Class MultipartMessageBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • MultipartMessageBuilder

        public MultipartMessageBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • doService

        public void doService​(AdaptrisMessage msg)
                       throws ServiceException
        Description copied from interface: Service

        Apply the service to the message.

        msg - the AdaptrisMessage to process
        ServiceException - wrapping any underlying Exceptions
      • setMimeParts

        public void setMimeParts​(java.util.List<MimePartBuilder> parts)
        Specify what is going to build the mime message.
        parts - the parts that will form the mime message.
      • setMimeHeaderFilter

        public void setMimeHeaderFilter​(MetadataFilter filter)
        Set any additional headers that need to be set for this Mime Message
        filter - the metadata filter.
      • getContentId

        public java.lang.String getContentId()
      • setContentId

        public void setContentId​(java.lang.String s)
        Set the Content-ID for the Multipart,
        s - the Content-ID, which supports the %message{} syntax to resolve metadata; defaults to the messages unique id if no value is specified.
      • getMimeContentSubType

        public java.lang.String getMimeContentSubType()
      • setMimeContentSubType

        public void setMimeContentSubType​(java.lang.String sub)
        Set the sub type for the Multipart
        sub - the content subtype, which supports the %message{} syntax to resolve metadata; defaults to 'mixed' if not specified.