Class JmsConsumer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AdaptrisComponent, AdaptrisMessageConsumer, AdaptrisMessageWorker, ComponentLifecycle, ComponentLifecycleExtension, JmsActorConfig, MessageEventGenerator, StateManagedComponent, javax.jms.MessageListener

    @ComponentProfile(summary="Listen for JMS messages on the specified queue or topic",
    public class JmsConsumer
    extends JmsConsumerImpl
    JMS Consumer implementation that can target queues or topics via an RFC6167 style destination.

    This differs from the standard PtpConsumer and PasConsumer in that it supports a destination that is specified in RFC6167 style. For instance jms:queue:myQueueName will consume from a queue called myQueueName and jms:topic:myTopicName from a topic called myTopicName

    While RFC6167 defines the ability to use jndi to lookup the (as part of the 'jndi' variant section); this is not supported. There is also support for subscriptionId which indicates the subscriptionId that should be used when attaching a subscriber to a topic; jms:topic:MyTopicName?subscriptionId=myId would return a JmsDestination.subscriptionId() of myId. If a subscription ID is not specified, then a durable subscriber is never created; specifying a subscription ID automatically means a durable subscriber.

    Also supported is the JMS 2.0 sharedConsumerId, should you wish to create a multiple load balancing consumers on a single topic endpoint; jms:topic:MyTopicName?sharedConsumerId=12345

    For instance you could have the following destinations:
    • jms:queue:MyQueueName
    • jms:topic:MyTopicName
    • jms:topic:MyTopicName?subscriptionId=mySubscriptionId
    • jms:topic:MyTopicName?sharedConsumerId=mySharedConsumerId
    • jms:topic:MyTopicName?subscriptionId=mySubscriptionId&sharedConsumerId=mySharedConsumerId

    In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as jms-consumer which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JmsConsumer

        public JmsConsumer()
    • Method Detail

      • withEndpoint

        public JmsConsumer withEndpoint​(java.lang.String s)
      • deferConsumerCreationToVendor

        protected java.lang.Boolean deferConsumerCreationToVendor()
      • getDeferConsumerCreationToVendor

        public java.lang.Boolean getDeferConsumerCreationToVendor()
        Set to true if you wish to let the JMS message consumer be delegated by the configured vendor implementation.

        The default is false such that we use standard JMS 1.1/2.0 methods to create the appropriate consumers.

      • setDeferConsumerCreationToVendor

        public void setDeferConsumerCreationToVendor​(java.lang.Boolean deferConsumerCreationToVendor)
        Set to true if you wish to let the JMS message consumer be delegated by the configured vendor implementation.

        The default is false such that we use standard JMS 1.1/2.0 methods to create the appropriate consumers.

      • getEndpoint

        public java.lang.String getEndpoint()
        The RFC6167 format topic/queue.
      • setEndpoint

        public void setEndpoint​(java.lang.String endpoint)
        The RFC6167 format topic/queue.