Class BulkOperation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AdaptrisComponent, AdaptrisMessageProducer, AdaptrisMessageSender, AdaptrisMessageWorker, ComponentLifecycle, ComponentLifecycleExtension, MessageEventGenerator

    @ComponentProfile(summary="Use the REST API to interact with Elasticsearch",
    public class BulkOperation
    extends SingleOperation
    Index/Delete/Update a document(s) to ElasticSearch.

    ElasticRestProducer.getIndex() should return the index that the documents will be inserted against ElasticSearch; the type is taken from the DocumentBuilder

    The action for each document is driven by the configured ActionExtractor instance. In the event of an DocumentAction.UPSERT action then the same XContentBuilder from the DocumentWrapper is used as both the update and upsert document via doc(XContentBuilder} and upsert(XContentBuilder). This makes the assumption that the document generated contains all the data required, not just a subset. If in doubt; stick to a normal DocumentAction.UPDATE which will throw a DocumentMissingException failing the messages.

    In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as elastic-rest-bulk-operation which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.

    • Constructor Detail

      • BulkOperation

        public BulkOperation()
    • Method Detail

      • withBatchWindow

        public BulkOperation withBatchWindow​(java.lang.Integer i)
      • getBatchWindow

        public java.lang.Integer getBatchWindow()
        The batch window which is the number of operations that make a bulk request before its executed.

        If not specified explicitly then the default is 10000

      • setBatchWindow

        public void setBatchWindow​(java.lang.Integer batchWindow)
        The batch window which is the number of operations that make a bulk request before its executed.

        If not specified explicitly then the default is 10000