Class BatchedJsonArraySplitter

All Implemented Interfaces:

@ComponentProfile(summary="Split a JSON Array into a smaller subset of arrays", tag="json,splitting") public class BatchedJsonArraySplitter extends LargeJsonArraySplitter
Split an arbitrarily large JSON array into smaller batches.

This is a extension to LargeJsonArraySplitter; each resulting message is still a JSON array, it just contains slightly fewer elements than the original message.

For instance given the following JSON Array;

{"colour": "red","value": "#f00"},
{"colour": "green","value": "#0f0"},
{"colour": "blue","value": "#00f"},
{"colour": "black","value": "#000"}
with a batchSize of 2 then we would expect to split messages; each a JSON array containing two elements. e.g. : [{ "colour": "red", "value": "#f00" }, { "colour": "green", "value": "#0f0"}] and [{ "colour": "blue","value": "#00f"}, { "colour": "black", "value": "#000"}]

In the adapter configuration file this class is aliased as batched-json-array-splitter which is the preferred alternative to the fully qualified classname when building your configuration.