method in class
withLanguageTag(String) - Method in class
withLogCategory(String) - Method in class
withLoginService(LoginService) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceProxy
withMappings(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
withMaxAttempts(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
withMaxEntries(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.ExpiringMapCache
withMaxEntries(Integer) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.DynamicSharedService
withMaxJmxConnectionCache(Integer) - Method in class
withMaxLoops(Integer) - Method in class
withMaxRowsPerMessage(Integer) - Method in class
withMaxThreads(Integer) - Method in class
withMaxThreads(Integer) - Method in class
withMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
withMessageFactory(AdaptrisMessageFactory) - Method in class
withMessageId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreDeleteService
withMetadata(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.FixedValuesMetadataFilter
withMetadata(KeyValuePair...) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.FixedValuesMetadataFilter
withMetadataConverters(List<MetadataConverter>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
withMetadataConverters(MetadataConverter...) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
withMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
withMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
withMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutput
withMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamParameter
withMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
withMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
withMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationsAsMetadata
withMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
withMetadataKeys(String...) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
withMetadataKeys(List<String>) - Method in class
withMetadataKeys(String...) - Method in class
withMetadataLogger(MetadataLogger) - Method in class
withMetadataPrefix(String) - Method in class
withMetadataTokens(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class
withMetadataTokens(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
withMethod(String) - Method in class
withMethod(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
withMimeContentSubType(String) - Method in class
withMimeContentSubType(String) - Method in class
withMimeHeaderFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
withMimeHeaderFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
withMimeParts(List<MimePartBuilder>) - Method in class
withMimeParts(MimePartBuilder...) - Method in class
withMode(JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor.Mode) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
withMonitor(JettyConsumerMonitor) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
withMoveJmsHeaders(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
withMultiLineExpression(Boolean) - Method in class
withNamespaceAware(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withNamespaceAware(NamespaceContext) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withObjectMetadataKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ViolationsAsObjectMetadata
withObjectName(String) - Method in class
withOnMaxLoops(MaxLoopBehaviour) - Method in class
withOperationName(String) - Method in class
withOperationParameters(List<ValueTranslator>) - Method in class
withOverwriteMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class
withPartContentId(String) - Method in class
withPartContentType(String) - Method in class
withPartHeaderFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
withPartHeaderFilter(MetadataFilter) - Method in class
withPassword(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
withPath(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.BasicJettyConsumer
withPatterns(String...) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordMetadataFilter
withPollerCallback(PollerImp.Callback) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.PollerImp
withPoolProperties(KeyValuePairSet) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PluggableJdbcPooledConnection
withProducer(AdaptrisMessageProducer) - Method in class
withProxiedCache(Cache) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
withQuery(String) - Method in class
withQuerySeparator(String) - Method in class
withQueue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpConsumer
withQueue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpPollingConsumer
withQueue(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PtpProducer
withQuietMode(Boolean) - Method in class
withQuoteReplacement(Boolean) - Method in class
withRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.AccessToken
Set the refresh token.
withRefreshTokenKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
withRefreshTokenKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
withRegularExpression(String) - Method in class
withReportAllErrors(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.MessageTypeTranslatorImp
withReportBuilder(ReportBuilder) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
withRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
withRequestHeaderProvider(RequestHeaderProvider<HttpURLConnection>) - Method in class
withRequestingHost(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
withRequestingPort(int) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
withRequestingPrompt(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
withRequestingProtocol(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
withRequestingScheme(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
withRequestingSite(InetAddress) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
withRequestingURL(URL) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
withRequestorType(Authenticator.RequestorType) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.ResourceAuthenticator.ResourceTarget
withResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyWrapper
withResponseHeaderHandler(ResponseHeaderHandler<HttpURLConnection>) - Method in class
withResponseHeaderProvider(ResponseHeaderProvider<HttpServletResponse>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyResponseService
withResponseHeaderProvider(ResponseHeaderProvider<HttpServletResponse>) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
withResultValueTranslator(ValueTranslator) - Method in class
withRetries(Integer, TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
withRetryInterval(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.cache.RetryingCacheProxy
withRetryStore(RetryStore) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryFromJetty
withRetryStore(RetryStore) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStoreServiceImpl
withRowsAffectedMetadataKey(String) - Method in class
withSchema(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
withSchemaCache(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
withSchemaCache(AdaptrisConnection) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
withSchemaViolationHandler(SchemaViolationHandler) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.ExtendedXmlSchemaValidator
withScript(String, String) - Method in class
withSendPayload(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
withService(Service) - Method in class
withServiceId(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteSpec
withServices(Service...) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.ServiceCollectionImp
withSource(MessageWrapper<InputStream>) - Method in class
withSourceKey(String) - Method in class
withStatusMatches(List<StatusEvaluator>) - Method in class
withStatusMatches(StatusEvaluator...) - Method in class
withStatusProvider(HttpStatusProvider) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.ResponseProducerImpl
withStyle(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordEncodeMetadataFilter
withStyle(EncodingHelper.Base64Encoding) - Method in class
withStyle(EncodingHelper.Base64Encoding) - Method in class
withTable(String) - Method in class
withTarget(MessageWrapper<OutputStream>) - Method in class
withTarget(DataOutputParameter<String>) - Method in class
withTemplate(String) - Method in class
withText(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.server.HttpStatusBuilder
withThen(ThenService) - Method in class
withTimezone(String) - Method in class
withTokenExpiryKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
withTokenExpiryKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
withTokenKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.GetOauthToken
withTokenKey(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.oauth.MetadataAccessTokenWriter
withTopic(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasConsumer
withTopic(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasPollingConsumer
withTopic(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.PasProducer
withTranslator(ByteTranslator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromMetadataWrapper
withTranslator(ByteTranslator) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutput
withUniqueID(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageWorkerImp
withUnreturnedConnectionTimeout(TimeInterval) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.DebugPoolFactory
withURL(String) - Method in class
withUrl(String) - Method in class
withUrlPattern(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyRouteCondition
withUsername(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jmx.JmxConnection
withUserRealm(String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.LoginServiceFactoryImpl
withValidating(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withValue(String) - Method in class
withValueTranslator(CacheValueTranslator) - Method in class
withWaitWhileBusy(Boolean) - Method in class
withWarmStart(Boolean) - Method in class
withWarmStart(Boolean) - Method in class
withWorkflow(String) - Method in class
withXIncludeAware(Boolean) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder
withXmlEncoding(String) - Method in class
Worker(ServiceCollection) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker
WorkerFactory(ServiceCollection) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool.WorkerFactory
workersFirstOnShutdown() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisConnectionImp
WORKFLOW - Static variable in class
Workflow - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Workflows link an AdaptrisMessageConsumer, a ServceCollection and an AdaptrisMessageProducer.
WORKFLOW_ID_KEY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.CoreConstants
A workflow's id is stored against this key in the logger's Mapped Diagnostic Context
WORKFLOW_ID_KEY - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.Workflow
Metadata key used to store the ID of the workflow for processing bad messages.
WORKFLOW_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterComponentMBean
The standard prefix indicating the parent workflow which is ",workflow="
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyNoBacklogInterceptor
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InFlightWorkflowInterceptor
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptor
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorByMetadata
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataCountInterceptor
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataTotalsInterceptor
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Mark the workflow as finished on this message.
workflowEnd(AdaptrisMessage, AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.WorkflowInterceptor
Mark the end of a workflow.
WorkflowImp - Class in com.adaptris.core
Partial implementation of Workflow.
WorkflowImp() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Creates a new instance with defaults to prevent NullPointerExceptions.
WorkflowInterceptor - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Interface for intercepting messages as they enter and exit a workflow.
WorkflowInterceptorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl.WorkflowInterceptorException
WorkflowInterceptorImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
Abstract WorkflowInterceptor implementation.
WorkflowInterceptorImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.WorkflowInterceptorImpl
WorkflowInterceptorImpl.WorkflowInterceptorException - Exception in com.adaptris.core.interceptor
WorkflowLifecycleStrategy - Interface in com.adaptris.core
Strategy for handling workflow lifecycle within a WorkflowList.
WorkflowList - Class in com.adaptris.core
Container for a collection of Workflows.
WorkflowList() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
Creates a new instance.
WorkflowList(Collection<Workflow>) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowList
WorkflowManager - Class in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Base implementation of WorkflowManagerMBean.
WorkflowManager(Workflow, ChannelManager) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.runtime.WorkflowManager
WorkflowManagerMBean - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
Interface specifying controls for a single workflow.
WorkflowRetryAndContinue - Class in com.adaptris.core.lifecycle
Strategy for starting workflows that retries a workflow init or start a number of times.
WorkflowRetryAndContinue() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.WorkflowRetryAndContinue
WorkflowRetryAndContinue(Integer, TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.WorkflowRetryAndContinue
WorkflowRetryAndFail - Class in com.adaptris.core.lifecycle
Strategy for starting workflows that retries a workflow init or start a number of times.
WorkflowRetryAndFail() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.WorkflowRetryAndFail
WorkflowRetryAndFail(Integer, TimeInterval) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lifecycle.WorkflowRetryAndFail
WorkflowRuntimeManager - Interface in com.adaptris.core.runtime
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyAsyncWorkflowInterceptor
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyNoBacklogInterceptor
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.JettyPoolingWorkflowInterceptor
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.InFlightWorkflowInterceptor
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptor
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageCountNotification
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptor
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageMetricsInterceptorByMetadata
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageThresholdNotification
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataCountInterceptor
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataTotalsInterceptor
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.SlowMessageNotification
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.ThrottlingInterceptor
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.runtime.JmxSubmitMessageInterceptor
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowImp
Mark the workflow having accepted a message.
workflowStart(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.WorkflowInterceptor
Mark the start of a workflow.
WorkflowWithObjectPool - Class in com.adaptris.core
A Workflow that has a object pool of ServiceCollections
WorkflowWithObjectPool() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.WorkflowWithObjectPool
WorkflowWithObjectPool.Worker - Class in com.adaptris.core
WorkflowWithObjectPool.WorkerFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core
wrap(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromMetadata
wrap(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromObjectMetadata
wrap(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.ByteArrayFromPayload
wrap(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileInputMessageWrapper
wrap(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.FileOutputMessageWrapper
wrap(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataInputStreamWrapper
wrap(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataOutputStreamWrapper
wrap(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.MetadataStreamOutput
wrap(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.PayloadInputStreamWrapper
wrap(InterlokMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.common.PayloadOutputStreamWrapper
wrap(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MessageLoggerImpl
wrap(OutputStream) - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.util.EncodingHelper.Encoding
wrap(InputStream) - Method in enum com.adaptris.core.util.EncodingHelper.Encoding
wrap(String, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.util.TruncateMetadata
wrapCoreException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
wrapCoreException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
wrapException(PasswordException) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.metadata.PasswordMetadataFilter
wrapException(Exception) - Method in class com.adaptris.fs.StandardWorker
wrapException(Throwable) - Static method in interface
wrapInterlokException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
wrapInterlokException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
wrapJMSException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
wrapJMSException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.jms.JmsUtils
wrapped() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.C3P0PooledDataSource
wrapped() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.HikariPoolBuilder.HikariDataSourceWrapper
wrapped() - Method in class com.adaptris.core.jdbc.PooledDataSourceImpl
wrappedServices() - Method in class
wrappedServices() - Method in class
wrappedServices() - Method in class
wrappedServices() - Method in class
wrappedServices() - Method in class
wrappedServices() - Method in class
wrappedServices() - Method in class
wrappedServices() - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.ServiceWrapper
Return all the services that are wrapped by this service.
wrapProduceException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
wrapProduceException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
wrapServiceException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
wrapServiceException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.ExceptionHelper
wrapSQLClientInfoException(Exception) - Static method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
wrapSQLException(Exception) - Static method in class com.adaptris.jdbc.connection.FailoverDataSource
write(AdaptrisMessage, File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.fs.FsProducer
write(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.FilesystemRetryStore
write(AdaptrisMessage) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.http.jetty.retry.RetryStore
Write a message to the store.
write(AdaptrisMessage, File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.LargeFsProducer
write(JdbcResultRow, int, OutputStream) - Method in class
write(JdbcResultRow, String, OutputStream) - Method in class
write(JdbcResultRow, int, OutputStream) - Method in class
write(JdbcResultRow, String, OutputStream) - Method in class
write(JdbcResultRow, int, OutputStream) - Method in class
write(JdbcResultRow, String, OutputStream) - Method in class
write(JdbcResultRow, int, OutputStream) - Method in interface
Write the column into the specified outputstream.
write(JdbcResultRow, String, OutputStream) - Method in interface
Write the column into the specified outputstream.
write(JdbcResultRow, int, OutputStream) - Method in class
write(JdbcResultRow, String, OutputStream) - Method in class
write(byte[], File) - Method in class com.adaptris.fs.NioWorker
write(int) - Method in class
writeDocument(OutputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which writes the document set by setSource to the specified OutputStream using ISO-8859-1 encoding
writeDocument(Writer) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which writes the document set by setSource to the specified Writer using ISO-8859-1 encoding
writeDocument(OutputStream, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which writes a Document Node to the specified OutputStream using the specified encoding
writeDocument(Writer, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which writes a Document Node to the specified Writer using the specified encoding
writeDocument(Node, OutputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which writes a Document Node to the specified Writer using ISO-8859-1 encoding
writeDocument(Node, Writer) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which writes a Document Node to the specified OutputStream using the specified encoding
writeDocument(Node, OutputStream, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Method which writes a Document Node to the specified Writer using the specified encoding
writeDocument(Node, Writer, String) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
Write the node to the specified writer.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MessageStatistic
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.interceptor.MetadataStatistic
writeMessage(AdaptrisMessage, T) - Method in interface com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessageEncoder
Encode the AdaptrisMessage object and write it to the supplied target
writeMessage(AdaptrisMessage, File) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.lms.FileBackedMimeEncoder
writeMessage(AdaptrisMessage, OutputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MimeEncoder
writeMessage(AdaptrisMessage, OutputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.core.MultiPayloadMessageMimeEncoder
WriteMetadataToFilesystem - Class in
Implementation of Service that writes metadata to the filesystem.
WriteMetadataToFilesystem() - Constructor for class
WriteMetadataToFilesystem(MessageDrivenDestination) - Constructor for class
WriteMetadataToFilesystem.OutputStyle - Enum in
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Write the multipart to the given output stream.
writeTo(OutputStream, File) - Method in class com.adaptris.util.text.mime.MultiPartOutput
Write the multipart to the given outputstream.
writeXmlDocument(Document, AdaptrisMessage, String) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Write an XML document to the message with specified encoding.
writeXmlDocument(Document, AdaptrisMessage, String, Transformer) - Static method in class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
Write an XML document to the message with specified encoding.
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Response Fields.
WWW_FORM_URLENCODE - Static variable in interface com.adaptris.core.http.HttpConstants
Fields Values.


XmlBasicValidator - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
Used with XmlValidationService to validate that a message is in fact XML.
XmlBasicValidator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlBasicValidator
XmlBasicValidator(DocumentBuilderFactoryBuilder) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlBasicValidator
XmlDateFormatter(DateTimeFormatter, ZoneId) - Constructor for class
XmlDocumentAggregator - Class in
MessageAggregator implementation that creates single XML using each message that needs to be joined up.
XmlDocumentAggregator() - Constructor for class
XmlDocumentAggregator(DocumentMerge) - Constructor for class
XmlExceptionReport - Class in
ExceptionReportGenerator implementation that renders the exception as XML.
XmlExceptionReport() - Constructor for class
XmlHelper - Class in com.adaptris.core.util
Helper class for handling XML within an AdaptrisMessage
XmlHelper() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.util.XmlHelper
XmlNotificationSerializer - Class in com.adaptris.core.jmx
Serializes a Notification into an XML message.
XmlNotificationSerializer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.jmx.XmlNotificationSerializer
XmlPayloadTranslator - Class in
Translate the ResultSet contents into an XML Payload.
XmlPayloadTranslator() - Constructor for class
XmlPayloadTranslatorImpl - Class in
Base class for translating ResultSet contents into an XML Payload.
XmlPayloadTranslatorImpl() - Constructor for class
XmlPayloadTranslatorImpl.DocumentWrapper - Class in
XmlReportWithStacktrace - Class in
ExceptionReportGenerator implementation that renders the exception as XML including the stacktrace
XmlReportWithStacktrace() - Constructor for class
XmlRuleValidator - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
Used with XmlValidationService to validate an XML message against various rules.
XmlRuleValidator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlRuleValidator
XmlRuleValidator(ValidationStage...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlRuleValidator
XmlSchemaValidator - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
XmlSchemaValidator() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
XmlSchemaValidator(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlSchemaValidator
XmlSchemaValidatorImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform.schema
XmlSchemaValidatorImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.schema.XmlSchemaValidatorImpl
XmlSyntaxIdentifierImpl - Class in
XmlSyntaxIdentifierImpl() - Constructor for class
XmlTransformer - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
Responsible for applying transforms.
XmlTransformer() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformer
XmlTransformerFactory - Interface in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
XmlTransformerFactoryImpl - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
XmlTransformerFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XmlTransformerFactoryImpl
XmlTransformParameter - Interface in com.adaptris.core.transform
Interface for handling parameters passed into an XML transform.
XmlTransformParameterBuilder - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
XmlTransformParameter implementation allows multiple nested implementations.
XmlTransformParameterBuilder() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformParameterBuilder
XmlTransformParameterBuilder(XmlTransformParameter...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformParameterBuilder
XmlTransformService - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
Implementation of Service which provides transformation of XML payloads.
XmlTransformService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlTransformService
Creates a new instance.
XmlUtils - Class in com.adaptris.util
Class which provides convenience methods for various aspects of XML usage.
XmlUtils() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
XmlUtils(EntityResolver) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
XmlUtils(NamespaceContext) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
XmlUtils(NamespaceContext, DocumentBuilderFactory) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
XmlUtils(EntityResolver, URIResolver) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
URIResolver does nothing so use XmlUtils(EntityResolver) instead.
XmlUtils(EntityResolver, URIResolver, NamespaceContext) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
XmlUtils(EntityResolver, URIResolver, NamespaceContext, DocumentBuilderFactory) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
XmlUtils(EntityResolver, NamespaceContext, DocumentBuilderFactory) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.XmlUtils
XmlValidationService - Class in com.adaptris.core.transform
Service which validates an input XML document.
XmlValidationService() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlValidationService
XmlValidationService(MessageValidator...) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.transform.XmlValidationService
XPath - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
Wrapper around XPath/
XPath() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
XPath(NamespaceContext) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
XPath(NamespaceContext, XPathFactory) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XPath
XpathCacheValueTranslator - Class in
Implementation of CacheValueTranslator that retrieves a value from the supplied AdaptrisMessage using an XPath.
XpathCacheValueTranslator() - Constructor for class
XpathCacheValueTranslator(String) - Constructor for class
XpathDocumentCopier - Class in
Implementation of MessageSplitter which creates multiple instances of the same XML document based on an XPath.
XpathDocumentCopier() - Constructor for class
XpathDocumentCopier(String) - Constructor for class
XpathMergeImpl - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
XpathMessageSplitter - Class in
Implementation of MessageSplitter which splits an XML document based on an XPath.
XpathMessageSplitter() - Constructor for class
XpathMessageSplitter(String) - Constructor for class
XpathMessageSplitter(String, String) - Constructor for class
XpathMetadataQuery - Interface in
Base interface for generating metadata from an xpath.
XpathMetadataService - Class in
Store values extracted from message payload using XpathQuery as metadata.
XpathMetadataService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
XpathNodeIdentifier - Class in
SyntaxIdentifier implementation using XPATH.
XpathNodeIdentifier() - Constructor for class
XpathNodeIdentifier(List<String>, String) - Constructor for class
XpathObjectMetadataService - Class in
Store values extracted from message payload using XpathQuery as object metadata.
XpathObjectMetadataService() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
XpathObjectQuery - Interface in
Interface for creating metadata from an Xpath.
XpathProduceDestination - Class in com.adaptris.core
Basic implementation of ProduceDestination that uses an XPath to interrogate the Message.
XpathProduceDestination() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
Default Constructor.
XpathProduceDestination(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
XpathProduceDestination(String, String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.XpathProduceDestination
XpathQuery - Interface in
Interface for creating string metadata from an Xpath.
XpathQueryImpl - Class in
Abstract base class for Metadata Xpath Queries.
XpathQueryImpl() - Constructor for class
XPathService - Class in
This service allows you to configure an xpath expression which will be executed on source xml, the result of which can be saved to multiple locations.
XPathService() - Constructor for class
XpathSyntaxIdentifier - Class in
SyntaxIdentifier implementation using XPATH.
XpathSyntaxIdentifier() - Constructor for class
XpathSyntaxIdentifier(List<String>, String) - Constructor for class
XsltTransformerFactory - Class in com.adaptris.util.text.xml
The XsltTransformerFactory is responsible for creating the Transformer.
XsltTransformerFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XsltTransformerFactory
XsltTransformerFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.util.text.xml.XsltTransformerFactory
XSTREAM_DBG - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
Whether not extended debugging is emitted; defaults to false unless explicitly set via either the system property interlok.xstream.debug or adp.xtream.debug.
XSTREAM_JDK_STAX_ONLY - Static variable in class com.adaptris.core.AdapterXStreamMarshallerFactory
Whether or not we force XStream to use the JVMs internal Stax implementation; this defaults to 'true' unless explicitly set via the system property interlok.xstream.jdk.stax.
XStreamConfigManager - Class in
Implementation of the AdapterConfigManager interface for XStream.
XStreamConfigManager() - Constructor for class
XStreamItemCache - Class in com.adaptris.core.fs
XStreamItemCache() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.XStreamItemCache
Default Constructor
XStreamItemCache(String) - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.fs.XStreamItemCache
XStreamJsonMarshaller - Class in com.adaptris.core
JSON implementation of AdaptrisMarshaller using XStream.
XStreamJsonMarshaller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.XStreamJsonMarshaller
XStreamMarshaller - Class in com.adaptris.core
XStream version of AdaptrisMarshaller
XStreamMarshaller() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.XStreamMarshaller
XStreamMarshallerImpl - Class in com.adaptris.core
Abstract XStream version of AdaptrisMarshaller
XStreamMarshallerImpl() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.XStreamMarshallerImpl
XStreamUtils - Class in com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream
General Utilities used by various XStream related classes
XStreamUtils() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.marshaller.xstream.XStreamUtils


ZipAggregator - Class in
MessageAggregator implementation that creates single zip using each message as a file in the zip.
ZipAggregator() - Constructor for class
ZipFileBackedMessageFactory - Class in com.adaptris.core.lms
Message factory that creates file backed messages from ZIP files.
ZipFileBackedMessageFactory() - Constructor for class com.adaptris.core.lms.ZipFileBackedMessageFactory
ZipFileBackedMessageFactory.CompressionMode - Enum in com.adaptris.core.lms
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