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Base Mediation Framework implementation based on the JCO3 libraries for sending and receiving IDocs.

See: Description

Package Description

Base Mediation Framework implementation based on the JCO3 libraries for sending and receiving IDocs.

In order to use these classes you will have previously downloaded, installed and configured SAP Java Connector and SAP Java Connector IDoc Class Library. The jar files should be copied into the adapter's lib directory, but any native libraries should be configured as per the SAP Java Connector documentation.

Note that because of the nature of the SAP libraries, all ProduceDestination and ConsumeDestination configuration is ignored. Therefore when receiving IDocs it is imperative that you have a single workflow with each channel that is associated with an individual IdocConsumeConnection.

Note : The classes here were compiled against SAP Java Connector3 3.0.3, SAP IDoc Class Library 3.0.1 They will not work with SAP Java Connector 2.x and SAP Java Connector IDoc Class Library 1.x

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