Class FilesystemRetryStore

All Implemented Interfaces:
ComponentLifecycle, ComponentLifecycleExtension, RetryStore

@ComponentProfile(summary="Store message for retry on the filesystem.", since="3.11.1") public class FilesystemRetryStore extends Object implements RetryStore
Writes data into local storage for retry.

While not tightly coupled with RetryFromJetty it is designed somewhat exclusively for that. You may be able to make use of it in other ways, but behaviour may change unexpectedly due to changes in RetryFromJetty.

The behaviour of this store will assume that each message-id will form a sub-directory off baseUrl. Metadata will be stored [baseUrl]/[msgId]/ as a standard properties file; the payload will be stored in [baseUrl]/[msgId]/payload.blob.


In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as retry-store-filesystem which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.